HomeMy WebLinkAboutReimbursable Work Request - GRISl Fmn ^' .Y ' Ata1A Stsa a WMInaUn Invoice Voucher A9nwtNtltC M CoalraelMallWr'., azo K3919 'a>f_...�..._._�__.._._.._._.._. _. __.._._..._. A67tjC3/P____._.__._......_._. I-- venao,'s c-f-te. hereoy certify under penalty or pefu t the items and mels bled herein proper charas: for materials, mamhanmss Washington, and mal all goods lumished env« s. r�ryd-sietl haw leen ovidad w;mwt di nminalan nacauas a Z. sae, mental nanaicap, religion. «viemam era «aisaeled valxan lis. «saM ss rumishatl to the state or slams, we. used, caor, national origin. Health Caro Authority PO Box 42691 O m ia, WA 98504-2691 BC Grant County (iiiii 840 E Plub Street Yn Moses Lala, WA 98837 (titre) _ (di a) TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 91-6001319 MONTH/YEAR OF SERVICE IRECEIVED - - BY DATE RECEIVED BARB PMOeaY IldT1YRY MNIIE I C w -Gy ION3� BABG GFB PFB NCE I PF9 m1e DMA BTR NCE EBP PP General BOR 90R aupp T- 11.1 Admin _ - 297.'',, _ 1.22025 21 Can unity -Based Coatlination-Pa Comm­ly-Based Process Universa6lndiect 22.5 Commundy Coalition Coordinator Communityasead Process Universal-D'racl 0 W 2205 Community Coalition Comm-hy-Sased Process UnheroaFOkect 000 22.5.1 Community Coalition Coordinator- ME Community -Based Process Unlwr88FDkecl 7,042.82 7,042.82 22.5.1 Community Coalillon -ME Community -Based Process Universa4Dkecl 0.00 0.00 22.7.1 Tisees-enssRea-es-sowtn nwess --tt Omer Unimsal-Direct - 3B 3,714.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.5.1 CommunityCoaFion Coordinator -Quincy Commun"ased Process Universai-0irecl 1 307 76 134711 2,755.17 22.5.1 Canmulity Coalition- Member Window Clog- Quincy CommundyBaaed Process Univer-kMact 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,2,1 Sk"Itlening Familles-SprkV 2020/supptiea-Quincy Education Universal -Direct 316 75 316.75 22.2.1 SPORT PPW - Quincy Education Universal -Direct t+8700 1,/97.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,04282 581.58 0.00 11412.38 3,714.48 0.001 297.16 0.00 1 3,198.05 0.00 1024W PREPARED BYI DATE Rayne 0-1- 4123/2020 TELEPHONE - 509764.2660 A19 Effective 711119 through 6130121 REVISED 7118119 CURR DOC NO I DOC DATE VENDOR NO.AGENCY APPROVAL: Sarah Marlani 360.725-9401 Sarah.Mariani hca.Wa. OV ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENTI DATE Z l I Biennium Con- pegs 1 Rn 7.140