HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related -v Hous 1*ng Authorl of Grant* Coun } 1139 Larson Blvd. • Moses Lake, WA 98837--3308 Phone: (509) 762-5541 • Pax: (509) 762-2202 {: Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 • TAT: (800) 833-6388 www.hagc.net May 31, zoz3 JAPPROVED JUN 6 20r23 CONSENT - Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN: Janke Flynn PD Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear MIs. Flynn: Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Reusing Authority's claim for draw 23 for May.. 2023, for the Consolidated Homeless Grant. 1 certify that: The information on the ►-19 and supporting documentation for the Consolidates! Homeless Grant (CHG), contract # 22-46108-10, in the amount of $44,465.58 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are property chargeable to the CH grant. Sincerely, Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director RECEIVED NAY 3 1 2.023 (RANT COUNTY COMMISSIONER The Homing Authority of Grant CoantX Wtrahirrgton is me equal opportunity provfder and "layer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or oneatal disa011itY, orfamilial status. he Housing Authority of Grant Chun�olcies and ractica are designed to provide assurnces thatpewns with dsabilities iaill be given reasonable accommodations. fi; EQUAL H()11SINQ upon request, so that they mayfully aces andutilize the housingprograms and related services OPPORTUNITY If you as- anyone in your f vnily is a Iverson wish dfsabilldes, und)vu require a specifrc acrommoddation in order to fudy utilize our programs and services, please coniact the Housing Authority. ^11 Grant County/GCHA Contract #22-46108-10 (UP1 e `�_ �J Submitted to GC by: HAGC ev Date: 1702c? Request for Reimbursement No. #23 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: $tate Auditor's Of Audit ftoodures for Testing Activities Mowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting apayment request Was the expenditure or cost: _X Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? _X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _X Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment 13, items 1-43? Fbr payroll transactions: _X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-1 22? �X Allocable to the program? (Le., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) _X Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? �X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged th-e same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? _X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives),, _X Calculated in conformity with genera'lly accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? �X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? �X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance reooveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). _X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? _X Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). _X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e•g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation maybe in an electronic form. X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H,.\ACCOUNTINGLOTUS\LOTUSNConsol'i'dated HG\CFJG 2021-20231CHG Siibrocipient Checklistdocx Page 1 CHG Base Funding HEN SFY 2023 HEN SFY 2023 VoucherCHG Detail Worksheet Grantee Name: Grant County I Lead GranteE List Sub Grantee Names Below Report Month/Year: MAY 2023 HAGC Jul -22 Aug -22 Sep -22 Oct -22 Nov -22 Dec -22 Jan -23 Feb -23 Mar -23 Apr -23 May -23 Jun -23 BUDGET DRAW #13 DRAW #14 DRAW #15 DRAW #16 DRAW #17 DRAW #18 DRAW #19 DRAW #20 DRAW #21 DRAW #22 Admin I 1 1 $69,950.001 1 1 $1,058.85 $3,010.82 $1,404.83 $1,204.87 $1,486.09 $1,088.94 $669.85 $1,476.09 $1,440.88 $593.43 $3,785.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $320.00 $10,412.10 $13,688.81 $12,576.04 $6,255.00 $9,616.88 $17,460.56 $19,179.56 $13,764.40 $15,159.06 $11,949.00 $11,153.21 $6,430.84 $5,376.57 $8,516.45 $5,072.59 $7,731.01 $8,111.46 $4,322.09 $6,650.54 $11,501.41 $5,372.26 $8,155.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $143.11 $75.93 $129.09 $127.77 $88.49 $118.32 $39.27 $0.00 $724.27 $361.79 $248.35 $16,813.24 $18,816.31 $16,431.00 $17,480.25 $18,238.19 $12,396.77 $15,731.13 $13,492.72 $12,413.56 $14,945.47 $17,478.40 $2,319.25 $2,184.97 $3,201.52 $1,498.52 $2,528.84 $2,943.98 $2,038.42 $2,079.57 $4,654.03 $2,868.76 $3,324.25 Invoice Tota $37,177.39 $43,153.41 $42,258.93 $31,639.00 $39,689.50 $42,120.03 $42,130.32 $37,463.32 $46,043.21 $36,090.71 $44,465.58 $1,308,455.00 TOTAL OF BALANCE DRAWS REMAINING $36,311.00 $33,639.00 $770.00 $9,230.00 $284,964.24 $26,574.76 $164,997.33 $30,062.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,727.49 $23,272.51 $200,431.76 $61,521.24 $48,764.03 $25,235.97 $2,056.39 $22,943.61 $174,237.04 $87,715.96 $29,642.11 $44,357.89 $943,901.39 $364,553.61 CHG Base Funding PSH/CHF RENT/FAC SUPP/ LEASE &HOUSING COSTS HEN SFY 2020 /202 - 6/30/2021 Grantee Name: Grant County Lead Grantee List Sub Grantee Names Below Report Month/Year: MAY 2023 HAGC Tota I Admin $3,785.56 $3,785.56 CHG-Other Rent/Fac Supp Lease & Housing Costs $320.00 $320.00 CHG-Rent & Fac support/Lease Costs $11,153.21 $11,153.21 CHG-Operations $8,155.81 $8,155.81 PSH/CHF Fcility Support/Lease Costs $0.00 $0.00 PSH/CHF Other Rent/Fac Supp/Lease & Hous $0.00 $0.00 PSH/CHF Operations $0.00 $0.00 HEN- Admin 2022 $0.00 $0.00 HEN- Rent and Housing Costs 2022 $0.00 $0.00 HEN- Operations 2022 $0.00 $0.00 HEN- Admin 2023 $248.35 $248.35 HEN- Rent/Fac Supp &Other Housing Costs 2023 $17,478.40 $17,478.40 [HEN- Operations 2023 $3,324.251 $3,324.25 Invoice Tota 1: $44,465.58 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 06 Ending 513112023 q HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 408204-7-01 MGMT RETIREMENT:CHG 26.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.49 408205-7-01 MGIVIT MEDIDENTNIS/LI:CHG 46.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.36 411000-7-01 ADMIN SALARIES:CHG 21209.28 907.50 0.00 907.60 3;116.78 417001-7-01 ADMIN FEES -GRANT CO-CHG 0.00 21000.00 0.00 21000.00 21000.00 418200-7-01 ADMIN FICA-CHG 163.85 66.20 0.00 66.20 230.05 418201-7-01 ADMIN SUTA-CHG 33.13 13.61 0.00 13.61 46.74 4182027-01 ADMIN L&I-CHG 11.11 4.39 0.00 4.39 16.50 418204-7-01 ADIVI[N RETIREMENT:CHG 440.22 99.53 0.00 99.63 539.75 418205-7-01 ADMIN MEDIDENTNIS/L:CHG 725.50 194.33 0.00 194.33 919.83 419012-7.01 MEMBERSHIP DUES & FE-CHG 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 419018-7-01 POSTAGE:CHG 60.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.21 441000-7-01 MAINTENANCE SALARIES:CHG 412-33 0.00 0.00 0.00 412.33 443300-7-01 MAI NT F1 CA: CH G 30.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.98 443301-7-01 MAINT SUTA:CHG 6.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.19 443302-7-01 MAINT L&I:CHG 13.47 0.00 0,00 0100 13.47 443305-7-01 MAINT MEDIDENTNIS/L:CHG 1,13 0.00 0100 0.00 1.13 PROJECT 01 - Total: 4,180.25 31785.56 0.00 31785.66 6, 7j966.81 3 5- , 5- tv Run Date: 6/3012423 10:47:18AM Page; I G/L Date: 613112023 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 06 Ending 5131/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 02 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balance 411000-7-02 ADMIN SALARIES FACILITY SUPT' 16,856.00 41970.36 0.00 41970.35 21,826.35 418200-7..02 ADMIN FICA FACILITY SUPP & W 11238.20 364.34 0.00 364.34 11602.64 418201-7-02 ADMIN SUTA FACILITY SUPP & R 252.86 74.55 0100 74.65 327.41 418202,-7--02 ADMIN L&I FACILITY SUPP & RA ( 96.16 28.34 0.00 28.34 124.50 418204-7-02 ADMIN RETIREMENT FACILITY St 21382.68 723.96 0100 723.96 31106.63 418205-7-02 ADMIN MED/DENTNIS/L FACILIT% 61953.62 1,913.81 0.00 1191181 81867.43 443000-7-02- CONTRCT SVC MAWT FACILITY 66.78 80.47 0.00 80,47 147.25 PROJECT 02 - Total: 27,846.30 81155.81 0.00 1 ,155,8 36,002.11 Run Date: 6130/2023 10,047:18AM Page: 2 GIL Date: 6131/2023 User Logan: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 06 Ending 6131/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT' 04 - Account Number/Description beg Balance Debit Credlt Met Change End Balance 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS -CMO 33,932.02 41246.21 0.00 41246.21 38,178.23 471502-7-04 HAP IPAYMNT PROJECT LEASE C 14,880.00 31720.00 0,00 31720,00 18,600,00 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG 10,580.00 3o187.00 0.00 31187.00 l3s767.00 471508-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHG 660.00 0.00 0.00 0.01----- 660.00 PROJECT 04 - Total: -- 60,052.02 11,163.21 0.00 11 11 53.2f 71,205.23 Run Date., 613012023 10:47:18AM Page: 3 G/L Date: 613112023 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 05 Ending 613112023 I HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY {GCW} PROJECT06- ,Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Chango End Balance 471504-7-05 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIES CHG-0.1 300.00 320.00 0,00 320;00-- 620.00 PROJECT 05 - Total: 300,00 320.00 0.00 320.00 620.00 Run Data: 513012023 10:47:18AM Page: 4 GIL Date: 5131/2023 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 05 Ending 5/3112023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 08 - Account Number/Deserlption Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000.7-08 ADMIN SALARIES -HEN- OPS-CHG 71239-63 11927.17 0.00 11927.17 91166.80 418200-7-08 ADMIN FICA-HEN-OPS-CHG 534,87 142.14 0.00 142.14 677.01 418201-7-08 ADMIN SUTA HEN-OPS-CHG 108.69 28.91 0100 28.91 137.60 418202-7-08 ADMIN L&I HEN-OPS-CHG 40.83 11.38 0.00 11.38 52,21 418204-7-08 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN -OPS -C 951.44 325.83 0,00 325.83 11277.27 418205-7-08 ADMIN MEDIDENTNIS/L HEN -OP,,. 21765.42 .888.82 0.00 888.8 31654.24 PROJECT 08 - Total., 11,640.78 3,324.25 0.00 3,324.25 14,966,03 ry Run Date: 613012023 10:47;I8AM Page: 6 GIL. Date: 6131/2023 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 05 Ending 6/31/2023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 09 - Account NumberlDescription Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 411000-7-09 ADMIN SALRIES HEN-CHG 724.03 139.48 0.00 139.45 $53.11 418200-7-09 ADMIN FICA HEN- CHG 53.42 10.40 0.00 10.40 63.82 418201-7-09 ADMIN SUTA HEN -CHC 10.86 2.09 0.00 2.09 12.95 418202-7.09 ADMIN L&I HEN -CHC 4.45 0.71 0.04 0.71 5.16 418204-7-09 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN-CHG 92.90 76.04 0.00 76.64 169,54 418205-7-09 ADMIN MEDIDENT1VIS/L HEN -CHs 239.67 19.43 0.40 19.43 259.10 471501-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN-CHG 541874.77 14,792.15 0.00 14,792.15 69,665.92 471504-7-09 HAP PAYIVINTS UTILITIE -CHG 608.11 79.25 0.00 79.25 687.36 471506-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 1,104.00 21607.00 0.00 21 7.04 31707.00 PROJECT 49 - Total: 57,708.21 17,726.75 0.0 17172$.75 75,434.96 Report rotas: 161,727.56 44,465.58 0,00 44465.58 206,193.14 000 0000: ?39008 + f 2e09 + 0 * 7 1 + 76 *64 + I9o4 + 006 241-83 .. ,, 79025 + 003 - 17 8 It 0 Run Date: 51 _ - GIL Date: 6/31/2023 000 007 0000 3#785t56 + 320* 00 + 3 4 r, 5 + 24 8 3 5 + 0A u page: 6 User Logan: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 05 Ending 513112023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Period Data Journal comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change FEW Balance 471601-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS-CHG 33,932.02 05 61112023 AP -004328 825.00 0.00 34,757.02 06 5/112023 AP -004328 400.00 0.00 35,167.02 05 6/6/2023 AP -004333 134.28 0.00 36,291.30 06 602023 AP -004333 11007.00 0.00 36,298.30 06 St16/2023 AP -004337 748.49 0.00 37,046.79 06 5/16/2023 AP -004337 729-64 0100 37,775,43 06 5/2212023 AP -004341. 176.00 0.00 37,962.43 06 612612023 AP -004344 226.80 0,00 38,178.23 33,932.02 41246.21 0.00 41246.21 38,173.23 471601-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN-CHG 54,874.77 06 5/1/2023 AP -004328 300.00 0.00 55,174.77 06 5/.1/2023 AP -004328 300,00 0.00 56,474.77 05 511/2023 AP -004328 625.00 0.00 56,099.77 05 5/1/2023 AP -004328 615.00 0100 56,614.77 05 511/2023 AP -004328 11262,00 0.00 57,876.77 06 511/2023 AP -004328 641.00 0.00 58,517.77 05 6/1/2023 AP -004328 641.00 0.00 59,168.77 05 511/2023 AP -004328 641.00 0.00 59,799.77 05 5/1/2023 AP -004328 472.50 0.00 60,272.27 05 511/2023 AP -004328 746.00 0.00 61,017.27 05 511/2023 AP -004328 676.00 0.00 61,692.27 05 6/1/2023 AP -004328 800.00 0.00 62,492.27 05 611/2023 AP -004328 133.30 0.00 62,625.57 05 611/2023 AP -004328 800.00 0.00 63,426.67 05 51112023 AP -004328 700.00 0.00 64j126.67 06 6/112023 AP -004328 450,00 0.00 64,575-67 05 5/112023 AP -004328 530.00 0.00 66,105157 06 5/112023 AP -004328 650.00 0.00 65,755.57 06 51112023 AP -004328 350.00 0.00 66,105.67 06 51112023 AP -004328 600.00 0.00 66,705.67 06 511/2023 AP -004328 650.00 0.00 67,355.57 05 51612023 AP -004333 620.00 0.00 67,975.57 05 5/812023 AP -004334 133.35 0.00 68,108.92 06 518/2023 AP -004334 800.00 0.00 68,908.92 06 51912023 AP -004336 758.00 0.00 69,666.92 540874.77 14r792.15 0.00 14,792.16 69*666.92 471502-7-04 HAP PAYMNT PROJECT LEASE CC 14s880.00 05 5/1/2023 AP -004328 000100235 /IN: 1004050123 610.00 0.00 15,490.00 06 5/1/2023 AP -004328 00010023611N:1006050123 6110.00 0.00 16,100.00 06 51112023 AP -004328 0001002351101:1008050123 640.00 0.00 16,740.00 05 51112023 AP -004328 000100235 /IN: 1010050123 640.00 0.00 17,380.00 05 511/2023 AP -004328 00010023511N., 1102050123 610.00 0.00 17,990,00 06 511/2023 AP -004328 00010023511 N: 1104050123 610.00 0.00 182600,00 14,880.00 3,720.00 0.00 3,720.00 18,600.00 471604-7-05 HAP P"MNTS UTILITIES CHG-05 300.00 05 5/18/2023 AP -004340 320.00 0.00 620,00 300.00 320.00 0.00 320.00 620.00 Account NumberiDescriptlon L Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Balanre 471504,7.09 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -CHG 608.11 06 5/18/2023 AP -004340 000100096 AN: PRISCILLA 13- MA 79.25 0.00 687.36 608.11 79.25 0.00 79.25 687.36 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG 05 5/6/2023 AP -004333 05 5/15/2023 AP -004337 05 5/15/2023 AP -004337 05 5122,2023 AP -004341 05 5/25/2023 AP -004344 471506-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG 06 61112023 AP -004328 05 51812023 AP -004334 05 51912023 AP -004336 471508-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHG 10, 580.00 1,007.00 0.00 11, 587.00 800.00 0.00 12,387.04 780.00 0.00 13,167.00 250.00 0.00 13,417.00 350.00 4.00 13,767.00 10,580.00 3,187.00 0.00 3,187,00 13,767.00 1,100,00 800.00 0.00 1,900.00 800.00 0.00 2,700.00 11007.00 0.00 31707.00 11100.00 2,607.00 0.00 21607.00 3,707.00 660.00 0.00 0.00 660.00 660.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 660.00 Report Total: 116,934.90 28,951.61 0.00 283951.61. 145,886.51 Run Date: 5/3012023 11:42:52AM Page: 2 GIL Date: 5130/2023 User Logon, SAD CHG - MAY 2023 471501-7-04 - HAP PAYMENTS RENT - CHG HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06/0112023 $133.35 37FFE58ED Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 05/03/2023 $729.64 50133FC596 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 06/0112023 $400.00 DES6507FO Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 06/0312023 $748.49 5C'I EB8346 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 05/1112023 $176.00 OD6E96BDC Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 06/01/2023 $825.00 679DOA509 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 05101/2023 $134.28 679DOA609 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 06101/2023 $1,007.00 817BB6544 Rental Assistance, Rental Assistance 06/12/2023 $225.80 8529766CA HEN Rent Assistance., HEN Rent Assistance 06/01/2023 $4,246.21 471501-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - HEN 822A226131) HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06/0112023 $133.35 822A225BD HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05/01/2023 $800.00 IBOB90DAF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0510112023 $641.00 410E07E70 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05/0112023 $1,262.00 7BAB2A4B3 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05/0112023 $641.00 A585CABF1 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06/0112023 $472.50 A27DD01 30 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06/01/2023 $300.00 3C1347377 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05101/2023 $450.00 30349CF38 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0510112023 $800.00 8529766CA HEN Rent Assistance., HEN Rent Assistance 06/01/2023 $745.00 99CFE20F4 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance OW01/2023 $350.00 4CBD53486 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06101/2023 $641.00 542299D613 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05/0112023 $675.00 1 BB817521 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0510412023 $758.00 7CE9CC39A HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05101/2023 $650.00 9B8FD5FB4 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0510112023 $133-30 9B8F[)5FB4 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06/0112023 $800.00 3B753E8EO HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06101/2023 $620,00 6EA89BE46 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05/01/2023 $300.00 D3731DO14 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0510112023 $650,00 FOA41313175 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05101/2023 $515.00 008962DOF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 05/0112023 $625,00 453EB0019 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 06101/2023 $530.00 4655E3733 HEN Rent Assistance.- HEN Rent Assistance 05101/2023 $600.00 427C213513F HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 0610112023 $700.00 $1.4,792.15 471504-7-05 HAP PAYMENTS UTILTIIES - CHG SCI EB8346 Utility Deposit: Utility Deposit 05111/2023 $320.00 $320.00 471504-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS UTILITIES - HEN 410E07E70 HEN Utility Payment: HEN Utility Payment 471606-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS - CHG 37FFE68ED Security Deposit: Security Deposit DE86507FD Security Deposit: Security Deposit 501EB8346 Security Deposit: Security Deposit 8171356544 Security Deposit: Security Deposit 679DOA509 Security Deposit: Security Deposit 471506-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS - HEN 822A225BD HEN Security Deposit Payment. HEN $ecurlty Deposit Payment IBB817521 HEN Security Deposit Payment: HEN Security Deposit Payment 9138FDSFB4 HEN Security Deposit Payment: HEN Security Deposit Paymont 05/1712023 $79,25 $79.25 05/03/2023 $780.00 05/03/2023 $800.00 05/11/2023 $250.00 0511212023 $350.00 05/0112023 $1,007-00 $3,187.00 05/01/2023 $800.00 05/04/2023 $1,007.00 05101/2023 $800.00 $2jG07.00