HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - JuvenileJuvenile Court &Youth Services Tuesday, October 17 2023 Agenda Submitted by: Suhail Palacios 1) Financial 2) Intakes 3) Courts: i. Offender/Diversion: ii. Truancy: iii. Dependency: 4) Chelan County 5) Administration 6) Needs of the Department Tuesday, October 17,2023 Submitted by S. Palacios 1) Financial: In September 2023, we allocated $34,650 over 210 days, resulting in an average daily population of 7.00. days per month: 31 31 28 31V 30 JG 31 30; 31 31 30 31 3C1 31 Mar -23 AMT OVERT Martin Hall Stats Dec -22 Jan -23 --Fe-b--23- MH Mar -23 CH CO Apr -23 May -23 1un-23 Jul -23 Aug -23 Sep -23 Oct -23 Nov -23 Dec -23 AVG/MO 137.55 17.45 YTD TOTALS 1513 - 192 V`;ER40.016 2023 BUDGETED AMOUNTS OUXET 2.150.00 BUDGEqED DAYS 114 2023 637.00 # of CHARGED days 92.5 116 92.5 3 164 188 113 156 210 N of youth is 14 12 6 18 23 27 19 18 19 21 MH -"Ave Used Bed,! CH -"Avg Daily Pop 2.98 1 3.74 3.3 0.1 COF1$16,1981$23,2001$18,500$600 5.47 $165 6.27 6.35 $1675 $16S 6.03 516S 3.65 : 1, $165 1 5.03 1 $165 7.00 E, 11$4 516S $16 6S $165 $165 4,54 $19,844 NJA 49.92 $257,973 $430,WO BUDGETED1 :$ 1VAC(T.60,4101 172,028 QUARTERLY AMTS CHARGED BY CHELAN COUNTY: $21,351-66 $66,066.W S66,792.00 $66,792-00 N/A $221,001.66 AMOUNT IF WEPAID $165/DAY, PER QUARTER: $27fCh.0.00 $93,390.00 $19,035,00 $0.00 DIFFERENCE FROM CHARGED AMOUNTS TO ACTUALS: $5,708.34 527324.00 $12,243.00 -$66,792.00 -%6 1 792.100 N/A AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION AVG PER QUARTER: Each 2023 qtr vie are charged 4A ADP > diff here 5.4,7 6.22 5.23 _IV/0 #DIV/01.-­' *V/0! I N/A N/A #DIV/O! #DIV/01 #NOTE: ADP over 4.4 will billed 0 �1 fiSIdav at romwill2tim 1, 2) Intakes:. Today's Daily Population Report: We presently have 8 detained juveniles, with charges ranging from Assault 1st, Murder 2nd, SSODA revocation, Drive by shooting, Probation violation, Assault 2nd, Harassment -threat to kill, with bail imposed for seven of them. Juvenile Intakes 2023 11.60 140 120 100 so 60 4-0 20 8 9 9 9 12 12 20 20 18 19 17 19 16 18 17 17 19 19 9 9 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 I 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 a f der AIRY InAflIntakes Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul A ug Sep 0 a Nov Dec 145 151 6 a totals N USiness hour`s nAfterhours a E Total intakes 3) Courts: i. OFFENDER/DIVERSION: All civil and criminal matters are still beingheld via WebEx, and we only have in-person court hearings for Dispositions and Trials. The Offender unit currently has 208 cases, of which 144 cases are Diversion and Low Risk. ii. TRUANCY: We currently have 194 active petitions, 105 total stays, 18 stays y , y filed so far this school year, 4 stays lifted, 13 contempt of court filed this schoolear, and 3 y 0 extended stays this school year. DEPENDENCY: The dependency unit is also doing regular docket hearings, vi 8 , a WebEx. Our dependency unit currently has 174 active cases. Out of the 174 active cases we have 126 assigned to staff, 35 cases assigned to Volunteers and 13 monitored cases that are active but because they have an attorney, there is no need for a GAL. 4) Chelan:_1 maintain bi-weekly meetings with Chelan to collaboratively address any emerging issues. 5) Administration: i. We reported a single incident to HR on 9.18.23, involving an employee who rolled her right ankle. ii. We have been awarded the Crime Victim Service CenterCVSC C ) grant,, which offers the potential for increased funding compared to our current VCANrant. While this would ould make us ineligible for the VCAN grant next year, the enhanced financial support from the CVSC grant outweighs any potential limitations. We successfully applied for and have been awarded the Evidence -Based• Expansion funding, which can now be used to support various expenses includingstaff • time, as we continue our efforts in EET