HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCJuly 2,2O19 =I 'Ir "Ir jj tiousing Authorlo ty of Grant Count3i lIS9Larson Bbd.~Moses Lake, \XA98837'39O8 Phone: (509) 762-5541 =Iax: (509)762'23O2 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202,p TTY (800) 833-6388 Grant County Board ofCommissioners ` ATTN:Jill Hammond ' POBox 37/3SC Street Ephrata, WA 98823 / Dear Ms. Hammond: Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #24 for The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG), contract # 17-46108-10, in the amount of $30,315.75 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the CHG grant. a4talc Christopher A.Sutherland Financial Director 7he Housing Authority of Grant County, Washington is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental EQUALHOUSING disability, orfamilial status, 7he Housing Authority of Grant County's policies and practices are designed to provide assurances that persons with disabilities will be given reasonable accom m odations, OPPORTUNITY upon request, so that they mayfully access and utilize the housing programs and related smices. 0 " Grant County/GCHA Contract #17-46108-10(qHg. Submitted to GC by: HAGC 0ZLL a-,2:%L:A Date. 11 rl 0 /of Re -quest for eimbursement No. #24 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: _X_ Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? _X_ Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? _X_ Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _X_ Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: _X_ Does the employeeys time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? _X_ Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) _X_ Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _X_ Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? _X_ Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). _X_ Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? _X_ Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? _X_ Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? X Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). _X_ Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTfNG\LOTUS\LOTUS\Consolidated HG\CHG 2017-2019\CHG Subrecipient Checklist,docx Page 1