HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of June 3,1991 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners approved the request of the Grant County Fair Board to appoint Jim Fields and Lee Graham to serve on the Board the balance of the current directors's year which ends October 1,1991. The Commissioners signed a notice to call for bids for County Printing. Bid opening will be held June 24,1991 at 1:30 p.m. The Commissioners received a Claim for Damages from Curtis J. Durfee. The matter was referred to the Prosecutors Office for handling. Chairman Goodwin was authorized to sign the Determination of Non -significance on the J.R. Simplot proposal regarding the location and operation of an agricultural fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and soil sterilants storage and sale facility. The Commissioners signed a lease agreement between the City of Quincy and Grant County for use of the Quincy Community Center for District Court Law and Justice Center Activities. Chairman Goodwin was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation or Work Interruption of Cheryl Key of the Communications Department effective April 30,1991. Chairman Goodwin was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation or Work interruption of Marie Nau of the Mental Health Department effective May 31,1991. The Commissioners approved the request for a Special Occasion Liquor License for Easter Seals Society of Washington for June 22,1991 at Mardon resort Grounds. The Commissioners met with the Public Works Department regarding Bid Authorization -Frey & 8th Ave., Bid Award Recommendation -Auctioneer Services, CRP Resolution 'E' SW(Cost Share). The Commissioners signed a contract with Sandland Construction Co. for work on maintenance shops roof renovation. The Commissioners approved the Public Works recommendations that Auctioneering Services be awarded to Northwest Auction Company. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher and seconded by Commissioner Winzler that Resolution Number 91 -74 -CC in the matter of a County wide surplus equipment and merchandise auction sale be passed. The motion carried. Sale will be held, - - 20,1991 at 9:00 a.m. The Commissioners signed an authorization to call for bids for CRP 90-8, Frey Rd./8th Ave. Bid opening will be held June 18,1991 at 10:00 a.m. Chairman Goodwin was authorized to sign Contract Number 1440-83455 with DSHS for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and Treatment Services. The Commissioners approved the request of Bob Rowland of the Communications Department for the replacement of one of the record heads on the large recorder in the Dispatch Center. The Commissioners held a continuation of a Public Meeting regarding Sun Cliff Preliminary Plat request. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher and seconded by Commissioner Winzler that the matter be continued until the Public Works Department and the Bureau of Reclamation could agree on the issues in question. The motion carried. As there was no further business the session was continued until June 4,1991 at 8:00 a.m. June 4,1991 The session was continued at 8:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. A Public Hearing was held regarding the possible removal of Jerome Hanson as a member of the Grant County Planning Commission. The charges to be examined against Jerome Hanson were neglect of duty, inefficiency or malfeasance in office. Due to the fact that Mr. Hanson made allegations against County Commission Chairman, Don Goodwin, Mr. Goodwin has excused himself from sitting on the Board during this hearing. Mr. Paul White, Attorney has been asked to serve as moderator during the hearing. Commissioner Helen Fancher was designated as acting Commission Chairman during the hearing.After a lengthy hearing, and testimony from many witnesses, including Billie Sumrall,Les Johnson, Ray Audet, Ed Schemp,Jim Weitzel, Glenn Chamberlain, Mike Murray, Olaf Odegaard, Bruce Holloway, Norma Watson, Jerry Dormaier, Tyler Brown, Don Goodwin, and Jerome Hanson a motion was made by Commissioner Winzler, seconded by Commissioner Fancher to remove Jerome Hanson due to malfeasance as a member of the Planning Commission. The motion carried. Findings of fact will be drafted and presented at a later session. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher and seconded by Commissioner Winzler that the continuation of Public Hearing regarding a Noise Ordinance which was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. this date, be continued until Monday, June 10,1991 at 1:30 p.m. due to the necessity to complete the Jerome Hansen hearing. The motion carried. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 5/31/91 in the total amount of $95,760.49. As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 6/3/91 in the total amount of $61,222.18. The Commissioners signed the payroll warrants list for the month of May #44230 through #44619. The Commissioners signed the Public Works Voucher approval list #5-1 through 5-3 in the total amount of $13,735.48. The Commissioners met with various Elected Officials and Department Heads regarding matters of mutual concern. As there was no further business the session was adjourned until June 10,1991. ATTEST 9Q AAA4 V��IA,4 A A Clerk of ttW00arcr BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT C�O*JNTY, WASHINGTON Chairman 11