HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 91-028-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Resolution to amend Resolution Number 89 -93 -CC regarding the Grant County Tourism Commission RESOLUTION NUMBER 91 -28 -CC WHEREAS, on October 2nd,1989 the Grant County Commissioners adopted Resolution Number 89 -93 -CC establishing the Grant County Tourism Commission and adopting the rules of procedure attached thereto, and WHEREAS, a decision has been made to amend the rules of procedure regarding appointments to the Commission to include three (3) members from each of the County Commissioners Districts, and eliminate the at large position, NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that Resolution Number 89 -93 -CC rules and procedures shall be amended to make the change in membership to include three members from each of the Commissioners Districts, making a Tourism Commission comprised of nine (9) members. DONE THIS 11th day of March, 1991 ,Chairman ATTEST: Clerk Board r � Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County,Washington BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF ESTABLISH ING THE GRANT COUNTY TOUR— RESOLUTION NUMBER 89-93 —CC ISM COMMISSION WHEREAS, Grant County has a great interest in informing others of the many tourist attractions in Grant County, and WHEREAS, it seems wise to form a group to work specifically on tourism matters, and WHEREAS, such a group also needs rules of procedure in order to function as they should, NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE GRANT COUNTY COMMIS - SIGNERS do establish the Grant County Tourism Commission and adopt the rules of procedure attached hereto. DONE THIS 2nd DAY OF October ATTEST;9-4 - aclAi J AA k of the Board % Chairman /�'w "z 3Z. / 1'. f Commissioner r Commissioner Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington Rul-es of Procedure of the Tourism Commission of Grant County, Washington We, the 1r,embers of the '.'ouri.slll C 7r(Ill:i_SS:lOIl Of: Grain l C;l.11it;;, e.aslil'.l':'.d'ton, duly app0:+_nti2d by tho Board of: County j i i7'.l: r,iss:_oI7Or. s _or iiI"ant County, Washington do hereby adept, and declare the following rules of procedure. 'i..,h(' official nam-? shall bc!, "'J"he Grant County '1'oUrism C: U::"I!Lsil',:ill" .. L . Commission Established: 11 1, i_'Ol]] a s:'I C:i7miTl1.SS1.0 n for the Co'ji1;._ V is created and slicill consist of seven ( I ) I'OU1:15m C:o1Tlmission meiiil c,rs. `a''he Board O{ COuntv Commissioners shall appoint 2 Tourism 1:D111:i1'_SS-1.0I1 Members from each of theiz respective districts. One 'iouri s1," :'ommiss•ion member shalt remain at large; the County Comr,;LSsi.on shall Appoint the member at large. Herei.nufter, for for -clhe j.-)urpose of t1hese Rules of.* Proce6ure, the Grant County 'Tourism. Commis::ion shall be! referred as the Commission and the Beard oL Grant County CGm.:lissioners shall be referred as the Ll&aT.•d. r.c_mbership appoi.ntme.nt : 4r1 t -h t:1c� f:..�tab..:1 .,i.I11 ].� L li throe ( 3 ) Ttr=:mrJers sh:il.)_ :)l_' aiipi<1.L1]ti?u l:U]." cZ fGLI): ( 4 ) Year teral, two (2) memb;:rs shall be :!in)ointed .for a three (3) ,ear F erm, Ind tido ;(;;,-1bc-,.rs shall be appolllted for a two (2) year term. Ur. -on vacancy I:;V dea -h, resiczn it':.On, OL' other.' cau 3e, the Board LJ t h ca Coi:1l: fission member shill f wil. the vacancy by aL: G4:11 -111;g a ri=.::::aer. from his district ft;r the unexpired portion cf. .c t _r.n. > . Pomoval! In the event oj- a 11Ic:::;i:,Fri: being absent f.'Dm "i's ;c.Ial:Lv sc'.l:duled meetings without- bciri- cxcused b"y t: -ie the Chairman shall, at ttla disc-reti.on of this o:TlmiL-i�;ion, `_'eque%zt: that rhe <.h3rrile^n of ti1C' Hoard Chit`. for I]]. s/1')t':I: rE"_>lljn:1t.Lon r lri,.-iCri e iti3 sh1I1g t0 be eXCT:S'i4 fl'Jll rl I.'I P_C].nCj must ]lOtli'y th ? (,;1,1a.lrr)t.2r.3On or secretary of the. Commission 24 hours prior, ro the ;; c( e ing. The absence_~ shall ba announced and the, reasons til c::r(::Care at rile_ bate roll call :.s taken at the mee_tiIig and :-.-hall r4corded as excused in the minutes of the m,..,eting. �I. Quorum: A 2j:3 majority of total C,:.. ili_ssion memburshi.p of: % ro---mbers must be Present to constitute a quortim for the trai"Is_-lc`::i l7n of all b'.lsiness. P -Iq e 5. Meeting: 'The of ficers of the Conlruission shall corisist- of rI C i,, . 4 V-Jice Ch...iirman and 5ecretary aiid ,;uclh other officei-.s i15, kilt.' 111.c�y by majoi.-ity vote, approve and appoint. The Chairpersci-, shal-I over tht? rri.::et.Lncjs of the and exercise all the powers usually incident to the retairino however, to his or- herself as a member ol-' tiie the i`,,ill righ,, to have t-iior her own vo--, recorded in all cleli-1---rations, o:` t7he Cominission. The cc,,-wnission shall az,.,point a secrezt,­iry who no 1. - meinoee C -f Com -4 4 ssion. T"ie !_-icret-ary ssh.clil record all r .mi irk 11 a S and have them a va 12. a the pu b I i c . copies 0 f- the L r.- ininut-e:.-i �,hall be serit to eve -r-, wemlber C, f 4-- o each i -i,, E, e t -' 1`1 g I The shall hold not 1,�ss than one rt-gL ,..1 a 1: Of f -J -IL- 7t r hat f n, 13 -C () V i d,"' - - i : - a, tI ..) issue., c),,,: --r v7hi _cli tn(: J.jr:--diction dtre wool itS C) h a M(.� C t .1. 11 U IP;A V E� ice:'. 11 v .5 0 n I 1 C, C)Mql 41 ::.s c n ':.'ii e, vi"C , chairl.-hal.-hall,:)erson hll, in the e absence of the. `hair` r r5i;on any meering, perforr.1 a!- the duties izicumbenl, 11;pon the Chairperson. ,%W. T,�e Chairpersr)n and Vice Chairpersoa, both b��inc abse-i-it. the'I )r,�!sen!- mzv., . n, i. 1-1 e t f or the i e t . g a shall be 1< J L rp(� r S 3 n who sha*1 h.tve ful.l. powers of the U. ziirperson. d,_,rinq the a)sence of the Cha.i.,­L.)-.'A_son I and Vice ChairpE:.,:son. The cc,,-wnission shall az,.,point a secrezt,­iry who no 1. - meinoee C -f Com -4 4 ssion. T"ie !_-icret-ary ssh.clil record all r .mi irk 11 a S and have them a va 12. a the pu b I i c . copies 0 f- the L r.- ininut-e:.-i �,hall be serit to eve -r-, wemlber C, f 4-- o each i -i,, E, e t -' 1`1 g I The shall hold not 1,�ss than one rt-gL ,..1 a 1: Of f -J -IL- 7t r hat f n, 13 -C () V i d,"' - - i : - a, tI ..) issue., c),,,: --r v7hi _cli tn(: J.jr:--diction dtre wool itS C) h a M(.� C t .1. 11 U IP;A V E� ice:'. 11 v .5 0 n I 1 C, C)Mql 41 ::.s c n Ile -: IJ J)Ut LC':? *1,: 1, - -ion Shall. cicllvise 'L.1'.e of A CCMjnj.,.S4o, 1r,1 Co. DUr'ISM Or or I:�(� cuunt". Th.0 Coml-,Ii;Sion e ar d i I Ci 1: a .1, ri.i. rl,-T t o the following re-l":01M.,e-ndar ?_Ori:,p(,?r, iii A '-1 CLS I . S c r LI C t U. r i. i%A :j a t o u r i s m, -) i. c, w o t j. -i Strategy. -ising budqet PreL"Ariitica of a tuuri�z,,'Ll iadv­,' 7.11(11 1. he ex.pe)diture oany mo,-4ies relat-ed to C L1 r i C::?. 3. Develo-.A-ik-.,ri1: -And [-.:.):cmotA.on of a.1.! COL111ty owried as '.-Iriey rLlate to At 17 o c. r d ii a - ion w i i I o t- II e r p C- & p ri,., rt t e to r,LOrr,0t7iOn- .J 1. The ses:a_i.,-)n,­ Cf Che Com;tis_;-Lcm shall be opou to lch,:l durin(7 executive sessions P.11 of thc. ,%W. U fl ti 4-1 iI E> I[ -,:I d e Ci U r _-,L n U c s e. s S i C) ri S Due notice o*.'L.* =Aod date shall be mad,- throaci ,. th,� viedia of Grant. Ile -: IJ J)Ut LC':? *1,: 1, - -ion Shall. cicllvise 'L.1'.e of A CCMjnj.,.S4o, 1r,1 Co. DUr'ISM Or or I:�(� cuunt". Th.0 Coml-,Ii;Sion e ar d i I Ci 1: a .1, ri.i. rl,-T t o the following re-l":01M.,e-ndar ?_Ori:,p(,?r, iii A '-1 CLS I . S c r LI C t U. r i. i%A :j a t o u r i s m, -) i. c, w o t j. -i Strategy. -ising budqet PreL"Ariitica of a tuuri�z,,'Ll iadv­,' 7.11(11 1. he ex.pe)diture oany mo,-4ies relat-ed to C L1 r i C::?. 3. Develo-.A-ik-.,ri1: -And [-.:.):cmotA.on of a.1.! COL111ty owried as '.-Iriey rLlate to At 17 o c. r d ii a - ion w i i I o t- II e r p C- & p ri,., rt t e to r,LOrr,0t7iOn- .J 1.