HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMONDAY, JULY 1, 2019 The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with all Commissioners inattendance. 8:30 a.m. —9:OO a.m. Elected Official Roundtable 9:00 a.m. — 9:20 a.m. JHammond, ASC Update and Misc BOCC Action (Items lthrough Zl) Amotion was made bvCommissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens,. toapprove items 1 and 3 through I1onthe agenda aspresented. Item was not ready for signature. The motion passed 1. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services, grant administration, etc. ) 2. Anticipating: Agreement for the provision of Law Enforcement Services between Desert Aire Home Owners Association and Grant County Sheriffs Office. Term of the agreement is July 1, 2Ol9and ending June 3O,2O2l.(Item not ready for ma) 3. Washington State Department of Commerce Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Closeout Report on Public Services Grant, Contract #18-62210-005. (Approved) , 4. Reimbursement Request (A-19) for contract work performed by Grant Integrated Services" Prevention and Recovery Center (PARC),during March, 2U19inthe amount of$l3,499.3Jon Washington State Health Care Authority Contract No. 1763-9425O.(Approved) S. State of Washington Department ofChildren Youth and Families (DCYF) Agreement on General Terms and Conditions. D[YFContract No. 1983-S6614.Term isJuly 1,2Ol9through June 3O, 2020.(Approved) 6. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission State and Local Government Information (EEO -4) form for Grant County's administrative employee data on the Washington State Department of Commerce Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program's Public Services Grant No. 19-62210-005. (Approved) � 7. Washington State Department of Commerce, Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unit, Consolidated Homeless Housing Grant (CHG)Contract No. 2O-4G2O8-1Owith Grant County. Funding is in the amount of $969.,417.00 with a term of July 1, 2019 through June - 30,,2021. (Approved) @. Interlocal Agreement between Grant Integrated Services and the Royal School District regarding Counseling Services. Term is September 3,ZO19through June 12,2O2O.(Approvmd) 9. Resolution No. 19 -052 -CC authorizing execution of Interlocal Agreement between Grant Integrated Services and the Royal School District Regarding Counseling Services. (Approved) lO. Memorandum of Understanding between Moses Lake Healthy Youth Partnership 365 (HYP 365) (Grant Integrated Services) and Boys and Girls Club of the Columbia Basin (BGCC). HYP 365 agrees to purchase items in the amount of $1300 and contribute $75 toward print material to promote outreach event. (Appro*ed) 11. Request for release of funds on SIP 2018-01, Port of Quincy,. Industrial Park No. 5 Site Improvements in the amount of $70,,000 ($35,000 grant and $35,,000 loan) to the Port of Quincy. (Approved) Page 2 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of July 1., 2019 9:30 a.m. —9:5D a.m. TGaines, Central Services Update mFacilities and Maintenance: Personnel; Whitebird;Auditor"s; Signage and stairwell m Technology Services: Personnel; tech minutes; budget m Grant Integrated Services: Personnel; operations new sequence of operations m Fairgrounds: Project updates m |nterfundCommunications: Department Updates w Central Services: General Updates 10:00 a.m. — 10:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting 10:30 a.m. — 10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period (No public lnattendance) 11:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. T Taylor at Employee Discussion Meeting (Human Resources) TU ESDAY, J U LY 21, 2019 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 9:00 a.m. — 9:50 a.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update Pursuant toR��.30.110(2)(f) Commissioner Taylor called anExecutive Session to order at 9:01 a.m. to go until B:O6a.nn. regarding Personnel Disciplinary Matters. In attendance were Commissioners Taylor, Carter and Stevens, Kirk Eslinger, Human Resources Director, and Britt�nyRang and Elisabeth Lauver from the Health and Wellness Committee. Commissioner Taylor closed the session at 9:06 a.m. Calendar Items 07105119 — Vacation Authorization Requests l PAR—Oanie| Dale 2. PAR—KevnMoCrae 3. Hiring Freeze — Legal & Community Advocate 4 Unpaid Insurance Premiums pens.atioh. Benefits, & Payroll 5. HWC Meeting 06/24 a. Election of Officers b. Wellness Plan c. AFLAC Recommendation 6. Payroll Schedule Transition 7. NOVAiinne Implementation Page 3 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of July 1,, 2019 Employee & Department.Issues 8. Sheriff's Office Recruitment./ Civil Service 9. Youth Services 10. New Hope Labor Relations 11. Association — CH; DC; PW; Y SW,, - S Negotiation: Negotiations for 2019 (Date)(In Progress) Grievance: Grievance ASC20181022 (Step 2) Grievance ASC20180221 (Continued) 12. Teamsters-GCSO — Corrections Negotiation: Negotiations for 2020 (Date)(In Progress) Grievance: Grievance COR20190220 Grievance COR20190415 PERC: PERC 130683-P-18 (03/19-20) PERC 130684-P-18 (04/03-04) 13. Tea mste rs-GCSO —Sheriff Support Negotiation: Negotiations for 2020 (07/15)(In Progress) 14. Teamsters-GrIS — CM,, I&C, TS., SUD Negotiation: Negotiations for 2020 (Date)(In Progress) PERC: PERC 131647-P-19 Pending Items 15. GCSO Holiday Pay Closure Hiring Freeze Exception Form for a Legal and Community Advocate position within New Hope. (Approved) Personnel Action Request (PAR) forms for the salary, wage and/or position changes for Kevin McCrae and Daniel Dale, Prosecuting Attorney's Office. (Approved) Recommendation to forgive $82.00 in unpaid premiums by a former employee. (Approved) 10:00 a.m. —10:20 a.m. A Kim, Washington State Auditor's Office — 2018 Financial and Federal Audit Entrance Meeting 10:30 a.m. —10:50 a.m. L Stoltman, Conservation District Update 11:00 a.m. —11:50 a.m. D Hooper, Development Services Update Page 4 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of July 1,, 2019 11:30 a.m. —12:30 p.m. C Carter at Homeless Task Force Meeting (GrIS,, Moses Lake)_ 1:00 p.m. —1:20 p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 1:30 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. I J Tincher, Public Works Update (No items) 2:30 p.m. — 2:50 p.m. Consent Agenda (items 1 through 16) A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter., to approve items I and 21 4, and 6 through 16 on the agenda as presented. Items 3 and 5 were denied. The motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioner's Office and Public Defense Vouchers. (Approved) 2. Commissioners June 17, 2019 Minutes for approval. (Approved) 3. Recommendation from the Health and Wellness Committee to keep the employee voluntary benefits through Lincoln Financial but also unfreeze voluntary benefits with Aflac on a group rate with an individual plan. (This item was denied) 4. Recommendation from the Finance Committee to amend the following registered warrant caps: (Approved) a. Quincy Valley Medical Center/Hospital District #2 —from $5 million to $4.5 million b. McKay Healthcare/Hospital District #4 —from $1.5 million to $500,000 c. Mattawa Community Medical/Hospital District #5 —from $750,000 to $500.,000 5. Letter of appointment for David Eck to the Grant County Planning Commission for a 4 year term from July 2,, 2019 through June 30,, 2023. (After discussion, the Board voted to deny Mr. Eck's application due to a potential conflict) 6. Letter of reappointment for Marilyn Meseberg to the Grant County Mosquito Control District #1 for another 2 year term beginning February 11,, 2019 through January 31,, 2021. (Approved) AUDITOR'S OFFICE —ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 7. Payment of vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. (Approved in the amount of $379,157.41) SHERIFF'S OFFICE 8. Surplus request form for a Ballistic Vest (Asset #104795) to be disposed of at the landfill due to its expiration. (Approved) 1 9. Surplus request form for an AN Polaris RZR (Asset #104721) to be transferred to the Soap Lake Police Department. (Approved) Page 5 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of July 1., 2019 10. Request to purchase quantity ten (10) semiautomatic patrol rifle kits from Millard Sales in the approximate amount of $4,800.00. They would like to reallocate the unused portion of their ammunition capital expenditure budget (Law and Justice Funds) towards this purchase. (Approved) 11. Request for removal of Grant County Code Ch. 9.06.070 titled "Kennel License Required". Their office has not received any direct requests or applications and feel any violations of kennels can be addressed through the normal animal control procedures. (Approved, an ordinance will be drafted at a later date to have this section removed from the Grant County Code) 12. Request to amend Ch. 9.07.130(2) of the Grant County Code titled "Dangerous Dog and Potentially Dangerous Dog — Penalties". The amendment will reduce the penalty amounts to allow for the mandated 105% state tax added. (Approved, the public hearing was scheduled for July 23, 2019 at 10:10 a.m.) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 13. Request for o ' u * t of state travel for Brock Laughlin to attend the Construction Exam Center's Fall 2019 session from October 6 —11, 2019 in Portland, OR. (Approved) F:AIRGR0tjr*jn.c% 14. Held from July 25., 2019 Consent Agenda: Request to increase credit limits to their office credit cards to $25,.000.00 each card. (This item was denied) FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE 15. Recommendation to award the bid for the Law and Justice Building water treatment system annual service to NALCO in the amount of $4,,883.17. (Approved) TREASURER'S OFFICE 16. Pursuant to RCW 54.28.090., request to distribute the PUD Privilege Tax funds as provided on a listing by the Treasurer. (Approved in the amount of $3,,125.,631.81. Resolution No. 19 -053 -CC) 3:00 p.m. — 3:20 p.m. E Wash, Accounting Travel Policy Discussion MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Commissioner Stevens was authorized to sign the Grant County Health District voucher listing in the amount of $27.,043.90. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 2019 No meetings held Page 6 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of July 1, 2019 THURSDAY, J U LY 4, 2019 Independence Day, Courthouse Closed FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2019 No meetings held Signed this day of 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS est: Bar ara 1. Vasq e , C _JCerk of the Boar Grant County, Washington Richard Stevens, Member