HomeMy WebLinkAboutReimbursable Work Request - GRISl it / ( - rU �-' /�4,7.5f F«m State=V.-h., AMency No. Aereament ID or Contract N-, 1070 K3919 A19 -1A \t ,% Invo nc>Eucr Health Care Naw: Authority 621 8th Avenue SE Vendors Cerff6cate. l hereby certify undarponal(y ofpsrjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandtse er services Olympia, WA 98504 furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished anNo-services rendered neve bean Provided Wthout disokninedon because of age, sex, merltal status, race, meed, color, national origin, handicap, relg/on, or 'fair- era or disabled veterals at YcrpoaoN<Twawvr - - BY Grant County (sign In Ink) 840 E Plum St Mosea Lake, WA 98837 iqkA!i 10 -22 J") title) (fie) TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER MONTHIYEAR OF SERVICE RECEIVED BY DATE RECEIVED "'1319 Jul -20 BMS PROGRAM ACTIVITY NAME cSAPETRATEGY roM SMG GFS PFS 1010 PFS DMA EORMCE Son EOR Supp SOR 11 MHDP Carryover EBP PP Genial Total 11.1 A-, 0-00 581.58 575.C4 000 1C. 60 1,263.22 21 n:'y-Based Coordinanm-Px Community -Baud Prccass Univocal -Indirect 22 5 C -1-!y Coalition Co«dinalw Communlly-Baud Process unvoul-Direct o co 22.5 C[xrmurnty Coalition Community-Basetl Process Universal -Direct oo 0 00 22.5.1 Community Coalition Coordina«- ML Communit aced Process Univ sal-Drect 6,443.00 om 22.6.1 CmunitY Coalition - ML Communi Basetl Proceu UniversaFWecl 6 443 C0 22.1.2 PAX -Good Behevier Game -ML Information Dssemirlatlon Universal-Intlirect 0900 22.2.1 PtNative Action - ML Education Un -sal -Direct 0.00 22.2.1 Youth EmpoAerment - ML Education Universal -Direct O.W 22.1.2 Outreach 8 Education -ML Information Dissemination Universal-Intlirect 0.00 22.1.2 Tek. They Her You -ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect o.W 22.1.2 Urltlr The Influence Of You -ML Information Dissaninatian Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Character Soong - ML Information Diination Universa'-Intlirect 0.000.00 22,1,2 You Ca, - ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect 22.6.2 Restorative Jusboe-ML Environmenhl Universal-IMirect 000 22.6.2 Trauma -Informed Schools - ML Environmontal Universal-IrMirect 0.00 22.7.1 Conlition/Communay Trltlning - ML Omer Universal -Direct D.00 22.7.1 Coordinate Professional Development - ML Other Universal -Direct 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.5.1 Community Cceiruon Coordirlrar - Q Community -Based Process Universal -Direct 7,187.95 1.33250 8,520.45 22,5,1 Community CoalNon - Q Carnmund Based Process Uni-.*Drect 000 22.2.1 Stergthenirg Families Program - Q Educaco, Universal -D-1 0.00 22.2.1 SPORT PPW-Q Education Universal -Dred 0.00 22.3.1 Healthy Altemsoves- Q Alternatives Universal -Drat o.W 22.1.1 Y-thDeveloponnt-Q Information Dissemination UniversaFDirect o.o0 22.1 .2 Yor, Ca, - Q Infomslion Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Und.Tholnfluence Of You -Q Information Disse recon Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Its Safe Disposal - Q InformeUon Dssaminaton Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Starts With On> Q Information Dissemination Universal -Indust o.00 Drug F140 Parks - Q 22.6.2 Dr Environmental Universal -Indirect 0.o0 2242 QHS Disciplinary - Q Environmental Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.7.1 Qoaleiar✓Communiry Tralnirg - Q Other Universal -Direct 0.00 22.7.1 Coordinator Prdessional Development - Q pear Universal-Dirxt O.00 22.6.2 Plc Sustainability Polloy-Q Environmental Universal-11ntlireot o.0o 2272 Community Education Workshops - Q other Uri-sakIndi-t 0.00 0900 0900 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0 00 6,44300 581.58 7,762.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.439.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 226 67 PREPARED BY/ DATE TELEPHONE Reyru Goreaks 10/2812020 H. 784-2660 A19 Effective 7/1119 through 6/30121 REVISED 1012020 CURR DOC NO DOC DATE VENDOR NO. AGENCY APPROVAL: SWV0002426-00 Sarah Mariani, 360-725-9401, Sarah.Mariani hca.Wa. ov ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT/ DATE RECEIVED NOV - 5 2020 GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS P4,