HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - AccountingP8yable batche's audited and certified by tie auditing.-offjder as requiredRM-42,24,080- .aid those e' 'b 1. e it .-eX en�5.e. r i'm bur claim c rfified as required b p yRCW42.24.090,h'ave.be'enreco*a. ntdedo''' . listfhg which has been ma -de available to the Board::. B;atb,'h ID:: GCAIP072=1 9. As of tht8i. dater 07/2-3/2 0"! 9,. the Board, by a majodty Vot6, does appro Y. veJot pa: ment -those pble- batGh* 0. P' Ya e -bl Tota a.. Chairman of the Board. of CO missioner,� Date: it *GCAP07232'019 AP BATCH JDA Grant Co * nt u y C1, im al. s CleAring Account - 9201 .Na*me immeft-io—_ — CURRENT EXPENSE COUNTS ROADS VETS. ASSISTANCE FEDERAL DRUG MENTALHEALTH. ST]DRUG 'S'EIZURE LAW LIBRARY. TREASURER:01M JAIL CONCESSION ECON.ENHARCWT TOURIST ADVERT P. A. R, C. C OUNTY'FAIR INET INVESTIGATION. PROS CRIME VICT LAW & JUSTICE TURNKEY LIGHT �AUDITOR 0. IM, DD RESIDENT P. ROG R.E.E.T.- Ist 1/4% TRIAL COURT -IMPROV, ,DOM VIOL S'*RVCS . AFF HOUSING HmLS HS LOC. REST 2nd 1/4% 'Econ Enh, Rural Ccs. Dispute Resolution BuRding DEET Adm1h SHERIFF SURPLUS HILLCREST CRICK 1 . 'GRANTS ADMIN1. MUSEUM CONTRUCTION _MACC Bead- MCkIN8TRYES8ENTION COUNTY. FAIR SEWER SOLID WASTE DATA.. PROGES8ING QUADRENNIAL INSURANCE [NTFUND BENEFITS_ UNEMPLOY COMP DENTAL INS. OTHER PR BEN, VISION BENEFITS. :EQUIP RENTAL :TECH NJ CAL SERV, -1 Ja �RTS & QUARRIES [PAYROLL. 1ASILITIES TOTAL. TRANSFER. FUND AMOUNT 00.1,000, $ 20021,29 101 115 223-941 Aq 1`04 121 122 37436 1,07 125 48,209-2-9, 126 !$ 1 INN ko 1 08 128 $ �8i63&`99 .112-9 .340,3579,081 30 $ *30.5 132 133 136 ---------- 138 387.09 139 1.40 181 :523.04. 37&.34 1.12 – ..... . .307 10t819.41 ,AP COMPUTED BY: E. WASH JOURNAL.ENTR' : TREASU'RE RAOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: CHECKS; VOID.EDO' BATCH PM.CH.,K CRE :ITS PMTRX 1.1 114 $ 225i.906.83 $ 60077-3.1. 154.52' ..... 1 .331,238.6,6 S $ 3il 66,0 0 $ $ 1,4 . 37,00 $ $ 1,710.00 $ 54 $ s 6.51391 .36 $ $ U4135 s. .341666.5.9 $ 1,311,22 $ 2,§64.3a 2-j417,60 k 119.06720 s $6100 1,512.94 $ 23,810:32 s ;'20,205,12. 50J.6.1.00 $ .2,514-03 $ 22,62$,91. 4 $ 01 $ 85,126.28. S. 13,046,22 $ 14,264-.04 $ �.67.09 $ $ X77 w. $ $ $ $ s376,86-112 — -------------- 376,:861.22. $ $ .331,238.66 451,81156' $ 120 354.6?:. 90130104 66527,477,32 6,383.32 $-D. 3+ . 420.00 130,782.,72 $ 7,886..70 $ 69,333,18. 2,62Z,44 $ $ 4,835 20 8 12.40 1.72,00 $ 3,02518:8 41,620.64. 40?4-10.24 $ 5,028M $ 45,257.82 $ 1:0,11.5,82 $ 170,27.246 26*092.44 $: 2:8,528..08 $ 774.18 $ $ $ $ 7534722.44 75.3,722.44 662,477.32 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 451.,813.66 PW07221 9.CC 120,354462 PWO7161 SDAD 00,309.04 'PW.SW071919KM -- 662,477.32– 60333-32 '�GCOUTREACH 2,874.0 *LEOFr-2018 -.':MHLEASE 10,30 m a. *NHLE.ASE 130,782.72 7,086.70 *S.QLEASE 00,3A lia 0619AFFHOMF. 2,622.44 DC07192019DJO - 5,9 28....66 SCOTI:72019CMB 26,011-.710. 'AUDG-7 1 2 1 22M . EW. 4,83 .20 TR201:90716CW* 3j812*.40 ELO:71619TS -� .12.00 GCPLO 712201.9HK 3,025,88 M07171M 47,6:20.64 SHER671919DH 40,410.14- JAIL071919DH 101,526,00 JV071919PT 731.00 MUS07222019EW 5,02-8.06 C0071219CM 45,*251.8-2' H I R071 . 9 19 . LP 1.1-8 0.19120,57,9$ 015.2 PD 7111KH 1709272...56: GftI$0722i9TE 0,92 .44 FG07192019'rW 28,5-28,G& N!4071-119.wH 774-18 GCBLDG071220:19HK .20.00 GCD$ 1:61'914 07 K x. 763i72,2444 75V21.44 662,477.32. 115 116, ____12,319.22.. 118 120 121 122 37436 124 125 48,209-2-9, 126 !$ 1 INN ko :127 128 $ $ -11.9418..04 .112-9 .340,3579,081 30 $ *30.5 132 133 136 ---------- 138 387.09 139 1.40 181 :523.04. 190 35735 – ..... . .307 .308 309 $ .727.00 401 42,907 34 x .5,01 .5.02 5-03 5015 506 50.7 - ­ ---------- '508 $ 4516,81 .510 641w389.89 523 w 6.90.001 $ 708,099.88 - $ :7 08,099.88 1,416,199.76 $ 1,416499.76 Payable batches audit and certified Oy the auditi .-in ..g Officer* as: required by* RCW 42:,24.080 and the expe.ns.e.rejmb.Urse'm'.ent.cl'alms.pe.rt.ified�as required .by ROW 421.24.090, have bi�en'record . ed on. a Hsfi'hqv*htO,h has b-en'e a-�ikblb-t0 the Boa . rd: V . Ra , . Batch I.D.-" -GOCCO72,2201'9 As'.. of this: date, 06/1:8/2019,. tM.`Sbard-,S -Kafir hes a. �majbritv vote.,, doe. approve. for. payment th hos payable Payalple Total: 133 93432 Chairman of the Board O"I'COMI'Miss., ioners Date. AP SC H ID.- 07 01 Graftt. County Cla'ims1 t.Acc''ount - 9201 g Name FUND 'AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 00T.000.: COUNTY ROADS 101 VETS'ASSISTANCE. 104 DRUG 107 MENTAL HEALTH .108 ST!DRUG :SEIZU'R'E -109 LAW LIBRARY -11 G. 227,65 11'1 -TREASURER:Otll�v MAIL CONCEMON 412 EC ON EN'HANcMNT-.....- ....... :1.13 TOURIST At 114 P. A. R. C. COUNTY FAIR 7 33.44 1 4- 0CPA06119K. B. INET: INVESTIGATION 118 PRQ$ CRIME VICT 1 z LAW;& JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 DD RESIDENT PROG 125 R.E.E.T. 1st:1/4% 126 TRIAL COURTIMPROV., 127 DOM VIOL, SkV-CS 128 AFF KOUSING -129: HMLS HS S LOC 130 BEET 2ndd 1/4% 132- Eddh Ehh, Rural Co 133 tispote. Resolution .136 Building. 1.38 DEET Admin 139 SHERIFF SURPLUS. 140 HILLCREST GRID 161 GRANTS ADMIN, 190 MUSED M.C.ONTRUCTION 304 .MACC Bond 307 MCKtN8TRY ESSENTION 308 COUNTY FAIR. $EWER- .309 SOLID WASTE 40.1 IATA PROCESSING QUADRENNIAL 50r1 .502 INSURANCE 503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNWOLO'Y COMP 50:6. DENTAL '07 OTHER PR- BEN. :508 VISION BENEFITS, 509 EQUIP RF.NT,6,L 510 TECHCAL SERV. -195 5.23 PIT44 QPARRI�S PAYROLL LIAEMITIES 690.001 TOTAL: TRAN SFER: $ TRtAS U*'*RE':.R;N'O T**IFIE,D- POSTING COMPLETED BY.. CHECKSm, VOIDED: BATCH P911CHK CREDITS PMTRX. 2,74'9.41 -6,498.82 $ M68 5,616.14 CcipwoMcc 2,749.41 $ 5,49.8.32 $ .58.06 $ .5,616,14 351.36 -s 702.72 702.t72 CC80CC06-49jG: .21.5.70 431-40 CCDC061 9DJO �. 3.50,74 701.48 '701.48 =G619CS. 252.43 $ 504.86 $ 50,4186 CCCLO6198F 227,65 $ 455.30 128,76 $ 9-70;.34 -CCA SR0649BP .4,096.,64 $ 75,80 $ 43399,84 CCELECTOOSTS 391.72 783.44 $ 7 33.44 1 4- 0CPA06119K. B. 195.00 $ 390.00 $ $ 390-00 CCP.L 2 -071 19HK $ 93-110 $ 1 18K20 $ 1,064.20 -CCFM072019KS $ 4:,38 3, 62: 9,76724 $ $ 8-e78 .24 :CCdSD061-9TG 18,668;10 75T00 $ 21,696,10 -:CCSHE4%19:.otHj 2t865.00 $ .5,73t 00 $- $ 5,7 30.00 C CJ-AI40619DH 2,040.91 $ .41081.82 $ S4P081.82 CCJUVO619PT 481.25 $ 1 $ vum dCWSLJ-0619LB 2,031.78 $ 4,063.46 COCCO71219CM 2,080,83 $ 4,161-66- $ $ 4,16-t66 -iCCP.D619KH 3Q,568.39 $ 61136.78 S 18,558,47 $ -37116.94 $ $ 37.1-16i94 CCGCGFO:71 81 9TW $ 329.98 $ 329,98 CCBLDG07122Q19HK $ 33,547,45 6.Z,094.90 $ $ y7.094,90 CCT$071 MR. 191963,20 $ 39,926.40- $ $ 9,926.40 CM0619FMM $ $ $ $ $ 434o184.91 $ -62,36 482 $ 1, 9 .2 125.39 $ -266,871,3a' 1.31,1 84.91 262Y369.82 -$ 1-025.39 266,871-38, 2x749,41 $ .5!498.82 $ 53.66 $ S.A16,14 $ 133-Y934,32 .267,868.6 . 4 $. 1 . ,I . 84i,05 $ 272,4 9 . 732 . Axtiazon,com Checkout. �c K. :1 :Get a $70 Amazo oxo . Gift Card tatty , Lipon approVai for the Amazon Fr1rhe Rewards Visa Card. 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Receipt -from T . he Boo . kery ['s to S the'e.'.., a ni. C y s e r d r e C e p I[e e S 3 Y 0 k."I", k,;` S e Y. Zz.." q,,,. -i,* r ie I Learn nore Poe (Regular 17) I LfiP) G`i !iLO - 7:5 Ca C rx . a ... rp . 0 At' MOM :50 The pookery via Square. < receiPts@m . essag Mlsauareu-p.cbm- > Wednesday-, May 29,201.9 11.44 AM T .. wflfiJ a.m.s. Receipt -from T . he Boo . kery ['s to S the'e.'.., a ni. C y s e r d r e C e p I[e e S 3 Y 0 k."I", k,;` S e Y. Zz.." q,,,. -i,* r ie I Learn nore Poe (Regular 17) I LfiP) G`i !iLO The Rookery 50-9-754-53:21 A 0 -0 0 GO 310 *10 2 kw Fra,ppe.,--(2.0 oz) L50 Ici 9 W :0 off(Replar; 17) $11-.50: I'S 0 r p s Ch:a---[.:(2.00.z) $4 , 50. Purchase Subtotal $:63..50 Grant County (8.2%). $169 Tit p Total. $77,27 The Rookery 50-9-754-53:21 A 0 -0 0 GO 310 *10 2 1038 West Ivy iSute 1 Moses Lake, WA 98837 GRANT COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT .�'4:M}v:.J.A%.>>y:..}y:.'yfiih};.:0:4?^:n.?n .}}}}!P.. .;. .,i>O %:'.. :4Y}>v •bye •... MY.. vW ^; '4. k: :}}TY•. 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We, the undersigned Members of the Grant County Board of Health Audit Committee hereby certifies that merchandise and services specified on the attached vouchers have been received and services provided by the individual(s) listed. The Vouchers totaling $ 21,456.62 through July 23, 2019 are hereby approved. � r Richard Stevens, Commissioner a Mark Wanke, Board Member 7---�� "-3- / � Date l4. 12 Z, 5-afte System: 7/23/2019 11:39:06 AM Special Taxing Districts Page: I User Date., 7/23/2019 -------------- 7tO42.80 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss . :cha�•����• Payables Management $5,832.31 Batch ID: PH07232019DM Batch Comment: Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual: 13 Trx Total Control: 0 Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual- $211466.62 Batch Total Control: $21,456.62 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 7/23/2019 User posting access denied CU * e 6-0 D V, CHTDFY JUNE 2019 7/2312019 Chelan -Douglas Together for Drug Free Youth Description TOB Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114789 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000,2440.562444900 PUBLIC HEALTH -YOUTH TOBAi PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY %A 'A I CHTDFY JUNE 2019 MAR 7/23/2019 000000114790 Chelan -Douglas Together for Drug Free Youth Description Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2447.562444900 PUBLIC HEALTH.MARIJUANA.IV PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN- PAY 1 $7,042.80 $7,042.80 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 71042.80 0.00 0.00 71042.80 -------------- 7tO42.80 71042.80 ............ '.� . :cha�•����• rniy A""ai.,:... $5,832.31 $53832.31 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 51832.31 0100 0,00 ----------- 51832.31 5,832.31 ---------- ------ 51832.31 System: 7/23/2019 11:39:06 AM User Date: 7/23/2019 Batch ID PH07232019DM Special Taxing Districts Page: 2 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Payables Management DPLNJ 2019 QTR 2 7/23/2019 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES Description 266,856-01 Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: I 000000114800 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000-1000.562112000 PUBLIC HEALTH -ADMIN -PERS( PURCH 694001 00,0000.21 1000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY DPLN1 26685601-2019 7/23/2019 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES Description 222143 Right to Know Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114801 Document General Ledger Distributions I Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.1000,562112000 PUBLIC HEALTH -ADMIN -PERS( PUNCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY $32421.14 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 31421.14 0.00 ----------------- 3'421.14 $47.60 Date 010/0000 Debit Amount 47.50 0.00 -era--------w- 1-1 47.50 $3,421.14 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0,00 31421.14 ----------------- 3F421.14 $47,50 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 47.50 ----------------- 47,60 System: 7/23/2019 11:39:06 AM Special Taxing Districts Page'. 3 User Date: 7/23/2019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Batch ID PH07232019DM Payables Management GCPWD 21 9044 7/23/2019 GRANT CO PUBLIC' ORK DEPT Description 510-131026 Health District Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages, Work Messages: 000000114792 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000-1000.662114300 PUBLIC HEALTH -ADMIN -TI AVE PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -' ARIA PAY ........ .... UM. 0 D GCT S #1611 JUNE & JULY 7/2312019 Grant County Technology Services Description Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114791 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.1000.562114200 PUBLIC HEALTH -ADMIN -COMM PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRA N" PAY $765756 $765.56 Date Amount 010/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 765-56 0.00 0.00 765,66 ----------------- 765.56 ----------------- 766,56 ••V4 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130-00 $130,00 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 130.00 0,00 0.00 130.00 -------- 130.00 ----------------- 130.00 System: 7/23/2019 11:39:06 AM Special Taxing Districts Page: 4 User Date: 7123/2019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Batch ID PH07232019DM Payables Management MITCL 7/11 & 7/18 t 2019 MITHELL, LATAA Description Travel Reimbursement Payment Information Checkbook/Card Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 7/23/2019 Payment Number 000000114793 Document General Ledger Distributions Credit Amount 68.83 Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.8000.562804300 PUBLIC HEALTH-PHEPR-TRAVI PURCH 69400100,0000-211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -1 ARRA PAY 67900000.2440,562444300 PUBLIC HEALTH -YOUTH TOBAi PURCH 07900000.24471562444300 PUBLIC HEALTH.MARIJUANA,T PURCH 67900000-1000,562114300 PUBLIC HEALTH-ADMIN-TRAVE PURCH .......... . - e::r i0r UM ID"V n MLFMK JUNE 2% 2019 7/23/2019 000000114794 Moses Lake Farmers Market Description Market Match Payment Information . Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages., Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2426.562414900 PUBLIC HEALTH -COMMUNITY" PURCH 69400100.0000-211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY $185.60 $185.60 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 68.83 0.00 0.00 185.60 47.95 0.00 47.94 0.00 20.88 0,00 ---------- 185.60 186,60 . ......... e CA 1 $175.00 $175.00 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 175.00 0.00 0.00 176.00 ------------ 175,00 ----------- 175.00 System: 7/23/2019 11.,39:06 AM Special Taxing Districts Page: 5 User Date: 7/23/2019 PAYABLES. TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Batch ID PH07232019DM Payables Management ORVSD JUNE 2019 MAR 7/23/2019 000000114795 $11945.03 $1,945.03 OROVI LLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 410 Description Payment information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 67900000,2447.562444900 PUBLIC HEALTH.MARIJUANA.IV PURCH 11945.03 0.00 69400100.0000,211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY 0.00 ----------------- 1;945.03 --------- 11945.03 1,941.03 Kird ube" e Dum A mh D Ce""r"lN a ......... . ......... RCHUS 50571D3266 7/23/2019 000000114796 $262.68 $262,68 Ricoh USA, Inc. Description 14875433 Payment Information Checkbook[ and Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0,00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 67900000.1000,562114900 PUBLIC HEALTH-ADMIN-MISCE PURCH 262.68 0100 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY 0.00 262.68 ----------------- ------------- 262,68 262.68 System: 712312019 11:39:06 AM User Date: 7/2312019 Batch 10 PH07232019DM Special Taxing Districts Page: PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: Payables Management ST679C 6/13/2019 7/23/2019 000000114797 Staples Credit Plan . . Description 6035 5178 2017 0388 Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages', General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000,24471562443100 PUBLIC HEALTH.MARIJUANA.S PURCH 69400100.0000,211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY 67900000,2440.562443100 PUBLIC HEALTH -YOUTH TOBA, PURCH 67900000.2424.5622531 00 PUBLIC HEALTH-CSHCN-SUPP PURCH .U• .. ....... VERIZW 9833608635 VERIZON WIRELESS Description 742238397-0001 Payment Information Checkbook/Card Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: Jj 0 c er. n. I 7/2312019 000000114798 Payment Number Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000,1000.562114200 PUBLIC HEALTH -ADMIN -COMM PURCH 69400100,0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN- PAY $102.62 Date 0/0/0000 6 dmoss $102.62 Amount $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 34,21 0100 0.00 102. 62 34.21 0,00 34.20 0.00 ----------------- 102.62 ........ -------- 102.62 U bht*.�...T.... 6 rm .71.1111111111111 P®11.1111 IIIIIIRIrR���1, 111111111111111 PIIIIIIMIII.�I $11525.92 $1,525.92 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 11525.92 0.00 ----------- 2 1,525192 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 17526.92 ----------------- 11525.92 System,r 7/23/201.9 11:39:06 AM Special Taxing Dl.str4cts User Date,-. 7/23/201,9 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Batch [D PH07232019DM Payables Management WSEH.A .0665 7/23/2019 Washington State Enviornmentall. Health: Assoc Description Amber McCoy Registration Payment. -InformationCheckbook./Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages,,, Work Messages:i Page: 7 :User ID: dmoss, 00: . 0000114799 $2.0.46 $20,46 Qocument Date Amount. 0/0/0000 $0.00 ions General Ledger Distributi Account Acoount Description Account Type Debit AM' cunt Credit Amount .6-7900000,5000,662564900 PUBLIC HEALTH -ENV HEALTH, PURCH 20,46 0.00 694001 OU000,21 1000000 CLAIMS CLEARIN.G:- -' ARRA PAY 0.00 20.46 ----------------- 2 6 0R4 .20.46 Purchases, Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total ---------------- $21,456,62 ----------- $0.00 ------------ $211456,62 - - - -------- ........... - ------ ----- -- ... .State of Washington -County of Grant 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify- under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described.hereln, that any advance payment Is due and payable. pursuant to, a contract or Is available as an option for full, or partial fd, Ifillment of a contractural Obligation,. and that the Cla.IM 'IS ar fust, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to a-Uthenticate and certify to said claim. Ah A - bt Subscribed thl& 11140day of T For (Silgqed) Department Approved and Authorized By .......... Date. Allowed ­­ ---- ------------ Commissioner CbmmiSloner Commissioner We, the undersigned Members of the Grant County Board of Health Audit Committee hereby certifies that merchandise and services specified on the attached vouchers have been received and services provided by the individual(s) listed. The Vouchers totaling $ 20,154.60 through July 16, 2019 are hereby approved. Richard Stevens, Commissioner Mark Wanke, Board Mem era Date 15ate System: 7/16/2019 12:01:39 PM Special Taxing Districts Page: 1 User Dat Date: 7/16/2019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Description Communications Payables Management Batch ID: PH07162019DM Document Date Amount Batch Comment-, Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual -,0 18 Trx Total Control: Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $20,164.60 Batch Total Control: $20,154,60 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 7/16/2019 User posting access denied Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount umen n U!..n -ouch MV b, il�.."....-*...*....-*......*..'.....'.'..,.,: i W va BF VE 9/20-12/20, 2019 7/1612019 000000114642 $2,967.00 $2,967.66 BEFORE THE MOVIE INC Description Communications Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages:. Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 67900000.1000.562114200 PUBLIC HEALTH -ADMIN -COMM PURCH 21967.00 0.00 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN PAY 0.00 21967-00 ------------- ---- 2967.00 21967.00 •rn 11 1 11-e -cu -on h N Mb 99 se c" h"a""': ... . ...... M CPNET 132262 7/16/2019 000000114577 $64&60 $648.60 CPUNIET, INC. Description Grant County Health Payment Information CheckboolklCard Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/010000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 67900000.1000.562114100 PUBLIC HEALTH-ADMIN-PROFE PURCH 648-60 0.00 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY 0.00 648.60 648.60 648.60 System: 7/16/2019 12:01:39 PIVI Special Taxing Districts Page-, User Date; 7/1612019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: Batch ID PH07162019DM Payables Management CSTRIVI MAY 3 -JUNE 28, 2019 7/16/2019 CA TRO, MARIA Description Travel Reimbursement Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages-, 000000114535 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2414,562344300 PUBLIC HEALTH -TB ACTIVE -TF PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -ARRAN" PAY 67900000.8442.562884300 PUBLIC HEALTH -PLAN & PREP PURCH UM L UM N ........ . CRHC MATT BELLACE 2/27119 7/16/2019 000000114643 GRANT MENTAL HEALTHCARE Description Health District Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages'. Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2447.562444100 PUBLIC HEALTH. MARI JUANA-P PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY $396.72 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 377.00 0.00 19.72 ----------------- 396.72 $9,000.00 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 92000-00 0.00 -------------- - M00.00 2 doss $396.72 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 396,72 0-.00 ----------------- 116.12 m e hit' .... .... $91000.00 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 9$000.00 -------- I -------- 91000.00 System: 7/1612019 12:01:39 PM User Date: 7/16/2019 Batch ID PH0716201 9DIVI Special Taxing Districts Page: 3 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Payables Management ed " 0 16" cumen pou en a e .... . . ..... . . 'd ..... ... . ... ....... ... HRRST 4/10 & 6/12, 2019 7/16/2019 Harris, Tom Description Travel Reimbursement Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: M M :A .7 * j * 000000114578 $44.08 $44-08 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000,1000.562114300 PUBLIC HEALTH-ADMIN-TRAVE PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY LABOR REFUND 7116/2019 LA +C BRANDON Description Temp Food Permit Payment Information CheckbookICard Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114581 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000,5056.321200030 PUBLIC HEALTH -FOOD -TEMP F PURCH 6940 00,0000. 1000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY 0121 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 44.08 0.00 0.00 44.08 ----------------- ----------------- 44.08 44.08 ..... ...... $41.00 $41.00 Date 010/0000 f Debit Amount 41.00 0.00 ----------------- 41,00 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 41.00 ----------------- 41,00 System: 7/16/2019 12:01:39 PM Special Taxing Districts Page: 4 User Date'. 7/16/2019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Batch ID PH07162019DM Payables Management LKBWL MOSS & VAR AS 7/16/2019 000000114596 $21.62 $21.62 LAKE BOWL INC Description Name Plates Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/010000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Debit Amount Credit Amount Account Account Description Account Type 67900000-1000.562114900 PUBLIC HEALTH-ADMIN-MISCE PURCH 21.62 0.00 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY 0,00 21.62 ----------------- ----------------- 21-62 21.62 LKTPM MMR VACCINE 7/16/2019 000000114597 $645.46 $645.46 DUVALL, MARK Description 1013 Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 67900000.8442.50 333100 PUBLIC HEALTH -PLAN & PREP PURCH 645.46 0.00 69400100,0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY 0.00 645.46 645.46 645.46 System: 7/1612019 12:01,139 PM Special Taxing Districts Page: 5 User Date: 7/16/2019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User 1D'.' dmoss Batch ID PH07162019DM Payables Management MASST 4/10 & 6/12, 2019 7/16/2019 MASSA, TONY Description Travel Reimbursement Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114633 $97.44 $97.44 Document Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.1000.562114300 PUBLIC HEALTH -AD MIN-TRAVE PURCH 69400100,0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY Urn dourn n -.4. D V b MLFMK 6/15 & 6/22, 2019 7/16/2019 Moses Lake Farmers Market Description ML Farmers Market Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: j 000000114635 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2426.562414900 PUBLIC HEALTH -COMMUNITY' PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING -WARRAN' PAY Debit Amount Credit Amount 97.44 0.00 0.00 97.44 -------- 97.44 ----------------- 97.44 kF •dj}r�{c ourn $525.00 $525.00 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 525.00 0.00 ----------------- 525,00 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 525.00 ----------------- 525.00 System: 7/1612019 12:01:39 PIVI Special Taxing Districts Page: 6 User Date- 7/16/2019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User 1D.- dmoss Batch ID PH07162019DM Payables Management Ven i"l[�� ":::" " " rptD*` OG. -M ri 6 MMWR ADKINSON 2 YEARS 7/1612019 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Description 102102312 Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114634 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.1000,562114900 PUBLIC HEALTH-ADMIN-MISCE PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY NCSBC 2079-003 & 004 7/16/2019 NORTH CASCADES BROADCASTING INC Description 2079 Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages* 000000114636 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2447,562444200 PUBLIC HEALTH. MARIJUANA. C PURCH 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRANPAY $438-00 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 438.00 0,00 ------------ 438.00 $84.00 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 84.00 0.00 ----------------- 84,00 $438.00 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 438.00 ---------- 438,00 $84.00 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 84.00 84.0 V System: -7/16/2019 12:01:39 PM Special Taxing Districts " Page: User Date; 7/1612019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: Batch ID PH07162019DM Payables Management en en UM q er... D' V d Ven PBRAC JUNE 2019 7/16/2019 Pitney Bowes Reserve Account Description 20286415 Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114637 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.1000.562114200 PUBLIC HEALTH -ADMIN -COMM PURCH 69400100,0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY SAM HC 6/11 & 6/21, 2019 7/16/2019 SAMARITAN HEALTHCARE Description Gr Co Health District Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114638 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000,2000.562343115 PUBLIC HEALTH -PERSONAL HI PARCH 69400100.0000,211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN" PAY 7 dmoss DU.M.- ' I* $180.10 $180.10 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 180.10 0.00 0.00 180.10 ----------------- 180.10 ----------------- 180,10 $100.00 $100.00 Date Amount 0/010000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 ----------- 1 00100 System: 7/16/2019 12.-01:39 PM Special Taxing Districts User Date: 7116/20119 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Batch ID PH07162019DM Payables Management UNVNV 42870959 7/16/2019 NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Description McCullough Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114639 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.1000-562114300 PUBLIC HEALTH-ADMIN-TRAVE PURCH 69400100-0000-211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY . ac, .Ouc '0 e on e WHILKE JUNE SUPPLEMENTAL 7/16/2019 000000114640 Wahluke School District Description YMPEP Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 0700 }000.2447.502444000 PUBLIC HEALTH.MARIJUANA,IV PURCH 69400100.0000,211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING--WARRAN' PAY Page: 8 User ID: dmoss $22.00 $22.00 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 22.00 0,00 0.00 22,00 ------- 22.00 ------------- I— 22.00 ......... . .. ....U:rc 'ase M en S".. I.,:AV •SO . $319.52 $319.52 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 319.52 0,00 19.62 3 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 319.52 ----------------- 19Z2 3 System: 7/16/2019 12:01:39 PM Special Taxing Districts Page: 9 User Date: 7/16/2019 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: dmoss Batch ID PH0716201 ODIVI Payables Management • 00U WH LICE JAN -MAY, 2019 7/16/2019 Wahluke School District Description YMPEP Payment Information CheckbooklCard Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 000000114641 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2447, 62444900 PUBLIC HEALTH. MARIJUANA. IV PURCH 69400100,0000.211000000 CLAIMS CLEARING- -WARRAN' PAY " :100-umon, D ment':N""b'* D IV WHLKE MAY SUPP & JUNE 2019 7116/2019 Wahluke School District Description YMPEP, Mar Payment Information CheckbooklCard Payment Number Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: -OU UM a 000000114644 Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 67900000.2447.562444900 PUBLIC HEALTH,MARIJUANA.IV PURCH - 69400100.0000.211000000 CLAWS CLEARING -WARRAN" PAY T en,: ta ail; $3,203-99 $3,203.99 Date Amount 0/010000 $0.00 Debit Amount -4 Credit Amount 31203,99 0.00 0.00 3t203199 3t203.99 3t203.9 9 urch: aseiL;,'* •Tet:.•. 0 09 : (I 111 $1,420,07 $1,420,07 Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 1 t420,07 0.00 0.00 11420.07 11420.07 1,420.07 yst rn: 7116/2019 12:0139 lel pe 'a.l Taxing Districts Page: 10 er [ PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LST User ID: dmoss Batch. I D Payables Management Purchases Amount Terms Disc avail Document Total Y: i:t i�:��iw �.T.wi'. ^.i.iitW YCW �w as I�rM#1gMMP�W.W �Ms1WAs�wA. --------------- $201,154,60 ---------M-TH0,'i 4. 0 +00 $20.1154.,60 �.......a.rA.,.a..kw«u..ewr «.r Arr r.r.�s®.... ,.... w.a ww s„=,.:�r...`...r..�.. r.:;e+... rw�.;n.,T•�+uw. ,�aAr.... ..�.�+rra..�aoa.,..weM.,.a,.....rr w«»..'r.»w. w.r a...�.wr.4r....n.....a,.s....a�.�.�:...r �.. «r,...:+a.«.....:..w .... �.w..r...i.......f«.w».«..Ww....•�....:,...;.:....o....�:.�.,... --------------------- State of Washington -County of Grant l� the un ersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered'or the labor pert rm d as described herein, that any advance. payment is due and. paYable pursuant to a contract oris available s an option for full car partial fulfillment of a. contractural obligation, and that the claim is a. just, ra: end •unpaid obligation against the county, and that I ars authot:i d to. -authenticate and certify to said claim, Subscribed this w day of:. t (S n'; For ,;`+ Department. Approved and. .A th rized B Data Allowed Commissioner *00 Commissioner