HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (006)r" -RANT COUNTY %7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Dabn June 14, 2023 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, Emergency Solutions Grant #20-4613C-100, Reimbursement #36, Request #25, City of Moses Lake The City of Moses Lake has requested reimbursement for the above -referenced grant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $64,372-98 for November 2022 expenses. The invoice and supporting documentation are attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to the City of Moses Lake in the amount of $64,372.98. Thank you. . I - PPROVED JUN 2 0 2023 ONSE M__� Ot Form 191A WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE VOUCHER DI$TRIBUTION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 AGENCY N098911 Short Code Commerce Contract Number 1030 20-46130-100 INSTRUCTIONTO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT, Submit this form to claim payment tor materials, me thandise or services. Show antra lett detail for each item. Contact Person' VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable to:) Kirsten Sackett Vendor's Certftate, the Individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized end an behalf of the entity identified in the VendorlClairnant section. The individual signing below cartifies under penalty of pejuty that the items and totals listed hemin are proper charges for materials, merchandise or soMeas futhishad, to the State af Waahitwqton: and that all goods furnished andlor servicas rendered have been provided vMhuut discrWinabon bacause of age, sex, marital status, raca, creed, color, national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam wo or disabled veterans status. Hyo Phone., Email., Contract Medoff: 509.764.3751 ksacken(MdIy0fM1.00rn 111/20/2022-1212012022 (SIGN IN BLUE INK) Community mvelopm"t mector REPORT PERIOD: 11110112022-1113112022 (TITLe) (DATE) DATE DESCRIPTION BUDGET PREVIOUSLY REQUESM AMMUTTM INVOICE AWARD RE"INING BALANCE, ADMIN $115,1291.58 $102,157,58 - -$0.00 $13,134.00 RMIS $2%000.0 $10,40U7 $720,32 $8,870-61 OUTREACH $1,517.33 $1,51733 $0.00 $O.OD SHELTER CASE MANAGEMENT S651)79711. $601,6180, 72 $21t13&86 $28N9.63 SHELTER OPERKnONS $565)652.92 $409&438»08 $28,34.96 $14f-, 871-, W RAPID RE -MUSING CASE MANAGEMENT $142,977.30 $124,246.41 $2,730.81 $16j0W08 RAPID RE -HOUSING RENTAL ASSISTANCE $85,000,00 $40,742.83 $0.00 $44,257.17 RAPID RE -HOUSING OTHeR FINANCIAL ASSISSTANCE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PREVEnON CASE MANAGEMENT $69t987J1 $3x956.08 $1,596.03, $644*-.66-- PREVE"ON RENT ASSISTANCE $60,501,68 $41,996.40 $9,846.00 PREVEfMIJON OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE $2.)050.00 ................ TOTALS $IJ14o775.73 $1,336,144.50 $64,372.98 $34 Match Year I Dollars I Coding PROGRAM APPROVAL (Tbe 4w*4wJQb1 %%ning Wis vouthervmnanlis; fty hava ft mAhwy 16 san*wwA#k**,) PRINTED NAME., DATE DOC DATE CURRENTI)MA0, RERRENCEDOC NO, \124M NURWER'ArA $UP M. ACCOUNTM ASO NMER VENDOR MESSAGE -------- ----- tow SUROBJ SUB GL SUEMID wwx Atcr NVOWE - --------- SMATUREWACCOURMS PREPAW FORPAYNaT DATE ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT alloqs.d-4 (0 q 11 sq0, 9-7 313 i q 3.1 ,�* Expenses Grantee Subcontractor Subcnracor #TiSubcontractor #2Subcontractor 1 #3 ISubcontractor #4 ISubcontractor #5Subcontractor #1 A dmi 7.77, -AR $0.00 HMIS $720:32 Training (unique activity), $0.00 Street Outreach Outreach Essential Services $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Handwashing stations/portable bathrooms (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Street Outreach $0.001 $0.00 -EmOridiic*,Sh�ite Permarient"r''' '2 8h6lt s'sehtla6rvices; $ 0.00 Shelter 00&6tidris�',. 0.00 Renovation', $0.00 Ma'dt. Re too . .... 5. $0.00 Conversion,, $0.00 Haiaiid, Pd:.(uhique� a 77 $0. .00 Volunteer, es -er.ince6ntiv --(uniqUe.dttNi $0.00 T . . .... -raining $0.00 l�ubtotal-Potfiia'nL-nt',Emdrke'Oi*'sk6lt"e,:, $0.00 Temporary Emergency Shelter Shelter Case Management (including CE and Essential Services) $21,136.86 $21,136.86 Shelter Operations $23,759.63 Leasing existing real property or temporary structures $4,583.33 $4,583.33 Acquisition $0.00 Renovation Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity $0.00 Other Shelter Costs $0.00 ,Subtotal Temporary Emergency Shelter $49,479.82 $49,479.82 Rapid Rehousing RRH Rental Assistance $0.00 RRH Other Financial Assistance $0.00 RRH Case Management (including CE and Essential Services) $2,730.81, $2,730.81 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Landlord Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.'00 --Subtotal Rapid Rehousing $2,730.81 Homelessness Prevention Prevention Rental Assistance $9,846.00 $9,846.00 Prevention. Other Financial Assistance $0.00 Prevention Case Management (including CE and Essential Services) $1,596.03 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Landlord Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) '$0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Homelessness Prevention $11,442.031 $11,442.03 Invoice Total: $64,372.98 Contract. Submitted toby: GC .!, y . - -(W - _2c Request for Reimbursement No. Grant County's S u r ciple nt Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions. Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-1 22? Allocable to the program? (ie.,, was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (Le,, is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the, cost)? Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting ,periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required underthe applicable -cost principles? Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales), Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic farm. M �� Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? N:\StaffiASC Files\Btrickler Pre Feb 2018100 Grants100 Subrec'Ilent Checktist.docx 1 City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 I TO Grant County Attn: Janice Flynn Via Email INVOICE DATE May 24,, 2023 DEPT #110 INVOIC,E #CDH22.11 000ft FOR: EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT COVID-1 9 BILL CODE: ERESG Descripflon - Amount Subcontract work for Grant County; Dept of Commerce Contract 20-4613C-1 00 Modern Building Ground Works Wlllscot IFP, Inc. GC PUD City of ML Utilities Basin Propane Basin Septic General Laundry Sportsman's HopeSource ........ .. RIEHREN-CE-IN . V -010E N.U.MBER ON PAYMENT TO:ENSURE AT9.0MPT1 RMPONSE Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date, $894.31-, $4,583.33-o $1,841,90..-- $16 o 662.50 $174.98#,o $2,456,46,--- $74.9400 $237.20 $1,350.22-e $67.12 #*"* $36,030,09 Balance Due $64,372.98 Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or 3735. Program Staffing Chian es: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job title, &- el ait ATTN: Allison W11.11ams P IN :,Zit al City of Moses Lake Grant Bars Code : S I I - - T —7.75" I lit's 2 � i yh�e. j -N' E I Me �� �� ,. � �4, HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMAII Submit this form to request payment for services or materials. CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 1579 Attach accompanying proof of expenses (Le, receipts, timesheets) MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1579 Vandoes. Certificati. The individual afgning this *mUchorbolow warrants t1lay have Hit- authority to do so is atithorized and on behalf of the entity identified in the Vandar,'Claimant section. Th a individual signing below cartiries :-VE-N---D- -OROR"`C A!N '-'-'( akr4n s o'be a a bW to:) Hopesource/Rapid Re-Housing/Hotel Voucher Program under penalty of perjury that the items and tolats listed herein are, proper charges for materials, merchandise at servioss furnished for the Grant, and that all goods tumished andfar services rendered have been provided without discriminallon because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, riarjanal origin, handicap, religion or Metnarn 700 E Mountain View Ave Suite 501 era or disabled veterans status. Ellensburg WA 98926 .g M -�NF3+ B Y .- Contact Person., Usam! r ndte�j -V ----------- ---------- .... ........ .... Phone: 50 '099-, 8 (SIGNATURE) CFO 12/16/2022 Email: jkj�df6e g2esource.ui� Period: 4/112021913012022 Grant Pe' - ----- Title (DATE) REPORT PERIODtMonth & Year: Nov -22 ....., Ir 1 1/21-9/22'ESG-CV Une, Items-. Grant Budeetl --------------------- - -- - ---------- — Expenses, P 'i epot-l-er 6 eques' Line Item Balance (4/l/2.1 9/30/22) Date $41,910.58 0.00 $10 A09.07 $8,870.61 IMF $1,467,73 $0.00) 21 i I mi" $366,78 �.69 36', ($7,01wM 44 3 89 • $201987.07 7, 0 70 $19,622.37 $49 .60 R 0 mu; 1,at $124,246.41 J $16,000.08 OWN $40,742.83 $44,257.17 rR w �, � � 1• 11F r V � S 00 t �x, $3,956.08 yff 'I Igp'I1!j $41,996 A .... .. 8 657.60 W 61 � -, lffli MR, ANNE �,l $0.00 , $2 ,050.00 5- R-3 $672,128.23 $81,697.77 r. V--zt- 'New Grant Balance for CurrentReimbursement Request this $81 y697.77 $36,030.02 Fiscal Year Reporting Period FOR CITY USE ONLY Voucher Approval Signature: DATE., Program Staffing Chian es: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job title, &- el ait 51 MEW U��E.RIN BUILDING SYSTEMS PO Bbx 110 a 9493 Porter Rd * Aumsville, OR 97325 800.682.1422 Modf-trnBuilding.13ystenis.com bili TO City of Moses, Lake P.O. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Page. Invoice Number: 0137791 Invoice Date: 11/1/2022 Contract: Roo5155 Billing Cycle 1 2/1 /2022 1/1/2023 Ship To Address: City of Moses Lake 1045 E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 ------- ... I Customer PO: Ship Via*: Confirm To: Terms: I I Rick Neil 25th of Month Item Number Ordered Unit Price Extension 2577 0.00 1.00 0,00 0.00 575.00 575.00 Restroorn/Shower STAIRS 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 250,00 250.00 Stairs Access Ramp Please Submit Paymet to,, RO. Box 110, AUrnsville OR 97325 Net Order: 825.00 Less Discount: 0.00 Freight: 0,00 Sales Tax: 69.31 Order Total.. 894.31 Less Deposit: 0.00 Order Balance: 894.31 Ground Works Three LLC 1224 S Pioneer way Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill To City of Moses Labe 321 S Balsam. St P,O. Box. 1579 Moses Labe, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice # 11/19/2022 15 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount MONTHLY RENTAL FEE 1 Monthly Rent for property located at 1045 and 1049 Broadway. 4?513.33 .45583.33 Total $4,583.33 BRANCH: CITY OF MOSES LAKE MD Spokane WA 401 S BALSAM ST 3310 N Flora Rd MOSES LAKE WA 98837 SPOKANE WA 99216-1705 Phone# (609) 892-6778 11,00 46X1 0 MOBILE OFFICE (42XI 0 BOX SN: MCI -06667 Model: 81042MK966667 1.00 PERSONAL PROPERTY EXPENSE 2.00 ADA/IBC RAMP -W/ SWITCHBACK 1.00 DATA HUB RENTAL T2 1,00 ADA1113C, Ramp -wl switchback 1.00 INTEREST CHARGE PAYMENT OPTIONS Welcome to the W11IScot / Mobile Mini customer porta# Register today to make online payments, sign up fbrAuto-Pay, or view invokes and statements. Q https://portal.mobilemini,com (800) 782-1500, Option I You remain responsible for the invoice balance if there is an issue with your method of payment. Late tees and interest charges may be assessed if payment is not made within terms. Thank you for your business! $498.02 Rental $498,02 T* $6.23 $6.23 T* $340.00 $680,00 T* $52.50 $52-50 T* $37U0 .$405.00 T* $27.,24 $27.24 N* Sub - Total $1,668.99 Late Payment Fee $35-00 N* Tax Invoice in USD T* - Denotes taxable item, N- Denotes non-taxable Item, REMIT WITH - PAYMENT` 1PIC6 Totak 84196, Invoice Number: 9015913623 Due Date* 11116/2022 Customer: CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer No: 10452459 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO, IL 60693-1975 ks. - —1 Y N ur PO Box 2410 Moses Wwc WA 98837 Invoice 0 Vg#VA" ----------- -- W^" 3'8 Invoice # I I A 4/2022 539 ftmmi" Terms H �ou ra DoscrIption Rate Item r Amount Dan Couture 509-47604244 Total 11 dan@ifp-,ino.net $4,095,00 9 11/71202212100-0600 hours, Sleep Oniter, Sean 65.00 -- ------------- 585.00 scourity 9 11100220 2100-0600 bows, Sloop Center, Angel 65.00 585.00 Security 9 111912022! 2100.0600 hows, Sloop Contort Sean 65,001 585.00 security 9 11/10/2022, 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Centor, Angol 65,00 585100 Securit y 9 11/11120220 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Sean 65.00 585,00 , O-Ouelty 9 11/1212022, 2100-0600 hours.,, Sleep Cwrier, Se=l 65000 585000 seourity 9 1111312022, 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Centor, Angot 65.00 585.00 Dan Couture 509-47604244 Total 11 dan@ifp-,ino.net $4,095,00 PO Box 2410 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill TO .......... .................... City of Moses Lake 321 S. Balsam Moses Lake WA 98837 . Invoice Date Invoice 9 1112112022 542 Terms Item I Hours I Desofiption I Rate I Amount Security 9 11/14/2022. 2100-0600 hours Sleep Center, Sean 65,00 585.00 Security 9 11/15/2022. 2100-0600 hours Steep Center, Angel 65.00 585,00 Security 9 11/16/2022.2100-0600 ho -ars Sleep Contert Sm 65,00 585,00 Security 9 11/17/2022.2100-0600 hours Sleep Center, Angel 65.00 585-.00 Security 9 11118/2022. 2100-0600 hours Steep Center, Sun 65,00 585-.00 Security 9 11/19/2022.2100=0600 hours Steep Center, Sean 65.00 585,00 Security 9 11/20/2022. 2100-0600 hours Steep Center, Angel 65.00 585,00 =01r Dan Couture 509-760-4244 dan@ifp-inc.net $4,09S,00 IFP, INC. 601 Pioneer Way, Suite F, #178 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill To City of Moses Lake 321 S. Balsam Moses Lake WA 98837 Ship To Invoice i N Date Invoice # 11/28/2022 546 P.O. Number Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.13. Project 11/23t2O22 Quantity Item Code Description Price Each Amount 9 Security 11, 21/2022, 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Parrialla 65.001 585.00 9 Security 11/22/2022, 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Diaz 65.00 585.00 9 Security 11/23/2022, 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Parrialla 65.00 585.00 9 Security 11/24/2022o 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Parrialla 97.50 877.50 (Thanksgiving Flofidayy 9 Security 11/2512022, 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Diaz 65,00 585.00 9 Security 11/26/2022, 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Diaz (Pease for 65.00 585.00 training) 9 Security 11/27/2022D 2100-0600 hours, Sleep Center, Pease 65.00 585.00 Total $4,387.50 1FFj INC, 601 Pioneer Way, Suite F! # 178 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill TO City Ofmoses JLAC 321 S. Nam Moses lake WA 99837 Invoice Data Invoice # 12/5l2022 548 Description Amount 1112&)2022. 2100.0600 how's, S „ r :iter PC 5 ,00 11129/2022,2100-0600 2104-0600 rigours Sleep Center Diaz SSS -00 11130/20229 2100.0600 hours Skep Center DIU 58S180 1210112022,2100-0600 houn Skep Center Penn 585,00 1210212022,2100-0600 hours Sleep Center Diaz 5$5.00 1210312022, 2100-0600 hours Sleep Ceptor Danilds 585,00 12104/2022,21004600 hours Sleep Center Diaz 585.00 Total $41.095 .00 I it: TMPLCA2 Account Number, 62032000001 Billing Date, 11130/2022 Due r1 2127/2022 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $6,485.32 t,,N Customer* City of Moses Lake (ConflnUed) Service Address: Russell Avtoloo,,moses Lake WA 98837-0000 (Continued) Power Pastor: 99.9997. Rate 2 - General SeTvice Billing Demand: 1.680 Millin g,,period: 1011812022 -11/15/2022 3-117 - Usage History (in KWH) Prior Balance $98.78 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$98,78 14 Balance 100 0 249 - .. Basic Charge 29 Days @ $1.04 $30J 6 Energy Charge 440.082 kVVh @ $0,04246 $18.68 1870 - ikit-hSUSTOTAL ENERGY"". CURRENT CHARGES $48.84 1247 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 623 0 Nov Doc Jon Fab Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sap Oct Nov 2021 2022 Service Address: 1045 Broadway Ave ESIeeping Center,. Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 3KD8993771 I 19112!22 11110122 I Power Factor.* 100.0000% Billing Demand: 18.234 Usage History (in KWH) 11548 9238 6929 4619 2310 99,604,4911 103,248.342 1 31643.850 '1 1,001 3,643.,853 1 KWH I No C jov Doc Jon Fab Wt Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sap Oct Nov 2021 2022 Rate 2 - General Service Bila Peri 10/1312022 - I Ill 0/20,22 Prior Balance $105.12 Payments Applied THANK YOU 410512 Balance --4109 Basic Charge 29 Days @ $0.7D $20,30 Energy Charge 3,643.853 kWh @ $0.04245 $154.68 SUB TOTAL ENERGY $154.68 V.� CURRENT CHARGES 4.1,74.9 81 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE .98 E REGULAR/ .......... . .. CITY OF MOSES LAKE DUE DATE ACCOUNT" NO. P.O. BOX 1579 12/30/2022 27098400 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 BILL DATE AMOUNTDUE (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 i 11/30/2022 2A56A6 www.cityofmi.com 1 ub@cityofmi.com SERVICE LOCATION 1049 E BROADWAY AVE P15AOING: DAY58 JBILUNG PREVIOUS PRESENT I DAYS 10117/2022 11/17/2022 31 METER READINGS USAGE CHARGE 05SCRIPTIbN AMOUNT PREVIOUS PRESr:NT 5455 63536 58100 WATER METERED Usage, Register I WATER METERED Fixed Charge 110.59 58100 WATER METERED, Tier I 592.62 SEWER Fixed Charge 40.76 5100 SEWER, Tier 1 1067,42 STORM WATER 63.09 AMBULANCE SERVICE 13.40 COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS 356.48 UTILITY TAX 222,10 Water Corisumptlon 58500 .... . ....... . 52650 46800 40950. 35100 29250 23400 17550 117 NOV DEO JAN FES MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 21- 22 22 22 22 22 CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 vA".C1ty0fMl.coM I ub@cityofmi.com This stub ensures that your payment 'is processed accurately. CITY OF ML C/O PROJECT OPEN DOORS PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Pleas'e Make Check Payable To Name Below: - — ------ CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 CITY OP MOSES LAKS CHWX NO* 'M* QVI Basin p"Paus me 984 TOTAL $***74 t 04 City of Moses Lake Pam sax 15" Mms tAkes WA OMY Check Not 168697'i$��? MOM IA0, WA 98037 Th i$ ot *4 h a NotAmount 964 1210512022 160697 V**74*94 PAY ***SEMN7Y FOUR DOLLARS AND'941100 TO TH ftslgPropsne LLC, . ORDER Bmad OF &1018as Lake.'A 98837 • ' 111 '1 ••. . a a • 1 • ,f iv, ll,,t • . .•. , VI+ r+� , r i , I. It g. \,f .so..a r j. •1.4.r1•,.•.�r .,ra • r M'••i yi. r , • . • . L .. °., w... .. rw •. , , .. , G ' S . • ..� �• • .. •. �,.... ,r i, • 1 rtiJ ' a,�•., • . t' 1.•, •, 4-+,11. , rM iNarYl.a1.A.,•..,. ,u ... . ,M �-.•'••v nlw awrl• a ••••u.w•,---...9r•.•r++ • ' l•.�.• r. Vit. L.r ,1. ,'.� .• , • .! , a � I St1 'r? �t•q, •�•,.• i..ii[',r1, 1� , 1�:. {'1� 'R� t' .. G ... ti•. 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Please cheek- hm 11*m1dress is thicorrect or has chlinged. and 114m F-Mkkil? kqile it hew.. indietate changc(s) on reverse VAWk:. Blasin Septic Services lim, PLEASE DETA 11 AND Elf "U PORTION W1111 I AVI\lt*,Nl- 220 S 11-1111,iltoll Moses Lake, WA 98837 9 it's 0 ( 111.0. No. Terms Doe Mate Rep Project Net 60 1,� 1820 14 CM. IWXII Des-eniption S I f titin *1 Z C I , SSI (, I t lio r i s - - 10 i� 2 � 3 0 / 2. -1 - I U 1c 1 '42 02 2) lWtited Service - 10/2612022 - 11/19101011 Routed 1..3crvice - 11 /2./?022 m 11 / 19 / 20122 Routed Service - 11/9/2021-2* - I 1/ 19/2,011 Salt Surcharge - 11.4)11021 - I I /I W'N'112 Routed Service - I I/ 16/20,62*2 - I I/ I ( W'r2022- Salt Sttrchzirgo - - 11 / 16 1) 0 " 2, -.2 - 11 / 19 /2 0 *2 - -) S 4 ti WWI Sales 'Fax (8.41%) TIIERE WILL 131"* A $35 CHARGE FOR ALL REAT(JRNFOD CHECKS, Total FINANCU', CIJAROEOS ON 30 DAY PASI* DUH, ACCOUNTS ARE' I.P)O PER MONTH WITH A $5.00 MINIMUM, - R-tiyments/Cred its BillingInquiries? Call 509-765-4001 Balance but t, #0 Rate Amount 110.00 I 10.00 0100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 1 4 .00 0.00 0.00 4.00 -�,)-)8.00 .. ........ SO.00 SO.00 r .h.. �.a/3 � ..,•-, r'TH... ... +esJ-'.`,'. ,. � .r ._. .:xr�.:.,es.m,. :n�,.<.,..s..sb,:. ,.:v,:�,_+ma+w;e--.<:iv,S::nzrrs�+isXw.mew.�.,�w.w..c � '.:. � z ..,.. � .u -.s 3 - `'�.� '. ,r< ... .,-�t•y... .. Li�, '+ry. ....�, r.k�i�rv. u,c.r• 6dwsx... :, s.'. /�.u:_. :: .,. :- .� >.:.. ;•�:, .'.:. Ii4i''..'''2aL".&'�CX9Y's,'u . -. "St�,'vh:yl C A ".....»,... .......-.. �. .....tom..-.-.. .. 'z -ie wns..,.v:t,.. ..... ._t ...,y.._. .'sew.... .... .. .y.,. ..... w.<s .... -o-. ,:•✓.. w., r. . ... .... .. .... ..... ... ..".., u. .-,.r,.-e.4i• r,. ���y ,,.s:.,,,. ,tti:, ,r' .•. „ .. ,. .,. ,... -.. .. v„yvey ..ir ... ' +w..re.,.e++..s++wn:m,+w. .,.n,.✓,et+n,-.nm,:. :..,,mIRiOW /.5, H Y.rsr ., w - ..,«.. . ,:,4�xr" .. ..:4.. �. ..., ,+ .. .. r .. a *•auut"++ss r.. 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NARNE 5.99 T SUBTOTAL 61.92 ]es T�� � ��.�OU� 5.20 TOTAL 67^12 YI8A = VISA GALE $67.12 KXXXXXXXXXXXOO67 CHIP APpR: 873660 JOURNAL: 01/9076881224825 AID, AOOUU0UO031010 Application Label.: VISA CRED— Cryptog[a0 TYpe.A TC Gryptogra0r FCC0DE3B0140E6C2 ~ Loyalty 100101354886 Reward AVa1l�le,� $0.35 Tran,Cnde: 078 X12 007 MEB 7 B' 0068756 7 4 86 Registtm-r; REG7 Nov 18 2022 2:57 PM Tharlk at SPORTSMANS WAREHOUSE! PLEASE NQTE: WP, h0ve Updated ourrmton/ pol\cy' NNoh 1e ava1]mbl8 at www Le0ana.cO0/raLUnls This Upddte| policy repla-ces the policy printed on t -he back, of this [Wou\pL. Hope Source Ended General Ledger - EL- ESC -CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 5SG- Grant County From 11/112022 Through 11/3012022 DJ Y ISL.. GL Coda Division Title Code 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 (MLES) Session 10 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages (MLES) 99999 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 CDSPRO1328 (MLES) 1,087.31 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 99909 (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 1,475.00 (MLES) Salaries &Wages 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7000 (MLES) CDSPRO1334 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense (MLES) 99999 612003 Permanent: Shelter Case Management 7100 (MLES) 612043 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7100 99999 (NILES) 612003 Permanent- .Shelter Case Management 7100 (MLES) FICA & Medicare Expense 512003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7101 I 319 - 9k (MLES) CDSPRO1331 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7101 Employee Tax (MLES) 99999 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7101 ODSPRO1329 (MI J=S) 11.60 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7101 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7105 11.48 (MLES) .health Benefits 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7105 (MLES) CDSPRO1329 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7105 Health Benefits (MLES) 99953 692003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7106 CDSPRO1328 (MLES) 11.32 612603 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7106 99999 (MLES) Date: 12116/22 08:54:07 AM Page:1 Sub division GL Title Session 10 Code Debit Credit Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 Opening Balance Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1328 99999 1,087.31 264.16 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1329 99909 58-24 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1330 99999 1,475.00 221.19 Salaries &Wages GDSPRO1331 99999 62.91 Salaries &'images CDSPRO1334 99999 6.21 e, ftr-j— FICA & Medicare Expense CD$PRO1328 99999 131.85 gg'C� ;L FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1329 99999 5.81 FICA & Medicare Expense ODSPRO1330 99999 115.21 I 319 - 9k FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1331 99999 5.81 7r Employee Tax ODSPRO1328 99999 264.16 14 Employee Tax ODSPRO1329 99999 11.60 13 (PS Employee Tax CDSPRO1330 99999 221.19 Employee Tax CDSPRO1331 99999 11.48 .health Benefits CDSPRO1328 99999 40.60 Health Benefits CDSPRO1329 99999 12.46 Health Benefits GDSPRO1331 99953 12.46 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1328 99999 11.32 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1329 99999 0.76 Page:1 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESC -C1/ - Unposted Transaogons Included In Report 6322021/1 - ESC- grant County From 11/112022 Through 11/30/2022 Galan... RRH Case Management 612004. Date.12JI 0$:54.,M AM r m f f 'rnr4 if 11.42 0.77 10.32 0.91 8.05 0.97 0.75 4,178.67 4.05.35 Transaction Total 3,638.22 0.00 Opening Balance 1,039.70 191.02 1,047.20 191.01 86.40 80.73 80.73 191.02 191.01 180.48 180.48 7.58 7.67 10.18 9.66 12.84 382.03 Transaction Total 2,730.81 MM Fuge: 2 Sub DMsi... CL division Cade Divislon Title Cade CL Tine Session ID Cade 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1330 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1331 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1328 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1329 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1330 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1331 99999 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7106 Other Benefits CDSPRO1328 99999 (MLES) Balan... Permanent- Shelter Cage Management 612003 (MLES) 612004 RRH Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7000 Salaries &'Mages CDSPRO1328 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7004 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1330 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7000 Salaries &Wages CDSPRO1333 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1328 99999 612 304 RRH Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense ODSPRO1330 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7101 Employee Tic CDSPRO1328 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1330 99999 612404 RRH Case Management 7105 Health, Benefits CDSPRO1328 99999 612004 FRH Case Management 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1330 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1328 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp COSPRO1330 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1328 99999 612004 RRH Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense COSPR01330 99999 Galan... RRH Case Management 612004. Date.12JI 0$:54.,M AM r m f f 'rnr4 if 11.42 0.77 10.32 0.91 8.05 0.97 0.75 4,178.67 4.05.35 Transaction Total 3,638.22 0.00 Opening Balance 1,039.70 191.02 1,047.20 191.01 86.40 80.73 80.73 191.02 191.01 180.48 180.48 7.58 7.67 10.18 9.66 12.84 382.03 Transaction Total 2,730.81 MM Fuge: 2 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 111112022 Through/113012022 Balan... HMIS- Personnel 612006 Debit Credit 0.00 249.50 38.09 260.00 37.07 �2`/0�F.60 //yy x+.0.9 J7 20.97 38.09 37.07 68.51 69.51 2.52 2.55 3.1s.. [ 3.09 795.48 75.16 725 pt 612005. Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages Sub Divisi... 612008 GL 7000 Salaries &Wages division Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages Prevention - Case Management 99999 612006 HMS-- Personnel 7000 Salaries &. Wages CDSPRO1328 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1330 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1333 99999 612906 HMS- Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1328 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1330 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7101 Employep Tax CDSPRO1328 99999 612006 HMCS- Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1330 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1328 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1330 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp COSPRO1328 99999 612006 HIVID- Personnel 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1330 99999 512006 HMS- Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1328 99999 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1330 98999 Balan... HMIS- Personnel 612006 Debit Credit 0.00 249.50 38.09 260.00 37.07 �2`/0�F.60 //yy x+.0.9 J7 20.97 38.09 37.07 68.51 69.51 2.52 2.55 3.1s.. [ 3.09 795.48 75.16 725 pt 612005. Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries &Wages AP1043005 99999 557.49 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries &tillages CDSPRO1328 99999 290.40 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1330 99999 294.40 612093 Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1333 99999 19.80 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense API048005 99999 49.15 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1328 99999 22.68 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1330 99999 22.68 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7101 Employee Tax AP1043005 99999 71.71 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1328 99999 33.10 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7101 1 Employee Tax CDSPRO1330 99999 33.10 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7105 Health Benefits AP1043005 99999 130.34 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1328 99999 60.16 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7106 Health Benefits CDSPR91330 99999 60.16 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp AP1043005 99999 5.54 $12008 Prevention - Case Management 7105 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1328 99999 2.52 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1330 99999 2.55 612008 Prevention - Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense AP1043005 99999 4.01 33.10 33:10 Opening Balance Transaction Total Opening Balance Date;12116= C*:54:07 AM Page: 3 Divisl... Code Division Title 612008 Prevention - Case Management 612008 Prevention - Case Management Galan... Preventton - Case Management 612008 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case CL Tide Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Cass Credit Management 612410 Permanent Sleep Center Case 3.22 Management 692010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 99999 Management 612010 Permanent deep Center mase Management 612010. Permanent- Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent Steep Center Case 0.00 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 99999 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1330 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case Salaries & Wages Management 612010 Pemtanent Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 534.99 Management Hoge Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESC -CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 111112022 Through 91130/2022 GL Cade 7107 7"107 7000 7000 7000 7000 7100 7100 7101 71 Q1 7105 7105 7'106 7106 7107 7'107 15,806.52 1,232.51 Transaction Total Date: 1211 &22 08:54:07 AM P'ag : 4 Sub dwisian CL Tide Session ILS Code Debit Credit L & I tax expense CDSPRO1328 99999 3.22 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1330 99999 3-22 1,662.23 66.20 Transaction Total Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 Opening Balance Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1328 99999 6,839.00 645.11 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1330 99999 67283.50 587.40 Salaries & Wages CDESPRO1333 99999 50.00 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1328 99999 534.99 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1330 99999 490.79 Employee Tax CDSPRO1328 99999 645.19 Employee Tax CDSPRO1330 99999 587.40 Health Benefits CDSPRO1328 99999 7.47 Health Benefits CDSPRO1330 99999 7.47 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1328 99999 73.62 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1330 99999 63.23 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1328 99999 106.42 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1330 99999 83.32 15,806.52 1,232.51 Transaction Total Date: 1211 &22 08:54:07 AM P'ag : 4 Opening Balance Date: 12M 6/22 0854:07 AM Page: 5 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- F -$G -OV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111- ESC- Grant County From 111112022 Through 11 /3012022 Sub Divisi... GL- division Code D 1 A s 1 o n Title Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit Bolan... Permanent- Sleep Center Case 14,574.01 612010 Management 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees 99999 0.00 613001 Program Support - Pool $010 Professional Fees AP1042034 99999 265-15 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1042425 99999 4.13 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1042558 99999 55.92 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1042562 99999 45.53 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees API042563 99999 105-53 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1042599 99999 567.19 611-56 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1042631 99999 20.28 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professlona[ lona[ Fees AP[042650 99999 29.43 12.68 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 Office Supplies API042626 99999 22.86 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 Office Supplfes AP1042627 99999 30.73 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 Office Supplies AP1042650 99999 18-34 7.90 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1042376 99999 14-18 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1042403 99999 1.06 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1042535 99999 27.70 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1042599 99999 27.28 29-42 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communicabon Expense AP1042650 99999 61.21 52.78 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 Rent - Space Lower County AP1042314 99999 214.43 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 Rent - Spaoe Lower County AP1042599 99999 397 .76 428.86 613001 Program Support - P001 8401 Rent - Space Upper County API042599 99999 - 17.46 613001* Program Support- Pool 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP(042534 99999 15.34 613001 Program Support - P001 8405 Uffiftles - Ellensburg API042599 99999 36.44 39.28 613001 Program Support - Pool 8405 Ufflities - Ellensburg AP1042601 99999 15.14 613001 Program Support - Pool 8406 Utflites - Upper AP1042533 99999 10.29 County/offsite, offices 613001 Program Support - Pool 8406 Utilities - Upper AP1042650 99999 63.48 27.34 County/Offsite offices 613001 Program Support - Pool 8406 Uffiftles - Upper AP1042840 99999 17.67 county/Offsite offices 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - API042424 99999 5.75 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042437 99999 3.14 General 613001 Program Support - Pool. 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042510 99999 3.66 General Opening Balance Date: 12M 6/22 0854:07 AM Page: 5 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - CSL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 111112022 Through 11130/2022 Di Y isi... Program Support - Pool GL 09999 613008 Code Division Title Code GL. Title Session ID 613001 Program Support - Pool 6420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042590 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops General 9.27 613001 Program Support - foal 6420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042599 18.32 Utilities - Shelter 99999 General 686.41 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042600 99999 6.65 General 99995 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042629 99999, 102.24 General 2,737.86 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042650 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 5420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042808 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042832 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042883 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042911 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8450 Insurance Expense A►P1042599 613001 Program Support- Pool 8450 Insurance Expense AP 1042914 613001 Program Support - Foot 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1042650 613001 Program Support - Pool 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1042848 613001 Program Support - Pool 3990 Interest Expenses AP1042650 613001 Program Support - Pool 8990 Interest Expenses AP1042760 Balan... Program Support - Pool 6'13001 09999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ceps 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops Sub division Code Debit Credit 09999 59,95 8200 99999 9.90 10.57 99999 0.32 Communication Expense 99999 24.52 93.45 99999 161.00 69.36 99999 9.27 8407 99999 10.32 59999 99999 18.32 Utilities - Shelter 99999 9.15 686.41 99999 3.67 3.95 99999 135.74 99999 6.65 2.86 99995 7.18 99999 99.51 42.86 99999, 102.24 2,737.86 1,356.98 Transaction Total 1,384.58 8200 Communication Expense 99999 0.00 8200 Communication Expense AP1042403 99999 66.18 8200 Communication Expense AP1042535 99999 93.45 8200 Communication Expense AP1043040 99999 159.63 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1042756 59999 686.41 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1043040 99999 686.41 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1042559 99999 23252 Program Opening Balance Date: 12116/22 08:54;07 AM Page: 6 Divisi. Code Division Me 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program. Cps 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Cps 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 613008 Permanent- ,shelter Program Ops Hope Source Expanded General Luger - BL- ESC -CV - Uncposted Transactions Included In Report 6322021/1 - EBG- Grant County From 111112022 Through 1113012022 GL Cade GL Title 3421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program 8990 Interest Expenses 8990 Interest Expenses 8998 Property Tax Sub division AP1042591 99999 AP1043040 99999 AP104291 a 99999 AP1043040 99999 CR003226 99999 Baglan... Permanent Shelter Program Ops 102.25 43.10 613008 906.42 6.38 12564.85 6.38 Transaction Total 613010 Permanent- Sloop Center Program Cps 8010 Professional Pees 1,'125.00 99999 613010 Permanent deep Center program Ops 8010 Professional Fees AP1042578 99999 613010 Permanent- deep Center Program Cps 8200 Communication Expense AP1042403 99999 613010 Permanent- ,deep Center Program Cps 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1042591 99999 613010 Permanent- deep Center Program fess 8510 Program supplies and tools API042818 99999 Ba[an... Permanent- deep Center Program Ops 613010 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 8940 Dent Assistance 62787 614002 Prevention- Bent Assistance 8940 Dent Assistance AP1042630 62787 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 8940 Rent Assistance AP1042519 62800 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 8940 Rent Assistance AP1042518 62801 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 8940 Rent Assistance AP1042480 62828 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 8940 Rent Assistance AP1042547 62842 614002 Prevention- Pent Assistance 8940 Rent Assistance AP1042481 62843 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 8940 Rent Assistance AP1042482 62845 614002 Prevention- Fent Assistance 8940 Dent Assistance AP1042624 62874 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 6940 rent Assistance AP1042546 62906 Balan... Prevention- Rent Assistance 614002 Date:1 V18122 08:54:07 AM Debit Credit 202.79 525.31 1,345.4'1 'i _345.4'1 2,716.76 2,751.43 Transaction Total X1-.72 0.00 Opening Balance 102.25 43.10 513.08 906.42 6.38 12564.85 6.38 Transaction Total 1 , 55 8.47 , �.'�,� ... 11493075 0.00 Opening Balance 1,'125.00 1,000.00 1,1 00.00 675.00 11050.00 800.00 750.00 1,596.00 1,750.00 91846.00 0.00 'Transaction Total 9,846.00 Page: 7 0 Qivisi--- Code Division Title Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction "totals Report Current Balances Deport Difference Hope Source Expanded general Ledger - BL- rSG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included to Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 1111/2622 Through 11/30/2022 Sub GL division Code GL Title Session ICS Code Debit Credit Balanoe 632202111 - 36, 03{x.02 ESO- Grant County 6.00 0.00 42,416.11 6,336.09 42,416.11 61386.09 36,030.02 Date.12/16/22 08:54:07 AM Page: a