HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (002)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) E REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC GATE.. REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Janice Flynn CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING MEETING: Janice Flynn CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES ®N0 10/05/2023 PHONE: Ext 2937 ���V�n�h Term :e+� Tenative reimbursement request from City of Moses Lake on • a Commerce Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) No. 20-4613-C-100, in the amount of $ 07� �,�for July & August 2023 expenses. /</PPROVED DATE OF ACTIOWI�A \o DDENIED ❑TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION TAKEN: ❑CONTINUED TO DATE. ❑OTHER il k ElAgreement / Contract. CTAP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ABPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award O Bid Opening Scheduled C) Boards / Committees ❑ Budget ElComputer Related ❑County Code E-71 Emergency Purchase E-71 Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related 7 Financial ❑ Funds E Hearing ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders R Grants -- Fed/State/County ❑ Leases E] MOA / MOU ❑ Minutes ❑ Ordinances EJ Out of State Travel E Petty Cash El Policies ❑ Proclamations D Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution E] Recommendation ❑ Professional Sery/Consultant ❑ Support Letter D Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB ���V�n�h Term :e+� Tenative reimbursement request from City of Moses Lake on • a Commerce Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) No. 20-4613-C-100, in the amount of $ 07� �,�for July & August 2023 expenses. /</PPROVED DATE OF ACTIOWI�A \o DDENIED ❑TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION TAKEN: ❑CONTINUED TO DATE. ❑OTHER City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 TO Grant County Attn: Janice Flynn Via EMAIL INVOICE DATE October 5, 2023 DEPT: ADMINISTRATION INVOICE #1 - 02-20,23 FOR COVID -1 ' EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT Description - July 2023 Sleep Center Operations Amount Subcontract work for Grant County Dept of Commerce Contract 20-4613C-1 00 Modern Building $11788.62,o� Ground Works -June and July $9J66.66&/ WilIscot - June and July $3,843.23 6oe Grant County PUD - May and June $279,75-/ City of ML Utilities $785.30.01 Basic Septic - May and July $440.00104 General Laundry -July $1,773.83-o Pacific Security - May, June & July $25,3,41.29«. Mope ource $36,507.30 W ..... ........... .. .. REIFERENCE ACCOUNTNUMWER'! 11 .00OOf-�,33321.-019,M�i;000�-0896.A*I 00 ON PAYMENT 1 0 MP kt'spo SE ENS0. E;XF 0 - Payment 1*5 due within 30 days of invoice date. Balance $79,925.98 Due Make all checks payable to. City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or -- 37 5. I . I I 11 � . I I I I I �1. I � .. �. �. I I ..Expenses. . I . ,I I I I .... I � ,�, � 1. �.., I I 1. I I... 11 _'.." I .1'.1 ... .. Grantee Subcontractor 41 IS#2 Subcontractor --# 3 IS, ubc.onitractoI r- I� ,4 Subcontractor #5 Subcontractor •. •". 7 ...:«;'z .v :,�.'ALvi..•l,i:lA3FiF:�f:..c "Af 1 .t11 aims^avr-:m,trr.,a: ,-„-.rx,<�,. -- a:,a.w.,..e.w.a• ,s>n•�.vYa--•.•...y..„-•..•.F.-• ___ _ __ ___ _ �.. :.: n: ...,1. .. ... :: ,. ., .. ........ ...... _ ....... . .... ,:•�-.::... ,_. „' ::. HMIS, 11 , ,- ;: , _ s. �'( - 0.00 _. _ _ . ,. 0.00 _ ;. 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Hazard Pa (unique activity) ..:... ..,:. _ , ,.;.: 0.00 L. _ . _ , ,. _ ,,: - . ,, ; Landlord Incentives (unique activity) -_ . _ . ... , _. - •.. . .. , `-: Volunteer Incentives unr ue activity) .I1 _ ,_.: _ 0.00 . .: %, , :. v _. -,. _. Training (unique`actrvr - . ,.... .. 91 _: . :.. . _:.. ,, L. ,:,.. . . ,_ : _ Subtotal Homelessness Prevention , .;, ., . , ,,:.. $0.00 :.: 3 . - _ . :> $0.00 invoice 1 otai: -,>/7,7L,.7C Form 19-1A WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT 'OFCOMMERCE. VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE P01 BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 AGENCY NUMBER Short Code Commerce Contract Number 1030 20-4613C-1 00 INSTRUCT04 TO WNDOR OR GLAIMANT: Submit this form to claim payment for materials, meirchand1w or services. Show complete detail for each Item, Contact Person. VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant Is to be payable to:) Kirsten Sackett "Vendor's Cartirl caW The individual sighing this voucher below varrants they have the, authority to do so as authorized and an behalf of the, entity Identified in the Vendbr/Claimant section.. The Individual Sighing below certifies .under pwalty, Otperjury that the Items and totalslisted herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or serviees f4rnishaJ to the State'& Washin . gto". and, that all o furnished and/or services j o d- s rendered have b#,enprovided without discrimiliation becau of age, sex marital stats, recreed color, national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam eta or disabled veterans status, By: Phone. Email: Contract Pernod; 509.764.3751 ksackett@citvofmi.com 01101/2023-6/3012023 (SIGN IN BLUE INK) Community Development Director REPORT PERIOD: 10710112023.07i3li2O23 (TITLE) (DiA DATE DESCRIPTION BUDGET PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED AMOUNTTHISIR r VOICE -------------------- AWARD REMAINING BALANCE ADMIN $117,188.92 $111,129.94 $2,659.50 $3,399.48 HMIS $121376M -$121376.9.8 $0.00 OUTREACH $1,517,33 $1,517.33 $0.00 SHELTER CASE MANAGEMENT $689,112.2.1 $651,797.21 $18j*12.43' $18,902,57 SHELTER OPERATIONS $6.53,647,81 $58,854,05 $29,,140.84 RAPID RE-HOUSING CASE MANAGEMENT $1.75,068.04 $125,068.04. $0.00 - RAPID RE-HOUSING RENTAL ASSISTANCE $40,742,83 $40,742.81 $0.00 RAPID RE-HOUSING OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISSTANCE $0.00 $0.00 PREVENTION CASE MANAGEMENT $14t505,86 $14,505.86 $0.00 PREVENTION RENT ASSISTANCE $69,501,68 $60j501.68 $0.00 P I REVENTIUON OTHER FINANCIAL, ASSISTANCE .$0.00 .$6.00 TOTALS $1,714,661.66 $1,583,292.79 4,925,98 $51,442.89 Match: Year Mollars I Coding PROGRAM APPROVAL Jt* Individual signing this voucher warrants they have the authority to signWs� vourhm) I PRINTED NAME.- SIGNATURE, DATE DOC DAM CURRENT Doc. NO, R5MRENCE DOC No, VENDO R NUMBER and SUFFIX ACcciUNT' H0. ASD NUMBER VENDOR MESSAGE TRANSElle CODE MASTER SUB osiStJB i36 INDEX 084 ACCT SUSSID AMOUNT INVOICE SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING PREPARER FOR PAYMENT DATE WARRANT TOTAL ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT DATE Contract .# ~ L1.6. V - 3 fir, ( 6 ' • f Submitted to GC by: Request for Reimbursement No. —.313 Grant County's subreni `i nt Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? vo' Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of"the cost?) Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same'amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? V Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting ' periods ? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only *th respect to final cost objectives), wi . Calculated in conformity with generally accepted acco-unting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost priinciples? Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the. current or a prior period? Net of all applicable credits? (e.g''., volume or cash discounts,. insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be Incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? N:\StafAASC Files\Btrickler Pre Feb 2018\00 Grants100 Subreci ient Cheeldist.doex IP Page I �ODERNG SYSTEMS PO Box 110 # 9493 Porter Rd * Aumsville, OR 97325 800,682.1422 modernBuildingSystems.com Bill To: City of Moses Lake P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA. 98837 Page: Invoice Number: 0144140 Invoice Date: 6/1/2023 Contract'. 8005155 Billing Cycle 7/1/2023 81112023 --------------- I -------------- Ship To Address: City of Moses Lake 1045 E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 -------- ------------- Customer PO: Ship is Confirm To: Terms: I I Rick Nell 25th of Month Item Number Ordered Unit Price Extension 2577 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 575.00 Restroom/Shower STAIRS Stairs Access Raw Please Submit Paymet to: RO. Box 110, Aurnsville OR 97325 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2510.00 250.00 Net Order-, Less Discount: Freight: Sales Tax: 825.00 0.00 0.00 69.31 Order Total: 894.31 Less Deposit: 0.00 Order Balance: 89431 Please Submit Paymet to: P.0, Box 110, Aumsville OR 97325 Net Order: Less Discount, Freight: Sales Tax: Order Total: Less Deposit: Order Balance: 825.00 0.00 0,00 69.31 $94.31 0.00 894.31 Invoice Page* RN Invoice Number: 0145063 Invoice Date: '711/2023 � JBUILDINC SYSTEMS Contract., 8005155 PO Box 110 * 9493 Fortcr Rd Aurtitville, OR 97325 800,682,1422 Billing Cycle 8/1/2023 9/112023 Bill Too. Ship To Address., - City of Moses Lake City of Moses Lake P,O. Box 1579 1045 E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 Moses Lake, WA 98837 --- ---------- Customer PO: Ship Via*,- Confirm To: Terms: Rick Nell 25th of Month Item Number Ofdered Unit Price Extension 2577 0,00 1,00 0.00 0.00 575.00 575.00 Restroorn/Shower 'STAIRS 0.00 1100 0,00 0.00 250.00 250.00 Stairs Access Rainp Please Submit Paymet to: P.0, Box 110, Aumsville OR 97325 Net Order: Less Discount, Freight: Sales Tax: Order Total: Less Deposit: Order Balance: 825.00 0.00 0,00 69.31 $94.31 0.00 894.31 Ground Works Three LLC 1224 S Pioneer Way Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill TO City of Moses Lake 321 S Balsam St P,O. Box 1579 Moses Ulm, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice 612/2023 22 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount MONTHLY RENTAL FEE I Monthly Rent for property located at 1045 and 1049 Broadway, 41583.33 41583.33 •53 JA Total $45583.33 L Ground Works Three LLC 1224 S Pioneer Way Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill To City of Moses Lake 321 S Balsam St P.O, Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice 7/6/2023 23 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount I MONTHLY RENTAL FEE Monthly Rent for property located at 1045 mid, 1049 Broadway. 40583.33 4,583.33 Total $4,583.33 ................. .... ....... W I LLSCOT TM 4646 EVAN BUREN ST PHOENIX, AZ 85008-6927 (800) 782-1500, Option I customersuccess@wlllscot.com www.Wlilscot.com Fed ID# 52-0665775 CITY OF MOSES LAKE 401 S BALSAM ST -ontra.ct # Previous Customer # Bill to 11) Custome W1313505 23456588 159090 -96570 2 46XI0 MOBILE OFFICE (42X10 BOX MCK-06667 PERSONAL PROPERTY EXPENSES ADA/IBC RAMP -W/ SWITCHBACK DATA HUB RENTAL T2 ADA/IBC Ramp -wl switchback INTEREST CHARGE UNTIAS BRANCH: MDSPOKANEWA 3310 N FLORA RD SPOKANE WA 99216-2705 (509) 892-6778 Allison Williams 6/15/2023- CITY OF MOSES LAKE 1017641742 711412023 1045 E BROADW" AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837 $498.02 Rental $498.02 T* $6.23 $6.23 T* $340.00 $680.00 T* $52.50 $52.50 T* $378.00 $405.00 T* $170.84 $170.84 N* Sub -total $1,812.59 Late Payment Fee #0.00 $35.00 fq * Tax $137.91 INVOICE TOTAL 0 RE 5-0 Invoice In USD r - Denotes taxable item, N" - Denotes non-taxable Item. ......................... ................... I .................................. 11 -------­--- ........................................ .......................................................... ........ ................................... 9 https://portal,mobilemini.com t4a (800) 7824500, Option I You remain responsible for the Invoice balance If there Is an Issue with yourmethod of payment. Late fees and Interest charges may be assessed If payment Is not made within terms. Thank you for your business! 6246W2023060688004-00EOO PLEASE REMIT WITH PAYMENT INVOICE TOTAL $1,F985*50 Invoice #: 9017993831 Due Date: 6/1512023 Customer: CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer #: 10452459 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60693-1975 W I L L COT 4646 E VAN BUREN ST TM PHOENIX, AZ $5008-6927 (800) 782.1500� Option 1 cvstomersuccess@wlllscot.com www.Willscot.com Fa,d 0152-0665775 422 r-%'gj"4d INVOICE CITY OP MOSES LAKE 401 S BALSAM ST MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1764 II 1111111 111 life III I till 1111111 jt ., i W1313SOS 2 23456588 t ISS090 1 96570 46XIO MOBILE OFFICE 142XIO BOX NICK -06667 PERSONAL PROPERTY EXPENSES ADA/IBC RAMP -W/ SWITCHBACK DATA HUB RE WAL T2 ADA/10C Ramp -w/ switchback INTEREST CHARGE MAN PAYMENT OPTIONS Welboffw to the W1118out I Mobile Mini customer portall Register today to make onflne payments, sign tip for Auto -Pay, or vlow 1wolces and statements. 0 https://portal.mobilemini.corn k* (800) 782,1500, Option 1 you romon msponsibia for iho itivoirm halanco if fhofo tv an Issuo w1gi your method of payinant. LPN (ous and interest chargas may bo assessed' if paymwitis- net inadu Withfa terms. Thank you for your businessl 045104 k02301040903,40422 BRANCH: MD SPOKANE WA 3310 N FL011A RD SPOKANE WA 99216-1705 (509)-892-6778 Allison W1111oms 7/35/2023- C11Y OF M05ES LAKE 5097643742 8/14/2023 1045 E BROADWAY AVE I M0.5115 LAKE WA 98837 $498.02 Rental $498-02 t# $6.23 $6.23 1-* $340.00 $680-00 T" $52.50 $52.50 To $379.00 $418.50 -T* $28.44 $28.44 Sub -total $1,683-69 Late Paymetit fee 110.00 $35-00 Tax $139.04 INVOICE TOTAL Invoice W U50 V - Donates 14)(11bil! ReM, N* - Denotes non-laubte tte* .. ........... PLEASE REMIT WITH PAYMENT INVOICE TOTAL $1,857,73 Invoice 9: 9018267972 Due Date: 7/15/2023 Customers, CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer #: 10452459 PLEASE. REMIT TO: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC, PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60593-1975 .- J Costonlet: City of Moses Lake (Confinut-a .W --- Service Address: 1045 Broadway A Slee in Centc Billing Dernand: 22.466 Power Factor: 100.0000% Usage Histary (in KWH) 4260 2130 in May Jun Jul Aug Sop Oct Nov Doc Jan Fab Mar Apr May 2022 2M3 Service Address: Neopel Landinpi, Park Christmas 1.1ift; ,M es Lake= 988.37-0000 �ntiau & Rate 2 - General Service gililin Period, 04113/2023 - 05/1012023 �"'WQ "It ." ............ Prior Balance $351,77 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$351.77 Balance -_-1-9 A0 Basic Charge 28 Days @ $0.72 $20,16 Energy Charge 3,422.406 kVVh @ $0,04389 $150.21 *""SUBTOTAL EIVERGY-ow $15021 CURRENT CHARGES $170.37 I CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 170 .3 7 '- (27) Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 1 N076951822.._01 131 3,, 05/1 '3 'in 5}520' 5,5201 0,0001 KWi No Usage History (in KW.H) Rate 1 - Domestic Service Billln Period, 04/14/2023 - 05/11/2023 Prior Balance $20.00 Payments Applied THANK YOU -S20.00 Balance Basic Charge 28 Days @ $0.67 $15.06 Minimum Charge Addition .54.04 CURRENT CHARGES CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 120.00 May Jun Jul Aup Sop Od NOV Doc Jjo Fob May Apt May 202-2 2023 ServIce Address, 10000 Interstate 90 E Ra lo, Moses Lake WA 98837..0000 di 1 ND76947814 11-926, KV -4-1 No 00000002 0000019 0017-0031 TGCSTIVINT060 121022527 01 L 00000 125 Page 17 of 31 Int: TMPLCA2 Account Number: 6203200000 ------ ----- ---------- Billing Date: 06130/2023 Due Date: 07125/2023 L TOTAL AMOUNT Due, $10,367.39 Customer: City of Moses Lake (Continued) S 3 -0000 Continued ervice Address: 1045 Broa4w.ay&Le E Slee eing Cense Cente Moses Lake WA 98837 WASNA"No" - Power Factor: 100,0000% Rate 2, - General Service Billing Demand: 12.662 Billing Period: 06/1112023 - 06/12/2023 Usage History (in KWH) 10651 852.1 6391 4260 2130 1 Prior Balance ;P I II V.37 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$170.37 Balance &00 Basic Charge 33 Days @ $0,72 $23.76 Energy Charge 1,950.,887 kWh @ $0.04389 $85.62 ENGY*** `*SUBTOTAL ER $85.62 CURRENT CHARGES CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 109.38 47 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2022 2023 Service Address: Neopel Landing Park Christmas Lights, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 1ND76951822 1 05/11123 1� 06/1 3/23 Usage History (ih KWH) 5,520 5.5201 0.0001 1.001 0.0001 KWH I No Rate I - Domestic Service Billing Period: 05/12/2023 - 06f13/2023 ... ........ Prior Balance $20.00 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$20.00 Balance 10.00 Basic Charge 33 Days @ $0,57 $18,81 Minimum Charge Addition $1.19 CURRENT CHARGES $20.00 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $20.00 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2022 2023 Service Address,-, 10000 Interstate 90 E Radio, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 00000002 0000019 0017-0031 TGCSTMNT070123022531 01 L 000001 z Water Consumption 58500 52650 46800 40950 35100 29250 23400 17550 11.700 5850 0 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 www,cityofmi.com I ub@cityofml.com This stub ensures that your payment is processed accurately. 1049 E BROADWAY AVE Please Make Check '--Payable "-" To -Dame'"'- " 13- ----- 6-1-o" ----- w ... : - ----------- CITY OF ML CITY OF MOSES LAKE C/O PROJECT OPEN DOORS P.O. BOX 1579 PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 REGULAR - -------- ------ - ---- - --- --- ...... . ...... CITY OF MOSES LAKE DUE DATE ACCOUNT NO. P.O. BOX 1579 ----------- - - ------ ------ ----- ------------------ ---- 0713012023 27098400 - --------- I CITY OF, MOSES LAKE Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 --- -- ----- BILL DATE ............ --- -------------- ............ AMOUNTDUE (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 06/30/2023 $785.30 i www.cityofml.com ub@ctyofml.com SERVICE LO ATI 1 0 El Rio ADWAY READING DATES IBILLING� METER READINGS USAGE ---------- -------- — ------ ...... < CHARGE DESCRIPTIO AMOUNT I PREVIOUS PRESENT DAYS PREVIOUS PRESENT 05/15/2023 06112/2023 28 r 100256 103640 3400 WATER METERED Usage, Register I WATER METERED Fixed Charge 116.12 3400 s WATER METERED, Tier 1 36.38 SEWER Fixed Charge 42.80 3400 SEWER, Tier I 64.94 1 STORM WATER 66.24 ti AMBULANCE SERVICE 14.45: COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS 374.30 UTILITY TAX 70.07 Water Consumption 58500 52650 46800 40950 35100 29250 23400 17550 11.700 5850 0 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 www,cityofmi.com I ub@cityofml.com This stub ensures that your payment is processed accurately. 1049 E BROADWAY AVE Please Make Check '--Payable "-" To -Dame'"'- " 13- ----- 6-1-o" ----- w ... : - ----------- CITY OF ML CITY OF MOSES LAKE C/O PROJECT OPEN DOORS P.O. BOX 1579 PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 13.41sin Septic Services I nc. Invoice Date I 11voice *65086 I N " V`0 I C" E 3; 6. !2) 2 .3 1 % Job At: City Moses Lake Broadway extended & Highway 17 11h(me It 509-765-4002) Fax 0 509-765-7384 Moses laake WA 9883%7 Bill "Fo: Cit-'� ot'Nloses Lake PAY PA). 'PLEASE ♦ %loscs kike. WA 988')"7 JUHS AMOUNT 220.00 NLAW chvkks pakalmlc- to.- 11as'lin ScIfflic Se vices Inc. r i 111caw chech bwx it'lukire.,is is iiworrect or changed. and I lave F-Mial't? Please write it here: indicklic ch"Inge(s) Oil reverse Nick, OW AN* OW OW OM 00 000 4#0 OW SW MW 00 06 *V& 000 #0 *V* 40 so 4M 4%* 4NO ma a* am 131,91siti Septic Services Inc. am ow whw dw am a& *w wo moo OW In*. 4w ow ow oft "a. 0M. am on pw MAP oft go IM 40W Wm am AM W* PLEIASE DETACII AND RETURN 1*01' PORTION WITUI 111AVM1.-.',Nr 1,10 S I 1,11-11,1ton Moses 1.4-341. \VA 988'11 P. o. N o. Due Date Rep Net 60 7 i 5"2 023 city of, N'-1 L -Broad... w Descripti.on -------------- Qty Rate Amount S'anili/cr slations - - -1;"9,2')02"') - 5/61210213 I 10.00 SubtotalS1220.00 Sales Tax (8.4%) 11*.'R1'W1H_$35 C1 1ARGE' FOR ALL R1'#TtJ1ZN1-`.D C111"C"KS. 1"otal S"20,00 f - . 30 I)AY Pe S V D11- ACCC)t INTS ARF I 1: 1 N (I ` C I I A R (I I __'S () N �) A ­� jo 1111 A S5.N, I I N I N1 I N1, 1, Paynients/Crits Billing Inquiries? "call L alance Dtic 509-76-4001 2.20.00 00 C) Basin Septic Services Inc. 220 S I lamilton Rd Moms lake, WA 98837 Phone # 309-7654002 Fax # 509465-7384 Bill Too4 City of Moses LAke P.O. Dmwer 1579 Moses Lake, WA 99837 Invoice Date Invoice# INVOICE 7/1/2023 T66199 0 Job At: City Of Moses Lake Broadway extended & Highway 17 Moses Lake WA 98837 10- LEASE P A V *:THIS AMOUNT $220.00 Make checks payable to: Basin Septic Services Ine. 0 Plmc cbeck box if addrem is incorrect or has obanged. and Have tiftMail'.) Plmo write it here; indicate ebangs.10) on reverse side. Mae f" dftsftoft� woomew mmab*0401M aw�4060MMM M� M%W� W*W*W4W0WqW Move" � no ONO""*" *a*" 00 ON �fftaw� dft� M4040aft Basin Septic Services Ine, PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN TOP PORTION WITH PAYMENT 220 7 a S Hamilton Moses Lake, WA 98837 AA P90* No Terms Due Date Rep project Net 60 8/30/2023 City of ML -Broad... F - - -------- ��gft -0 -0 1 - - -- Description Qty Rate Amount s;mnidzer Stations - - 6/4/2023 - 7/112023 1101001 220,001 THERE WILL BE A $35 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS. FINANCE CHARGES ON 30 DAY PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE 1,501a PER MONTH WITH A $5,00 MINIMUM, Billing Inquiries? Call 509-7654002 Subtotal $220*00 Sales Tax (SA%) $0000 Total $220*00 Payments/Credits Balance Due/e��220�.00 W.00 ION 4,* xf 4"E "Sir 02dve-ay Mvses Lake 9M7 509-765-9791: it J; CEL I (�STMM w s 0. R E R H 0. I., - OWE / 1 MAAFE CIN.- 4 r -1 , Z-, C 21 bw ADD MEW S T=TE ZP ATt"t- Z P I P" -p a I A-ijAltrf-r— I flu Af, Me THIS SUP FOR RMENCE 406 E Broa4*ay Lake 98837 '9791 - 509-4-65-- CUSTOMEXS GRIMM N(I DATE NAMEv ou, DOSS lid C -STA TE, Z.? rAq. c 0 G. - CAk;Gz� Oil. rte: iWaSEiia , F41LJ'jUJ-, D c- &C i: U c VE -i PRICE AhWIT ------------ r. 7 jF L 7 70 L 4— -Ac loll win it -to Boa M JS:Slru&.FL MR - ----- Ag �zd q 3d yf- Ik, OPP 4t .......... re 4t ...OF 9 c jp We jL ROOM HOL14,93930 WAD SM.0 GPM, - 'NO d1Z "631VLS "AM • J;fr 1-70 16L6 aft LERWl SaSolkl 496 a SR"&PRo'j2 3 90V gme*Ad- 406 Eo Broadsvoy Moses Lake 93837 509-765-9791 "o -T F14 'J N t A V, A E. ADDJIFSS is CITY4 ..fig ZIP 801-D illy ON.-MIX mu SI-E-REM MOM DESCRIPTION P8lCr 11" : AMOUN r .1 Cie L I i 17 jo .T A.P pw wo- 12 1-7 P., I HEMMED OY R TRIS hl"Llp: FOA& ENCE, fER v4lz. -,L:= W. a Cie PACIFIC SECURITY a div of Parker Corporate Svcs 2009 Iron Street w Bel inghom, WA 06226-4211 ow-mov A VNITE-D STATES UR1TY(800)-743--2737 MOSESLO3 0 City of Moses Lake AIIISDn Williams 4018 Salsom St D Moses Lake, WA 08837 T 0 PAGE 1 INVOICE DATE -11)131/2023 INVOICE NO 46776 8 1 Moses Lake Sloop Canter 1045 E Ebro ndway Ave Mom I.aka, WA 08037 T 0 TOTAL DUE 71932,454 61.51 so -2-- DUE OATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORD 11 DATE SHIP NO 613112023 51311202-3 460 613112023 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Due On Recelpt NIA 513,I12025 ITEM ID TX 01 UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Guard Service (W) 0 265.0000 266.0000 28.3300 71507.45 Holiday (" 0 10.0000 10.0000 42.5000 425.00 Month of Service m VV 0 1.0000 110000 0,0000 0.00 May We appreciate your business. Fodmil Tax 10 g1-2071104 ------ ------- ---------- - TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TALC 1911180 TOTAL 0.00 7,932.46 0100 0.00 0,00 7,032.45 ........ ...... . . . TOTAL DUE UL190010 *S400 Parker C'ororat: Servicer Page: 49 . Ag Billing Suumary (VetaileM 06/05/2023 09:53 ��.rr�����w�rs��r r���rr��►r r�r4wr4*rqW Map r mft­­ i t : 3306 City Of Mases Lake m site: 1 Sleeks meter --------------- t ------laa:.qw Wjwr4&rra­wia Status: A Sill Cylmle:PSW l-wa.-__"Wl-0liri!!!_ft''w.wl'mri-!l- M► ar rr --sl------ww-----1---�r-la.►!r!lla-r-a-l--l-a4A Dateate Stat Employee Dept Tm out fteak T1ta.1 Type Hours lam-- Rate A►m�ml�mrtllA 0ww 053 04/20/03 Lock SOSS9 KCCoxdr Sraz dcA "ft wwwe" Ann M110 211 00 00200 l 0.000 m, ft" w• 3.000 Styd rr,mrn l+r wma.l 3.800 r la_. 28.330 _'wW: aal fir_! 84.99 05/05/2=3 14=k SOSS9 McCord, 1=0 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.004 Staadard 7.000 28.330 198.31 05103/2.023 Lock SOSS9 McCorde Bran-don M-10 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 05/0612023 Lock M59 MaCordr Brandon HUG 08:00 01:00 0.000 7-000 Standard 7.000 2.8.334 198.31 05/06/2023 LoJk $0559 ftC=rdr Sra ci M110 21:00 00;00 0.000 3.000 Sta=krd 3.000 28.330 84.39 05/07,/2023 Lock aoss9 mccord, 1=0 00-000 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 0,5/07/2023 wck 0fl559 Ncc=d. araud= PU10 21: 00 23:45 0.004 2.750 Standard 3.7SO 29.330 77.91. 05/07/2023 bock 80578 Sa ck= Car jo, Axel M10 2.1245 00:00 0.000 2.250 Standard 2.250 28.33+0 63.74 05/08/2023 Lok 80SIS Senc%er C'ornej*r Axel X1.1.0 0OzOO 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 2$.130 198.31 05/0$/2023 Lock SCS78 Samtcvez Cormajo, Axel #x.3.0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.008 Stanftrd 3.000 28.330 84.99 0.5/09,/2023 Lack $0578 Sanch m Coxmj0j. Axel 141.10 00200 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 2$.330 198.31. 05/09/2023 Lock 80533 XcC=dr Brandon X1/10 21.: 00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 0511012023 Lock 80559 Mc Cc d. Brendan 141.1.0 00:00 07:00 0-000 7.000 Stardard 7.000 28.330 198.31 OS/1ol2023 rjocC Sow ftker, Caleb M110 21-000 00:00 0,.000 3.000 Stendard 3.000 2$.330 $4,.99 05/31/2023 Lock SOS+46 fir, Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.334 298.31 OS/1 /2023 LoCk 80546 ftker, Caleb =10 21;00 0+0:00 0.000 3.000 St=dard 3.000 28.330 84.99 05/22/2023 Lock SOS49 Baker, Caleb 3 0 00:00 07 L ft 0.000 7.004 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 05/12/2023 r k $0'546 fir, Caleb M10 21.00 00:00 0.000 3.060 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 05/13/2023 Lock 80546 Baker., Caleb 141.10 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 OS/23/2023 Lock $0546 $akar, Caleb ?7.1.0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.39 06/14/2022 lack 80546 macer, Caleb 14UG MOD 07:100 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 1.98.31 OS/14/a2�0,2�3 SOSS9y C=d. Br dm 1y+�q��10 21:00 2:L-.4S 0.000 0.750 surd 28.330 21.25 05/14/2023 Look 505'7 ? Cl1=eJ* t AMI Look i+�+.10 21 s 45 00.-00 0.000 2.2SO Standard a0�.790 2 * 2. SO 28.330 63.74 O6/15/2023 Lock 80S78 Sanchem Girl iep AX41 MIG CO.-** 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 199-31 09/3,5/2023 Lock 80378 &=Chet Co=ejC, Axel M10 21:00 00:00 0.000 3,000 Surd 3.000 28.330 914.99 05116/2023 Lock 80578 5a Ob C j*r AX61 N110 0000 0708 08 0.000 7 *000 Stdnda:rd 7.000 28.330 298.33 05/1.6 `2023 1 .k $0578 9 bez C+0=0101. Axel N116 21: 00 0000 0,000 3 ,000 Standox"d 1.000 28.330 04.99 0.S/:L7/2W Look 90313 Sandb it Cor. joy.. el 141.1..'0 00:00 07:011 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 138.31 OS/17/2023 ZwX 80546 orf Caleb M110 21.00 00200 0-000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 E /a81202'3 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb N110 00.6 07:€0 0-000 7.000 Standard 7.080 20.330 198.31 05/18/2`023 1*rA $0546 nakert, Web K10 211 00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.59 1511912023 Irk 8054 6 Baker, Caleb 83.10 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Star dard 7.000 28.330 139.3L OS/29/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb N13.0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 5rd 3.000 28.330 84.93 O.S/20/2023 Lwk 50546 naker,, Caleb M110 0000 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 05/20/1023 Lack 80546 Baker., Caleb M110 2100 00:00 0.000 3,000 Standard 3.000 28.330 8+4.99 OS/21/2023 Lack 0546 Baker.. Caleb I++l no 00.00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28-330 198.31 o5/23./=23 Lack 80578 S=Cba2 CQ3 SJO, Axel M3,30 21:00 00:00 0,010 3.000 S 3.000 28.330 $4.99 os/2212023 Lock 00578 S=Chez C eJ*s AX61 M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 standard 7.000 28_330 198.31 05/22/2€ 23 Lock SOS78 Sanchez Coz=jor Axel M11.0 2.1:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 0Sj2'3/=M Lock 50978 Sandtez CCraejor Axel. 1=0 00:00 07!00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 as/23/2023 Lock 80578 S=Chez COrnnejo,. Anel. X310 21:00 00:00 41.000 3.+000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 05/24/2023 Lcck 80578 Sanchez Cal=jcp Axel M310 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Srd 7.000 28.330 198.31 Oa/24/2023 Lock $05+46 Sauer, Caleb MID 2100 0000 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 20.33C $4.99 OS/2S/2023 Look 80543 Baker, Web M13.0 0:00. 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 t)S/2512023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M210 21..00 00.00 0.000 3.0+00 S 3.000 28.330 84.59 05/26/2023 rack 80546 Baker, Caleb M20 00;00 07:00 0.000 7.000 S 7„000 28.330 198.31 05, 2612023 Lock 80346 Bakers, Caleb MID 21r00 00 = 00 0.000 3.000 Scaltllard 3.000 28.330 84.99 MYM'4 ool'o 09400 Ti =jm crc..- - !i� '1+:rate s a.m paget. 50 51== lining teary (Detailed) "" `�3��az�tIIIIgIIZaIIaa= ��a=a.�IIi=i=i 06/05/2023 +08:53 xtztI -�l=� ==now= M= �IIIIiDaIIa�i�IIIIII�2 05/27/2023 L*Ck 80546 Bakera Web ��Cts ss�ss�s ice.. t3L��Li�e�!=II II�Stsrss===-�•-�=sit=R� IIIaC Nno 00:00 07200 OA00 7.000 Staaftrd 7.000 28.330 1981,31 055/2712023 Loak SOS46 $akej Caleb Idly! 21200 00200 00000 3 .000 Stanftrd 3.000 28.330 84.99 0512812023 LQCk S OS46 Baker., Caleb 1110 GOOD MOO 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 398_3 . 03/28120223. LoCk 8 QS78 9MChOZ CM=J*.p AxeL X110 2100 00 -WOO 0.000 3.000 standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 05/29/2023 Lock 80578 Sancher Cornela, Axel XtlO 00:O0 O7:00 0.000 7.000 Stat 7.000 42..455 297.47 OS/29/2023 LoCk 80,579 S=Chez CornOjo, Axed. Kilo 21:00 00:00 0.040 3.000 stat 3.000 42.4+95 0513`0,12023 Lock BOS78 S=Chem C=Mjo, AXel X114 00:00 O7:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.00€ y227.49 28.330 198.31 US/30/20.23 mac% S OS79 Sancftea Co=e j co Axel X3.10 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 05/32/2023 Lock SOS78 S=Cher CO=ej0, AMI M110 00:00 O700 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.830 198.31 05/32/2023 LOCk 80546 &tker, Caleb X110 21zOO 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.334 84.99 275.000 7w932.42 y� All 11^$ AMO=t Standard 293.000 !1 & 507.45 Ifo}� 0.000 O.00 DOT 0.000 0.00 Stat 14.000 424.39 UnbZ22 0.000 0.00 0.00 Otbe r 01000 0. 0 0 275.000 7 * 932.41 r -u. -r --r- w-�.-www_!_ir•aa raf Al1tCetS 0.00 ---rr A•�. Total with All --+mess 7,, 932 . �1 PACIFIC SECURITY a div of Parker Corporate Svcs 2009 Iron Street J Bellingham, WA 98226-4211 UNITED STATES {300}-743-2737 fOSESL03 S City of Moses Lake L Allison Williams D 401 S Balsam St Moses Lake, WA 93837 T O PAGE 1 INVOICE DATE 6/30/2023 INVOICE NO 47212 S 1 Moses Lake Sleep Center I1 1046 E Broadway Ave P Idoses Lake, VITA 98837 T O TOTAL DUE 81499.00 SLS1 SL82 DUE GATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO SALES TAX 013012023 6130/2023 461 613012023 8,499.00 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Due On Receipt N/A 613412023 ITEM ID TX CL UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Guard Service (W) 0 30 3,0000 300.0000 28.3300 8,499.00 Month of Service - W June We appreciate your business. 0 1,0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.00 Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISC TOTAL 0.00 8,499.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DUE ,/ 8,499.00 biI9 0410 og4 0 0 Parker Corporate Services Paget 48 slung Billing Summary (Detailed) 07/06/2023 10:03 rrr-..r--rrr rrrw �r YrY rrrrr rirrr.r rr rr-rrr rrrrr-rrr-rrrrr Customer:3306 City Of Moses Lake rrrrr rr r�.r.. �. . .�..r-------rr-r-r rr r-----r--rr-rrr Site: 1 Sleep Center ----r-r-rr rr r T-/ ----- ---rrr------ ---------------------------------- ----r-terr-rr-r+.-----r--rrrrrrrrrrCustomer: Status: A Bill Circle : PSW --------- " rrrrrrrr-rrr-rrrrrr--.'r--rr-rr--rrrrrrr//rDate rrr/rrrrr irrr r rritrr �!r/ rr r rrr.-----r-rr rr-r---r--r Stat Employee r rrr rr-rr----------- Dept in. out Break Total Type Hours Rate Amount r�„•�r•rr� ������ ^�����• r.. r.. �.�� �� r rr�+ww rrr wrr rw waw ./2023 Lack 840546 Baker, Caleb 06/01/2023 w.r r r r rrrrrr.Y rY-rr-rrrrr• r ------------------------------------------------ -rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr--_------------.errrrrr-rrrr06/0 MUD 400:00 07:400 0.4000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.3340 198.31 06/0112023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M11D 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.0040 Standard. 3.404040 28.330 84.99 06/02/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 07:400 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.4000 28.330 198.31 06/02/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M1140 21:00 00-000 0.4000 3.104040 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/03/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 4010:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.380 198.31 06/03/2023 Lack 80545 Baker, Caleb M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.3340 84.99 406/104/24023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M1140 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 06/04/2023 Luck 840578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axed. M110 21:00 040:00 10.000 3.4000 Standard 3.0400 28.330 84.99 136/05/2023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, ,Axel M1.140 000-00 0 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 1198,31 05/05/2023 Look 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard. 3.000 28.330 84.99 106106/2023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 00:4040 07:00 0.000 7.0404 Standard. 7.000 28.330 198.31 06/05/2023 Lock 840578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.0400 Standard 3,000 28.330 84.99 061107/2023 sock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axed. M1140 00:00 07:00 0.0400 7.4000 Standard 7.000 28.334 198.31 406/07/24023 Lack 80546 Baker, Caleb MI10 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.40400 Standard. 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/408/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M310 40:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 x.98.31 08/08/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 21:00 00:00 0.400 0 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/0912023 Lock 80546 Raker, Caleb M11.0 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.4000 28.330 398.31 406/08/2023 Lock 840580 Lester, Donald. M110 2.:00 00:00 0.000 3.0040 Unbil3 3.000 0.000 0.00 06/€29/24023 Lock 50580 Lester, Donald. M110 4040:00 01:00 0.000 1.000 Unbil3 1.000 0.000 0.00 06/09/2023 Lock 840546 Baker, Caleb MIIG 21:00 00:00 40.4000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 406/1012023 Look 80545 Baker, Caleb M10.40 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.04010 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 06110/24023 Lack 80580 Lester, Donald M110 21:00 00:00 0.0400 3 .000 Standard 3.0040 28.330 84.99 06/11/2023 rack 80580 Lester, Donald. Milo 00:00 07:00 0.0 040 7.4000 Standard. 7.000 28.330 198.31. 06/11/24023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axed. M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/1.2/2023 Look 80578 Sanchez C0 ejc, AXel M110 00:00 407:400 40.44040 7.040 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 06/12/2023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M1140 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 06113/24023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axed. M1110 00:00 07:40.0 0.000 7.40400 Standard 7.000 28.330 198-31 406/13/24023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 21:00 4040:00 0.000 3.40400 Standard. 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/14/2023 Lack 810578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axed. Milo 00:4040 07:00 40.0400 7.4000 Standard. 7.000 28.330 198-31 06114/2023 Lock 80580 Lester, Donald. M110 21:00 00:400 40.4000 3.400 standard 3.4000 28.330 84.99 06/15/2023 Lock 80580 Lester, Donald M110 00:00 07:040 0.4040 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 06/1.5/2023 rack 840580 Lester, Donald M11.0 21.:00 00:400 0.000 3.000 standard 3.4000 28.330 84.99 406116/2023 Lock 80580 Lester, D=ald Nilo 00:00 07:4040 40.040 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 4.06/16/24023 Lack ${3584 Lester, Donald Mx.1Q 20.:00 400:4040 0.40€ 40 3.10400 Standard 3.404040 28.330 84.99 406/1'7 21}23 Lock 805$€3 Lestert ono .t M110 00; 00 407-00 0.000 7.10400 Standard 7.4000 28.33€3 198.31 06/1.7/2023 Lock 80580 Lester, Donald M110 21:400 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84-99 06118/2023 Tock 80580 Lester, Donald M110 4040:400 €37:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.334 198.31. 06/18/2023 mock 80578 Sanchez Ct' =ejOr Axel M110 21:0/3 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.040 28.330 84.99 406/19/2023 Lock 80578 SanCheZ CO=Sj0, Axel M110 4010:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 40611912023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornajos Axel M1.140 21:00 00 -WOO 0.000 3.0400 Standard 3.000 28.3340 84.99 0€/20/2023 sock 80578 Sa=CheZ 4rOrnejo, Axel Mi10 € 0:00 07:400 0.000 7.0€ 0 Standard 7.4300 28.334 198.31 06/•240124023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 21:00 00:00 40.4000 3.000 Standard. 3.000 28.330 84.99 €36,/21/2023 Luck 80578 S=Cbez Cc=e3.0 r Axel M1.1.40 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.0€00 Standard 7-000 28.330 198.31 06121./24023 Look 840546 Baker, Caleb M1.10 21:100 D4] :124 Milo 00:00 07:00 0.000 0.000 3.000 Staatda.rd. 7.04040 Standard 3.000 7.000 28.330 28.330 84.99 0.98.31 406122/24023 Lock x0545 Baker,. Caleb M11.0 21:00 00:04 0.0400 3.40400 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/22/2023 Luck 805440 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.104040•• Standard. 7.4000 28.330 198.31 06/23/2023 Luck 80546 Baker, Calc b1190010 0g400 Parlor Corporate Services Page: 49 slong Y��=�w��-��r��w ^�wrr� �riY� ��� ��i--SisSa.'i'5���������1�.11-i W.l.l.ing Summary (Detailed) �L-.-i���������� � �� � �5����i���T! ���i ��Y.� �� �.�r��.�����-wv� �i.�� i i.W�-���i��sir.M►�-�iii i�i��i����i���rr 07/06/2023 10:03 1-4tiw�i�i ----r-r r r�r Y -M -a+. Y � �� r w w rw. w --------- -wr-- r r � �I V. - L�j.stomer: 3306 City Of Moses Lake - -- --- r � - r-- --- -- ------ t. ..- rrYi.. -- --.-. Site: 1 Sleep Center ..-----w r - � -�- w - -- -- -------- --- -1r r i Status: - V V-- - A Bill w --------------w---------- --- -- a "_, r � -��- C ycle: PSVT - w- r r - r-- r w♦r---- ----------------r-- -- -- -- -- w------r------r--------------------wwr-rr-----------r.rw-arw-w------r----wtr Date Stat Employee w------- Dept 1n that Break Total Type Hours Rate AM t -- ----- --m r-- r-- 06/23/2,023LOCk 80546 --M-------------------------m Baker,, Caleb ----------w-rr r r--- -- --------- ---ww--06f23/2,023 M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.004 28.330 84.99 06/24/2023 Look 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 07-V OO 0.0€ 0 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 06/24/2023 Lock 50546 Baker, Caleb M110 21:00 00!00 O.G00 00 3.000 Standard. 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/25/2023 LoCk 80546 Bake', Caleb - M110 00:00 07:00 0.004 7.000 Standard 7.408 28.334 198.31 06,/25/2023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Co=ej(>r Axel M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.334 84.99 06/26/2023 Lock 84578 Sanchez C:o=ejOt Axel M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.004 Standard 7.000 28-330 198.31 06/26/2023 Lack 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28-330 84.99 06/27/2023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo* Axel M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard. 7.000 22_330 198.31 06/27/2023 Lack 80578 Sanchez. Co=ejor Axel M110 21:00 004-00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28_330 84.99 06/28/2023 Lock 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Stannard 7.000 28.330 198.31 06/28/2023 Lack 80546 Baker, Caleb XII0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.004 Standard. 3.000 28.330 84,.99 06/29/2023 Lock 80546 Barer, Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28..330 198.31 06/29/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 21:00 40:00 0.000 3.000 Stannard 3.000 28.330 84.99 06/30/2023 Lack 80546 Baker, Caleb MJ -10 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 06/30/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 21.00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.400 28.330 oe 84_ --------- 304.040 8,499.00 ----------- }j All Hours m s� Am � t - - - - - - - - r - --------- Standard 300.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 81,499.00 CT 0.000 0.00 DOT 0.000 0.00 Stat 0.000 0.00 Unbill. 4.000 0.00 other 0.000 0.00 ---------- 304.000 ------------�.� 81499.40 Allowances Bikes 0.00 Total. With. Allowances 8t499-00 PACIFIC SECURITY a div of Parker Corporate Svcs 2009 Iron Street SEC -URITY Bellingham WA 98225-4211 UNI'rEDS'TATE'S (800)-743-2737 MOSESS I City of Moses Lake 0 Allison Williams L 401 S Balsam St D Moses Lake. WA 98837 T 0 PAGE 1 INVOICE DATE 713112023 INVOICE NO 47631 S 1 H Moses Lake Sleep Center 1 1045 E Broadway Ave P Moses Lake, WA 98837 T 0 TOTAL DUE 8,909.84 We appreciate your business. Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISC TOTAL 0.00 8.909,84 0 100 0,00 0.00 8,9 TOTAL DUE ELS' SLS2 DUE DATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO 7/31/2023 "f/31/2023 461 7/3112023 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Due On Receipt NIA *713112023 ITEM ID TX CL UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Guard Service (W) 0 299,5000 299.5000 28.3300 8484.84 Holiday (VO 0 10.0000 10.0000 4Z5000- 425.00 Month of Service - W 0 110000 1 {0000 0.0000 0.00 July We appreciate your business. Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISC TOTAL 0.00 8.909,84 0 100 0,00 0.00 8,9 TOTAL DUE bi190010 0g400 parker Cc rate serview Page: 54 S1Ctt2 B111inff Se=a (Detailed) 08 f 03,1 2023 10:29 0. rraa i 4040 iiia ii!40!l+.eii!rtr rr at...i-:a!ai i-- WW s! S i i v r i i 40. 40 i! i 40r •401 i r•.. -a -i asi X40• s..a i i i is r♦r�r ai iiaaTTiai 0040. it iaVna ai ar,e�T+'T40sii si ii4040TVa..w!-a-a r: 3306 City Of Moses Laka site: aim 4040..!40, Til ii �ilai iI�40i --i lai idw Fp !-Ab I Sleep Center 040a40lilT il!!.i .►ii.. is i !4040400 i ii iEi 4040 !40.►'.Pii iiiV'! Status: A 13111 Cele: PSW i !!ii! !40 iii.. .r i! i i i i �aai. .Ra a�� f'i� laa� �i ate! 6la iri i. iai f ii-- li R i W +/. 40i.'40 • Wi!� ii ♦i. Bate stat Employee apt in out i.b ii ii i i 40!40 iii as r a- ii is i i i -i is s a i iai a Break i i s- -A i i T al Type f.!! i iia i i 40 i• ii 40.• 19440 Hours a i 4040 i --a! Rate i r4&+.M 1 Amount WW. i itf M&4.-- aia0'7/011(2023 i i ia40a-a4&--0-rai=a.. i7•i iia -040 ii 4&40404040 iia-..-Tsliri iii lisi 040! 07/011(2023Ilk 80546 Baker, Caleb H1I0 00100 07:00 0.000 7-000 Standard 7.000 26.330 196.32 07/0112023 Lock SOS46 Baker, Caleb M124 23.00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 07102/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 3.000 Standtrd 7.000 25.330 198.31 07.102 '2023 Lwk $0578 Sanchez Caja, Axel M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standerd 3.000 28.330 84.99 07/03/2023 Lock 80578 SaUCheZ COZ=ejOe AXel M120 00 -FOO 07 -FOO 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 25.330 195.33 07,/0312023 Lock 00578 Sanchez Cornej#, Axel M120 21.:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard. 3.000 28.330 04.99 07/04/2023 .l c=k 80578 Sanchez Cornejo, Axed. M120 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Stat 7.000 42.495 297.47 0'7/04/2023 Lock 805+78 chez W� rrnftJa�, 1 M110 2j1:0�0 00:00 3.000 Stat 3.# 00 3.000 42.495 127.49 ()7/05/2023 Lock 40,05 8 �+��/ Cornajog Axel H11$ 001-500 07:00 %0.000 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198-31 0710S/2023 irk $O'S79 Sanchez Cornejo, Axel M110 21100 00100 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 20.330 84.99 07/06/2023 Lock 80575 Sa=chaz Co=ejo, Axel M1.1.0 00;00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 20.330 190.31 07/06/2023 Lock 605546 Baker. Caleb M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.95 07/07/2023 Lock 8OS 46 Baker,, Caleb MID 00. o0 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 07/07/2023 Lock 90546 Baker, Caleb MUD 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 04.99 07/09/2023 L=)c 80546 Sakex", Caleb ML10 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 StarAard 7.000 28.330 135.31 07/oo/2023 Lock 90546 Baker, Caleb M110 21:0fl 00r00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 07/09/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 +00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standaxd 7.000 26.330 108.31 40}7/#39#2023 3A)ck 80581 Heider Jr,, Jorge Milo 21 tOO 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 04.99 07/2012€23 Lock 60581 Hernandez Jr. Jorge X110 00:00 07:00 0.000 '7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.32 07/10/2023 Lack 50583 He;nandaz Jra Jotge M110 21W-00 00; 00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 07111/2023 Lock 80551 S .=Andez alr. J049C H2.10 00 t 1}0 €I7:00 0.000 7.000 S d#3x'd 7.000 20.330 298.31 07/1.1/2023 Lock 80581 He- Jr, Jorge MUD 21.:00 MOD 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 07/1.2/2023 Lock SOSSI Hernandez Jr, Jorge HL10 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 07/12/2023 Lock aOS46 Baker, Caleb Mi10 21.:00 00200 0.000 3.000 Star and 3.COO 28.330 84.99 07/33/2023 Lock SOS46 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 07 OO 0.000 7.001 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31. 07{13/2023 lock 80546 Baker,, Caleb M110 21200 00:00 0.000 3.000 Sta=brd 3.040 28.330 84.99 o7/14/2023 Lack 80546 Bakery Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0.00+0 7.000 Standard 7.080 28.330 198-31 07/14/2023 Lock $0546 Baker, Web 143.10 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 d 3.-000 28.330 84.99 07/lsl #23 Look SOS46 Bags Caleb H110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 0711S,t2023 Lock SOS46 8aker'r Caleb M110 21.:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 07/16/2023 Lock 50546 Sakerr Caleb 1+1110 00200 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standarcl 7.000 28.330 158.31 07116/2023 Lock $0991 ,e=azKlez Jr. Jorge M130 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standaxd 3.000 28.330 84.99 0711712023 Lock 80551 et Jr', Jorge M11.0 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Surd 7.000 20.330 198.31 07/1712023 Lock 80580 meter, Domld 14110 21;90 00:00 0,000 3.000 Standard 3.000 '7.000 28.330 84.99 07/1S/2102j Zak 80580 Lester: V=ald M120 00:00 07:00 0.00y0 7.000 Surd 28.330 y 8 . 3 3y 0 198.31. 07,/1.5, 2023 Lock 80580 Lester, ald M110 21:00 001 -WOO 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28,330 84.99 +07/1.9/2023 Lock 80580 LeSter, 111 Milo #313 a OO 97:00 0.000 7.000 Stacdard 7.000 28.330 198.31 07/409/2023 L+cck 80546 Bakere Caleb M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 standard 3.000 28.330 8+4.99 07120/2023 Look 80546 Baker, Web 14110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 07,/20/2023 .Look 80S46 Baker, Caleb 3+1.3.3#4 21.:04 00:00 0.000 3.000 Stard 3.004 28.330 84.99 07/21/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb X3.10 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Stardard 7.000 28.330 198.31 07/21{2023 Lock 80581 HeZwAmdez J'rr Jorge 34110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 54.99 07/22/2023 Lock 80581 Hernandez Jr, JOr" H110 00:00 MOO OO 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 20.330 198.31 07/22/2023 rack 90546 Baker, Caleb M1I0 21.:00 00;00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 07/2.5/20234 Dock 8054 Bakeri Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7 ,. OOt? Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 07/23/2023 Lack 80581 13e �d+8r rx Jorge M110 211:00 21:+15 0..000 0.'750 Standard 0.750 26.330 2'1.25 07123/2023 Lek 9058a IeSt+exa 33d M110 21.:+#5 40:04 0.000 2.250 Sda�"d 2.254 28,338 53.74 b1190010 OS400 Parker 'corporate Services Page: 55 Billing Summary (Detailed) 00/03/2023 10:29 a-�_ l��G�"'�*`�=ggzs�st��2'ii�� a aa��a��ass��ttrssr��� a R�a.:.s�a��^- C�7�aLi•� �� ==� = _=�=�t�tR'Li�� oa���� aaaaa �*►����07�3?�r�aa��;....�a�raQaaa a�`�aas��cta �Qa���sic�sxs�a�� $���n,o ct L)7/24/2023 IADck 80580 Lester. Donald Milo 00:00 07:04 0.000 7.000 S 7.000 28.330 1.95_31 0,712412023 Lack 80580 Lester. DOEmId M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.400 Standard. 3.000 25.330 84.95 07/2SI2023 Lock 80580 Lester* DomId M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 29.334 198.31 0.1/25/2()23 hack 80580 Lester. DOnald M1I0 21:eO 00:00 0.0+00 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 54.99 07/28/2023 L=k $05$O 1AMter, old M110 o0.00 079-00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 30.330 ISS. 31. iD7/26/2023 Lack 80548 Bakerr deli M110 21:00 00;00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 $4.98 07/27/2021 Look 80546 Baker& Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 standard 7.000 28-330 198.32 47/27/2023 luck SCS45 Baker, Caleb 10 21;34 00:00 0.000 2.50£ Surd 2.500 28.330 70.83 07/28/2o23 I=BC 80546 Baker, Caleb '3210 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 07/28/2022 Ltck 8DS46 Baker. Caleb M110 21.:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 o7/2S/2023 Lock 80346 Saner, Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0_000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 118.31 07/29f2023 LAWJc 8yOSSOy Lester! mId "110 21:00 �tfe}�:OO 0.000 3.000 Stamdara� 07/30/2023 Lek BOSSO Lester, ld Milo MOO OO 0 3 :00 0.000 7.000 Standard +3.000 d a 000 a2�8iy33�0y 28.330 y84.88 189.32 07/3o/2023 Lock 90580 Lester# D=ald M110 21M 00:4#3 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 29.330 84.99 07/32/2023 L=k 81580 Lester, Donald M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 195.31 07/31/2023 LOck 80580 Lester, Donead X1120 22:00 00200 O.Ooo 3.000 Standard 3.000 28_330 . 308.500 8, 904.90 All Hours AMC= .iii �Ml�wrtrTw lr T� .w wT.F�r.Yr Tl�1�raTrO Standard 299 . SQO 8r 484.84 OT 0.0031 0.00 IO` 0.000 0.00 stat 10.€300 424.96 Vnbill 0.000 0.00 other 0.000 0.00 ..'M'"rabM.r-i w .wMsiilr 309.500 $„ 909 r8O iii IMi ii �l�ti iOT� Tllf� �iw•T.I'l Allowances 0.00 wii! illw+wr rir 1rli w Total. with Allcwdnces 8 t 309.80 City of Moses Lake ATTN** Allison Wiliams Grant Bars- Cada: ... .... -Accou ht -Mg -C d $.361507.30 �GW EAo 0 ..Code njectAcc Un HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST INSTRUC71ON TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Submit this form to request payment for services or materials. Attach accompanying proof of expenses (i.e. receipts, llmesheets) CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1579 ov Vendor's Certificate: Thb- individual signing this vomfwt betwv warrants trey have- the authority to do so as authorized and an behalf of the, entity identifiM in the VwWodClaimant sectiom The 'n&Adual signing belovi certifies muter *y of Witiry 1W the items and totals, fitted twain we proper charges fbr Matorialf., MetCfmW'm-e or smices furnished for the ant, and that at) groWservicess firnislied arWor services rendered have bead pro dN- wnhW dismminawn bocause, ()I age. Gant. mai(tW status, tam crud, colac na" aright, handicap, refoon of Nb4nai) eta 4 dimbledvaterans status. A VENDOR OR CLAIMANT rWarrant Is to be payable to-.) Hopesource/Rapid Re-Housing/Hotel Voucher Program 700 E Mountain VieW Ave Suite 501 Ellensburg WA 98926 1-27."3760',' By, ..... ......... ...... ;...... .... . Contact Person: Susan GrIndle Phone: 509-89970978 (SIGNATURE) CFO 10102/2023 Email: skmindle I ebopesource.us Grant Period: 4/112021-9/3012022 REPORT PERIOD/Month & Year: Jul -23 Title (DATE) MEL ------ — --- ------- 11/21-9/22 ESG-CV Line, Items: Grant Budget (411/21 9/30/22) Expenses TO Date Report Period Request Line Item Balance Ad �trc 10 minis �'ft 6: 41� 65 $47,882.94 $2,659.50 $23,507.69 HMIS" - ----------------------- - 1-27."3760',' 376.98 ------- $0.00 U ti� 4 $1- ,467.73 $30.21 Shelter AsP',, 3L $503)076.59 $187 412.43 ,, ($4706,97) Shelter"'Op" tb �"t ushers"M i -52 49 7- fl7 $20,987.07 $0,00 Ne, ligns 474"21-3;'; $117.1660.52 $15,435.37 $111 )378.34 - Ra - I "dR� ' " a '' 'Mh ,a --- -------- 8, -2 7. " 77 $125 068.04 ($�,485.48) de obsin, 16h a iM sistanc60 0,742. $0.00 1 P re-ven 16"l~ 52 iU1 )agemept-, $14 620,03 $0,00 ---- -- ---- Pre�tent -Rental Assistance -0 --- ---- -'9AO 5 $63,950.40 $0.00 n -- - ------- I's �4 $0.00 $0.00 s 0!� $1 68i, 8,422 u 000, t C y 41714. .. .. - I ."'I. �11' ". I .94 7,833.13 $36507.30 $83,743.79 New Grant Balance for Current Fiscal Year FOR CITY USE ONLY: Voucher Approval Signature, $83Reimburseent Request this $36507.30 1 743.79 lmReparting Period , DATE: ,rosram Staffing Chan es: Please c mplete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff taff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter emptoyee name, job title, Et email Divisi Code 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Division Title Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 GL Code 7000 7000 7100 7101 7105 7107 7108 8010 8100 8200 8300 8350 8400 8405 8420 8450 8510 8610 8650 8700 8710 8711 8712 8990 8997 Balan... Administration 100 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 (MLES) Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM Salaries & Wages 99999 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1406 99999 0.00 1,382.21 129.82 306.56 271.72 17.09 2.72 149.03 17.82 8.81 13.86 2.01 92.32 19.33 44.19 44.40 4.48 0.17 3.91 23.92 101.37 18.40 2.74 0.74 1.88 _ n26 2,659.50 0.00 2,077.50 Opening Balance 0.00 Transaction Total Opening Balance 390.49 Page: 1 Sub division GL Title Session ID Code Salaries & Wages 99999 Salaries & Wages JVA1584 99999 FICA & Medicare Expense JVA1584 99999 Employee Tax JVA1584 99999 Health Benefits JVA1584 99999 L & I tax expense JVA1584 99999 Other Benefits JVA1584 99999 Professional Fees JVA1584 99999 Office Supplies JVA1584 99999 Communication Expense JVA1584 99999 Postage & Shipping JVA1584 99999 Dues & Subscriptions JVA1584 99999 Rent - Space Lower County JVA1584 99999 Utilities - Ellensburg JVA1584 99999 Repairs & Maintenance - JVA1584 99999 General Insurance Expense JVA1584 99999 Program supplies and tools JVA1584 99999 Educational Materials JVA1584 99999 Photocopy Expense JVA1584 99999 Travel Expense JVA1584 99999 Meeting Exp JVA1584 99999 Training & Technical JVA1584 99999 Assistance Representation expense JVA1584 99999 Interest Expenses JVA1584 99999 Depreciation Expenses JVA1584 99999 Salaries & Wages 99999 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1406 99999 0.00 1,382.21 129.82 306.56 271.72 17.09 2.72 149.03 17.82 8.81 13.86 2.01 92.32 19.33 44.19 44.40 4.48 0.17 3.91 23.92 101.37 18.40 2.74 0.74 1.88 _ n26 2,659.50 0.00 2,077.50 Opening Balance 0.00 Transaction Total Opening Balance 390.49 Page: 1 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM 3)a3a,"11, t5� »9.4'1 Page: 2 Sub Divisi... GL division Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1409 99999 364.00 39.49 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1412 99999 25.19 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1406 99999 162.43 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1409 99999 27.62 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1406 99999 390.49 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1409 99999 39.49 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1406 99999 489.47 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1409 99999 60.88 (MLES) 6120.03 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1406 99999 20.60 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1409 99999 2.57 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1406 99999 1.25 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1409 99999 1.25 (MLES) 3 6_, 62.7, 429.98 Transaction Total Balan... Permanent- Shelter Case Management 3,232.76 612003 (MLES) 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 Opening Balance Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1406 99999 7,646.96 1,114.12 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1409 99999 5,872.65 881.28 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1412 99999 38.82 Management Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM 3)a3a,"11, t5� »9.4'1 Page: 2 Divisi... Code Division Title 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 613001 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 613001 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case Debit , Credit Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1406 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7100 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 460.73 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1406 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7101 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 881.28 Management Balan... Permanent- Sleep Center Case 612010 Management 613 Program Operations 613 Program Operations 613 Program Operations Balan... Program Operations 613 Sub 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 Sub GL division Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit , Credit 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1406 99999 609.77 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1409 99999 460.73 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1406 99999 1,114.12 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1409 99999 881.28 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1406 99999 275.17 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1409 99999 75.38 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1406 99999 103.99 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1409 99999 93.45 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1406 99999 1.25 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1409 99999 1.50 17,175.07 --1 95.40 Transaction Total 15,179.67 • `'t,'""O.Jr 8700 Travel Expense 99999 0.00 Opening Balance 8700 Travel Expense AP1046859 99999 39.54 8997 Depreciation Expenses JV002844 99999 1,809.18 1,848.72 0.00 Transaction Total 1,848.72 ' 8010 Professional Fees 99999 0.00 Opening Balance 8010 Professional Fees AP1045793 .99999 51.88 8010 Professional Fees AP1045968 99999 25.08 8010 Professional Fees AP1046513 99999 13.15 Page: 3 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 Sub Divisi... GL division Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1046885 99999 56.83 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1046901 99999 53.78 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1046935 99999 541.12 90.11 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 Office Supplies AP1046728 99999 0.26 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 Office Supplies AP1046935 99999 2.37 0.26 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1046636 99999 6.81 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1046935 99999 62.70 6.81 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046072 99999 6.02 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046074 99999 38.45 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046935 99999 409.83 44.47 613001 Program Support - Pool 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1046820 99999 12.51 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046638 99999 0.47 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046649 99999 0.34 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046658 99999 19.23 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046674 99999 4.49 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046824 99999 4.04 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046859 99999 1.32 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046861 99999 0.37 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046865 99999 88.74 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046902 99999 96.57 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046924 99999 11.85 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046935 99999 40.87 24.53 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8450 Insurance Expense AP1046894 99999 321.55 613001 Program Support - Pool 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046725 99999 16.66 613001 Program Support - Pool 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046935 99999 16.66 613001 Program Support - Pool 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1046646 99999 8.92 613001 Program Support - Pool 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1046935 99999 12.54 8.92 Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM Page: 4 Divisi... Code Division Title Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 Sub GL division Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit 613001 Program Support - Pool 8990 Interest Expenses 613001 Program Support - Pool 8997 Depreciation Expenses Balan... Program Support - Pool 613001 Salaries & Wages 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax 7105 Health Benefits 7105 Health Benefits 7105 Health Benefits 7105 Health Benefits 7107 L & I tax expense 7107 L & I tax expense 7107 L & I tax expense 7107 L & I tax expense 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046855 99999 JV002844 99999 99999 CDSPRO1406 99999 CDSPRO1408 99999 CDSPRO1409 99999 CDSPRO1411 99999 CDSPRO1412 99999 CDSPRO1414 99999 CDSPRO1406 99999 CDSPRO1408 99999 CDSPRO1409 99999 CDSPRO1411 99999 CDSPRO1406 99999 CDSPRO1408 99999 CDSPRO1409 99999 CDSPRO1411 99999 CDSPRO1406 99999 CDSPRO1408 99999 CDSPRO1409 99999 CDSPRO1411 99999 CDSPRO1406 99999 CDSPRO1408 99999 CDSPRO1409 99999 CDSPRO1411 99999 AP1046674 99999 AP1046676 99999 AP1046893 99999 AP1046705 99999 132.95 338.85 2,380.55 C2,2,188.79 5 0.00 1,317.66 128.37 1,658.24 133.40 11.20 11.46 102.98 11.55 128.02 11.97 196.82 20.74 256.45 20.26 88.86 51.43 88.86_ 44.05 9.19 1.51 20.04 1.91 276.35 60.69 302.98 379.94 191.76 Transaction Total 196.82 256.45 Opening Balance Page: 5 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 Balan... Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops Sub Divisi... Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops GL 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops division Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046787 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046892 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046935 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 8700 Travel Expense AP1046673 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 8990 Interest Expenses AP1047334 99999 Balan... Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 '613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8100 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8100 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8200 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8200 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8400 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8400 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8400 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8405 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Professional Fees Professional Fees Professional Fees Professional Fees Professional Fees Professional Fees Professional Fees Professional Fees Office Supplies Office Supplies Communication Expense Communication Expense Rent - Space Lower County Rent - Space Lower County Rent - Space Lower County Utilities - Ellensburg Repairs & Maintenance - General Repairs & Maintenance - General Repairs & Maintenance - General Repairs & Maintenance - General Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1045793 AP1045968 AP1046513 AP1046782 AP1046885 AP1046901 AP1046935 AP1046728 AP1046935 AP1046636 AP1046935 AP1046072 AP1046074 AP1046935 AP1046820 AP1046638 AP1046649 AP1046658 AP1046674 AP1046824 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 396.66 101.14 135.85 874.40 1.191.46 8 03 453.27 Transaction Total 7,581.17 , 0.00 Opening Balance 51.88 25.08 13.15 88.66 56.83 53.78 541.12 90.11 0.26 2.37 0.26 6.81 62.70 6.81 6.02 38.45 409.83 44.47 12.51 0.47 0.34 19.23 4.49 4.04 Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM Page: 6 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 Balan... Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM k 1 944 411 jlklgT*19 Balance 632202111 - ESG- Grant County 4,043.89 227.20 Transaction Total (:]3,816.679 36,507.30 0.00 0.00 39,804.91 3,297.61 Page: 7 Sub Divisi... GL _ division Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046859 99999 1.32 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046861 99999 0.37 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046865 99999 88.74 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046902 99999 96.57 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046924 99999 11.85 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046935 99999 40.87 24.53 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8450 Insurance Expense AP1046894 99999 321.55 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046705 99999 204.82 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046725 99999 16.66 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046787 99999 1,369.86 35.44 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1046935 99999 16.66 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1046646 99999 8.92 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1046935 99999 12.54 8.92 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8990 Interest Expenses AP1046855 99999 132.95 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8997 Depreciation Expenses JV002844 99999 338.85 Balan... Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM k 1 944 411 jlklgT*19 Balance 632202111 - ESG- Grant County 4,043.89 227.20 Transaction Total (:]3,816.679 36,507.30 0.00 0.00 39,804.91 3,297.61 Page: 7 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 7/1/2023 Through 7/31/2023 Sub Divisi... GL division Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit Report Current Balances Report Difference 39,804.91 3,297.61 36,507.30 Date: 9/26/23 08:14:56 AM Page: 8 HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report[FY 2023]CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 07/01/2023 thru 07/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability. All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 0 0 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 0 0 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 0 0 Number of adult stayers 0 0 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 0 0 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 0 1/8 Mon Aug 7 09:38:49 AM 2023 Powered By hCLARITY HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report FY ZO23 CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC � � Date Range: 07/01/2023 thru 07/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 145 145 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 145 145 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 13 13 Number of adult leavers 13 13 Number of adult and head of household leavers 13 13 Number of stayers 132 132 Number of adult stayers 132 132 Number of veterans 6 6 Number of chronically homeless persons 22 22 Number of youth under age 25 19 19 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 145 0 145 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Mon Aug 7 10:57:34 AM 2023 11 Powered ByCLARITY 11 1/8 � HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2023]CoC HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 07/01/2023 thru 07/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients for DQ Count of Clients Total number of persons served 42 42 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 16 16 Number of children (under age 18) 26 26 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 7 7 Number of adult leavers 2 2 Number of adult and head of household leavers 2 2 Number of stayers 35 35 Number of adult stayers 14 14 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 13 13 Number of youth under age 25 2 2 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 2 2 Number of adult heads of household 14 14 Number of child and unknown-age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 0 1/8 Mon Aug 7 09:54:35 AM 2023 Powered By J�LARITY vir HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality Report FY 2023 � � HopeSource (Kittitas) (HPS) CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 07/01/2023 thru 07/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 28 2$ Number of adults (age 18 or over) 15 15 Number of children (under age 18) 13 13 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 2$ 2$ Number of adult stayers 15 15 Number of veterans 1 1 Number of chronically homeless persons L0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 12 12 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 3 3 1/8 Mon Aug 7 09:14:02 AM 2023 Powered By "CLARITY HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report FY 2023 CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC � � Date Range: 07/01/2023 thru 07/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients for DQ Count of Clients Total number of persons served 1 1 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 1 1 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 1 1 Number of adult stayers1 ..... ....... . 1 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 1 1 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Mon Aug 7 09:52:13 AM 2023 1 1 1/8 ►� Powered By ��CLARITY �� tl HUMAN SERVICES City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 TO Grant County Attn: Janice Flynn Via EMAIL INVOICE DATE October 5,, 2023 DEPT- ADMINISTRATION INVOICE #1 - 02-2023 FOR COVID - 19 EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT Description - Aug ust 2023 Sleep Center Operations Amount Subcontract work for Grant County Dept of Commerce Contract 20-4613C-1 00 Ground Works $4,583.33 uo"e willscot $375.64 HopeSource $42395.66 001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ft,.EFERE�N�CE ACC0.U,NT'NUMBE-R. '11110�00011 33321 *'01 6-- -A , UE A �P.R! A jo 711T R SPO f Payment Is due within 30 days of invoice date, Balance $47,354.63 Due Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concernina this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or - 3735. Expenses,- Grantee Subcontractor #1 Subcontractor #2 Subcontractor #3 Subcontractor#4 Subcontractor #5 Subcontractor #E W Form I 9-11A 110NASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMIINT OF COMMERCE VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 Short Code Commerce Contract Number 1030 20-4613C-100 INSIALICTION TO V6NOOR an CLAIMANT., Submit this form to clam payment to(materisis, merthmdis6 or &etviw, Show complete clelail for each item. Contact. Person: VENDOR OP. CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable to:) Kirsten Sackett Vandor's Car(Iricatm The Individual signing !his Voucher below vmrrants they have the authority to do so as at4horlzed and on behalf of the entity Identified in the 1lOA(1000almant section, The individual signing below carliflas untle.f penalty of perjury that the Items and totals listed her ain are, proper charges for matetials, merchandise. or services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished andicir servItes rendered have been provided without discriminaVon hecaute of age, sex, marital status, race, credo, color, national origin, handicap, rollgibn or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. By., eaA� Wh—o n 0: Fmall: Contract Period: 509,764.3751 ksaeWMR��' 01/01/2023-6/30/2023 (51QN IN BLUE INK) CommunitY Development Director .1.3 REPORT 139RIOD: 107101/2023-07/31/2023 DATE DESCRIPTION RunGeT PWICIUSLY REQUESTED AMOUNTTHIS IHVc)IcE AWARD REMAINING BALANCE ADMIN $117,188,92 $113,789.44 HMIS $1,2,376,98 $12,376.98 $0.00 OUTREACH $1,517.33 $1,517.33 $0.00 SHELTER CASE MANAGEMENT $689,112.21 $670,209,64 $18,2.13*79 $688.78 SHELTER OPERArJONS $6531.647,81 $624,506.97 $291140.84 $0.00 RAPID RE -HOUSING CASE MANAGEMENT $125,06U4 $125,068.04 RAPID RE -HOUSING RENTAL ASSISTANCE $40,742.83 $40,742.83 .$0.00 RAPID RE -HOUSING OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISSTANCE $0,00 $0.00 PREVENTION. CASE MANAGEMENT $1005.86 $141505,86 $000 PREVENTION RENT ASSISTANCE $60t501.68 $60,501,68 $0,00 PREVENTIUON OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $1,714,661.66 $1,663s218.77 ------------------ $4,088.26 Match: Year I Dollars I Coding PROGRAM APPROVAL (Thi PRINT50 NAME: lhdividuaf tioKing this vouelior watfoiftt4 jiloy havo the whoft to aigm this Voucher.) SIGNATURE, DATE DOC PAIS ICURRANT 0OC1 NO, REFERENCE DOC NO. VENDOR NUMBER and SUFFIX ASD NUMBER 'VENDOR MESSAGE TRAITS CODE SttB MASTER SUB 091 SUB GL INDex O8J ACCT SUBSID AMOUNT INVOICE ----------- 91GIIATURE OF ACCOU"NO PREPARER FOR PAYMENT ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT DATE WARRANT TOTAL IDATE -- ------ ---- Contract,4L� --- �-4403'Qv-'AIU6­ Submitted to GC by: I Request for Reimbursement o., 3q Grant County's Su rcipl nt Checklist: ikon 210 Z,3 State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submifting a payment req Uest Was the expenditure or cost: Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local lavers or regulations? Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required?. Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2.004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: Clues the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities( Le., is the federal government being charged the same'amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting'periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct data only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate), Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? N-,\Staf!\ASC FfleMtriclder Pre Feb 2018\00 Grants\00 Subrecipient Checklistdocx Page I a O Cil-OUnd Works'lliree LLC Invoice 1"24 S Pioneer Wa Moses Lake. WA 98837 Bill To CitY (if Moses Lake 1 S Bal S'..) m St 11.0. Box 1579 Mosei LgAw. NVA 988.37 Date Invoice WILLSCOT TM 4646 E VAN BUREN S'T PHOENIX, AZ 85008-6927 (800) 782-.1500o Option 1 customer saccess 9wiliscot.tort www.Willscot.com Fed ID4 52-0665775 40 INVUICE BRANCH: CITY OF MOSES LAKE ML) SPOKANE WA PO BOX 1579 3310 N FLORA RD MOSES LAKE WA 98837-0244 SPOKANE WA 99216-1705 1 111111 kill II till III HII 11 IV 11 IV Jill frewNI rwA11 9-11M PAYMENT OPTIONS Welcome to the WifiScot I Mobile Mini customer pot all Re, gister today to make onlino payments, sign up for Auto -Pay, or vlow h1voices and statements. 1;3 https,.,I/portal.mob*llemini.com %* (800) 782-1500, Option I You ratrwin tosponsiblo for the invoica balanco it there is an issav with yoar mothod of payrriont. Lato fees and inlorast charges may be assossed If payment is not made within larim Thank you for your businessl 1041 WS w()?3(MW4 190Z U00110 Invaice in USD T* - Denotes taxable item, N' - Dent)W-q non-taxable- item. PLEASE RE, MIT WITH PAYIVI ENT INVOICE TOTAL Invoice Due Date: Customer-, Customer PLEASE REMIT TO: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60693-1975 $623.30 9018787046 9/17/2023 CITY OF MOSES LAKE 10452459 0000104524590901878704600000000000623304 Im --------- ------------------- City of Moses Lake HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST CITY OF MO$ES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1579 VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable to,) Hopesource/Rapid Re-Housing/Hotel Voucher Program 7.00 E Mountain View Ave Suite 601 Ellensburg WA 98926 Contact Person: Susan Grindle Phone* 609-899-097.8 Email: skjflndle0hqgqjqq[gtM Grant Period: 4/1/2021-9/3012022 REPORT PERIOD/Month & Year: .4 11 /21X9/22 Z. Line It ATTN: Allison Williams Grant Bars Code: ACCO nt 'o 66. OL Ingt" d" $4, ul s395 :EDgyf/bje.tAd'coun f _C dfig'Coc ,e INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Submit this form its request payment for services or materials. Attach accompanyina proof of expenses (i.e. receipts, timesheets) VoAdat'S Certificate' , Tlus indi4dual SiOKM this voucher blow watmits they haw the atAhodity to do so as autharizod and on beha of the entity Wentiffed in lite VenftlClWmam sectkn 71101 IndWual MaNng bigr*p certil" under penaby of pwiLuy ftt the gems and distals listed hereiin are proper rharges fix ma.ortals, merchaml6e or smirces futriihad for the Gtant, and that all goods (umishe-d "a servkes tendered have beeii prouided vAhout disctimination bermuse of age, sex. marital status. rata. eteed, etlot. oatWnal otigin. twwkV. religim.or Vietnam era or disabled vetef ats status, CFO Grant Budset. (4/1/21 9/30122) Expenses Date $50,542.44 512,376.98 $1 467.73 $521J489,02 $20,987.07 $133)095.89 .5 2782-}`56` $125 1068.04 J $401 742.83 44,`6 41620.03 $63 950-40 i$o.o $0.00 340.4** (SIGNATURE) (DA Report Period Request I Line Item Balance $23,507.69 $0.00 $30.21 $18,213.79 5: P:' 0 0.76) $0.00 $24,181.87 $87,196,47 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $42s395.66 $41,348.13 New Grant Balance for Current $41,348.13 Reimbursement Request this $42395.66 Fiscal Year. Reporting Period , FOR CITY USE ONLY: Voucher Approval Slgnatu'w DATE.: rogram Staffing Changes: Please cpm tete monthly to report new or departing ?RPGRAM staff taff Change Type No des If yes, enter employee name, job title, Et email Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202/11 - ESG- Grant County From 8/1/2023 Through 813112023 D visi... 7000 Salaries & Wages GL Code Division Title Code GL Title 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 700€1 Salaries & Wage$ 612010 Pennanen[ Sleep Center Case (MILES) Management 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1416 (MLES) 2,924.00 378.36 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages 394.56 (MLES) CDSPRO1422 99999 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 (MLES) 612003 Pennanen[ Shelter Case Management 7100 PICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1416 CDSPRO1420 (MLES) 376.36C� 394-56 � 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense - (MLES) CDSPRO1420 99999 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7101 Employee Tax 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanerdt Shelter Case Management 7101 Employee Tax (MLES) 6,383.44 612103 Permanent= Shefter Case Management 7105 Health Benefts 5,6� 0.52 (ISLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1416 (MLES) 5,589.19 750.24 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense 778.99 (MLES) CDSPRO1422 99999 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense (MILES) Balan... Permanent- Shelter Case Management 612003 (MILES) 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & wages Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages Management Code 612010 Pennanen[ Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages Management Data: 91, 66M 0815:28 AM 0.00 Page: 9 Sub division Session ID Code Debit Credit 99999 0.00 Opening Balance CDSPRO1416 99999 2,924.00 378.36 CDSPRO1420 99999 27208.00 394.56 CDSPRO1422 99999 138.00 CDSPRO1416 99999 159.25 CDSPRO1420 99999 173.72 � CDSPRO1416 CDSPRO1420 99999 99999 376.36C� 394-56 � CDSPRO1416 99999 428.59 - CDSPRO1420 99999 428.59 CDSPRO1416 99999 24.57 CDSPRO1420 99999 25.80 6,383.44 772.92 Transaction Total 5,6� 0.52 99999 0.00 Opening Balance CDSPRO1416 99999 5,589.19 750.24 CDSPRO1420 99999 5,713.57 778.99 CDSPRO1422 99999 60.73 Page: 9 Bape Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 832202111- ESG- Grant County From SI112023 Through 8/31/2023 Divisi... Sub GL Code Division Title Code CL Title 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense debit Management CDSPRO1416 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1420 Management 448.86 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7101 Employee Tax Management CDSPRO1420 99999 612010 Permanent- Slee, Center Case 7101 Employee Tax 99999 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7195 Health Benefits Management 99999 97.39 612010 Permanent- deep Center Case 7105 Health Benefits 97.98 Management CDSPRO1416 612010 Permanent` Sleep Center Case 7107 L 1 tax expense COSPRO1420 Management 1.00 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7107 L I tax expense 1,529.23 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7108 tither Benefits 99999 Management Opening Balance 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7108 Other Benefits Management 99999 1,809.18 Balan... Permanent Sleep Center Case JV002853 99999 612010 Management 613 Program Operations 8700 Travel Expense 613 Program Operations 3700 Travel Expense 613 Program Operations 8997 Depreciation Expenses 613 Program Operations 8997 Depreciation Expenses Satan... Program Operations AP1046935 613 483.79 52.49 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees 013001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees Date: 9126123 08.* 1528 AM Page: 2 Sub division Session IIS Code debit Credit CDSPRO1416 99999 439.07 CDSPRO1420 99999 448.86 CDSPRO1416 99999 767.52 CDSPRO1420 99999 796.27 CDSPRO1416 99999 59.95 CDSPRO1420 99999 59.96 COSPRO1416 99999 97.39 CDSPRO1420 99999 97.98 CDSPRO1416 99999 1.00 COSPRO1420 99999 1.00 14,132.53 1,529.23 Transaction Total 12,603.27 99999 0.00 Opening Balance AP1047335 99999 39.54 JV002844 99999 1,809.18 JV002853 99999 33618.36 1,509.18 3,657.90 Transaction Total 1,848.72 ik 99999 0_00 Opening Balance AP1046463 99999 52.49 AP1046935 99999 483.79 52.49 Page: 2 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 3/112023 'through W112023 Divisi... GL Code DIVision Tdie Cade 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 613001 Program Support - Pool 3910 613001 Program Support - PooI 8010 613001 Program Support Pool 8010 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 613001 Program Support - Poul 8010 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 613001 Program Support - Pool 8210 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 613001 Program Support - Pool 8405 613001 Program Support - Pool 8405 613001 Program Support - Pool 8405 6130£}1 Program Support - Pool 8406 613001 Program Support - Pool 8406 613001 Program Support - Pool 5406 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Dai: W6123 08:15:2$ ASI Page: 3 Sub division GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit Professional Fees AP1046937 99999 74.79 Professional Fees AP1046966 99999 22.24 Professional Fees AP1047088 99999 888.44 Ct Professional Fees Professional Fees AP1047133 AP1047294 99993 99999 57.87 182.82 Professional Fees AP1047331 99999 48.09 s � Professional Fees AP1047361 99999 406.55 Office Supplies AP1047006 99999 11.36 �� Office Supplies AP1047171 99999 60.28 Office Supplies AP1047221 99999 16.54 Office Supplies API047226 99999 1.36 t Office Supplies AP1047374 99999 21.51 -� Communication Expense API046989 99999 1.47 Communication 5-cpense AP1047041 99999 66.05 Communfcation Expense AP1047051 99999 24.38 Communication Expense AP1047269 99999 25.17 Comrnun[cation Expense AP1047370 99999 66.65 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046667 99999 6.02 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046668 99999 38.45 Rent - Space Lower County API046935 99999 409.83 44.47 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1046967 99999 16.21 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1047268 99999 13.03 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1047320 99999 16.39 Utilities - Upper AP1047052 99999 25.99 County/Offsite offices Utilities - Upper AP1047209 99999 29.70 County/Offsite offices Utilities - Upper AP1047351 99999 28.18 County/Offsite offices Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046969 99999 4.36 General Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047011 99999 0.51 11.50 General Repairs & Maintenance - API047048 99999 76.58 General Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047079 999% 20.00 General Dai: W6123 08:15:2$ ASI Page: 3 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 81112023 Through 8%3912023 Sub Divisi... GL division Code Division Title Carie GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047217 09999 12.56 General. 613001 program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047248 99999 96.67 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047278 99999 88.74 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs- & Maintenance - AP1047281 99999 3.09 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8450 Insurance Expense AP1047306 99990 48.67 613€101 Program Support - Pool 8601 Computer hardware and AP1047218 99999 42.70 Software 613001 Program, Support - Pool 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1047055 99999 9.82 613001 Program Support - Pool 8700 Travel Expense AP1047226 . 99999 30.24 613001 Program Support - Pool 8700 Travel Expense AP1047279 99999 24.35 613011 Program Support - PooI 8990 interest Expenses AP1047302 99999 136.54 613001 Program Support - Pool 8997 Depreciation Expenses JV002844 99999 338.85 4,039.23 1€38.46 Transaction Total Galan__. Program Support - goal 3,930.77 613001 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 7000 Salaries & wages 99999 0.00 Opening Balance 613008 Pennanerrt Shelter Program Ops 7000 Salaries &.Wages CDSPRO1416 99999 1,515.39 229.21 813008 Permanent Shelter Program (fps 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1418 99999 455.94 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1420 99999 11,586.40 244.16 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1421 99999 591.91 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Caps 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1422 99999 11.20 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Mages CDSPR 1423 99999 47.08 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 7106 FICA & Medicare Expense GDSPRO1416 99999 116.78 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1418 99999 43.88 6130108 Pen nanent Shelter Program Ceps 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1420 99999 124.13 613008 Permanent. Shelter Program Ops 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1421 99999 60.55 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1416 99999 229.21 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ceps 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1418 99999 94.90 613408 Permanent ,Shelter Program Ops 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1420 99999 244.16 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 7401 Employee Tax CDSPRO1421 99999 134.81 ` 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1416 99999 88.86 Date. 9126123 08:1&28 AM Page: 4 DM$71... Cade 513008 613008 513008 613008 613008 613008 613008 613008 613606 613008 613008 613003 6'13008 613008 613008 613008 613008 513008 513008 613008 613008 613003 613008 613008 613008 613008 613008 613008 Di islon Title Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent: Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent- Shelter Program Gins Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent: Shelter Program Ops Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ceps Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ceps Permanent- Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent -- Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Permanent Shelter Program Ops Galan... Permanent Shelter Program Ops 613008 Data: W28123 08:16:28 Alf Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - SL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 81112023 Through 8/3112023 GL Cade GL T'rtie 7105 Health Beneitts 7105 Health Benefits 7105 Health Benefits 7107 L & I tax expense 7107 L & I tax eVense 7107 L & l tax expense 7107 L & I tax expense 7108 Other Benefits 7108 Other Benefits 8010 Professional Fees 8200 Communication Expense 8200 Communication Expense 8200 Communication Expense 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 8407 Utilities - Shelter 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047132 Program 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047266 Prograrn 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1046980 Program 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - API 047112 Prograrn 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - JV002855 Program 3510 Program supplies and tools 8510 Program supplies and tools 9510 Program supplies and tools 8700 Travel Expense $805 Vehlele Cass & Oil 8999 Interest Expenses 8997 Depreciation Expenses Sub division Session ID Code CDSPRO1418 99999 CDSPRO1420 99999 CDSPRO1421 99999 CDSPRO1416 99999 CDSPRO1418 99999 CDSPRO1420 59999 CDSPRO1421 99999 CDSPRO1418 99999 CDSPR.01421 99999 AP1047272 99999 AP1046989 99999 AP1047041 99999 AP147370 99999 AP1047049 99999 AP1047352 99999 API047050 99999 AP1046986 99999 AP1047132 99999 AP1047195 99999 AP1047266 99999 AP1047358 99999 AP1046980 99999 AP1046984 99999 API 047112 99999 AP1047336 99999 JV002855 99999 API047333 99999 JV002853 999199 Debit Credit 122.79 88.86 121.31 18.29 5.24 17.63 8.45 0.80 0.80 268.37 35.44 93.66 93.66 425.52 50'1.17 99£.51 62.22 1.08.39 1,M.00 1,045.79 55.52 128.44 57.33 79.07 39.54 91.70 1,305.86 3.618.36 16,102.11 473.37 15,628.74 Transaction Total Page: v Divisi... Code Division Title Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - ISL ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 81112023 Through 813112023 GL Code GL Title Sub division Session ID Code Debit 613010 Permanent- deep Center Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 613010 Permanent- deep Center Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1418 99999 274.57 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1421 99999 348.12 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1423 99999 34.53 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1418 99999 26.71 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 710€3 FICA & Medicare. Expense CDSPRO1421 99999 38.71 513410 Permanent Sleep Center Program {fps 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1418 99999 66.83 513094 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1421 99999 99.24 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program taps 7105 Health Benefits CDSPl,01418 99999 72.32 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ceps 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1421 99999 70.84 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 7107 L & I talc expense CDSPRO1418 99999 3.54 613410 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1421 99999 4.69 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 7108 {Other Benefits CDSPRO1418 99999 0.89 613010 Permanent Steep Center Program Ops 7108 mer Benefts CDSPRO1421 99999 0.89 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 Professional Fees AP1046463 99999 52.49 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Cps 8011 Professional Fees AP1046935 99999 483.79 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 Professional Fees AP1046937 99999 74.79 613010 Permanent Seep Center Program Ops 8019 Professiorral Fees AP1046966 99999 22.24 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 Professional Fees AP1047088 99999 888.44 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 Professional Fees AP1047133 99999 67.87 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 Professional Fees AP[047294 99999 182.82 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8010 Professional Fees AP[047331 99999 48.09 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ceps 8010 Professional Fees AP1047361 99999 406.55 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8100 Office ;Supplies AP1047006 99999 11.36 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ceps 8140 Office Supplies AP1047171 99999 60.28 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8100 O lee Supplies AP1047221 99999 16.54 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8100 Office Supplies AP1047226 99999 1.36 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8100 Office Supplies AP1047355 99999 58.35 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8100 Office Supplies A P1047374 99933 21.50 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8200 Communication Expense AP1046989 99999 72.36 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Caps 8200 Communication Expense AP1047041 99999 66.65 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8200 Communication Expense AP1047051 99999 24.38 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Opus 8200 Communication Expense AP1047269 99999 25.17 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ceps 8200 Communication Expense AP1047370 99999 66.65 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Caps 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046667 99999 6.02 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046668 99999 38.45 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1046936 99999 409.83 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1046967 99999 16.21 Date. 9126M 08.15:28 AM Credit 52.49 44.47 Opening Balance Page. 6 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 81112023 Through 813112023 6.579.54 108.46 Transaction Total mate: 512e= 0:15:28 AM Wage: 7 Sub nivisi... GL division Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1047268 99999 13.03 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 84(15 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1047320 99999 16.39 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 84136 Utilities - Upper AP1047052 99999 25.99 CotinWOfCaite offices 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8405 Utilities - Upper A P1047209 99999 29.70 County/Offsite offices 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8405 Utilities - Upper AP1047351 99999 28.18 County/Offsite offices 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1045968 99999 4.36 General 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047011 99999 0.51 General 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047048 99999 76.58 General 613£110 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - API047479 99999 20-00 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047217 99999 12.56 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Cps 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047248 93999 96.57 General 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Wilritenance - API047278 99999 8$.74 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1047281 99999 3.09 General 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8450 Insurance Expense AP1047306 99999 48.07 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8501 Computer hardware and AP1047218 99999 42.74 Software 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8610 Program supplies and tools AP1047112 99999 66.95 613010 Permanent Steep Center Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1047198 99999 1,209.59 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1047056 99999 9.82 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8700 Travel Expense APt047226 99999 30.24 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8700 Travel Expense AP1047279 99999 24.35 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8805 Vehicle Gas & Oil JV002855 99999 92.36 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Programa Ops 8990 Interest Expenses AP1047302 99999 135.54 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program( Ops 8997 Depreciation Expenses JV002844 99999 338.85 6.579.54 108.46 Transaction Total mate: 512e= 0:15:28 AM Wage: 7 Divisi... Code Galan.._ 913010 Division Title Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops Report Opening[Current Balance Report Transaotion Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference Hope Source Expanded General Ledge' - SL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 932202111 - ESG Grant County From 81112023 Through 8/3112023 GL Code CL Title Sub division Session ID Cade Debit Credit 6,471.08 Balance 632202111 - ESC- Grant County 42,395.66 0-00 0.00 49,046.00 6,650.34 49, 946.90 63,650.34 42,395.66 Date: 9/2=3 0&.1&.28 AM Page: 8 HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report FY ZO23 CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC � � Date Range: 08/01/2023 thru 08/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 49 49 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 22 22 Number of children (under age 18) 27 27 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers0 . . . ...... . .......... 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 49 49 Number of adult stayers 22 22 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons Number of youth under age 25 0 0 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children Number of adult heads of household 0 17 0 17 Number of child and unknown-age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Thu Sep 7 12:45:33 PM 2023 9 Powered By«v►�CLARITY 9 1/8 HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report[FY 2023]CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 08/01/2023 thru 08/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 1 1 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 1 1 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 1 1 Number of adult stayers 1 1 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 1 1 Number of child and unknown-age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 1 1 1/8 Thu Sep 7 12:51:13 PM 2023 Powered By aLAR ITyr HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report FY 2023 CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC � � Date Range: 08/01/2023 thru 08/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category. Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 0 0 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 0 0 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 0 0 Number of adult stayers 0 0 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 0 0 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 0 1/8 Thu Sep 7 10:59:06 AM 2023 Powered By �CLARITY AA HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2023]CoC HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 08/01/2023 thru 08/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 159 159 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 159 159 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 20 20 Number of adult leavers 20 20 Number of adult and head of household leavers 20 20 Number of stayers 139 139 Number of adult stayers 139 139 Number of veterans 5 5 Number of chronically homeless persons 24 24 Number of youth under age 25 17 17 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 159 159 Number of child and unknown-age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 10 10 1/8 Thu Sep 7 12:56:36 PM 2023 Powered ByPP C TYLARI HIVIIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report [FY 2023]CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 08/01/2023 thru 08/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects - Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 45 45 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 16 16 Number of children (under age 18) 29 29 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 16 16 Number of adult leavers 4 4 Number of adult and head of household leavers 4 4 Number of stayers 29 29 Number of adult stayers 12 12 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 7 7 Number of youth under age 25 2 2 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 2 2 Number of adult heads of household 14 14 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 0 1/8 Thu Sep 7 12:54:55 PM2023 Powered By ��►�CLARITY v HUMAN SERVICES