HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) . BOCC REQUESTING DEPARTMENT. DATE. 10/12/2023 REctuEsr suBnnirrED BY: Janice Flynn CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING MEETING: Janice Flynn CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES ®NO ❑Agreement / Contract ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑Computer Related ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders ❑ Minutes ❑ Policies ❑ Recommendation ❑ Tax Levies ❑AP Vouchers ❑Bid Opening Scheduled ❑County Code ❑Financial ©Grants — Fed/State/County ❑Ordinances ❑ Proclamations ❑ Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Thank You's PHONE: Ext 2937 ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ Boards / Committees ❑Emergency Purchase ❑ Funds ❑ Leases ❑Out of State Travel ❑ Request for Purchase ❑Support Letter ❑Tax Title Property ❑ARPA Related ❑ Budget ❑ Employee Rel. ❑Hearing ❑ MOA / MOU El Petty Cash ❑ Resolution ❑Surplus Req. ❑ WSLCB ®APPROVED ❑DENIED ❑TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION TAKEN: ❑CONTINUED TO DATE: ❑OTHER DATE OF ACTION: r•nm�?A9Rs.T,[%7'_.Rr--- --� -= — � ;.-C'GL'. �:r �"w'�:—. a � E r: 't 1 1 ;� ` r t n ^�-�-, fiF, -.a r � �� :"rq••, r° �' r u i� �'� i tt ��t e� H � tt �• �'? k 0000- - www.hagc.net October 11, 2023 ��mil 1 11 11 11 INNER :1 1- �' T A, 1139 LARSON BOULEVARD MOSES LAKE., WA 98837 PHONE-. (509) 762-5541 FAX: (509) 762-2202 TOLL FREE: (800) 747-9202 TTY: (800) 833-6388 Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN: Janice Flynn PO Box : 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Ms. Flynn. - Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #3 for September,. 202.3, for the Consolidated Homeless Grant. I certify that: The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Conso.lidat.ed Homeless Grant (CHG), contract 4 2.2-46108-10, in the amount of $51,667.92 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the CHH grant., Sincerely, Sheila K LaBelle Financial Director The Housing Authority of Grant County, Washington Is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability, or familial status. The Housing Authority of Grant County's policies and practices are designed to provide assurances that persons with disabilities will be 1 given reasonable accommodation upon request, so that they may fully access and utilize the housing programs and related services. I EQUAL HOUSING If you are anyone in your family is a person with disabilities, and you require a specific accommodation in order to fully utilize our programs and services, please contact the Housing Authority, OPPORTUNITY G 0 Grant County/GCHA Contrac 22-46108-10 (%.A.rlG) Submitted to GC by HAG : J C=La rl Date: 10 It 1 20 23 Request for Reimbursement No. #3 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to .ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cosiL.- _X Made for an. allowable activity under the grant guidelines? X Authorized (or not profiibited) under state or local laws or regulations? _X Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required?. _X_ Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the re nts of quireme Circular A-1 22? Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) x Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (%e. is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to paythecost)? . Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the, same purpose, in like circumstances treated as either direct costs only or indirect direct costs only with respect to, final cost objectives). _X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when r d under the applicable equire Cost principles? _X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? _X Net of all applicable credits? {e.,g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? _X Properly classified (e,g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part, of the indirect cost rate). _X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronl*c form. H:\ACCOUNTI'NG\LOTUS\LOI'US\Consolidated HG\C[-IG 2023-2025WONTHLY REPOWrS\2023-09\CHG Subrecipient Cheeklist,docx Page 1 -X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? 1-1:1ACCOIJNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS'\Consolidated HGkCHG 2023-2025\MONTHLY RE-PORTS12023-09\CHG Subrocipient Checkfist.docx Page 2 Total $51,667.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $51,667.921 HA Grant County Sub Grantee Nar ion,'I ncre`ase Inflation Increase 2024 Inflation Increase 2Q,25 t` -T 777./ 242:;00 $0:00 $000 Total $1,919,228.00 $33,859.47 $48,579.20 $51,667.92 $1,785,121.41 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9/30/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 408204-7-01 MGMT RETIREMENPCHG 26.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.49 408205-7-01 MGMT MED/DENT/VIS/LI;CHG 46.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,36 411000-7-01 ADMIN SALARIES:CHG 31955,43 0.00 0.00 0.00 31955?43 417001-7-01 ADMIN FEES -GRANT CO-CHG 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 418200-7-01 ADMIN FICA-CHG 290,78 0.00 0.00 0.00 290.78 4*18201-7-01 ADMIN SUTA-CHG 59.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 59,32 418202-7-01 ADMIN L&I-CHG 19.60 0.00 0,00 0,00 19.60 418204-7-01 ADMIN RETIREMENTCHG 635.89 .22.91 0.00 22,91 658,80 418205-7-01 ADMIN MED/DENTNI,S/L-,CHG 1,463.94 181.37 0.00 181,37 11645.31 419012-7-01 MEMBERSHIP DUES & FE-CHG 500.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 500.00 419018-7-01 POSTAGE:CHG 115.71 10.08 0.00 1.0.08 125.79 441000-7-01 MAINTENANCE SALARIES:CHG 907.49 437.24 0,00 437.24 344.73 1,344.78 443300-7-01 MAINT FICA:CHQ 33.44 0.00 33-44 102.29 443301-7-01 MAINT SUTA:CHG 13.61 6.56 0,00 6.56 2 0,17 443302-7-01 MAINT L&I:CHG 35.03 18.87 0.00 18.87 53.90 Report Total: 100138.50 710.47 0.00 r710.47 10,848,97 1. Q.C�min �lO.y� Run Date: 1011112023 11:40,,44AM Page: 1 GIL Data: 1019/2023 User Logon: SKL General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9/30/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-02 ADMIN SALARIES FACILITY SUPT 38,799.68 81996,47 0.00 81996.47 47,796.15 418200-7-02 ADMIN FICA FACILITY SUPP & RP 21848.37 659.31 0.00 659.31 3150 . 7.68 418201-7-02 ADMIN SUTA FACILITY SUPP & R) 582.01 134,95 0,00 134.95 716.96 418202-7-02 ADMIN L&I FACILITY SUPP & RA t 221.87 50,94 0,00 50.94 272.81 418204-7-02 ADMIN RETIREMENT FACILITY S1 4,4$4.79 592.64 0.00 592.64 51077.43 418205-7-02 ADMIN MED/DE.NTNIS/L FACILIT) 1,51147.39 116.46.37 0.00 11646.37 16,793.76 443000-7-02 CONTRCT SVC MAINT FACILITY 4 97650 34.64 0.00 .6,4,,. 1,011.14 Report Total: 63,060.61 12,115.32 0,00 12115.32 $ -11 -------------- -) 75175.93 7. Opo e�a,�. �, s /Z, //<5 3 Z Run Date: 1011112023 11-641:15AM Page: 1 GIL Date: 101912023 User Logon: SKL General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9/30/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS-CHG 56,809.60 91214.94 509.94 81705.00 65,514..60 471502-7-04 HAP PAYMNT PROJECT LEASE C 29,760.00 3,1720,00 0,00 30720.00 33,480.00 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG 20j511.00 3,735,00 850.00 2 88'-110 23,396.00 Report Total: 107,080-60 161669.94 11359.94 15,310.00 122 ,390.60 Run Date: 1011112023 11:41:50AM G/L Date: 10/9/2023 Page: I User Logon: SKL General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9130/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 471504-7-05 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIES CHG-Owl; 770.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 770.00 Report Tote): 770.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 770,00 Run Date; 1011112023 ll,.42-,2$AM Page: I Gly. Date: 10/912023 User Logon; SIAL General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 913012023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-08 ADMIN SALARIES-HEN-OPS-CHG 15,367.43 41461.42 0.00 41461.42 19,828.85 418200-7-08 ADMIN FICA-HEN-OPS-CHG 1,135.13 329.40 0.100 329.40 1,4K53 418201-7-08 ADMIN SUTA HEN-OPS-CHG 230.53 66,91 0,00 66.91 297.44 418202-7-08 ADMIN L&I HEN-OPS-CHG 87.94 25.68 0.00 25.68 113.62 418204-7-08 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN -.OPS -C 1,675.46 284.54 01.00 4 11-960.00 Report Total: 18,496.49 6o167.95 0.00 5,167.95 23,664.44 � �le� G�j�e..�t,�,� �1C��.95 ----- --------- - ---------- Run Date: 1011112023 11:42:58.AM Page: 1 GIL Date: 1019/2023 User Logon: SKL General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9/3012023 G. f/e„ /min -4001*% JoFi J I Lot, 1?2 7G. yV 0 (7), Run Date: 10/11/2023 11:43:37AM Page: 1 G/L Date: 1019/2023 User Logon: SKL HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-09 ADMIN SALRIES HEN-GHG 11068.25 44,70 0.00 44.70 1,112.95 4182007-09 ADMIN FICA HEN- CHG 79,18 3.33 0.00 3.33 82.51 418201-7-09 ADMIN SUTA HEN !SHG 16.03 0.68 0.00 0.68 16.71 418202-7-09 ADMIN L&I HEN-CHG 6.15 0.14 0.00 0,14 6.29 418204-7-09 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN-CHG 423.87 0.00 0,00 0.00 423,87 4182057-09 ADMIN MED/DENTNIS/L HEN-CHi 375,71 38.87 0.00 38.87 414.58 471501-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN-CHG 116,835,58 18,276,46 0.00 18,276.46 35,112-04 471504-7-09 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -CHG 11129134 0100 0,00 0.000 11129.34 Report Total: 119,934-11 18,364.18 0.00 18,364.18 1381298.29 G. f/e„ /min -4001*% JoFi J I Lot, 1?2 7G. yV 0 (7), Run Date: 10/11/2023 11:43:37AM Page: 1 G/L Date: 1019/2023 User Logon: SKL General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 09 Ending 9/30/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit CreditNot Change End Balance 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS-CHO 66,809.60 09 9/512023 AP -004400 300.00 0.00 67,109.60 09 915/2023 AP -004400 892.00 0.00 68,001.60 09 915/2023 AP -004400 800.00 0100 68t801,60 09 9/512023 AP -004400 450,00 0.00 59,251.60 09 9/6/2023 AP -004400 775.00 0100 60,026.60 09 91912023 AP -004404 600.00 0.00 £0,626.60 09 9/9/2023 AP -004404 11007.00 0,00 61,633.60 09 9/9/2023 AP -004404 800.00 0100 62,433.60 09 91912023 AP -004404 800.00 0.00 63;233.60 09 9/9/2023 AP -004404 780-00 0.00 643013,60 09 9125/2023 AP -004413 10.00 0100 64,032.60 09 9/25/2023 AP -004413 299.00 0.00 64r331-60 09 9/2912023 AP,.004414 823.00 0.00 65t 164.60 09 9/29t2023 AP -004414 360.00 0.00 65,514.60 09 912912023 AP,.004414 509.94 0.00 66,024.64 09 913012023 7J-000351 0100 50994 659514.60 56?809.60 91214.94 609,94 81705.00 66,614.60 471601-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN -OHO 1161836.58 09 9/512023 AP -004400 600.00 0.00 117,335.58 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 300.00 0100 1170635,58 09 915/2023 AP -004401 300-00 0.00 117,935.58 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 839.00 0.00 118,774.58 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 625,00 0.00 119,399.58 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 625.00 0.00 120,024.58 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 11262.00 0.00 121,286-58 09 915/2023 AP -004401 800.00 0.00 12210B6.58 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 641.00 0.00 122,727.58 09 916/2023 AP -004401 641.00 0.00 1230368.58 09 9/512023 AP -004401 641.00 0.00 124,009,58 09 91512023 AP -004401 472.50 0.00 124,482.08 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 760.00 0.00 1253242.08 09 916/2023 AP -004401 775.00 0.00 126,017.08 09 916/2023 AP -004401 645.00 0.00 126,662.08 09 9/612023 AP -004401 800.00 0.00 127,462.08 09 916/2023 AP -004401 825.00 0.00 128,287.08 09 9/6/2023 AP -004401 800.00 0.00 129,087,08 09 91512023 AP -004401 700.00 0100 129,787.08 09 9/5/2023 AP -004401 450.00 0.00 130,237.08 09 91512023 AP -004401 630.00 0.00 1301867,08 09 91512023 AP -004401 700.00 0.00 131,667.08 09 9/512023 AP -004401 350.00 0,00 131,917.08 09 915/2023 AP -004401 600.00 0.00 132,517-08 09 91612023 AP -004401 500.00 0.00 133j017,08 09 9/13/2023 AP -004406 625.00 0,00 133,642.08 09 9/13/2023 AP -04406 800.00 0.00 134,442.08 09 9/29/2023 AP -004414 160.02 0.00 134,602.10 09 9/3012023 7J-000351 509,94 0.00 136o112.04 116,835.58 18,276.46 -4- -P 0.00 18,.276.46 135tl 12.04 Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 4715027-04 HAP PAYMNT PROJECT LEASE CC 29,760.00 09 915/2023 AP -004400 000"10023511N. 1004090523 .610.00 0.00 30,370.00 09 91512023 AP -004400 000100236 /IN: 1006090623 610.00 0.00 30,980-00 09 915/2023 AP -004400 00010023511N. 1008000523 800.00 640.00 0.00 31,620.00 09 91512028 AP,004400 00010023" /IN: 10/0090523 0,00 640,00 0100 32,260.00 09 9/512023 AP -004400 000100235 /1 N: 1102090523 610.00 0100 32,870,00 09 9/5!2023 AP -004400 000100235 /IN: 1104090623 610.00 0100 $3,480,00 29,760,00 3,720,00 0.00 3,720.00 33,480.00 471504-7.05 HAP PAYNINTS UTILITIES CHG-05 770.00 0.00 0.00 770.00 770.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 770100 471504-7-.09 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -CHC 11129.34 0.00 0.00 111.29.34 1,129.34 0.00 0100 0.00 11129.34 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHO 20,511,00 09 9/512023 AP -1004400 77500 0.60 21,286.00 09 9/2612023 AP -004413 250.00 0.00 21,536.00 09 9/2912023 AP -004414 11235.00 0,00 22,771,00 09 9/2912023 AP -004414 625.00 0,04 23,396.00 09 9129/2023 AP»004414 860.00 0.00 24,246,00 09 9/3012023 7J-000351 0.00 850.00 23,396.00 471506-7-09 09 9/13/2023 AP -004406 09 9/13/2023 AP -004406 09 912912023 AP -004414 09 9/3012023 7J-000351 471508-7-04 Faun Date: 10/11120213 10:31:47AM OIL Date: 1011112023 2001.00 31736.00 850.00 21885.00 23,396.00 RENT DEPOSITS HEN -CHC 71007.00 460,00 0.00 71457.00 800.00 0.00 8,257,00 800.00 0.00 91057,00 850.00 0,00 9,907.00 7,007.00 21900.00 0.00 21900.00 9,907.04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHG 560,00 0.00 0100 660.00 660.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 660.00 Report Total; 233,482.52 370846,40 11369.94 36,486.46 269,968.98 I � _ ___ loges-! ■.1 ■ '1 IV' .,1I 1 1 / 1 1��1 'II-. 1■ Page-: 2 User Logan; SAB CHG SEPTEMBER 2023 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENT- BHG 37FFE58ED Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0910112023 $730.00 DE86507FD Rental assistance: Rental Assistance 0910112023 $500.00 91308F319A Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 09/0112023 $600.00 F9C79053E Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0910112023 $892.00 4E133A7DFO Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 09113/2023 $360.00 1 BBE01838 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 09/0112023 $800.00 5710735BE Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 09/1112023 $823,00 65DD09673 Dental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0910112023 $800.00 679DOA509 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 09101/2023 $1,007.00 961405A14 Rental Assistance: mental Assistance 0910112023 $19.00 961405AI4 Renta! Assistance: Rental Assistance 0910112023 $299.00 E2C453FD7 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0910112023 $450,00 E2C458FD7 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 0910112023 $775.00 535D81A19 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 09/0112023 $300,00 4CBD53486 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $8,705.00 471501-7-09 HAP PAMENTS RENT - HEN 822A22513D HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $300.00 1 BOE90DAF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09/0112023 $641.00 41 CE07E70 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN rent Assistance 0910112023 $1,252.00 22A8O9F3D HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09/25/2023 $160.02 7BA132A4133 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09101/2023 $641.00 E3713913980 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 00/0112023 $800.00 A686CABF'I HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 4910112023 $472.50 A27DD0130 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910/12023 $300.00 FD19E255B HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09106/2023 $625.00 3CI347377 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $450.00 20A64F814 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Dent Assistance 09/01/2023 $825.00 8529765CA HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09101/2023 $760,00 99CFE20F4 HEN [gent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09!0112023 $330.00 EC6CD174F HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $5Q0.00 4CBD53486 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $641.00 542299D513 IGEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09101/2023 $775.00 D38857DOI HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $500.00 1 BB8'17521 HEN Rent Assistance; HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $839,00 2671 FE2BE HEN Rent Assistance, HEN Rent Assistance 09/0112023 $625.00 9138FD5Fl34 HEN Rant Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09/0112023 $800.00 3A63917182 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $800.00 3B753E8EO HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $645.00 471504-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS - C H G 471604-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS - HEN MA3A21 C HEN Rom Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09/13/2023 $509.94 6EA898E46 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $300.00 D3731 D014 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $700.00 008962DOF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 4910112023 $625.00 463ES0019 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $630.00 4655E3733 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 09101120.23 $000.00 427C2B6BF HEM Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0910112023 $700.00 $18,276.46 4EB3A7DF4 Security Deposit: Security Deposit 091/312023 $625.00 5710736BE Security Deposit: Security Deposit 0911112023 $1.,235.00 961405A14 Security Deposit: $ecurlty Deposit 0910112023 $250.00 E2C458FD7 Security Deposit: Security Ueposit 0910112023 $775.00 FDD 9E25513 $2,8$5.00 7F5A3A21C HEN Security Deposit Payment: HIEN Security Deposit Payment 09/1312023 $850.00 22A609M HEN securlty Deposit Payment: MEN Security Deposit Payment 0912512023 $800.00 FDD 9E25513 HEN Security Deposlt Payment; HEN security Deposit Payment 0911112023 $4.50.00 E3713913980 HEN Security Deposit Payment: HEN Security Deposit Payment 09/01/2023 $800.00 $2,900.0+0