HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - AccountingPayable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by R 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 05/06/2023 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total: $ 4,628.00 ------------ - i - Reviewed andcertified by: . . . . . . . . . . ---------- - Commissioner Commissioner Chairman of thb43T 91rof Commissioners Date.- /6/2023 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: C E D JUN 0 6 2023 _RS AP BATCH ID: GCEMG 5!512023 Grant County Claims ClearingRecount - 9201 Name FUND AMOUNT TOTAL TRANSFER. 41528.00 �,,.�g�g.:��f�� a. COMPLETED#i CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. JOURNAL ENTRY.- NTRY;TREASURER COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT -R ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 CHECKS; NAVA 3 ELECTIONS 100 611016 FEDERAL DRUG 107 MENTAL HEALTH 103 BATCH ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 CREDITS PMTRX LAW LIBRARY 1.10 TREASURER O/M ' 1 JAIL CONCESSION 112 ECCN ENHAANCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 1.1 COUNTY FAIR 116 INET INVESTIGATION 113 PROS CRIME VIC`l" 120 LAW & JUSTICE 121. TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 4,628.00 DD RESIDENT PROG 12 $ - $ 9,2.56,00 GCEMEG-06.06a23 R.E.E.T. l st 114% 126 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 127 DOM VIOL SR.VCS 128 AFF DOUSING 129 HMLS HS IOC 139 - REET 2nd 114% 132 Evan Enh.. Rural Co 133 Dispute Resolution 135 Building 133 REET Admin 139 SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 $ - SHB 1406 141 - GG ABATEMENT 150 $ w $ HILLCREST CRID 131 GRANTS ADMIN. 190 AICPA 191 AOC SLAKE DECISION 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Band 307 MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 303 COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 PROP 1 SALES TAX 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLI} WASTE 401 DATA PROCESSING 591 INSURANCE 503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNEMPLOY COMP 500 DENTAL INS. 507 OTHER PR BEN, 503 VISION BENEFITS 509 EQUIP RENTAL 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 500 TOTAL TRANSFER. 41528.00 �,,.�g�g.:��f�� a. COMPLETED#i JOURNAL ENTRY.- NTRY;TREASURER TREASURERNOTIFIED., POSTING COMPLETED BY CHECKS; 6 611016 VOIDED. BATCH PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX - - 4,628.00 $ 9,256.00 $ - $ 9,2.56,00 GCEMEG-06.06a23 - $ $ _ A $ - $ - - $ $ w $ $ $ - $, $ . $$ `L$' W. 4J • A• 'F 41628.00 $ 9,256.00 $ - 3,256.00 4,628.00 $ 9,256.00 $ 9,256.00 Y $ a $ A Yk 4,628.00 9,256.00 $ $ 9,256.00 System: 616/2023 1:43:32 PM County of Grant Page'. 1 User Date: 6/6/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: abarrientoz NEW HOPE, HOTEL LEASING Payables Management 22700.00 0.00 Batch ID: NHEMER}60523-AB PAY 0.00 Batch Comment: Batch Frequency; Single Use Trx Total Actuak 2 Trx Total Control 2 Audit. Trail Code: 2-1700.00 Batch Total Actual: $4,628.00 Batch Total Control: $4,628.00 Document Total' Vendor Name ------ ---- -------- Batch Error Messages: Terms Disc Avail Posting Date, 6/6/2023 User posting access denied $1 t928-�00 $1,928-00 HERON CREEK APARTMENT$ Vendo'r 13- Dow ment Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases– ............. ... ... ------------ Document Total­ Vendor Name --------- Terms Disc Avail Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number HERGE 06022023 -MH 61612023 0390310 $2,700.00 $2,700,00 GERMAN SANTIAGO HERNANDEZ Distribution Messages, Description Client EFA 0/0/0000 Work Messages: Payment. Information CheckbookICard Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 01010000 Distributi ion Messages: Work. Messages: General Ledger Distdbuflons Account Account Description .128,170.007611.565504580 Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount NEW HOPE, HOTEL LEASING PURCH 22700.00 0.00 69 .00 .00.o0o0.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 21700.00 21.700.00 2-1700.00 Vendor ID Document Number Doc — - ------ ---- urnent Date Voucher Number .... Purchases Document Total' Vendor Name ------ ---- -------- Terms Disc Avail HFA 06052023 -TD 61612023 0390309 $1 t928-�00 $1,928-00 HERON CREEK APARTMENT$ Description Client EFA Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check Distribution Messages, 0/0/0000 Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 128.170,00.7611.565504580 NEW HOPE, -HOTEL LEASING PURCH 11928.00 0.00 692-001 .00*0000.211000000 WARRANTS PA, YABLE PAY 0100 11928,00 1,928,00 1,928.00 System 616/2023 1:43:32 PM County of Grant Page: 2 User Date: 6/6/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID, abarrientoz Batch ID Payables Management Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total $4,628x00 $0.00 $4,628.00 State of WashinigtonM County of Grant 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty Of pedury that the , J materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as descnibed herein, that any advance payment its due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a dust, st, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and Certify to said claim,, af Subscribed this IU dav of (Signed) For Department Approved and Authonized By. Commissioner Commissioner Comm' issioner Date Allowed ------- GRANT COUNTY j�/ 3 I New Hope/Kids Hope PRO. MISE TO PAY Date 6/2/2023 Claimarit*. --German Saab no Hernandez Post OfficeAddress., 117-D ST SW uin . NNIA 98848 Month Day Purpose 06 01 June, July, August Ren't"of $900.0-- 0/month Dollar Cents 2700 00 Total-, $2.700.00 All bills must be itemized in detail onthis blank or itemized list attached herewith. When submitting claims for rent be, SLIre to specify dates claim is intended to aver. For Submission for Payment - 1SSU`ED: Return Voucher To: Grant County Maria Hallatt New.HopeArds Hope New Hope/Kids Hope Advocate 311 W Third Avenue emeses Lake, WA 98837 I hereby Certify on Honor, that the goods, merchandise, material, or service charged for in the above bill ave been fttrnished as herein chargred. DATE: 06/0"')/ 20?3 CANNOT BE USED FOR ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, PRE -PAID OR GIFT CARDS. German Santiago Hernandez Printed Claimant Name Sicynature Itl i pay Check one-, Ma*I. merit to..aL)ove addrens , claimantitDick —up..12ayMerit at Npw HODe Vouchers received by 12:00 prn Wednesday will have payment available thle following Thursday, INN 10, 'i EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FORM S I G N E- D? YES%"f ' yV N OEI FUNDING: W OFF MRR 77 s � i f / v ' v s i` _ N � s � y y S >3 t _ -_ y w R b .'� Pr 3 � '.t 1# & #t g 3 � � �" a 3 / � .�/t _-- yi � F _� /"1/'• :' / tea` 9' � �'# { �s'9 ��� Z /•-_. - - - am .y%w'<� � .c:� � � � � -. ,.✓ A,r�Z �..' /'� � .. _ - : ;. 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Santis -go Hemandez 2 Oldnessname/dWegWded Saft MAM4, R dift'011t h Al riva for instructions etW ft latest Information. on thfa W*; do not leave thk Me blank, 3 CWk apwqxktet ox W f�tl W ClOseFCOOM Of the POrsm WtM96 nam Is entered bn One 1, Vof the MkWry swen boxei. lodWuaV,&0)8pweew or El C CorponWon D 8 Co�tlon D. Pwtnw-ship DTnjw&3tee *VMLLC LLC 0 UmW Mbility Win. EhW ft W CIO Wflcatkm (C --C corpmtlon, 54 corpmflon, NPadnersh1p) 1� Nots: Cbe<* ft apMpdata box in ft im Above W the tax clawffication of the sihg�mwber mow. 00 nat dwk LLC N ft LLC is classified as OL single-niembqr LLC that Is dimnarded hm the owner uHm ft awrw of ft U.0 is &IwOw LLC that is riot disr"**-d ftmi ft owner fbr U.S. fed" tax pupows. OtherwM, a ftla-rnw-Mw LLC t Is ftvqxrded ftorn the owrw shot dvok ffie Ar to box kw the tax classification of b owro. Aftm Oumber, stte, wd apt or Wft M04 SOO irvstpWflons. Aeque6tWs mow - 17 0 St SW 1p' �, slatelmd ZP Code Mfelmw W A M 4 9 LW aocount numbe4s) hm MMj(x* Enter YW PN ii ft awopftej bm The TIN PrWded mtmt watch the n=e given on Me I to avoid bacfc* w%Wx*W'V. For kKhkkw45. this 1$ generally your social swLWV number (&W. Howev+ for a residont alien, solo proprktor,, or diStWarded entitY, see the in*ucUom for Part 1, lator. For other enfflies, it is YOUr wrVloyer Idend ation number (E] f4. If you do not hve a n umber, ses Now to got a 7T! V, later. Note: if #* ac=Kmt is in more thm one rmme, see the Instructons for line 1. Also sft What Nme and Numbo- ro G� ft Pwqfor guidertnes on whose number to enter. Give Form to the reqw,ster. Do not send to the IRS. 4 Ex Wions (axift apj* o* to CWt*n OMOm r4t k*W&IWI on &MP( Pay" (*de Of wry) E. �. from FATCA mpc AMI oode (K my) )d aftm WkwiaA Ung Ur4er petdfies of pedury, I certify ffiat 1. The Tunber shown an ft form is my correct WMar ldenti&mUon number * t am waft asued to rne)-, and g for a number to be L 2-1 am not whit to backup withhokUng becausez, (a) I am axwTt from backup w[thholding, or (b) I have not been notified- by the tntaTW Raveno W( ( Service FS) ffiat I am subject M to backup wiffibdding as a result of a failure to report all InWest or dhn'dend% or c) the IRS has notiffed me ffmt I arn W'mA*ad to backup irV wd 3. 1 am a U.S. cWm or o#w U.S. person (defined below), and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on ft form Cff any) inn rica:tin g that I am exempt from FTC A mporUng is correct CWWWMUM kWhxtom You must crm out Item 2 above if you have been notMed by ffm IRS that you are currentty subjor,,t to backupwfthhctkrtng because you hue Wod to art all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real QSWO t ramotions, ftern 2 dow not apply. For mortgage interest paid.. acquis� or abaWonw4nt of se=ed propety, =icellaflon of debt contibuffons to an fndivkfual teffrwent wangw*nt ORA), and gew�ly, payments o9w ftn k9armt arO dM*ds(-4s,, you ars'not required to s1g n the cerff&,'*tion, but you must provide your correct TIN. Soo the InstrucUons for Pan fl, latsrR - ---------- -- Sign VOU*" of > Here .911 --- General Instructions Fam IOW -DIV Wdimds, kxludrQ ftw ftm cxft CW mutual funds) Section refer aves are to the InUwnal Reve(We Code unlew otherwise * Form I 099-MISO (various t1M of proceeds) Income, yes,. awe,,or gross FudOv4Vmemts. For #W WW Wommt[on about developments related to Form W-9 and b hwouctm$1 sum as legWaeon enacted a Form 1i O -B (stock or mutual fund sales and corWn ottw e-er dwy were pubuo)od., 90' to WWks-9WIFOrm M. Vansactions by brokers) Purpose of Form Fon 1 099-8 (proceeds from rsW estate tramcfiws) Form I 099-K (mewchant card and V*d party network tarwctiom) An Individual or entityftrmW»q req WhO to Mquired to Me an -0 FOrM 1,098 MOMO mo gage Interest), 1 098-E (student loan int eresQ, Infonnation return Mh the IRS must =your corroct taxpayer I 098-T (tuftion) IdentitkM641 num (171N) WNch may be yw SOCW 00CWty number * IndividuFcwm 1 099-C (CancOad debQ (SSN),, W WMef identKoadon number (MN), adoption ation M Mer Ident* Form 1 OW -A (acquisition or abandonment of secured pmwty) WificMAW TIPS. or employer Identlocatlon number (EIN9 to report on an Infornkitiort return thO Mount paid toYou, or other. Use Form -9 only If you am a U.& person. OWudkV a resident amount rentable on an Infomiation return. Examples of Information edlen), to ProvIde your cond'TIN. retums Include, NA am not Hmftod to, the following. Form I 095 -INT (interest owned or pa4 Ifyou do rot retum Form W-9 to Ow mquester witft a 77N, you might be wbJect to backup withholding. See What is backup withholcring, Cat No. 10231X Form W-9 (Rev. 10-2018) GRANT COUNTY New Hope/Kids Hope PROMISE TO PAY Date _Lsp Claimant Post Office Address;. ke16 Kids Rope Total Amount ab * C"' All bills must be itemized in detail on this blank or itemized list attached. herewith. When submitting clalms for rent be sure to specify dates claim Is intended to cover, For Submission for Payment - Return Voucher To: D Grant County V.111 e H ij [�l I— New Hope/Kids Hope w Hope/K'ids1lope Advoca, e 311 W Third Avenue lases Lake, WA 98337 1 hereby Certify on Honor, thattbe-goodsAnierchandise, rn-ate-rilal or charged for In the above b"I11 have been furnished as herein charged. DAM R "iCta*d ted * t mant Name Signature ....... . ..... [D%��il t to abo ve add ress CANNOT BE USED FOR ALCO H 0 L, TO BACCO, Check one*- PRE -PAID OR GIFT CARDS. 0. Claimant will PI&k tip,Raywent at New Hoe VauChers recelved by 12:00 pin. Wednesday wfll lea e yl-nel,lt avallable the following Thursdair ENIERGEUCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FORM SIGNED? YDSfb NOD FUNDING: 4 -ben td� co -ole This Welcome Letter "W. Letter") dated theme day ofd r between Heron Apa.amenta,,. LLQ "Owner"} and - ("Residents") is for the premises at.222, as %h Aygn Mo es Lake.WA. 98837 (the "Leased Premises"), which Is located within heron Creek Apartmenta (the "Residential Community"). Residents acknowledge that the non-refundable application fees ("Application Fees") are required to verify the credit history, including verifying rental and employment references, of Residents, The fees represent the actual cost of obtaining the resident screening report, background check, or credit report., Owner, at its option, may allow Residents to deposit a sum to place a temporary hold on the Leased Premises ("Holding Deposit")., The Holding Deposit will hold the Leased Premises for a period of three (3) days. Residents have deposited With Owner the sums specified above t o secure the rental of the Leased Premises, -subject to the following conditions" 1, In the event the rental application is approved by Owner, Residents meet all other terms and conditions of occupancy, -and execute a Residential Lease Contract with owner, as and when required by Owner, the flolding Deposit shall be credited towards the amount due upon move -in. In the event of denial, the Holding Deposit shall be fully refunded to Residents. Residents acknoWedge that the Application Fees are non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the rental application. 2. Residents understand and agree that the Holding Deposit shall be retained by Owner If a) the rental applicati i on is withdrawn by Residents, for any reason whatsoever, after sevenjyAwo-172 hours; b) the rental application is approved. I with or without conditions (such as a guarantor or additional security deposit), but Residents do not execut%e a Residential Lease Contra*ct,* or c) Residents have provided fa ' I I se or misleading Information in the r6ritat application. If any of the aforementioned events occur, all further obligations by Owner to rent the Leased - premises to Residents shall be terminated. For the purposes of this Welcome Letter, if Residents are required to pay an additional security deposit in order to qualify for occupancy-, the rental application shall be deemed conditionally approved prior to the originally paid Holding - It Deposi even if the rental application % is subsequently denied due to failure of Resldents to pay the required additional security deposit. 3. Residents agree to take financial responsibility of the Leased Premises on June ,12202 , and pay the balance of any sums due in full on that date. If the Leased Premises is not vacated by previous residents on proposed move -in date and are still in possession of Leased Premises, the Holding Deposit shall be fully refunded to Residents. Residents acknowledge that payment of the Holding Deposit does not 'guarantee occupancy on proposed move, -In date. 4. Residents understand and agree the sums specified above are based on approval of the rental application. If the rental application is conditionally approved with a guarantor or additional security deposit, the amount due at move -in will be adjusted accordingly. 6, 1,understand tha,t [FPI's,-the [an 0 sallhird P -j! aby pro 9 __d I rd vidars wilt elle ctsome of my anon _ergedit. meat haste and -behavior data..- which ma be used,, now or in the future. Ao generate tenant. rill -models in accordance Wth thg rules, allomcqd_by Clifor is Privagy._R'ghts Act PRAI and (C _I. air Credit he fQjdgEa R Act._By gii-gining., vo,u 4 Be -porting qertifv that have read and gq no ed ad this notice. Rent is due on or before the firs f day of each month- and payments can be made in person or, if available, through a night drop box or online web-based service. Rent and all sums due to Owner shall be payable to Heron Cire Lakq,W—A 98837, -88H. Re 12th of sidents agree to pay JIJQ28.00 as the total move-in amount, due the If Residents fail to make, the firstpayment due upon move-in, Owner may serve Residents with a notice terminating the tenancy and recover damages, including future rents (subject to Owners mitigation duties) and other charges as authorized by law or the Residential Lease Contact.. The first payment due upon move-in shall be payable in the form of certified check. or money order only, Misstatements on Application. Residents have completed a rental application in connection with securing the Residential Lease Contract. Owner has, relied upon the statements set forth In said application in deciding to rent the Leased Premises to Residents. It is understood and agreed that, if Owner subsequently discovers any misstatements of fact in Residents' rental application, any such misstatements shall be deemed a material and incurable breach of the Residential Lease Contract and shall entitle Owner to -serve Residents with a notice terminating the tenancy. Non-Discrim "nation. There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any persons on account of race, creed, religion,, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status (minor children or no minor children), national origin, ancestry, disability or any other protected classificatJon under state or federal law, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, Use, occupancy,. tenure or enjoyment of the Leased Premises, nor shall the Owner or any person claiming under or through Owner., establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation regation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of residents, lessees, subtenants, sub-lessees or vendees of the Leased Premises. I Dat6 (By FP1 Management Inc., on behalf of. and as designated tate agent for, Omer) K Ir System; 6/6/9-023 4:01-01 PM County of Grant -Page: User Date.- 6/6/2023 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT User ID: nayanez. Payables Management Ranges: Vendor ID: i - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class: First - Last User--Defined 1: Fi rst L - Last Sorted By: Vendor ID Payment Priority: First - Last I L Due Data-,, First - Last Discount Date: First - Last Payment Date: 6/30/2023 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total Numb e r --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date HERGE GERMAN SANTIAGO HERNANDEZ 06022043 -MH 6/6/2023 128.170.0M611,565504580 $2,700.00 $0.00 $2,700.00 HRI C"R, A HERON CREEK APARTMENTS 06052023 -TD,565504580 $1,928.00 $0.00 $1,928.00 -------------- TOTAL FOR FUND 128 ------------- "41628,00 -------------- $0.00 $4, 628 .00 GRAND TOTAL ------------------------------ $4/628.00 $0.00 $4, 628.00 System: 6/6/2023 4:09:59 PM County of Grant Page: User Date: 6/6/2023 COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER User D. Payables Management nay hatch ID: GCEMEG-060623 Batch Comment: Audit Trail Code: P14CHKO0003222 Posting Date,: 6/6/2023 Checkbook ID: U. S. BANK Voided Checks Check Nuidber Date Payment Number Vendor TD Check Name --------- ----------------------------- ount 9201611015 92010611016, 6/6/2023 0214005 6/6/2023 0214006 I ---------------------------------------- HERGS GERMAN SANTIAGO HERNANDEZ 4.1700.0 $') H RCM HERON CREEK AEN PARTMTS $ 1,928,000 Total Checks: 2---------------------- Checks Total-. $4f628.00