HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 23-139-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington ]'�OA ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ORDINANCE No. 23 - -CC AMENDMENTS OF CHAPTER 14.04 OF THE GRANT COUNTY CODE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners previously adopted Grant County Ordinance No. 21 -012 -CC for the purpose of replacing Chapter 14 of the Grant County Code; and WHEREAS, the WA State Building Code Council (SBCC) is required by chapter 266, Laws of 1988, to adopt and maintain the state building code as provided in chapters 19.27, 19.27A, and 70.92 RCW, and the state legislature. The state adopted building codes are adopted on a three (3) year code cycle with the most recent code being the 2021 codes. Title 14Chapter 14.04.030 of the Grant County Code (GCC) adopts these codes be reference; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.32.120 authorizes the county legislative authority to adopt, by appropriate resolution or ordinance,, Washington State statutes and recognized codes and/or compilations printed in book form relating to the construction of buildings, plumbing, mechanical, and fire systems, health or other subjects, including codes and/or compilations or portions thereof, together with amendments thereto, or additions and/or deletions thereto; and WHEREAS, RCW 19.27.060 allows the governing body of a county to amend the building codes enumerated in RCW 19.27.031 as amended and adopted by the state building code council as they apply within their respective jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners choose to adopt the Hearing Examiner process to hear appeals for the building and fire codes adopted by the jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, upon consideration of testimony, and exhibits provided by Development Services staff, have determined that it is in the best interest to protect the public safety, health, and general welfare by amending Chapter 14 of the Grant County Code with the proposed deletions and revisions contained herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY ORDNAINED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners amend Chapter 14.04 of the Grant County Code as presented in Attachment A. DATED this ,2 ( day of _'_;;5A04 k)�. _, 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Yea Nay Abstain F-1 F-1 Rob Jones Chair ❑ 1:1 Cindy Carter, Vice -Chair ❑ F-1 Danny Stone, Member ATTEST: arbar# J. Vasquez; ler of the Board Chapter 14.04 - UNIFORM CODES 14.04.010 - Repealer and reenactment. nd 4 Chapters 14.04,,A 1 I I W %_0M,of the Grant County Code, adopted by Ordinance No. 23- -CC. and all other ordinances and parts of the ordinances in conflict therewith are hereby repealed in their entirety and replaced to read as follows. 14,04. 20 - Declaration of policy. It is hereby declared to be the policy of Grant County, (the "county") and in the public interest, and for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and property of the residents of Grant County to regulate the building industry in the unincorporated areas of Grant County and regulate same, pursuant to its police powers. 14,04,030 - Adoption by reference® There is hereby adopted by the board of county commissioners of Grant County. Washington, in conformance with the State Building Code Act, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, there shall be in effect in all unincorporated areas of the county the Grant County Building Code which shall consist of the Washington State Building Code which is hereby adopted by reference and shall consist of the following codes: 1. The International Building Code, published by the International Code Council with appendices C., E H, and Pj set forth in Chapter 51-50 WAC as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended; and (ad) The International Residential Code, published by the International Code Council with appendices F1 Q, U and AV as amended_, set forth in Chapter 51-51 WAC as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended; and (2-e) The International Mechanical Code, published by the International Code Council set forth in Chapter 51-52 WAC as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended, except that the standards for liquefied petroleum gas installations shall be NFPA 58 (Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases) and ANSI 2223.1/NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code); and 0j) The International Fire Code, published by the International Code Council aMnOdir-gac P C DF C W 1: 1 j< I KA KI .Arr %-In&-,I 1 1 - tj my jr I %I .-, V, -y -,--.-set forth in Chapter 51 -54A WAC as the same now exists or may hereafter be amended, including those standards of the National Fire Protection Association specifically referenced in the International Fire Code: PROVIDED that notwithstanding any wording in this code, participants in religious ceremonies shall not be precluded from carrying hand-held candies; (dg) Except as provided in RCW 19.27.170, the Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials with appendices E and K: PROVIDED that any provisions of such code affecting sewers or fuel gas piping are not adopted; (Q-li) The Washington State Energy Code as set forth. in RCW 19.27A.,015; (f!) All Washington State Building Code amendments pursuant to the administrative authority of this jurisdiction; (gj) The International Swimming Pool and Spa Code .,published by the International Code Council as the same now exists, or may hereafter be amended, LIn ifn rrv, rnci jQ for tho Ah;itiam i I a I %. If 11 P. -I %.A I I IeRt el f Danatere, 1 -s R I 1 0 1 di nar, rn est current e-rditlewon C@4S n h I es h Q F..Iy I I I qZ7 1ntnr_n;;itsi!:inA1 Cenfnr_Qnr_'n nf ildina (h) The International Pro .p:erty....Maintenance Codeas amended iDublished-by the International Code! Council: as the same, now exists or may hereafter be amendedl (i) Portions of the International Wilcllancl, Urban Interface Code as set forth in RCW AV1 07.1 Fire Sprinklers An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new one -family and two-family dwellings and townhouses in accordance with Appendix U7 when any one of the followilua-appkes: 1. The residential dweller is proposed to be constructed as a Hospitalitv Commercial Establishment - Transient Resicignce-per the U'�nifiecl Development Code Section 2. Theresidential dwelling exceeds 31600 square feet of covered area and, cannot meet fire flow requirements per NFPA 11,42. Precedence: In the event of conflicting provisions among the code adopted in Sections 1., 2" 31 and 5 of the above -referenced codes, the standards in the first named code shall govern over those following. Accessibility: The county shall maintain on file not less than one copy of the adopted codes in this chapter. Codes will be maintained for public viewing at the Grant County Development Services Department. 14.04.040 - Code amend ments—Generali . Amendments to the state codes adopted herein are listed according to code reference, chapter, and section to provide for special provisions, alteration, clarification or deletions to certain sections of the adopted codes to meet local conditions. 14.04.050 - Amendments to the International Building Code,, International Fire Code, and the International Residential Code. The following sections of the International Building Code, International, Fire Code and the International Residential Code shall be modified to read as follows: INTERNATIONAL FIRE. CODE CHAPTER I ADMINISTRATION 1JA1101.1 Title. These provisions shall : be known as the FIRE Code of Grant Co Washin,aton, hereinafter referred to as "this code. 2. [A11 03.1 Creation, of Agency. The Grant Courity, Fire Marshal is the officia], in charge thereof I l and shall be known as the fire code official. The function of the aaency shall bethe implementation, administration, and, enforcement of the provisions of thiscodle. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE -_[Al AND INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODER.) CHAPTER 1 ADMINISTRATION, OTIEVITY21 M-r-WERrammos. &VOW"ft" WE &"%'W N = = M San " So 01011AVALAIddidE liv �aa FAdd now, �=M-JAWAKIT=ffl QjMj&;M'MffiL--A-1UL-' LWMW ram r M- I wal U. HE Ire Aha ■ 3 ra"re"M raw, GeV 0 MMM11'W'&"U WE OWN MLIMMM NLWJM Was 11MRI■ GTOW&I 72=0 •• Z. Wd'ikl; 0 LUF ME 110 0 ILMMW.1111 MULWAM �,WA IMIN W 0 2 0 0 rWA"VW 0 0 Lwt KIN ILWAM �WA mimm MLWA MONus 0 NLM�4111111111 IN IN IL"M HIM OLVIRLWAM 1201 -r NATOMWAIN111d or-Wom VAr r mralm IN&M E 0 1 Lw� ME 1111110 ME IWINI 0 0 MLWM IL W. 0 ON MWAKWA IL WA.L as A• AN A A 111,6111 ILWA US MOLUN IN IL"1111 OU -11111 MLWA ELMMMMIL W WAR MALKA'M -T Afth ARE 9 0 i 7 11 Wt "Ak MAL--FjUj="W M 0`111111111110 0 SIR 0 0 WWWA OWMWWA WE �W-ALWA MM W. SLis ILWA IN ON IE�WVM�WMK W W A TAMNY-TAW&I 1. rA11 053.2 and R1 05.3.2 T'i"me limitations of application. An ar)p1icat'i'bn for a permitforany pror)osed: work shall be deemeclto have been abandoned 180 days after the date of Pilin unless such amflication, has been Dursued in -good faith or a permit has been issued; excer)t that the bufldinR official is authorized to grant one or more., extensions of tJm1e, for additional periods not exceeding 180 dlays. The extension shall be re uested in wriltin,,cz and iustifia,ble cause demonstrated.. Permit applications that have not been issued within oneyear of the filing date shall become void and, a resubmittal shall be rectuireuA . 2. [A] 105.2 Building: 1. One story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the area does not exceed 200 square feet (11.15 m2). measured from the outside corners of the supporting structure and provided overhangs and appurtenances do not exceed eighteen inches. 3. [A] 105.5 and R 105.5 Expiration. Every permit shall expire unless the work authorized by such permit is completed within three years of its issuance date. 4. [All 05.5.1 and R1 05.5.1 Permit extension. Valid permits that are due to expire and, that have had all appropriate inspections up to the point the work ceased may be extended for justifiable cause at the discretion of the Building Official. A permit extension must be requested by the applicant prior to expiration of the permit and the project must have- been completed, inspected, and approved, through rough trades. A valid permit may be extended for an, additional period not to exceed 180 days to allow the work to be finished. Valid permits that have not been Inspected to the point of rough trades may be reinstated pe rAl 105.5.2 and, R105.5.2 once they expire. 5. [All 05.5.2 and R1 05.5.2 Permit r6ristaternerit. A valid permit may be reinstated after expiration under the followiu, circumstances: a. All inspections must have been completed andapproved to date; b. The permit shall., not be expired more than one year past thepermit expiration date or it is considered abandoned and cannot be reinstated., - c. A reinstatement fee of 50 percent of the original permit fee is required to be Daid, to reinstate the permit for an additional one,. (1) year period; d.. Permits that have expired and have: been inspected and approved: up to final inspection may be reinstated at no, cost. 6. rAll 05.5.3 and R105.5.3 Permit revocation. Projects that have, proceeded beyond any required ins Dection(s) Der Section R109 or, FA11, 10 shall be deemed r void and the -permit revoked. No structure, shall be approvedor a certificate of occupancy issued unless all! required inspections have been scheduled by the applicant andconducted and, approve the building inspector., 1-5. [A]105.7 and R 105.7 Placement of Permit. The building permit or copy shall be kept on site of the work until the completion of the project, along with all other documents as required in the permit package. 845. [A]-109.1 and R-108.7 Payment of fees. 1. A permit shall not be'valid until the fees prescribed by law have been paid. Nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, has been paid. 2. Unusual Structures or Conditions. Where an unusual structure or condition exists for which, no fee is specifically mentioned, the Building Official may determine fees based on the type of construction and occupancy which most closely resembles the unusual structure or condition. 3. An application may not be deemed complete until either the permit fee and all associated fees or the required deposit is paid. 9-7. [A]-109.3 and R-108.3 Building permit valuations. For building permit purposes, the Building Official shall make the determination of value or valuation under any of the provisions of this code. The value to be used in computing the building permit and building plan review fees shall be the total value of all construction work, including any and all materials, labor, and process or permanent equipment deemed necessary for the operation of the building. Valuation shall be based on ICC Building Valuation Data publication. T-be cair-1 datenn nf fon!z hA rzod nn thogzn ;Qv hn @ I ly t ind;Qtod hv tho nnnn,rf- %.A A--, thn ond nfoAah r--AItznd;ar- vIQA-r- %-. %A calendar nu r),an The ICC Builclima, Valuation Datawillbe u datecll effective July 1 s' of each year. 10,9. [A]-109.6 and R-108.5 Refunds. The Director or their designee may authorize refunding of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or collected 1. All other refunds shall be per the Fee Schedule adopted by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. 11-9. [A]-113 Ml:eans of Appeal and R-112 Board of Appeals. [A] 113.1 and, R112.1 General. To hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation of the Washington State Building Code, there shall be and is hereby created an appeals process. 1. Appeals. Any person, firm or corporation that feels they have been the recipient of an order, decision or determination by the Building Official that is in error may appeal that decision. 2. Thn Appipial precess rzh;all fol1cwt tho p I '-, a a %.0 U V 16 1 1 �ss as el, %A, It -is no Ine- tho Gr;ant Cnt lintv n if e0d, Develenmont C-ndo :2; 04 and AnQ ;anno;4ahlo tn C,,r-Ant C-ni intv S;tmor-inr C-ni irt The; Grant County Hearing Examiner is hereby clesiemated, as the, Grant County Building and, Fire Board of Appeals. 3. The Hearing Examiner, as the Board of Apr)eals, has the authority todetermine the. —suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and fire,safety protection, and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the IBC, I, -FC, and, IRC. 12-0. [All 17 and R115 Moved Buildings. No person shall move any existing building or structure inclusive of but not limited to the following; Site built structures of any kind, over -the -road container vessels, off site built storage buildings or retail purchased storage structures/kits within or into the County without first obtaining from the Building Department a building permit. 2. Terms and Conditions of Issuance: /n granting a moved building permit, the Building Official may impose such terms and conditions esare necessary, inthe opinion of the Building Official, to ensure that its relocation will not be materially detrimental or injurious to the public safety or welfare or to the property or improvements in the district to which the building is to be moved, including, but not limited to, changes, alterations, additions or repairs tothe building or structure. Fees. The fees for annovedbuilding penmband plan review shall be based upon the total value of the work required at its relocated site, using the same valuation formula as used for new construction. a wdl'-� dk MWL ral Awl' ULM WAM 14. R202 Definitions. Garage, Detached Residential. Aone-story structure constructed ona residential lot prior tothe dwelling unit existing that isused for housing amotor vehicle or or other repair shops used for commercial purposes and cannot be used as habitable space asdefined h«the residential code. 14,04.060 5. Section 304.14 Insect Screens is NOT ADOPTED. 6. Section, 305 Interior Structure is NOT ADOPTED. 7. Section, 308 Rubbish and Garbage is NOT ADOPTED. 8. Section 3,09, Pest Elimination is NOT ADOPTED. CHAPTER 4 LIGHT, VENTILATION AND OCCUPANCY LIMITATIONS IS NOT ADOPTED. CHAPTER.5 PLUM BING FACILITIES AND FIXTU RE, REQU I RMENTS IS NOT ADOPTED, except for Section, 506.1. [PI 5016.1 General.. Plumbing fixtures shall -be prooerlv connected to either a public sewer system or to an approyed private sewage_.disposal system., CHAPTER 6 MECHAN ICAL AN D ELECTRICAL REQUI RM ENTS IS NOT ADOPTED.