HomeMy WebLinkAboutReimbursable Work Request - GRIS (002)it -Io -L., AV C,-'1 F«m slate of W ash'nglon A19 -!A Invoice Voucher �'cyna� Health Care Authority 621 8th Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504 vE,-IxlR aacLnnu�-r Grant County 840 E Plum St Moses Lake, WA 98837 Agency No. Agrwment 10 «contract Numl»r 1070 K3919 Vendor's Certacala. I hereby certify underpenaey ofp&7wy that the item and totats listed herein are proper chaTm / materials, merchandise w services misnedenaar services rerMered nave been provided ximout disciiminerion because Drage, sex, marcal status, race, peed, color,, �natiioonal origi/n, handicap,Vietnam We or disebled v s atatus. fwm.+ned to the Srete ofwachingran, and mat aN goads N24" � !f V 9: (sign in ink) // 77� �7�� n� l s S/ 1]7J�-S ! 1- /Q ' LC1 G.CJ (tide) (deb) TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ^' 1319 MONTH/YEAR OF SERVICE Aug -20 RECEIVED BY DATE RECEIVED 6-1 PROORAYac-NAYE COR19MATEGYIOY 9-G OFS pFS P18 ffs DMA Stift NCE WR We Supp suit 11 MHPP Camyova EBP PP General Total 11.1 Ad- 0.00 581.58 20274 1.093.32 1,877.64 21 C«nmundyBased Coo cl or-Px Community -Based Process Universa -Indirect 0.00 22.5 Community Coalton Coordinator CommunilyB-ccl Process Universal -Direct 0.00 22.5 Community Coalition Community -Based P,w- Universal -Direct 0.00 22,5,1 Community Coalition Coordinata-ML Communi Based Process Universal -Direct 7.062.95 7,062.95 22.5.1 Caaoxaly COW'- - ML Community -Based Process Unser ---/-Direct 48C 00 480.00 22,1+2 PAX40A Bal,svior Gam -ML Information Disseminatbn Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.2.1 Positive Action - ML Education Universal -Direct 0.00 22.2.1 Youth Emp-erment - ML Education Uniwrsal-D-t O.DO 22.1.2 Outreach 8 Etlucetion- ML Information, Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Talk. They Hear Yon ML Information Disseminatbn UniversaFlrMimt 0.00 721,2 Under The Influence Of You -ML Informed -Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Character Strong - ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22,1,2 You Can - ML Informstlon Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.6.2 Restara6ve Justice -ML EnA--W Universal -Indirect 0.00 Y242 Tracm.1 mod Schools - ML Em,im mental Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.7.1 Caalilion/C«mmuney Training - ML Othar Universal -Direct 0.00 22.7.1 Coordinator Professional Development - ML Ogler Universal -Direct 0.00 0.00 22.5.1 Community Coalition Coordinator- O Community -Based Process Universal -Direct 2.089.88 6444.62 8,534.50 22.5.1 Community Coalition - Q C«mmunil Based Process Universal -Dred 444.38 444.38 22.2.1 Stragthening Families Program - Q Education Uni er kDirecl 0.00 22.2.1 SPORT PPW-Q Education Universal -Direct 3.58142 3,581.42 22.3.1 Healthy Alternadves - Q Alternatives Universal -Direct 0.00 22.1.1 Youth Development- Q Information Dissaninadon Universal -Direct 0.00 22.1.2 You Can - O Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Undo The Influence Of Yon Q Information Dissemination UniversaPlndireol 0.00 22,1.2 Rx Safe Disposal - Q Information D-sminabm Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Starts With Ons -Q Information Disssminutkn Un-rsaWndirect 0.00 22.6.2 Drug Fres Parks - Q Enwonmonlai Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.6.2 OHS D-4Ainry-0 Environmental Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.741 CoelitioruCommunty, Training- Q Other Universal -Direct 0.00 22.7.1 Cocrdlnaa Prafessiad Developn,anl-Q Ogles Universal -Dred OAO 22.8.2 Px Suala-uny Perky - Q Environmental Universal -Indirect 0.00 22,7.2 Community Education Workshops - Q Other Universal -Indirect 3,640.41 3,840A7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,542.95 581.58 2,73701 1 0.00 r 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.759.77 t 000 0.00 0.00 25,621.31 PREPARED BY/ DATE Rayne GorvAks 1012812020509 TELEPHONE 764-2660 A79 Effective 711/19 through 6/30/21 REVISED 10/2020 CURR DOC NO DOC DATE VENDOR NO. SWV0002426-00 AGENCY APPROVAL: Sarah Mariani, 360-725-9401, Sarah.Mariani hca.wa. ov ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENTI DATE NOV - 5 2020 Pepe 1 Rev r-1-ce