HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Human ResourcesWepa- i men Sources t- tofHuman.Re, jun. ,201-9, Re: Unpaid Self :Pay Insurance Prerniums­­ K;athryn Nola �iE 5742* n k. d as- a Community Livmg Support - Kathryn Nollanis a fbem'er Gra' t Cou- h-ty e mi ploy n: ,ee who wor fe Aide with DCL -from June 12, 2018 through March 6, 2019*Wun n hen she vol1v resigned for Personal reasons, Whille employed with Grant;County Kathryn Nolan moved'.[nto leave without pay status during pay pedod 11/9/18 fbr a tota'.*[ of $82.00. �yg. r.n,was:s.-ent.s;eif-petypre.mj'um.noticies-onll./9-118 1.1121/18 1-2/10/18t, 12121118-1/10/19 tdate 1/25/191) 2125/1913/811 9-1... �/22119- 4/10/19., 4125/19s 5/1011:9, Fina'i Notice on:5/-24/19, -an-d o- ent on thisamount du nt Countv has not made a.,,pa . e to G ra ym Lau Of ssa. Perez Behefits &.Paymll S'pecialist. r fo BoardAction. on E lo, .'R ­ , e, q ... equest.. nv ar. . U..,.I*.:QT S ffil C. I.On rgive MIUM.- am.q.U.-i:.It due ($82) for -unpai'd. p4y - -e "od. 11/9/1& _pn..,. Pre... M'fora ....,_ive- debt. Cl send forward. to. Auditor .for collect' Thomas Tayl6r., haix 71ol V t c idn C(i! ady Datebf A. t' &h - a -rd. Ste vens',Commi'ssigner Grant .County Human* Resources �?O Box. 37 35 C. Street NVV Ephrata, WA 98-82.3.- (50 9) 754-2 11