HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (003)K20-145 COMPLETED Amendment sr:44 _=— Date; Contract Number: 316-46108-10 Amendment Number: A Washington State Department of Commerce Community Services and Housing Division Housing Assistance Unit COVID-19 Outbreak Emergency Housing Grant 1. Grantee 2. Contractor Doing Business As (optional) GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION PO BOX 37 EPHRATA, WA 98823-0037 3. Grantee Representative 4. COMMERCE Representative Brittany Rang Kathryn Dodge PO Box 42525 (509) 754-2011 ext. 2937 Grant Manager 1011 Plum St SE brang@grantcountywa.gov (360) 764-9682 Olympia, WA 98504-2525 kathryn.dodge@commerce.wa.gov 5. Original Contract Amount 6. Amendment Amount 7. New Contract Amount (and any previous amendments) $388,462.00 $0 $388,462.00 8. Amendment Funding Source 9. Amendment Start Date 10. Amendment End Date Federal: State: X Other: N/A: October 1, 2020 December 31, 2020 11. Federal Funds (as applicable): Federal Agency: CFDA Number: 12. Amendment Purpose: Extend grant end date and revise scope of work. COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Contractor, as defined above, acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract As Amended and attachments and have executed this Contract Amendment on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract As Amended are governed by this Contract Amendment and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contractor Terms and Conditions including Attachment "A" — Scope of Work. A py of this Contract Amendment shall be attached to and made a part of the original Contract between YI COIMERCE and thAponactor. Any reference in the original Contract to the "Contract" shall mean the "Contract as Amended". Contractor NamUitle Al (L- Date Department of Commerce FOR COMMERCE Diane KlontzIAssistant Director Community Services and Housing Division C1 /,Pl 40RZ:) Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Sandra Adix Assistant Attorney General 3/20/2014 Date F2 This Contract is amended as follows: Amendment Scope of Work Attachment A Funding is provided to Grant County to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak related to public health needs of people experiencing homelessness or otherwise in need of quarantine or isolation housing due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Activities funded under this Grant will be performed in accordance with the Washington State COVID-19 Outbreak Emergency Housing Grant Guidelines, version 3. The Grantee's Plan as may be amended from time to time, attached here to and incorporated herein as Attachments C and D. Commerce must approve Plan amendments. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. . 44 Washington State Department of V4,09 Commerce Washington State COVID-19 Outbreak Emergency Housing Grant GUIDELINES August 2020 Version 3 Table of Contents 1 Grant Purpose......................................................................................................................................3 2 Compliance with CDC Guidance for isolation and quarantine housing....................................................3 3 Plan required before release of funds for reimbursement.....................................................................3 4 Billing Procedures and Payment............................................................................................................ 4 4.1 Reimbursements...................................................................................................................................4 5 Budget categories and Allowable Expenses........................................................................................... 5 5.1 Administration......................................................................................................................................5 5.2 Operations............................................................................................................................................6 5.3 Leasing Costs......................................................................................................................................... 6 5.4 Acquisition and Construction Costs...................................................................................................... 7 6 Eligible populations, documentaton, and non-discrimination based on housing status ..........................7 Page 1 2 COVID-19 Housing Grant Guidelines August, 2020 v. 3 1 Grant Purpose The funding must address the quarantine and isolation needs for people experiencing homelessness and people who lack the ability to isolate at home, and for whom placement at a health care facility is inappropriate. Eligible activities: • Create isolation and quarantine housing; • Maintain isolation and quarantine housing relative to cases identified by WA State Department of Health (increase allowed with approved updates to County Plan); • Create and maintain additional shelter capacity to replace shelter capacity lost when social distancing was increased; • Increase and maintain sanitation in existing homeless housing; • Other costs associated with addressing the public health needs of people experiencing homelessness or displaced from their former housing due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Department of Commerce (Department) may revise the Guidelines at any time and will notify the Grantee immediately before requiring implementation of changes. 2 Compliance with CDC Guidance for isolation and quarantine housing The Grantee shall obtain written approval from the relevant local public health jurisdiction, Public Health Officer, County Medical Director or Department of Public Health Director prior to occupancy of housing supported by grant funds. The approval shall include an assertion that the housing is necessary to protect public health due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and if the housing is to be used for isolation or quarantine, that the housing addresses the planning considerations in the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control guidance regarding Alternative Care Sites, as published on March 25, 2020. https://www.cdc.gov/Icoronavirus/2019-ncov/healthcare-facilities/alternative-care-sites.html 3 Plan required before release of funds for reimbursement Reimbursement of funds under this grant is contingent on approval by the Department of a brief plan developed by the Grantee ("Plan"), as may be amended from time to time, that includes at a minimum the following: Brief description of how the Grantee is consulting with and coordinating the use of funds with at least the largest city in the county, the county government (if the Grantee is not a county government), the Consolidated Homeless Grant grantee (if the Grantee is Page 13 COVID-19 Housing Grant Guidelines August, 2020 v. 3 not the Consolidated Homeless Grant grantee), and the local public health jurisdiction. The plan must be approved in writing by the local public health jurisdiction, Public Health Officer, County Medical Director or Department of Public Health Director. Brief description of the steps and timeline of the process the Grantee will implement to work with the local public health jurisdiction and other relevant stakeholders to estimate the unmet need for quarantine and isolation housing for people living unsheltered or living in homeless housing or who cannot isolate or quarantine themselves in housing previously available to them. • Brief description of actions the Grantee will take to address COVID-19 outbreak related quarantine and isolation housing needs of people living unsheltered or in homeless housing or who cannot isolate or quarantine themselves in housing previously available to them. Grantee will notify the Department if/as Grantee's Plan change; Department's approval of revisions to the Plan shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Grantee shall submit its estimate of unmet need for quarantine and isolation housing to the Department as soon as possible when completed. It is estimated that all isolation and quarantine housing and will need to be ready to occupy by April 1, 2020 to address COVID-19 outbreak. Please work with your local public health jurisdiction to determine the necessary completion date for your area. County Plans will be posted on the Department website at https://www.commerce.wa.gov/covid-19-homeless-services/ 4 Billing Procedures and Payment Change to Grant Terms and Conditions: 2. Billing Procedures and Payment The Department does not require receipts for expenses in the amount of $50.00 or more in order to receive reimbursement. 4.1 Reimbursements Grantees should bill Commerce monthly for reimbursement of allowable costs. Invoices are due on the 20th of the month following the provision of services. Final invoices for a biennium may be due sooner than the 20th. Exceptions to billing procedures can be negotiated with Commerce on a case-by-case basis. Invoices must be submitted online using the Commerce Contract Management System (CMS) Page 14 COVID-19 Housing Grant Guidelines August, 2020 v. 3 through Secure Access Washington (SAW). All invoices must include the Voucher Detail Worksheet (if Grantee has sub grantees). Lead grantees must retain original invoices submitted by their sub grantees. 5 Budget categories and Allowable Expenses Budget Categories Allowable Expenses Admin Administration - 15% of the grant total (section 5.1) Operations Operations and Service Costs (section 5.2) Leasing Leasing Costs (section 5.3) Capital Acquisition and Construction Costs (section 5.4) No new additional acquisition and constructions costs past September 30, 2020. 5.1 Administration Allowable administrative costs benefit the organization as a whole and cannot be attributed specifically to a particular program or to the homeless crisis response system. Administrative costs may include, but are not limited to, the following: ✓ Executive director salary and benefits ✓ General organization insurance ✓ Organization wide audits ✓ Board expenses ✓ Organization -wide membership fees and dues ✓ General agency facilities costs (including those associated with executive positions) such as rent, depreciation expenses, and operations and maintenance All amounts billed to administration must be supported by actual costs. If actual costs in the contract period meet the budget cap, that amount may be charged in equal monthly amounts. ✓ Billed directly such as IT services that are billed by the hour. ✓ Shared costs that are allocated directly by means of a cost allocation plan. ✓ Costs related to executive personnel such that a direct relationship between the cost and the benefit cannot be established must be charged indirectly by use of an indirect cost rate which has been appropriately negotiated with an approved cognizant agency or by use of the 10 percent de minimus rate. Page 15 COVID-19 Housing Grant Guidelines August, 2020 v. 3 5.2 Operations Allowable operations costs include operations costs associated with the activities described in the Plan approved in writing by the local health officer and the Department, including: ✓ Salaries and benefits for staff costs directly attributable to the program or to the homeless system, including but not limited to staff, information technology (IT) staff, human resources staff, bookkeeping staff, and accounting staff. ✓ Office space, utilities, supplies, phone, internet for staff ✓ Costs associated with increased sanitation in existing homeless housing and subsidized housing, or for people living unsheltered, including supplies, staff costs, outreach and all other costs associated with improving sanitation. ✓ Other costs as approved by Commerce. The Grantee will make a good faith effort to not incur costs reimbursable under this grant in excess of what is reasonable given market prices, balanced by the need to act promptly to procure and operate housing and provide services necessary to respond to the State of Emergency. 5.3 Leasing Costs Allowable leasing costs include leasing costs associated with the activities described in the Plan approved in writing by the local health officer and the Department: ✓ New or repurposed housing includes but is not limited to leased motels and hotels, master leased rental housing, and leased buildings not originally intended for use as housing. ✓ Utility, security, damages and other costs associated with leasing. The Grantee will make a good faith effort to not incur costs reimbursable under this grant in excess of what is reasonable given market prices, balanced by the need to act promptly to procure and operate housing and provide services necessary to respond to the State of Emergency. Rent assistance is not an allowable expense. Grantees are encouraged to request that the Department allow the use of Grant funds outside the scope described in this Grant if such expenditures are critical to addressing the COVID-19 outbreak. Page 16 COVID-19 Housing Grant Guidelines August, 2020, 3 5.4 Acquisition and Construction Costs The Department will reimburse costs associated with acquisition, construction and other costs necessary to obtain and prepare for occupancy housing necessary to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak as described in the Plan approved in writing by the local health officer and the Department If any of the funds granted under this Grant are used for property acquisition and or capital improvements, the Grantee agrees to use the real property or properties to provide permanent or emergency housing for low-income households, as defined under RCW 43.185A.010(6), except during State of Emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak described in the Proclamation by the Governor, 20-05. All amounts used for property acquisitions and or capital improvements shall be evidenced by promissory notes, deeds of trust, and low-income restrictive covenants running with the land in favor of the Department. Each deed of trust and covenant shall be recorded at the county or counties in which the property or properties are located. The Grantee will make a good faith effort to not incur costs reimbursable under this grant in excess of what is reasonable given market prices, balanced by the need to act promptly to procure and operate housing and provide services necessary to respond to the State of Emergency. 6 Eligible populations, documentaton, and non-discrimination based on housing status The primary purpose of this grant is addressing the health needs of people unsheltered or living in homeless housing, or who are in need of isolation or quarantine housing due to the COVID- 19 outbreak. Documentation of the housing status of people housed or served by these funds is not necessary. Funds can be used to provide housing and other services to people who are not living unsheltered or in homeless housing, as long as the expenditures are in good faith realistically available to people who are unsheltered or living in homeless housing. 7 Reporting regirements During the State of Emergency related to COVID-19 outbreak reporting is a secondary consideration. When the State of Emergency has ended, or if the Department determines Grantee workload allows adequate time for reporting, the Department will require reporting on the use of the funds including the number of beds created and expenditures by categories including housing, sanitation, and other costs. Page 17 COVID-19 Housing Grant Guidelines August, 2020 v. 3 The Department will work with Grantees to establish reasonable reporting requirements that can be fulfilled using information collected from regular expenditure accounting systems or other readily available information sources. 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