Week of November 19,1990
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by
Chairman Glenn Chamberlain. Commissioner Goodwin was in attendance with the Clerk
of the Board. Commissioner Chandler was out of town.
The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceding session.
The Commissioners signed a Request for Transfer within the Law and Justice
Department #163 Fund #121 in the amount of $2,150.
The Commissioners notified the Assessors Office of the inclusion of all the
municipalities in the County except Royal City and George in the assessments by the
Noxious Weed Control Board with said monies to be used to control noxious weeds
inside the corporate limits of the various cities.
The Commissioners signed a contract for legal services for indigent accused and
others for District and Juvenile Court with the firm of Earl and Earl.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Liquor License Transfer
Approval from Bob Burress, Georgine Marie Burress DBA Bob's Cafe at the Inn.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Determination of Non -
Significance on an expansion of existing facilities manufacturing tetramethylammonium
hydroxide by Moses Lake Industries.
The Commissioners sent a letter to the Grant county Republican Party regarding
the appointment of a replacement for Commissioner Gary Chandler.
The Commissioners received the Audit Report from the State Auditors Office on
Grant County.
The Commissioners approved the request by District Court and Judge Brown for
the purchase of a reformatter which will be paid for from Judge Browns Law and Justice
Fund Allocation.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner
Chamberlain that Resolution Number 90433 -CC authorizing an application to IAC be
passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase for Birgrit Ruffin of the Sheriff
Department to $8.00 per hour effective January 1,1991.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase for Cathy Neils of the Sheriff
Department to $7.00 per hour effective December 1,1990.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase for Adele Farber of the Sheriff
Department to $7.00 per hour effective December 1,1990.
The Commissioners received a Notice of Claim on Bond and Retainage RE:
Central Washington Asphalt,lnc. on CRP 89-7 Bridge #157 Stratford and CRP 89-8 Bridge
#399 A -SE Contract 1150/1151.
The Commissioners were notified that Grant County District Court opposes the
Willis & Associates survey and did not wish to be included in the Position Evaluation.
The Commissioners responded to the Tourism Commission letter of November
7 regarding the possibility of funding a part time Tourism Director out of Admission Tax
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign a Determination of Non -significance
on a Cellular radio site consisting of a 297' guyed tower including antennas and a 14 x
24 foot equipment building proposed by Inland Cellular Telephone Co.
A public hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin
and seconded by Commissioner Chamberlain that Resolution Number 90 -134 -CC relating
to a supplemental extension in the 1990 Miscellaneous General Government Department
#125 budget of Current Expense Fun d#001 in the amount of $5500 be passed. The
motion carried.
As there was no further business the session was continued until November the
November 20,1990
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Department regarding Patton Blvd.
Right of Way, Fuel Tanks Wilson Creek, 1991 Vehicle Purchases and WSDOE.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those
vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 11/20/90 in the total amount of
The Commissioners were notified the Consolidated Disposal that they requested
that Dan Dietrich be appointed as a representative for the Solid Waste Handling Industry,
private sector.
A motion was made by Commissioner Chandler and seconded by Commissioner
Goodwin that Resolution Number 90 -135 -CC indicating that Dinah Breland is no longer
an employee of Grant County Mental Health and is no longer designated to provide the
services of a Designated Mental Health Professional effective November 12,1990 be
passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners met with the Department of Ecology, a representative from
the Attorney Generals Office, and the Public Works Director regarding the status of the
1-90 landfill.
As there was no further business the session was adjourned until November
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