HomeMy WebLinkAboutPersonnel Action Request - Sheriff & JailP U" SITION MANAGEMENTAPPROVAL (PMA) Reque ' tedAed' Seefio n i s on q d Pe Uested. Action. Re-H6rt6AC*tion*. Yn I atip quire P Req 1`71 d'PM6r:t*6.F a 0 UpdatePositi 4. on.Union De. Pa M e_� Lab ot. El Add Now. Position.. NA El NA 0PJDendina NAith H.R Director 0 Notice Sent (cqj) - �m -ect r) b Y 1r. .9, * Decrea-se Position Count. El. JD d4te-.ApProved. Seat"BUPrench R n - tat e Po' Board of County C miss* El Impact Bargain.. 61 s sition. om ioners inz Scheduled: F1 :gaining Completed D.Archive Position N/A. El ImPact Bar. P ,[I Approved 0 Ap prove( I -pen in b g. &.g argain' in) Request,to. -i ncrease head count by one corrections -officer on a temporary bas i. to help cover shifts:, Thisnee d`was created dueto-an:em-plowe, eing put on 11"" bt duty.au' to: p Te d W. g e regnancy mporary nee NAI I end as-sooaa-myee IS able to*.retur toUl:dud y. ................ cv'don 2: --Request Detail Item, 6trrent.Dasa Chang I i.rz.:g Data .Job#* -Job Title. 11513 - Corrections Officer - - --------- Department EEO Class. -- - - -- ----- A Sher" s Office - Corrections -o o m.5 - ----- ---- ---- Protect'iv-e Senrice Workets. -------- A A .Pay Typ e'/'FLSA. Non-Ekemibt — Sa' 1dr''ied (SALYNE) A Re ports To. 000. 001-<E' er T"tIe> nt I 000_00_<.Enter*T-i t Ie> EE04 Code AWC Code -Gr,p#-Name - T02-Corftections A Employee-. T FOITIme Regular A .B:a.n:d .Pay Step Table. 'i FTE 1...0 (40 hrs/wk) A, Position Count +1 Step -1 Step.2 S—teP 3 SteP 4- stoti I Ste -D 6 SteTY-7 5. 0 Pay Step Table ED Comp MasterTabIe. C] Comp Plan Q Position Setup Initia+ls+, Revised:06/06/17