HomeMy WebLinkAboutASC Board Action Item - BOCCASC Board Action Items May 19', 2020 L.,-/,. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services, grant administration, etc. 2. Sheriff's Office Request for emergency capital purchase of Pix4D Mapper Perpetual License ($4,999.00), Lenovo Think Station P290 Workstation ($7,412.76), HP Elite Display E243i-LED 24" Monitor ($501.00), total price is $12,912.76 from the Law & Justice Fund # vX3. Port of Moses Lake request for extension of time on Strategic Infrastructure Project (SIP) 2419- 03, Sewer Extension to Grant County International Airport Infield from Westside Employment Center, from May 13, 2020 to May 15, 2021. ✓4. City of George request for extension of time on Strategic Infrastructure Project (SIP) 2019-04, Well No. 3 Generator, from May 13, 2020 to May 13, 2021. 5. Agreement regarding use of County property with the Ephrata Farmers Market Association, Inc to utilize restroom facilities for purposes limited and collateral to the Ephrata Farmers Market to G, be held beginning Saturday, June 27, 2020 and each Saturday from 9 am through 1 pm through October 31, 2020. 6. Reimbursement Request #20-10 on Washington State Department of Commerce on Consolidated Homeless Grant, (CHG) No. 20-46108-10, administered through the Grant County Housing Authority, in the amount of $28,872.12. ,,�--7. Department of Commerce Grant Agreement with New Hope through Office of Crime Victims Advocacy, Community Services and Housing Division, Grant No. S21-31108-009 in the amount of $23,247.00. Term of the grant is July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. / 8. Agreement through the Sheriff's Office with Legends Music, LLC for the Gorge Amphitheatre Alcohol Operating Plan for 2020. Term is May 19, 2020 through December 31, 2020. 19. Fairgrounds request to purchase windows for the office in the amount of $695.85 from / Penhaulluricks from REET fund # Total budgeted amount was $2,500.00. 10. Fairgrounds request to purchasing landscaping supplies in the amount of $10,000.00 and landscape lighting in the amount of $5,000.00 from REET funding. Purchases will be made over the course of several months in 2-3 large purchases. 11. Memorandum of Understanding with Coordinated Care of Washington, Inc. through Grant Integrated Services for the purposes of formalizing the payment to Provider of 2020 Behavioral Health Enhancement Fund dollars in the amount of $63,481.00 for the calendar year of 2020. Request to award contract for Facilities and Maintenance project FM 2002 Carpet Replacement for the Law & Justice Building to Cost Less Carpet Inc. in the amount of $47,618.79. The total approved amount for this project was $45,500 from REET funds, the remaining $2,118.79 will be transferred from the Cooling Tower LJB project. 3. Contract with Cost Less Carpet, Moses Lake through the Facilities & Maintenance Department for the Grant County L&J Building Flooring Replacement Project FM2002 for the total amount of $47,618.99. Motion was made by Commissioner to: Approve Agenda as presented. Other: Second on the motion was made by Commissioner There was no discussion after the call for questions. Motion passed unanimously