HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - JuvenileK19-119 �Cfl Ar-..A&UL. , 1 010 - N 4 M I% t ) 1 -4- LU AL INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT IAA20.039 BETWEEN WASHINGTON STATE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS AND GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE COURT FOR THE SUPPORT of CASA PROGRAMS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Washington state Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), and Grant county Juvenile court (COURT), IT is THE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT for the COURT to increase the number of children served by court-appointed special advocates (CASAs) in dependency matters or to reduce the average caseload of volunteers to recommended CAS standards. Funds received by the COURT under this Agreement may only be used to supplement} not supplant, any other local, state or federal funds received by the COURT. STATEMENT of WORK The COURT shall furnish the necessary personnel, equipment, material and/or service(s) and otherwise do all things necessary for or Incidental to the performance of managing a CASA program to serve juvenile dependency cases. The COURT will ensure that the CASA program and CASA volunteers comply with the statutory requirements contained in Rf 13.34.100 - 107. The COURT will submit reports to AOC detailing information about the number of children served and the number of volunteers. The CASA Bi -Annual Report to the Administrative office of the Courts shall be submitted electronically. The required form for bi-annual reporting, which is incorporated in this agreement, is located on the Inside Courts website under `Court Resources> Court Management` and choose the "CASA Bi -Annual Report to AOC". Reporting schedule: Period Report Due 07/01/19 - 12/31/19 01/31/20 01/01/20 - 06130f20 07/3110 Failure to submit a report by the due date may adversely affect state finding of the CASA program. If you have questions, please contact the AOC Program Manager Sandra Hahn at Sondra.Hahn@courts.wa.gov or (360) 705-5276 PERIOD of PERFORMANCE The execution of this Agreement shall constitute a. ratification of an earlier verbal agreement between the parties that is now set forth: in writing. Accordingly, the beginning date of performance under this Agreement is July 1 � 201.9 regardless of the date of execution and it shall end on June 30, 2020, except for any remaining obligations of the COURT as may exist or if terminated sooner as provided in this Agreement. IAA20039 CASA Page 1 of PAYMENT Compens'atlon for the work pro . vid*ed* in accord ne' with-th'IsAgr'e ent-hay .been.e.stab-lished a e e m under- the terms of RQW 39.34.130. The. p. - tie's have -d-etermined that the. c rt 0 ost if :8c0or,npl:j,shJn,g theWork here -in. Will riot exceed $77,621. Payme,�nt,-for-,sa-t'l*sfact,ory, performanc*e, - of theo.mor k shall n.Qt. exceed t.hts aarnount unlesS the parties mutu'ally agree thi:her amount 'oa In. writing, excelo-t -as governed. byJ . he REVEN U E -:S HAR . I N*G - se*.c*t ion -of this Agreem-ek.nt... T . he COUR.T sKall maintain sufficient backupd'oc.0 mentionof direct costs under this Agreement., I pursu -Costs W1.11 bo. re"mbursed ant to. CA$A Cost Guidelines (Exhib:it A). Allocated drnir i rativ court costs- must. be applied. at a rate:that is -set forth and s.upp orted by documie'rpt ed ihtern'al adrtiinistrative rate p'la.n that'has been approy bytbe d,esig.n.at.ed authorit-Superfof Court and 18 readily acces, rev' ble for -w lb - at the si ie y AOC or the State Auditor.. RILLINO PROCEDURE Thi .COURT -shall submit.monfhly invoices on properly -completed Wash.in oton . fo. m Stag r -19 a A to .Financial Services P0, Box.. 4.1172 OlymVia*, W8shing'ton 98504-1172 ar rk...w'i,l I be r6h, 'a d.e. b Payment to: the COURTfor approved. and completed wo w rant or a'ccount transfer by AOC. within, 30 d,ays, of -receipt -of both: prped y-com-ple*ted invo* ices and the detafled� infor m-ation outlin,edtn. the CASA Monthly Detail Report (:see Exhibit B. attached and in-corporated into this agreement). upon expiration of t.he..Acnt, afty'Clainl, r payment -1ree.rne fo not already Made -shall be submitted w1thM 30: days. after the. expirat.joP da.teor theend -of the fistal.year,. which. e*ver *is earlier. REV.E.N.U.E: SHARING. AOC, in its sole discretion and upon noti*cel. may reallocate funding amo.ng state funded CASA. .4. programs.. If it appears the COURT May notexpendthe maximum contfact.amoUntay AOC m .reduce the n a 'ir urn on.tr . amount, AGC may increase the'rn,8XIMUM contract amiount if additional funds become avaitable through this revenue shadrram, ng p. R15' ...ORDS M-AINTENANPE The panties -`t t i greemeat all each mraInt aire booksrecords d. 1.1ocuments -and -ot.her evidenceWhich. sufficiently and nro.jaefly reflect all direct -and Indirect cosn coats ekp'�,a ded: by either x party in the performance of the servi . ce(s) described herein.. These record's -shall be subject to ins pectib h ..review or audit by personnelf both p rties,,, 6the er persorinel duly authorized bv either party the Office of the State Auditor, and federal officials so -auth-orizedb a . y I wAll books records. documents, and other material' relevant to,thIs-A,cireement W,11be retained 'for .. 'Six years after expiration df the A reement and the: Office -o:f the State Additor, federal uditars, 9 a j 8nd any, sdul -authorizedbvth-ep shall 'ha full. access and th-e-ri". N'to exa e I y ar e V Ig ml n .any of these materials du-nng this, period.. R.dart' AgeQjbrds.a,n*d'. other doc-Uments. in' any medium, furnished' 6ne-y to Ithis ree ment. to the ing .-oother. party,will rema'in -the propertvof the furnish rty.. onlesstherwise. agre d, The recoiVing'party will n.ot'di'sclose. or make a-Vallable- this material to any- third, artier without f r ja i.. I I St .1 s XCE glvin,g notice to the. furni.sh.ing party arid. gwtng it. a 'reasonable. opportun'ty, to -ria p ond.. EPT THAT CA.: A Bi -Annual Reports will be distributed t W hi.ngton St.at.e CASA. Fach -party W1411 1AA2003.9 CASA Pag'e'.2 of'6 utilize ra-ble security procedures -and prot.ect]"onz to assure that recordsand'docum, ents Provided.by h other ` -r . re-..rn .t erroneodslyd.iscloSed tothi'rdarties.. P BACKGROUND CH'EC-KS The COURT shall'. En*sure a. criminal background Check has been, completed *for -allyees em.p.-10 ;.0 ASA Vol.unteers', and -subcontractors who have -'access to chfldre'n, orior"to I any acceSS Linder this agreeMen f;. # Base.d.on'the results r m.t e c.rMih.a.Ibackground , check, -deteryin e each 'ernpjoyeef .CA8A Volunteer, a.rid subcontractor'is suitable for access to:dhildren" 0 Follow the .O .process, pr*ovided by the AOC Program Manager,, for processi,ng back ,ground Checks. The AOC villi Pay for CASA, VolLinteer crirninal background checks.. Provide CAS'AfUndin.g. RIGHTS IN * ATA Unless otherwiserovided data which onginafes from thi.8 Ag-reement sballbeorlt ks for hire" S W as deifin'ed b -the U.'& C'Opyri, ht Act of- 197.6 tind shall b� AOC. D:�':ta hall in-cludo, .9 e, owhed by a s, Y but- not be l[mi'ted, to, rejo.Qrt s d . ocuments, pamp-h . let�s, - e�dvertisem:ents boo'ksa az,nes M 9' i .r t 6 s' coi jpute'r' programs. films,_ tar)es, -video and/or sound reprod .ys,.s.!u ie uctions�. Ownership includes the right toyr top * Dttte.ht ight, ,.r*e* gite:r, a�nd tine ability10 trans.fet these . rig ht ' s.* [NDEPENDENT CAPACITY The em.ployees or.agents. ofeach� party who - re engaged In the performance of th-IS A.ga reement sh I continue tobe empl-pyeeso.r -agents of-th-at partyand shall not. be considered for ars purpose to be employees or agents, of the other pa.rty.. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This .greeme n m I a agreeme -t of the P:art e Such- ameadments A n -t mai be. am de by U u I :�n I S .1 wr ing and "-.autho�dzed tob'nd each s:hall* not- be. binding unless they are. *n 'Ifi -sign-ed bvo-e-r-sonne.1 I of the parties. • TERM]NATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as, otherwise provided'in th.is Agreement either part may ter'minate thi-s A, reement by Y 9 providing written notice of such termtnat - lon to the other.party specif ins the effecti . ve da . e. .1. yl so. , thereof 8t1ea8t five .(5:) calendar d'ays priar to* such date,, If this, con'tract. i tel rmihatedthe A00 sh-al] be Hable only: for natfor wo.rk completed and accepted.. prio the effective paym.p. e r to date of term-l"nation.. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE if for- any cau.Se. either p.a,rty does.-n.ot falfi]l in a timely and. -proper manner its obligaflo'ns unt . ter this A gr 6 ei'm eh I t, or if either party viol.ates. any of these' torms and conditiohs,., the a.9g, -nevnd party will give the other -party written notice of such fall,ure or vio.lati-on.. Therespoftsible part y will' be given the opportunfty to correct the vibl'ation or fbilure Within 1.5 working days. , If fafl;U i re i reorne e rn written Ceti - or violation is aot. corrected this Ag' nt may b. ter ' in.ated immediatelY b:Y wri ce .of th. e aggrieved pa..rty to the other. [AA2.00.139 CASA , Page. 3 of. 6 DISPUTE - 8 In: the event that a dispu'te arises :und'e-r this Agreeme.at, it shall.be det.e.rm.*Ined by a. Dispute Board in tho�follo.W:irig t 'annor, E 't M a h party ,to'fts Agreeme r! ''' * �.oint one- mber- to the t a -sh 11. a p me ibis puteBoard'. Th neer tn .t ed s.hal.1joirtly ap'p'' oin t -an -additi, on, al Mem'be'- r to the Dis, 'to Bb'a'rd:..*The Dispute' Boei'rd shall review the fa.ots agreement erms PU J t. and.a.ppfica.ble statutes rid rules and make a. determination of -the. di site. The � doterm`ihatio­rt is,of the -Di A .pu:,e Board shill be -final and bin�dir�c� on -theies pa rfi ,, GOVERNANCE Th.i.. Agreement entered into Pursuant to and underthe 8utho:rity.g..ranted 'by thelaws of the stag of Washington and anyap 'licable federal laws. The provisions of thism , Agreeent sh-aillbe P- co . n.strued to conform to, tho'se laWs.. In the event of an inconsisteti.cy in.. the terms of this Agreement.,. or between its terms rid any applicable: statute or rule, -the inconsistency shall be resolved. by giving pre cedencel"n the followi order: wing a. Applicable state end federal statUtes. and. ru*les; b., Stalement.of work-;-an.d c, Any other provisions of the Agreement, including ud' te 'als jncp ma ri or: porated byreference.. ASSIGNMENT the wor . to be provided ander this- -Agreement, and any cl-aim. a.r't.s'j',n.g'-the 6reun-der*.,: is not assignab[e or delegable by either party in whole or in part, without the exp.ress prior writte'n consent of the other party,,, which: consent. shill not be. unreasonably withheld. WAIVER A fflu're- by either party to exercise its �rights under this Agreement sh.a.11 not preclude. that part g from subsequ.-ent 'ex-etc-ise -of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver- of any other rihts under this Ag.reement. unless stated to be such in a writing s.igned by cin authorized n. 'f th * Partv and attached to -the. or'gih.8. A represe 'tative o e 1 .1 greem ent. $EVE . ITSY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of an -v d.00urnent incorporated b . ref6rence -�Invalidi� sh.all ot. affe. t th.e other'' 's o gree m. n shallbe held inValid;,,s.uch n c provi ions f this A e' t which. canbe even effect withoutthe , inValid provfsjon, if such remainder conforms, to the req . u - irernents� of a: ficable lawendthe fundamental purposew of this a eement. and to the"Is end - PP I the provisions of this Agreement are declared to.be- severabl.,K;;. ,SAVINGS awn. frstate, fioder I,, rotheroar es js - sVithdt'd.Uced -fted. in In the event fundIng 0 'm a 0 re or Jim any way after the effective date of thi.:sAareoment a.nd prior to'n.ormalcompleti n,, the AOC Mr m ay te r i "n. ate- the . A.:g ream e nt u n d e. theTerminati'on: for Convenience'" -clause: without the fjve -tat -day noticerequirementego ., subjectato reatiation under those.. new funding lim-0 tons. anu onditions. t its dreti, ma y a:] .. so elect to -arne-nd the Agreement. to reftect a budget cA.00, -aiscon' reduct[on withbut terminating the contract if -.all partles. agree to the amendment. CIOUNTERPART.S. Each:par tv -aarees that -a facsirn'ile.. (FAX). -or scanned transmission of any Qria.inal document shall have:the.S,-a*Meeffectas the'ongi*nlal. Anysignatu'ferequired on an on.-ginaI s ha 11 co. mp1eted and -sent to the other, party,as ap Hcable, when a scanned -or facsimile. dopy has, P .1 I• 00 CASA Page 4.of.6 'd* Thi.parti` e that signed fks.mfle-.or scanned copie.s f documen* es agrej. o t.s shall be .give full effect a: ifart L. .9 Thi's Agreem . e'.nt�:Cbntain�s -a*ll the te d �'c n:d e fies.. No other rmsan—o. iti:ons:ag-reedu.pQ-n­..byAh part und:o.ts,tand'.'in,gs.,:or-al.-orotherw.i�s'e re,*g*ard.in:g.t�he�subj"e*ct::m*a�.tter::of this Agreement s . ha]lbe .deem.ed to exist,or to'b.in:d. any -of the -parties. -CONTRACT MANAGEMENT T h.-prro i e. foran.b.sh 1jr b ffies contact. e ogam, m-a-nager fur each. of. the rfi- peies shalr i be. e esp, hs*bl a e t 'for all com.munications a ardiba the. I perso-n nd billings reg i per.ormance of this A me, .,gree nt, Admi.ni.s.tratiyq office the Cou.rts 8/9/2019 SigoatUr-Date Grant Cou.nty Juven''ite Couft C 7/ t/ SV`hature (JDate , , LAX.o Ramsey Radwan ftA i chek. Name Name Mr - 8#40Y Cot!Uffilvil ootor AOC Management .rA t Seces. t" Title 'Title .0 Page '5 Of 6. 1A.A.20' 39.'CA.S.A ATS :T. sm? ra a Wad, vasque iClefk of t..he Bo,�rd SOARD-OF COUNTY C-OMMISSIONERS G' RANT CIOUNTYWASHINGT* To*m:Taylor. Richard Stevens, Member EX.H.M.-IT A. CASA COST GUPELINES .A.,, PURPOSE. and SCOPE This docu.ent establ.ithes the allowable cost guidefines for 'CASA rei m.mburger ents. It also sets forth the required doo-Omen1tation needed to -suppoft'a reimbursement request., This supporting documentation needs to be.re . t*ai*ned at1h.e1ocal. level and should not be submittedto Aoc. The- legislature has pr*eviously stated that CASA funds are provided solel:y for court- appointed special advocate dependenc' matters. 'The, gWidelines take into programs in y consideration the Emendal. needs of a court -working with court-appointed specia I Cy.rCase 'deliftos recognize the restrictions p] ced o ad-voc . ates 'in .de rider -s*, These gut a n CASA.. reimbursements and attempts to identify those costs that can and cannot. bo reimbursed... im. Court Pro' jiect'Manzger i Person -designated by the. court to manage the CASA. contract according tolts terms inclu*di,nd report preparation:, 8tope of workand performance equ.ired docu,mentation in an acc rmits invoices, andoter ru ateand time.manner 00 Keeos all su.pporting documentation f0r audit -purposes for at lea-st six yearsafter-owitract expttes ProjeetMan,ager A 'et cen...-.ralw .nctt.t.-a wt-htheoourt Oversees Oistributian ofJO-nds Appr'ov.e.sJnvoices and submitted s4pporting documentation for CASA reimbur'sement. Res, end s -to cost. and, bud:t �q* uestions from''the courts P L Reviewt, all reports, required U:nder the: CASA ag',reemeni 3. Management -SeMices Urector Resol,vesAlio y.and "oce*du'ral'i's.s:uesr ted. to CASA funding pr , ela CA,SA Guidefines H/2014 4. AOC Co Her mptro. Determines CASA. -annual fun'd all. ocatl'on based on. monies received f from, the. le.g.islature- Peri.odica.Il y aud.its Courts t n ur reimbursemle n reques s are supported 5.. C-oantractManager * Drafts, reviews, and a.0proVes CASA agreements * Answers questions regarding co . mpliance with -the.a.greements -P t Provides -advice on, interpretation of agreement 6. State Audiftor Audits our and ASC for compliance with GASA. D. ALLOWABLE COSTS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 1. Staff/FTE (Safartes: and benefits) Payrol'] record/tne and, att.en.dancefe.co.rds rented t.o.the CA. 8A program., If employee Js notsigned fulltimeto working with the CASA program ,then compensation reimbursemen-it must proportioned P to the. a m*,ount of time, the employee works: with: the: CAS A programand must be documented.by time -and* attendancereco .,NOTE NOTE This does not meq.n that timesheets mus.t.be. completed to track the time spent. on 'CASA. Document the process for determ'ining the. amount of time the personend on CASA, dufles, Fir:, kee'p frac k of time fo'..r.at least a week and then de-termine. the percentage. to be charged. .2.X P.rofessional Sr. ,Gen.'e-ral - Detajl,ed. vendor Unvoi.ceto incl-ude d eta"I de rpt on of wol-'-,�, peffo-rmed,. contract number, houfs, and hourly rate or:tim'e and attendance cards mu: t. be kept., local]y A.11 work. mustbe rel.a.ted. to the, CASA, program b* 'uthorizibgr-aiuth rit. doulnty court. and invoice must be approved . : y a o, dmin"strator or }his r her delegate) be -fore inclusion. in reimbursement request, equest. However., -these, locuments db n ..ot-needtoaccompany the invoice: toA0G. The-y-s*.h'oul.d*b:*ereadi.'!.':ava..[[..8blef,.Ora,ud,itpurp*o.s;e.s. y Attorney — Invoice mustden.t"I fy. thespecif.c. C.A,S*.A case for wNch J . reim bursement i*s requested, h,ours Worked., and �the ho'Urdy rate. that. was Charged. Reimbursement i s; orllv for 'the. log.al tepre. t' flol . f the C.ASA seMaU. n o e volunteer w.J,th regard to a specific++ case, There is no G. reimbursement fbr:rePre.se.ntation* of a min -or child, If the CASA Volunteer CASA Gttidel it 1, 1/2-01.4 .has legal -.repre sen tatlo.n.th ere must be *a. court order theit.. ( states the need for the re'pr'_es­e.nta.tib.n,.`; and'(2 i e. the attorney'.bei identffi s ing app ire nted 8. 0 to repre the CASA volunt - r, These. d .cu'- nt 6 not:- no.. d t' me e o accompany tle.invoice to AOC..Th.ey 8hould e.axil I a b I e fo;, r audit. - b.rOad-*1y­a-.. purposes.., 311 -Gwds lies SO.P. * tu.a .Costs - Supplies. should be necessary for CASA programand rn . ay ..include consumable sup-.plie.s.. Vendor invoices should' be kept, locally for audit pu-rpos:.e,s I * Costs Allocatedby Internal Administratip e Rate - Supplies may be allocated, but an interria] administrative rate M*�ust: be doe umented an.d approvedby the county court admin. i8,trator. This internal adrninistrat.i - v e rate must: be dQCUm.en.fe.d.w1th. the. formula -used' to determine: tbe:rate. Documentation must be on fite. and available -to AOC -and State Audito.r. The vendor invoicesmint -also be. on file locallyx. 4. Equi.p,m'O.hf o Actual Costs — Reimlburse rn'e'nt'request does nit needto i in clude the ven:dor invoice if directly related to the CASAprogra m - oweve r, it h ny .must be kept locally:. A. .m 'a ' jor hasem purc..u.st be approved by A.0 -C Project Mranag-e . r. 'i . or to purc . h e. Major'purchase is def . ined. as pas g purchase of an item where the cost -is �rea. ter than .$500 or where the ervice/ e peno, n q uipme a .s maintenari-c d o� the e nt is greeter than one year :e and could exo ed. $500 in total maintenance. costs, Vehicle an.d othe,.r high cost item's are not. allow -able purchases. Costs Allocate d by an Interna.1 Mm.inistrative Rate. — Equipmen.-.t cost. mai .be:a.11ocated ut reimbursement ocu req uest must be d me.nted b Y an internal admtnistratie rate speciffic to the Court.and'approved by the court, administrator. The intero.a.'ad,*' I t at* e: rat : dbcu:men.T'a` ...mjni.s-r,j:v e ti n must be on file. and avalijaWe to AOC and State Auditor,- The vendor i . nvoj r ce Must a: lso be on'' file. .51. Tra.ining Re. nua .. ASA: i rn b Li rseme nt � do ra' ten.d'' fing th ean . I Washin'gton- State -C a Chil.dren's. Jutineconferen.c.es, .Any: other ppid"fraini.n.g program-.:where- atteindee: is se e'kin.g rei-mbu.rs'em.ent must be approved by the AOC Project M.anager in. advamce of the traim.n.g. CASA G-61de.1files 11/2014 6,, T.e`avol Travel/Expohs e Vo'offer fro ee e . M staff or volu'n*t rs fo'r traVel expen.se elatedto -a re mb:ufsern ren for phj[d., fitness, parent r-Otheriews rr intervi", . ca . fldWihne� ol' CASA staff was a:_ssJn,V U r or CASA staff or.CASA 'volunteer May also be reImbursed for travel to, and from the W ingf St.ate CAS.Aor the Chi.ldfe-n.'s Justice. conferences, Travel expen.se.s to any other -training programs must.be. .r -a roved. by A.00 Projec.f -Mana,ger, 4. o $upporfing Doc.umentation .—gravel.* e* r m bu rsement requests must be kept .locally for -audit PU.-r,oses. o All travel expenses must be. with -in the travel costs pemilted by the AOC at the, time of travel. ulde-Itnes 11/2014 ADMINISTRATIVE Cdmpute'r Set -Up CASA Membership Dues STAFF/FTE' S:alaries, Be' nefits, CONTRACTS/ S.ERVICE DELIVERY Adveftitsin,g GOODSISERVIGES -Supplies - comm'unicat, , i:o n �TelephonelPostage) .(G.Ompu or/Li isOther I - ttenses) .ses) TRAVEL Mileage Per Die*m Other (4 Reg'istraitioris:: Jus*tice Conf). ARmi Tot6il $ Total $ Total .Total* Total