HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest to Purchase - RenewVI -N GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM .(Must be bubmitted to the Clerk of the -Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTM ENT: Renew* DATE: 11/ 1 /23 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY.-Sa.rah Nelson PHONE:509-765-9.�139 CONTACT.,PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Dell Anderson CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: nYES 5WN0 OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED: (.CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) MAgreemeff/ Contract DAP Vouchers DAppointment Reappointment EIARPA Related ®Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award EJBid Opening..Scheduled ElBoards / Committees [!Budget E1Cdrnput6r Related 0 County Code OEmergency Purchase ClEmoloyee.Rel. Dracilities Rehated Z]Financial E]Fuhds ElHearing Oinvoices / Purchase Orders 171 Grants — F ed/State/Cbu nty 01 -eases MMOAPMOU 0MInutes EjOrdinances []Out of State Travel El Petty. Caih Problamations. 0 Request for Purchase DResoluftn ORecorhmendation. E:]Professional.'Serv/Conguitant 0Support Letter DSurplus Req. MTax* Levies FlThank Yod's OTax-Title Property EIWSLCB Contract Design 'Proposal for office furniture in Grarid, CoUlee - Omnia Cbntract #R1,91803 Total: $ 8,309.49 including Sales 'tax of $2,968.64 Fund: 108.-150.00'.0000.594.64..6400'( Capital Outlay) j Ai DATE OF ACTION: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN DI: D2,., -D3: E IV ` 1 2023 f,"'T gN 2!4VA."�50 1EK a. HTY PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 GRANT Y RANT COUNT PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 ­..."SpoLane Showroom Ossoula showoom .8ozeLgan Sh2wroom 1 North Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St, 212 Shepherd Trail, Unit A Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, MT SIR802 Bozeman, MT 59718 P. 509,624.4220 PIF: 4M926Z313 PIF: 406.220.8200 R 50915211777 EXTENDED PROPOSAL PROPOSAL#: 51660 DATE: 10/26/23 PROJECT R 15-662 I INSTALLAT: I GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99'.133 CUSTOMER P.O. PAYMENTTERMS QUOTE VALID IDIET SALESPERSON IODAYS 11/27/23 SAUNDERS, GLORIA # ---------------------- QTY PRODUCTDESCRIPTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SELL EXTENDED 1 ZGELA Exact Size File Top Squared Vln.yl Edge 69-46 69.46 Lam Top DOI d tl 15.00[n - 30.00in 219 User Entry WOI w ,i dth 15.001n - 24.00in 23 User Entry EZ standard hmi high-pressure laminates LBV warm grey teak LB V warm grey teak Tag 1- Brandy' 2 1 DT1 CS .42 LX +Everywhere Round Table,Squared EdgeLarn 623- 37 623.37 Top/TheE rmo dge,4-Colo mn Base 42Dia LBV +warm grey teak 'LI3_V +warm grey teak MT +medium tone 57 +gli,des Tag 1: Brandy 3 1 DV7FC.24E @C Foot 3 Leg Base Kit,24" d (23" surf 1.1315-38 11315.38 size),electric std range SRM @digital read out with memory SNB. @satin bronze 57 @gfides Tag 1 : Brandy 4 1 FTI 9C.40 @fable Management Channel 40W 31.93 31.93 Tag I - Brandy 5 1 FT2913.2 +Surface Ganging Bracketpair 18.60 18.60 Tag 1'. Brandy -6 1 FTS22.7242L +Ext Corner Surface,Rect End,Sq-Edge, 343.17 343.17 S Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W L,42W R, No Brkts LBV +warmgrey teak -1" _ CONTINUED... Page 1 <t %cntr-d%;t D E S I G IN wwwWwlecommm PROPOSAL FORN 1779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 11 -- Spokane Showroom Miss2ula Showroom Sozeman,Shoffoom I North Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St. 2 12 Shepherd Trail, Unit A Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, MT- $9802 Bozeman, MT 59718 P: 609.624.4220 PIF: 406,926.33131 PIF. 406,220,8200 F; 509.623,1777 INSTALL AT: PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 51660 DATE: 10/26/23 PROJECT #: 15-662 A GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 DESCRIPTION LBV I+warm grey teak Tag 1: Brandy 7 FV694.Al 2A5 +Screen jranslucent Plastic, 12" below 29,76 4 WS, 54W 29.76 561.14 J9 +opal frosted SNB +satin bronze 1 Tai I: Brandy FV696.43 +Stiffener, 43 1/4W Tag 1 : Brandy 9 1 FV696.48 +Stiffener, 48W Tag 1 : Brandy 10 1 LG 0.. +Bookcase 36W 64H SS +smooth paint on smooth steel IVIT +medrum tone Tag 1 : Brandy 1 1 LWI 10.20B * F +Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F S13 +full -extension ball-bearing 8S +smooth paint on smooth steel IVIT +medium tone KD +keyed differently, black 5M +pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in f HN +no hand grip Tag I: Brandy 12 2 1191.SWI9.0 Cora Guest Chair, with Arms S.UB.AR1 F Black Frame AC3 Black Arms GL4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only AW No Moisture Barrier UMU Multiple Upholstered ...... .... 213) Mack Multiple Upholstered ----- --- ------- CONTINUED... Page 2 343.48 343.48 2936 29,76 29,76 29.76 561.14 56174 245.02 1245.02 279.68 1559.36 PROPOSAL FOR: 1 779 GRANT COUNT' PO BOA 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 fte c�kane_ hover+ m MjsAou!a. hover ozema � howroom PROPOSAL # 61660 1 Nom Monroe, Shiite 100 133 W Broadway St 212 Shepherd `rail, Unft -Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, int"` 5980 Bozeman, MT 59718------ P: 609.624A220P/F: 406.926,3313P/F4 406.220.2� DATE: 0126'23 F. $09.623.1777 PROJECT , 15-662 INSTALL AT: GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RU GRAND COULEEWA 99133 I # 10TY 1,PRODUCT I DESCRIPTION (ELL I EXTENDED I Page 3 FG3 Fabric/Vinyl Grade 3 EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection 26-0 10501-01 lei Steel MS Seat Multiple Upholstered F02 Fa ricNin l Grace - ELE ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN NITE Element Tanzanite AC Full Assembled in Carton Tag 1: Brandy 13 1 1191.SW30.0Cora Baritatric Clair, with Arles 469.66 469.66 S. U . R1 FC1 Black Frame Black Arms GL4 Steel Glides, carpet Only No Moisture farrier UMU Multiple Upholstered (M Back Multiple Upholstered FG3 Fabric/Vinyl Grade EPIC EPIC Standard Calor Selection 26-0 1 050'1-0,1 Ei Steel MS Seat Multiple Upholstered FG2 Fa ri l in l Grace ELE ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN NITE Element Tanzanite AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag 1 Brandy 14 1 2223.Bl.F.A Wit Task, H%ghback, .flesh Back, Standard 395,14 395.14 128 Synchro, Height AdjArms Seat Depth Adjustment Upgrade FC1 Black Z1. Black 1-10 Bleck Aran BO Standard Flack Base TINUFC ... Page 3 PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 GRANT COUNTY PQ BOX 37 ERHRATA WA 98823 11 amine Showoom MiEsoula Showroom Bowman Showroom 1 Nom Monroe, quite 100 1330 W Broadway St, 212 Shepherd Trail, Wit Spokane, WA 09201 Missoula., MT 59 502 Bozeman, MT 59718 R. �^�!!��'[/[/0��))ji�i�1},jj462A4s 220 1Fe 40.926,3313 PIF'; 406.220.820 FY 509.623 J R 7 PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 51660 DATE: 10126/23 PROJECT #: 15-662 INSTALL. T. GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEH A I RAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 Page 4 so Standard Cylinder Standard Carpet Casters M Oryx FAB IC Fabric Crede Selections °� No Selection FG2 Fabric Grade FLE EDIT Element Standard .Color Selection TAN NITS Element Ten anite UC Partially Assembled Tag 1.k Brandy 15 1 ZCELA Enact Size File Top Squared Vinyl Edge 69.46 69.46 Len Tap depth 15.00in. - 30.00in 9 User Entry W01 width 15.00in - 24.00in 23 User Entry EZ standard hmi high-pressure laminates LBV warm grey teak L13V germ grey teak Tag 1: Judy 16 1 C T'I .4 L + very here mound Table,Squared Ed e,L rn 623.37 623,37 Tap/Thermo Ed e, - elumn Base 42Dia LB + ar t grey teak LBV +warm grey teal MT +medum tone 7 +glides Tag 1; Judy 17 `I DV7F . F @C -Foot 3 Leg Base lit, 4" d "r surf 11315.38 '11315.38 Size),electric std range SRM Qd1gital read out with memory SNIP @satin bronze 7Ildes CONTINUED... Page 4 cuntrdct 0 E S I G N wwx.ve,asm PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 BRANT COUNTY PQ BOX 37 EPMRATA WA 88823 INSTALL L T* PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 51660 DATE. 0/26/23 PROJECT #: 151,662 j GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND ULEE WA 9913 DESCRIPTION 1 Nom Monroe, Butte 100 1330 W Broadway St. 212 Shepherd Trail, Und Spokane, WA -9201 Missoula, MT 59802 8ozeman, NIT 59718 P. 609.624.4220 PIF; 406,926.3313 PIF: 406-220-8200 F: $09,623.1777 INSTALL L T* PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 51660 DATE. 0/26/23 PROJECT #: 151,662 j GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND ULEE WA 9913 DESCRIPTION Fate 5 Tag 1, Judy 18 1 FTI 90,40 @Cable Management Channel 40W31.93 31-93 Tag 1. Jud 19 1 Fa 2913. +Surface Ganging Bracket#pair 18.60 18.60 Tag . Judy jj''��, `e � T"y n a .E. t Con ner Surfce ct rt 1 ,Sq-Edg i,. 343.17 343.17 S. Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 72W LA2W R, No Brkts L B +warm grey teak L B +Warm grey tea Tacg # s Judy FV694.Al2A5 +S reen,Translucent Plastic, " below 34148 343.48 WS, 54W J +opal frosted SNB +Satin bronze .: Tai.. I a. J u�1 . y�y 1 /}�' % j 4W 29.76 29,76 TM. d } . l • J int ## 23 1 E'� .4 / + tifl"ener, 48W 29..76 29.76 Tag ! f Judy 4 1 L, 00.4 +Bookcase42W 64H 620.84 620.84 +smooth paint an smooth steel NIT +medium tone d Tag 1: Judy 25 1 1...W1 1 O.2QB1= +Ped 1l"rI-Pu11,11 obile 201) B/F 245.02 245.02 B a' "full -extension hall -bearing B *smooth paint on smooth Meal Fate 5 PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 IIS ---------- - Spokane ShowtooM Missoula Sh2wroorn - Bozeman Showroom PROPOSAL #: 51660 1 North Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St, 212 Shepherd Trail, Unit A Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, MT 59802 Bozeman, MT 59718 P: 509624.4220 PIF., 406.1926.3313 PIF: 406220�8200 DATE' 10/26/23 F: 509.623.1777 P ROJ ECT #: 15-662 - -- --------- --------- INSTALL AT: GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUN N RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 ---------- CUSTOMER P.O. ---- PAYMENT TERMS QUOTE VALID 1-1-N 111/27/23 SALESPERSON ----------- ET 10 DAYS .......... J SAUNDERS, GLORIA is 6 MT I +Medium tone NTINUED... Page 6 SELL 279.68 55936 KD +keyed differently, black 5M +pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in f HN +no hand grip Tag 1* Judy 26 2 1191-SW19.0 Cora Quest Chair, with Arms S.UB.AR1 FC1 Black Frame AC3 Black Arms GI -4 Steel Glides,, Carpet Only 04.0 No Moisture Barrier UM U Multiple Upholstered (MB) Back /Multiple ' le Upholstered FG Fabric/Vinyl Grade 3 EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection 26 -OC 10501-Q1 Epic Steel (MS) Seat Multiple Upholstered FG 2 Fabric/Vinyl Grade 2 ELE. ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN,. NITS Element Tanzanite AC Fully Assembled in Carton T Tag I - Judy 27 1 11 91.SW30.0 C Cora Bariatric Chair, with Arms S.UB.ARI FC1 Black Frame AC3 Black Arms GI -4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only Aw No Moisture Barrier UMU Multiple Upholstered (MB) Back Multiple Upholstered FG 3 FabricNinyl Grade 3 EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection 26-0 10501-0192Epic Steel ---- ----- - ........... (MS) I Seat Multiple Upholstered NTINUED... Page 6 SELL 279.68 55936 PROPOSAL L FOR: 1779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA98823 ok ne Shqwroorn Missoula ShqXoom _ So ernan Showro I North Monroe, suite 100 1330 W Broadway St, .212 shepherd Trail, Unit Spokane, WA 99201. Missoula, MT 59802 Bozeman, MT 59718 P: 509.624A220 PIF; x..926. 13 PIF: 406,220.8200 Fa31777 TAN2 INSTALL AT, PROPOSAL I --- P_R 0 - POSAL #: 611660 DATE: 0/26/23 PROJECT #: 15-662 GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 F I T YN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 I # JQTY 1 I DEscRiPrIory I SELL I EXTENDED I Page 7 FG2 Fabric/Vinyl Grade ELEN IENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN2 ANITS Element Tan ani e C Fully Assembled in Carlen Tag I: Judy 28 1 3.13 .F. Wit Task, Highback, Mesh Back, Standard . 128 S nchro, Height d Arms E3 Seat Depth Adjustment Upgrade F1 Blab Zi Black Black Arra BO Standard Black Base s Standard Cylinder Standard Carpet Casters MC2101 Onyx FABF 11CFabric Grade Selections No Selection FG2 Fabric Grade BLE ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN2ANITE Element Tainzanite c martially Assembled Tag l : udy 29 1 ZCELA Exact Size File Top Squared Vinyl Edge 69.46 69.46 Lam Top D01 depth 1 .00in W 30.00in 219 User Entry 01 width 1 .00in - 24.00in 23 User Entry EZ standard hrnl high-pressure laminates LBS` !Farm cry teak LBV warm grey teal Tae 1: Lisa Page 7 co"I'litalocact E S I G N �sr.�ti�ctiv�. PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 ------------------­--.... .. BRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 okAne Showroom. . MissqulalhawrooLn. gogeman.Showroorn 1 Nora Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Branfty St. 212 Shepherd Trail, Unit Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, MT 59,a02 Bozeman, MT 59718 IP 50.9-624A220 P/ 406.926M13 P 1= : 406.221.8200 F: 509,6-23,1777 PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #; 51650------------- W� DATE: 10/26/23 PROJECT #: 15-662 11.11 INSTALLAT: GRANT COUNT RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 Page 8 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL MON EXTENDED 30 1 DTI CS 30LS @ ver where Round TableSquared Ed,geLam 403.26 403.26 Top/Thermo Edge, Singe-Column Base 30Dia L +warm grey teak LB's +Warm grey teak NIT +medium tore 7+'glide Tag 1 Lisa 31 1 DV7FC.24E @C -Foot 3 Leg Base K t, " d (23" sub 1)315.38 1315.38 size),electnic std range SRM @digital read out with memory SN@satin bronze Yy ! @g ides Tag 1.- Lisa 32 1 FTI 9CA0 @Cable Management hannel W 31.93 3. 3 Tag 1. Lisa 33 1 FT 9B.2 +Surface Ganging Bracket,pair 18.60 8,60 Tag 1, Lisa 34 1 ITS .7 L +Ext Corner Sura e,R ct EndSq-Edge, 3 3.'l7 343.17 S Lam Top/ herr n Edger 24D 72W L,42W R, No rkt L" +warm grey teak L +Warm grey teak Tag 1: Lisa 85 1 F"V4.A1 +ScreenTranslucent Plastic, 12" below 343.48 343.48 4 WS, 54W +opal frosted SNB +satin bronze Tag 1. Lisa 6 1 FV696b4 + tl ever► 43 1/4W 29.76 29.76 Tao 1 . Lisa Page 8 < .000 v400wntf C DESIGN R S . FOR 1779 GIT COUNTY PO BOX 3 EPHRATA WA 98823 Spokane Showroom Missoula Showroom BozeMan.Showroom 1 North Monroe, Site 100 1330 W Broadway 5t. 212 Shepherd Trail, Unit A Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, ouia, M 598, 32 Bozeman, MT 5971 Pt 5109.624.4220 P/F; 4W926.3313 PIF: 406,220,8200 F: 609.02:3.1777 INSTALL PROPOSAL PRO POSAL #: 51660 DATE: 10/26/23 PROJECT ; 15-662 GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 Mage 9 QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED 1 FV696-48 +Stiffener, 48W 29.76 29.76 Tag Lisa 38 1 1.6500. +Bookcase 36W 64H 561.74 561.7 SS +Smooth painton smooth steel MT +medium tone Tag 1: Lisa 39 1 LWI 10.201317 +Ped W-ullMorl D B/F 245.02 245.02 SB + ll -extension hall -bearing SS +smooth paint on smooth steel MT +medium ton 11 +keyed differently, black 5M +pencil tray in box drawer, 2 dile converters in f HN +rho head grip Tag Lisa 40 1 1191 -SW . Cord Guest Chir, with Arms 279.68 27 9..68 S.UB.AR1 F I Black Frame AC3 Black Arms GL4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only No Moisture Barrier UMU Multiple Upholstered {1 Beck Multiple Upholstered F03 Fabr'IcNin l Grade EPIC APIC Standard Color Selection 26_.0 1 0`l -01 Epi Steel M) Seat Multiple Upholstered FG2 Fbicinyl trade ELE ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN I ITE Element Taman to AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag 1: Usa Mage 9 PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 QRANT COUNTY P0 BOX 37 PH ATA WA 98823 log I'll. W.A� o a e howroo-m Missoula Showroom Bozeman Sh wraom 1 North Monroe-, Suite 1€ 0 1330 W Broadway . 212 Shepherd Trail,. Unit � �,,. � � � Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, MT 59502 Bozeman, MT 18 P*{(09024.422 PIF 406.926,3313 PIF.' 4 , �J.S � DATE, 10126123 INSTALLF: 69.623.1777PROJECT#: 15-662 AT. GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH. 322 FORTUYN R GRAND COULEE WA, 99133 DESCRIPTION 41 1 11 1 # " 3 .1„1 Cora bariatric Chair, with Arens 469-66 469.66 S##AR1 F1 black Frame AC3 black Arms GI -4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only No Moisture barrier UMU Multiple Upholstered (MB) Bach Multiple Upholstered FG3 Fab icl in l Grade EPI APIC Standard Color Selection 1 0501 -1 plc Steel (MS) Seat Multiple Upholstered FG .11% Fabric fin l Grade ELEh IENT Element Standard Calor Selection TAN2 ANITS Element Tan anit AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag Lia 42 1 2223.Bi.F,A Wet Task, Highba k, Mesh Back, Standard 395,14 395.1 128 Synchs, Flight AdJ Arms 3 Seat Depth Adjustment Upgrade F 1 black Z1 black ^0 black Arne BO Standard Black. Base so Standard Cylinder C16 Standard Carpet Casters MC24 Onyx FABRIC FabricGrade Selections O#f , V a l YF Y:i n Selection FG2 Fabric Grace ELEN IENT Element Standard Color Selection TAS NITS Element Tan anite UC Partially Assembled Tae 1. Lisa Fags 10 00 cont, t D E S I G N PROPOSAL FOR: 1 779 GRANT COUNTY BOX 37 E PRAT WA 98823 oke, Showroom Missoula Showroom Bozeman Showroom 1 North Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St. 212 Shepherd Trail, Unit Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, NIT 59802Bozeman, NIT 5SI718 } 609.624A220 PIF: 406,92 3.3313 P/F: 406. 20.820 F., 509A523,1777 77 PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 5660 DATE: 10126/23 PROJECTA15-662 1 INSTALL ATS [ GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 Page 11 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL L EXTENDED 43 1 ZCELA Exact Size File Top Squared Vinyl Edge 169.46 69.46 Lang Top 1 depth 1 . ire - 30.00in. 29 User Entry W01 Widths 15.00in ` 24. Din 23 U r'Entry EZ standard hemi high-pressure laminates LBV warm grey teal LBV warm grey teak ,rag lo. M helle 44 1 T1 --Evhere lond Tabl,Sgurd Edga,Lan 623,37 623,37 Top/Thermo Edg , -Column Base 42Dia L + arm grey teak ABV +warm grey teal MT +medium tone 7 ,glides Tag t Michelle 45 1 DV7F . 4E @C -Foot 3 Leg Base Kit,24" d (23" surf 11315.38 1 1315.38 size),electr c std range SRM 1 @digital read out With memory SNB @satin bronze 7 @glides Tag 1 Michelle 46 1 FTI 9C.40 @Cable Management Channel 40W 31.93 31.93 Tag 1, Michelle 47 1 FT B. +Surface Ganging Bracket,pair 1&60 18.60 Tag 1; Michelle 48 1 FT .724 . +Ext Garner Surface, Rect End,SEdge, 34317 343E17 1,,..am ` op/T `1ermo Edge, 24D 72W L.,42W R, No B rkts ..BV +war grey teal CONTINUED... Page 11 DESIGN PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 ,1 -,Spokane ShowToorn, Missoula Showroom Bozeman Showroom I North Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St. 212 Shepherd Trail, Unit A S la, "' Spokane, WA 99201 sou, MT 59802 Bozeman, MT 59718 P:509,824.4229 PIF: 406.926,3313 P/F. 406,220.8200 F; $09.6211777 INSTALL AT: PROPOSAL PR_0PO5AL #: 61660, 1 DATE: 1 0126/23 5 PROJECT #: 1-662 j GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 3,22 FORTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 I # J ctTr 1PRODUCT I DESCRIPTION I SELL i ExTENDED I Page 12 LB V +warm grey teak Tag 1: Michelle 49 1 FV 4.A1 +Screen.,T,ranslueent Plastic, 12" below 343,48 343.48 4 WS, 54W J9 +opal f I rosted SNB +Satin bronze Tag 1: Michelle 50 1 FV696,43 +Stiffener, 43 114W 29.76 29.76 Tag 1 : Michelle 51 1 FV696.48 +Stiffener, 48W 29.76 29.76 Tag 1: Michelle 52 1 LG500A264 +Bookcase 42W 64H 620.84 620.84 SS +smooth paint on smooth ste'el MT +medium tone Tag 1.. Michelle 53 1 LWI 10. BF +Ped W-Pull,Mobile 20D B/F 245.02 245,02 SB +full -extension ball-bearing SS +smooth paint on smooth steel. MT +medium tone KD +keyed differently, black 5M +pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in f HN +no hand grip Tag 1: Michelle 54 2 1191.SW19.11 Cora Guest Chair, with Arms 279.68 559.36 S.UB.AR1 FC1 Black Frame AC3 Black Arms GL4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only No Moisture Barrier PJM U Multiple Upholstered SMB) Back Multiple Upholstered CONTI Page 12 S12okane Showroom Wissoula §ho ro Sozeman Show-off North Monroe, hie. 1330 W Broadway St. 1 Shepherd Trail, .{100 Spokane. � 2 1 Missoula, MT 980 �j �+�nit Bozeman, T 59718 A�3. P: 0509t623.1777 PIF: 406_926..33 43 PIF: 406.220M00 f1�{. Y2fj,f4��y,422'¢0 Ft yf. t6flN">C k I p 26.0 PROPOSAL FOR.- 1779 it 9 1 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX EPH RATA WA 98823 NST L T: PROPOSAL PRaPvsaL #:.51660 DATE.. 10/26/23 PROJECT 15-662 GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ■ U 322 FOR { N RD GRAND COULEE . Wy 1 yAy. "M� 9 I # JQTY { I DESCRIPTION I SELL JEXTENDED Page 13 FG3 FabricNinyl Grade EPIC EPIC Stannard Color ;selection 26.0 10501-0192Epic Steel (MS) Seat Multiple Upholstered FG2 Fab ; Nin l Grade 2 LE ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN NITS Element Tanzanit Fully Assembled in Carton Tag Michelle f� 5 5 1 a rr 11 .SW30. /SKr - Bariatric hair, withArms . �ia�c!!�f S.f k . FC Black Frame Black Arms GL Steel Glides,r Carpet n7 { No Moistu axirriew jM Multiple°Upholstered i M i Back Multiple t`i +p. lidUpholstered '' ' 3 Mfr is 5( i i 1. Grade EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection 26-0 10501-0192Epic Steel (M Seat Multiple Upholstered FG2 bricNi tyl Grade ELE ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN NITE Element Tanzanite AC Fully Assembled in Carton Te 1: Michelle 56 1 2223.Bl.F.A Wit Task, �r hback, Mesh Back, Standard 395.14 395-14 128 Synchro, eight Arms E3 .dj WtDepth Adjustment Upgrade 1 Mick , Zi Black Black f i r (AO BO �, �y Standard Black Base Page 13 C011traclE MAIL .iD E S I G N PROPOSAL RR 1779 GIANT COUNT" PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 ­­ Iwry rn Missoula ShoMTqom, A32ZOMAD Showroom Nord Monroe, Sufte 100 1330 W Broadway St. 212 Shepherd Trail, Unit A Spokane, WA 90201 Missoula, NIT 59802 1 om-an, MT 59718 P: 509.624A220 PIF: 40 .926.331 IF: 406.2 0.8201 Fh 509-623.1777 MC23 INSTALL AT: PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 51860 CRATE, 10/26/23 PROJECT #, 15-662 GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 32.2 FO TU N i X GRAND COULEE WA 99133 I # 10TY 1 I DESCRIPTION ISELL I I Page 14 so ;standard Cylinder Standard Carpet Casters MC23 Onyx FABF IC Fabric Grade Selections ow No Selection FG2 Fabric Grade ELEN IENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN2 ANITS Element Tanz nite C Partially Assembled Tag Michelle 7 1 ZCELA exact Size File Top Squared Vinyl Edge 69.4669.46 Lam Top D01 depth 1.in -0.0in 29 User Entry W01 width 15,00in - 24.00in 23 User Ent' EZ standard hrni high-pressure laminates LBV warm grey teak LBV warm grey teak Tag Robin 58 1 DV7F . E @C -Foot. 3 Leg Base Kit,24" d (23" sub 11315.8 11315.38 ie),electric std range RM @digital read out with memory SNB @satin bronze 7 @glides Tag 1: Robin 59 1 FT1 90.40 @Cable Management Channel 40W 31.93 31,93 Tag 1. Protein 60 1 FT 9B. +"�.'�`urface Ganging Bracket,pair 18.60 18.60 Taa I . Robin Page 14 Non ra c DESIGN �`i �'a inF•'H}jnZN'iiiyt9Y�r�IM1df!3 PROPOSAL . 1 779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 Spokane ShowrooLn. Mi s-oul shy Bo&gmg!3 ShqM2oLn, I North Monroe, Snits 100 1330 W Broadway St. 2 hepherd Frail, Unit A Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, Nib"° 59802 Bozeman, MT 59718 . 509 '624.4220 IP; 406.92e.3313 PIF.: 40622 .8200 '„j'!�� S lST LL T-. PROPOSAL PROPOSALM: 51660 LATER 10/26/23 PROJECTA, 1 GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FO TUYN RL GRAND COULEE WA 99133 Page 15 QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED 1 1 FTS 2r 272L + x Corner SurfaceRect EndSq-Edge, 343.17 343.17 S Lara Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 42W L, 2W R, N rkts L +warm grey teak LBV +warm grey teak Tag 1- Robin 62 1 FV4. .1225 +Scre nTranslucent Plastic, 12" below 343.48 343.48 WS, W J j+opal frosted SNB +s tin bronze Tag 1Y Robin 63 1 FV696,43 +Stiffener, 48 1/4W 29.7691 Tag 1. Robin 4 1 FV696.48 r+S i ener, 48W 2936 29.76 Tag 1 R Robin }1 Y 5 2 �500j �{, LGi 26 +Bo . e W 620.84 11241-68 Ss +smooth paint on smooth steel MT +rnedium tone Tag 1: Robin 66 1 LW! 10.2013F +Ped W-Pulllr obil B/F 245.02 245.0 S + u ll -extension ball-bearing S +smooth paint on smooth steel MT +medium tune KD +keyed differently, black l +pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in f H +no band grip Tag 1: Robin 67 2 11 91.SW1 9,U Cora Guest Chair, with Arras 279.68 559.36 ,t, B.AR1 F 1 Black Frame Black Arms GL4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only CONTINUED... ED... Page 15 PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 Ei HR1 WA 98823 Spokane ShowrooM .-MissoulA.Showoom Sgzemgn.Shqwroom I Nom Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway t. 212 Sbepherd Trail, Unit Spokane, W X201 Missoula, MT 59802 Borman, NIT 59718 P 09 824A220 P/F_ 6231 PIF; 406.220.8200 F:. 509.,623-1777 E INSTALL T. PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #.* 51660 DATE: 10126/23 l RODE T , 15-662 go GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN l GRAND COULEE WA 99133 �►DESCRIPTION No Moisture Barrier MU Multiple Upholstered M Back Multiple Upholstered FG3 Fabric/Vinyl Grade EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection -0 1 050'1 -01 2Ei Steel MS Seat Multiple Upholst r FG2 Fabric/Vinyl Grade 2. ELEN IENT Element. Standard Color Selection TAN2- ANITE Element Tanzanite AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag Y Robin 68 Page 1 2 23. I , ,A 'fit Task, Hi hb c1 � flesh Back, Standard 395.14 395.1 128 S nchr , Leight AdJ Arms E Seat Depth .Adjustment Upgrade F 1 Black Z.1 Black Black Arm O Standard Black Base so Standard Cylinder C16 Standard Carpet Casters MC20 Onyx FABF ]C Fabric Grade Selections No Selsdon FG21 Fabric Grade ELEN IENT Element Standard Color Selection Til LITE Element Tan anite Ue Martially Assembled Tag 1 Robin 69 1 ZCELA Exact Size File Top Squared Vinyl Edge 69.46 6x9.46 Lam Top �^"� ''' ' ''' ''' depth in 1 7TIE 7UEDtr. r CONTINUED. - Page 1 6 Page 17 PROPOSAL P . Apokane Showroom Missoula Showroom Bogeman Showroom I North Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St. 212 Shepherd Trail, Und A PROPOSAL#: 61660 contract Spokane, WA 9,9201 Missoula, MT 59802 Bozeman, MT 59718 R 609.624.4220 P/F: 4W92e�3313 PIP.- 406-220-8200 I F; 509,623.1777 DATE: 10/26/23 I DESIGN PROJECT 15-662 -------­------------------ PROPOSAL FOR,', 1779 INSTALLA T '* GRANT COUNTY GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EPHRATA WA 98823 322 FORTUYN, RD GRAND. COULEE WA 99133 CUSTOMER P.O., ------------ ------- ------ PAYMENT TERMS QUOTE VALID SALESPERSON NET 10 DAYS 11/27123 SAUNDERS, GLORIA # QTY PRODUCTDESCRIPTION ------------------- C, SELL EXTENDED -- ----- -- - -- - -------- 29 User Entry W01 width 15.00in - 24.00in 23 UserEntry EZ standard hmi high-pressure laminates LB V warm grey teak LBV warm grey teak Tag 1: Telehealth. 70 1 DV7FC..24E @C-Foot 3 Leg Base Kit,24" d (23" surf 11315.38 size), electric std range SRIVI @digital read out with memory SNB @satire bronze 57 glides Tag 1: Telehealth 71 1 FT1 9C.40 @Cable Management Channel 40W 31 �93 31.93 Tag 1 - Telehealth 72 1 FT B.2 +Surface Ganging Bracket,pair 18-60 18.60 Tag 1: Telehealth 73 1 FTS22.4272L +Ext Corner Surface,Rect EndSq-Edge, 343.17 343.17 S Lam Top/Thermo Edge, 24D 42W L,72W R, No Breus LB V +warm grey teak LBV +warm grey teak Tag 1 : Telehealth 74 1 FV 8.48+Stiffener, 43 1/4W 29.76 2976 Tag 1: Telehealth 75 1 FV696.48 +Stiffener,. 48W 29.76 29.76 Tag I. Telehealth Page 17 PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 S-12okang. �hqwroom Kiss2ula $11owrogm ,, Bozeman. I North Monroe, S-Ulte 100 1330 W Broadway St, -Showroom 2-12 Shepherd Trail, Unit A Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, NIT 59802 Bozeman, MT 59718 P. 509,6244220 PIF: 406.9263313 P/F; 4W220.8200 F: 509623.1777 MT INSTALL AT: PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 51660 DATE.- 10/26/23 PROJECT*15-662 I'M j GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 FORTUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 I # J QrY 1PRODUCT I DESCRIPTION I SELL I EXTENDED I 76 1 LG500.3664 +Bookcase 3 6W 64H 561.74 561.74 +smooth paint on smooth steel MT +medium 'tone Tag 1: Telehealth 77 1 W 0.2013F +Ped W-PullMobile 20D B/F 245.02 245.02 SB +full -extension ball-bearing .SS +smooth paint on smooth steel MT +medium tone KD +keyed differently, black 51M +pencil tray in box drawer, 2 file converters in f .H.N +no hand grip Tag 1 .- Telehealt! 78 2 1191 SW1 9.0 Cora Guest Chair, with Arms 279.68 559.36 S. .A FCC Black Frame AC.3 Black Arms GL 4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only No Moisture Barrier UMU Multiple Upholstered (MB) Back Multiple Upholstered FG31 Fabric/Vinyl Grade 3 EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection 26-Oc 10501-0192Epic Steel (MS) Seat Multiple Upholstered FG2 Fabric in l Grade 2 BLE N IENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN;' AN ITE Element Tanzanite AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag I-. Telehealth 79 1 1191.SW30.0 Cora Bariatric Chair, with Arms 469.66 469-66 S.UB.AR1 1=C.1 Black Frame A Black Arms GL4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only NCS Moisture Barrier CONTINUED_ Page 18 -1 -1 SRokane Showroom Missou _§hawroom f3oz_eLnqn ShoMoom I North Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St, V2 Shepherd Trail, Unit A Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula, IVIT -5-9802 Bozeman, MT 5971$ P: 5W624.4220 PJF: 406.926,33 13 PIF: 406,220.8200 R 509 623.1777 I PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 1 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 INSTALL AT: PROPOSAL PROPOSAL #: 61660 DATE: 10126/23 PROJECT #,, 15-662 GRANT COUNTY 322 RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH FORTUYN RD GRAN D COULEE WA 99133 I # JQTY 1PRODUCT I DESCRIPTION I SELL 1EXTENDED I UMU Multiple Upholstered (MB) Back Multiple Upholste P4 . rev FG3 FabrlcAlinyl Grade 3 EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection 26-0(10501-0192 Epic Steel (MS) Seat Multiple Upholstered FG 2 Fabric/Vinyl Grade 2 ELEN' I ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN2 AN ITE Element TanzanlTe AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag 1. Telehealth 80 1 3t 1.F, W'it Task, Highback, Mesh Back, Standard 128 Synchro, Height Adj Arms E3 Seat Depth Adjustment. Upgrade FC1 Black zi Black Black Arm BO Standard Black Base so Standard Cylinder C16 Standard Carpet Casters MC20 Onyx FAQ F ]C Fabric Grade Selections P*w No Selection FG 2 Fabric Grade 2 FI\ IENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN; AN ITE Element Tanzanite UC, Partially Assembled Tag 1: Telehealth 81 6 1191 -SW1 9-U Cora Guest Chair, with Arms S.UBARI FC1 Black Frame AC3 Black Arms GL4 Steel Glides, carat CONTINUED... Page 19 395.14 279.68 395.14 11678.08 PROPOSAL FOR: 1 779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 l 1 north Monroe, Suite 100 1330 W Broadway St, 212 Shepherd Trail, UnitPROPOSAL#: 61660 Spokane, WA 99201 Missoula'MT 59$0 Soman, MT 5971 S P. 509.6,24A220 PIF. 406.-26.3313 F> 406.220-8200 DATE: 10126123 F 609.623,1777 PROJECT #; 15-662 INSTALL AT.. GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 F F TUYN Rte GRAND COULEE WA 99133 DESCRIPTION Page 20 r%w No Moisture Lure Barrier U1U Multiple Upholstered (M Back Multiple Upholstered FG3 Fabric/Vinyl Grade Plc EPIC Standard Color Selection 260 '1 0501 -0 Epic Steel (MS) ,feat Multiple Upholstered FG2 Fabric/Vinyl Grade ELEN IENT Element Standard Color Selection TALI NITS Element Tanzanite AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag 1: Waiting 82 2 1191.SW30.0 Cora Bariatric Chair, with firms 469.66 939.32 S.UB.AR1 FC1 Black Frame 3 Black Arras I-4 Steel Glides, Carpet Only No Moisture Barrier UMU Multiple Upholstered (MB) Back Multiple Upholstered FG3 Fabric/Vinyl Grade 3 EPIC EPIC Standard Color Selection -0 1 050 °1 -1 is 'Steel (MS) Seat Multiple Upholstered FG21 Faricinl Grade ELE ENT Element Standard Color Selection TAN NITS Element Tanzanit AC Fully Assembled in Carton Tag 1 Waiting 83 1 MIT Design n and Specification Services. 520,00 520,00 Page 20 <t contrac:t D E S I G N www.wwkcbve.com PROPOSAL FOR: 1779 GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 1112o_kane- Showroom MLs§Qu1,a Shmoom --. Sozoman- Showroom I North Monroe, suite 100 1330 W Btoodway St. 212 Shepherd Trail, UnItAk Spokane, WA 99201 Mi!muta, NIT 50802. Bozeman, MT 59718 R $09.6-24.42-20 P/F: 406MS3313 P/F: 406.220M00 F; $09.623.1777 PROPOSAL I -P-R-OPOSAL #: 61660 DATE: 10/26/23 PROJET #, 15-662 .1 INSTALL AT: GRANT COUNTY RENEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 322 POR TUYN RD GRAND COULEE WA 99133 # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXT15NDED ---------- - ----------- 84 1 UNIT Delivery and Installation during regular 31750.00 31750,00 business hours. Ornnia Contract Pricing Herman Miller 2020000622 sit On it RI 91803 MPLETE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AVAILABLE UPON REWEST SUBTOTAL 35,340.85 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINE SSIII SALES TAX 21968.64 By acceptance of this proposal, I acknowledge and agree with the seller's standard terms and conditions. TOTAL 38,309.49 1000000000OW-0000ON-00 ACCEPTED BY DATE ACCEPTED Page 21 of 21 2023 QenerAl Tdr1n,1 & Condmi M A Bale - 1. Upon Buyer's Written acceptance of the furniture list6d in Attachment I (Proposal), the order shall.be deemed accepted and-non- cancelable;provided-1 the,ordee.s'hall be as set forth in the FiLimiture Proposl of Contr6ct Design Assoc .. 4 afates, Iris. All safes are final, except as.sdt lbrth herqin, 2. Title to the goods listed in Attachment I (Proposal) shall remain with Contract.Design, Asiociates Inc. until Buyer pays the obliOtIon. in full; Buyer agrees riot to sell. -encumber, or remove the, same g6ods fromthe county in which it was delivered prior to full payment, without written approval..of Contract Design'Associates, Inc. 3. Risk of Ios0 affd-responsibility for ddmages shall pass to Buyer upon inspection and acceptance of the goods delivered to Buyer's specifled location. 4.. Contract Design Associates, Inc. reserves the right to make partial deliveries and -to -invoice acc6rdingig and, Buyer agrees to pay invoices for partial shipmehts. -5. Allp#ments shall be made to Cohtract Design -Associates, Inc. at I North Mohroe, -Suite 100, Spokane, WA 99201 unless Contrad Design Associates, Inc. designate's an alternate locition. 6. After Buyer's- written .,acceptance of the Furniture Proposal of Contract -Design Assbclates,, Inc., should Buvdr not be able to A=ept-delivery of the -goods covered under this oontract within 10 business days of arrival at Contract . 106sign Adsocibites, Inc. warehousei orA designated receiving location, Contract Design AssociAt6s, -Inc. shall ' . 9 H invoice for the goods as well as. storage and Dandling cost; and Buyqr agrees to'p a'y such charges. Installation'_'' chargeswillbe.withheld until completed. 7. Every effort will be, made to effect shipment within the agreed upon ilmeframe however; Contract Design -Associates, Inc. assumes,; no liability for delay due to causes beyond our reasonable control; 1 8. 1 ri the event Buyer accepts the Installation siarvlces-setlorth in the Furnit ure-Proposal of Contract Design Associates, Inc., the fol [owing provisions apply: -EL The job; site must be "clean, clear, and free of debris prior to installation. b.. Electric current, hedt, and elevator service - shaill'be provided to -Contract Design -Assoef at* es, I nc.. Wthout charges to Contract Design Asso'ciates, Inc. Q Equiprpent defiVered to the job*site as scheduled shall be inspected and accepted by the Buyer..-Buyier'shall be responsible for security and safeguarding -the g pods fro mi the Ume of delivery. to the job site. d. Buyqr shall be -responsible for removal of all cornpptefs .struci6red cabling, personal effects, and copy machines from the workarea prior, to dontrad Design Associates, Inc, beginning installation services. J e. Eiectrical 6onnections'are.not consid6ted part of the installation; however, th6se may be provided at Buyer's request for -an additional charge; otherwise, Buyer -must provide'an electrician. r f. 48 hDLITS.I(busliness, hours) notice Is required to cancel or reschedule an installation. If a-cancellati6n or a request to reschedule an installation1s. made In less -thari 0 hours, the BUyer will incur a. fee. The fee is based on the project manpower and time to complete the lnstallatlon. Installation. services are based upon use of Contract Design. Associates, Inc. personnel. Nbrmal working hours are Monday through Friday. 8:30 a.,rn. until 5:00 p.m., unless:othe performed after normal rwise-arranged. If installation i§ hours, on weekends, or on. normal holidays, at Buyer request, or if uhlon labor is required, additional charges vAll-be, passed onto the Buyer. I.- 9.. All invoides-from,Contract Design Associates, Inc. carry net IO -day terms. Contract Design Associates, Inc. reserves the rig ht -to - assess, and Buyer agrees to* pay Intdrest 6h6rges at 1.6% per rhbnth (18% per anriurb) on all unpaid'balan*ces. past 30 days. Payments mado by credit adrd,for matorlats or services exceeding $3000 -per order will, Incur a.3% processing fee'. 10. Contract Design' Associates, Inc. reserves the dght.to-suspend deliveries to Buyer unless Buyers. account is current. 11. In oddition.to the -Buyer's: Request for'Proposals for Furniture Procurement and Installation. SeNices and the Furniture Proposal of Q.ontraGt,Desjgn Associates; Inc., the terms and.conditlions stated -herein, record and cdmplet6.an Entire Agreement between the pArtles. Any terms and conditions stated on purchase -orders, acknowledgements,. or other documents submitted by 41ther party.o`r between pqrties govern only: price, qUa6fity, drid description of the items and services -ordered,, or acknowledged thereon. No change 1h thi S" contract cambe.made or become effective unless -it is in the form of b written., amendment to this agreement. 'in the- event of -a -dispute under-thIs-agieement or -the transaction(s) it describes, the prevailing party to such disputei shall be entitled to recover from.the loting party the prevailing party's attomey'fees and costs of suit or representation, including fees and costs on appeal. The venue of any. leg6l'actio.n. shall.. be Sp'oken'e County, WashIngton. Washington law shall -.apply to all legal actions, ■ Print'' P,6 Dateii Signature 2023 DRAWN BY: GWS ACCOUNT MANAGER:GWS DATE: 10.25 , 23 REVISED, FINISH SELECTIONS PRODUCT / SYSTEM RENEW GRANT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & WELLNESS GRAND COULEE, WA WARM GREY TEAK LAMINATE Worksurface finish MEDIUM TONE - PAINT FINISH Storage and Leg finish ELEMENT FABRIC COLOR TANZANITE Guest Chair Seats EPIC FABRIC COLOR STEEL Guest Chair Backs CLIENTAPPROVAL By signiq OHS form, I acknowledge the plans and geskgn have been reviewed and ltv-* prodwt will be made cust= based. on the design above. I understand any modification% to these plans can APPROVED A4 DRAW4 Tt-wlt in addifimml charges and that the product rs T*t eligible for APPROVED AS NOTeD 0 rolum or wecharVe. NOT APPROVED ED SIGNATURE ALL, CWWM MATERIAL AND OrMIGN CONCEM ME 67CLUSIM PROPERTY OF CLUTMACTGESSIM1,14EPRODUCTION OF THE MATEFzIAL ANC� MSIGR CONTAINED HVRIN * PROMITHO VM140UT TART E14 OWSENT OF CONTRACT DESIGN, Kcontract ' DESIGN 1 N. Monroe St, Ste. 100 Spokane, VVA 99201 509i624-4220 cdcollective.com MillerKnoll AUTHORIZED STEALER