HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - BOCC (002)NMI as W-121 1111111 HIM �"*' 1. of IN w.e MONDAY, AUGUST 26,2019 8:45 a.m. — 8:55 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Veteran Services Budget Extension Open Record Public Hearing to consider a budget extension request from the Veteran Services Department inthe amount of$75.,000.00fnzmtheirAssistanoeReserveFundduetoah' h volume ofclaims being filed and tofund apart-time Veteran Service Officer. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. 9:0�0a.m.-9:20a.m. ]Hammond,ASC Update and MiscBD[[Action (Items 1through 8) 1. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services, grant adnninistration, etc. ' 2. Reimbursement Request (A-19) for contract work performed by Grant Integrated Services,, during July, 2019 in the amount of $686.25 on Washington State Department of Corrections (DOSA) contract. 3.Anticipating: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Moses Lake and Grant County for 2019 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)Program Award. 4.Anticipating: Resolution Authorizing Execution ofInterlocal Agreement with the City of Moses Lake for 2O19Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)Program Award. S. Anticipating: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Port of Moses Lake and Grant County Public Works for cooperative purchasing and the improvement ofcertain County -owned infrastructure around Port owned property. G. Anticipating: Resolution Authorizing Execution of Interlocal Agreement between the Port of Moses Lake and Grant County Public Works for cooperative purchasing. 7. Reimbursement Request (A-19) for contract work performed by Grant Integrated Services" Prevention and Recovery Center (PARQ, during June., 2019 in the amount of $19,,147.21 on Washington State Department of Health Care Authority Contract No. 1763'94250. 8. Certification byState orLocal Official ofPublic Housing Agency (PHA)Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan or State Consolidated Plan for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, for the Housing Authority of Grant County 5 Year PHA Plan. This plan recognizes that the Housing Authority of Grant County and Grant County have similar goals and visions in our plans. 9. Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project CFOA#l4.276 Subcontractor Agreement between HopeSourceand New Hope. The purpose ofthis project istoprovideadvocacyforhonne|ess youth. Term of the agreement is October 1,. 2019 through September 31,, 2021, in the amount of$1BG,549.1O. 9:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. TGaines, Central Services Update 10:00 a.m. — 10:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting NOTE: ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATES TO ASSIST IN SCHEDULING AND MAY BE CHANGED SUBJECT TO THE BUSINESS OF THEDAY AT THE BOARD'S DISCRETION. THEBOARD MAY ADD AND ZOR DELETE AND TAKE ANY ACTION ON ANY ITEM NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE AGENDA. ANY SUBJECT PLACED ON THE AGENDA REGARDLESS OF HOW THE MA=R IS STATED ON THE AGENDA, MAY BE ACTED UPON BY THE BOARD. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) ACCOMODATIONS PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Page 2of4 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of August 26, 2019 10:30a.m.-10:45a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period 11:00a.m.-12:10a.m. BID OPENING, 5HER|FF'SOFFICE PARKING LOT REPLACEMENT PROJECT/ ASPHALT 2O19(BO[CAdmin Counter) 11:00a.m.-11:50a.m. Budget and Finance Update 1:00 p.nn.—Z:OO p.m. Grant Integrated Services 'Grievance Meeting 5:30 p.m. —6:3O p.m. C Carter at Quincy Valley Medical Center 60th Anniversary Celebration (QVMC) TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2019 RStevens at WRC|PAll Board Meeting and Retreat / Preliminary Budget Meeting (Northern Quest Casino, Spokane) 9:00a.nn.-9:50a.m. KEsUnge�Human Resources Update ' 10:00 a.m. — 10:30 a.m. TTa ylo�Rnance Committee Meeting 11:00 a.m. — 11:20 a.m. Juvenile Court and Youth Services Update m Financial m Intakes m Courts o Dependency o Offender/Diversion o Truancy m Security m Martin Hall m Administration 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. TTaylor and CCarter atPUD Commissioner Lunch (12Hawks, Ephrata) 1:00 p.rn.—l:2O p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorneys Office Update 1:30p.m.-2:20p.m. ]Tlncher,Public Works Update Atemslthrough3\ ��2. Execution ofContracts for the 5-NVVand U-NVVOverlay Project (CRPl8-01)toCentra| Page 3of4 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week mfAugust 26,,2019 _,~~~2. Amendment #13tocontract between Grant County and Pacific Groundwater Group for the Ephrata Landfill Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Clean Up Action Plan — Phase I North End Supplemental Investigation, This involves the City ofEphrata and the Department of Ecology which adds $Q9O,OG5.00tothe budget authorized. 3. RequesttoPurchaselJohnDeereK4otorGnsderintheamountof$2BO,50].00(notinduding sales tax) from PAPE Machinery through Sourcewell (formerly NJPA) Contract No. 032515-JDC. 2:30p.m.-2:50p.m. Consent Agenda (Items lthrough ll) ~~l. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers for approval. I Commissioners July lS,22,and25\ZOl9Minutes for approval. � 3. Special occasion liquor license app|icadonsfor the Boys and Girls Oubofthe Columbia Basin and � their October 5, 2019 event at Big Bend Community College ATEC Building in Moses Lake; and Sagebrush Seniors of Grant County and their September 21, 2019 event at the Senior Center in Mattavva,from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. --- �. '4. Assumption liquor license application for Desert Aire Bar and Grill in Mattawal from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. ~^5. Letter of appointment for Alison Mitchell to the Fair Advisory Committee (FAC) for a 3year term from September 1,2Ol9 August 3l,2O22. GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES ~'6. Letters of appointment for the following employees as Designated Crisis Responders per RCW 71.05.020: Revio|a Camecho,Ve|ma Oe La Rose, Edwardo Gonzales, Tracy Hunt, Juan Padilla, Ruby Padilla, Devin Pinckerd, Anse|mo Quezada, and Valerie Vela. Request for Dell Anderson, Director of Clinical Services, to be able to sign on the following accounts Accounts Payable Batches, Travel Allowance Claims, Expense Reimbursement Claims, and Emergency Travel Claims. CENTRAL SERVICES O Recommendation to award the bid for the Sidewalks around the Courthouse project to Fergusson Concrete ofRoyal City for the amount of$l87G57.75. The amount intheir Capital Expendituresbudgetfortheprojectis$1Z5,OOO.00buttheycanuh|izefundsfnzrnothercapita| ^v projects that will not becompleted. Therefore, ifapproved, the Director isrequesting ebudget .� extension in the amount of $47,755.60. / ,'B. Request for out of state travel for Tom Gaines, Chris Turner, Kevin Schmidt and possibly one other employee from the maintenance team (TBD) to attend the Dude Solutions University from May 2-6,2O20inRaleigh, NC. 1O. Request for out ofstate travel for Tom Gaines and Chris Turner toattend the International Association of Fairs and Expositions conference from November 3O— December 5, 2019 in Sen Antonio, TX. Page 4 of 4 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of August 26, 2019 FAIRGROUNDS 3(11. Approved on July 19, 2019 Consent Agenda: Resolution increasing the Fair Change Fund #116, Department #159 in the amount of $400.00 for a second Point of Sale (POS) system. 7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. T Taylor at City Council Meeting to discuss Criminal Justice 3/10% Sales and Use Tax (Warden) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2019 R Stevens at WRCIP All Board Meeting and Retreat /Preliminary Budget Meeting (Northern Quest Casino, Spokane) 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. —10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. —10:50 a.m. • General Update • Courthouse Hours 3:00 p.m. —4:30 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2019 9:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2019 No meetings held CENTRAL SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING B Hill, Public Defense Update K Allen, Clerk's Office Update BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (BOE) HEARINGS T Taylor at Meeting with City of Moses Lake and Grant County Health District re: Funding (Moses Lake City Hall) a