HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing - BOCCOpen Record Public Hearing Community Development Block Grant CDBG Public Services Grant Application / Closeout 19-62210-005 March 10, 2020 11:00 a.m. In Attendance: Cindy Carter, Chair Tom Taylor, Vice -Chair Richard Stevens, Member Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Brittany Rang, Administrative Services Coordinator Public: See sign in sheet 11:00 a.m. The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to seek public comment on its intention to submit an application to the State of Washington for 2020 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services Grant funding, to prepare for closeout the 2019 Public Services Grant. Brittany Rang, Administrative Services Coordinator, stated the purpose of the public hearing is to review community development and housing needs, inform citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses of the state Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, and receive comments on proposed activities and funded activities that are nearing closeout, particularly from lower income persons residing in the Grant and Adams County areas. Comments on the County's intention to apply for 2020 CDBG Public Services Grant funding in the estimated amount of $120,648.00 and will also be received in addition to performance reporting and its closeout of the 2019 Public Services Grant No. 19-62210-005. The following handouts were available in both English and Spanish: o Grant County's CDBG Public Participation Plan; o The Department of Commerce's Community Development Block Grant Program Public Hearing Handout; and o The Federal Citizen Participation Requirements for Local Government Applicants to the State CDBG Program. Present at the hearing is Isidra Sanchez from the OIC of Washington who is today's Spanish interpreter; and Frank Rowland of the OIC of Washington. It was communicated that individuals interested in or requiring technical assistance to become knowledgeable with the CDBG program or who desire to contribute ideas to solving some of the community's needs will be provided assistance upon request to the County's CDBG Citizen Participation Coordinator. Public Services Grant Isidra Sanchez, OIC of Washington, which administers the County's Public Services Grant, provided a report of program activities that were undertaken with 2019 funds and a report on the planned use of 2020 funds. Ms. Sanchez reported on their 3 programs that were assisted with CDBG funds in 2019. The Prosperity Center provides financial education and credit counseling services. It help 89 first time home buyer classes; 462 people had 1 on 1 creditibudget counseling sessions; 840 counseling hours; 263 financial education students (high school and college); and 511 free tax preparation services. They also assisted with the 2020 Point in Time count in Mattawa. The Weatherization Program served 24 homes this past year: Adams County — 14 homes for $191,492 and Grant County — 10 homes for $107,108.00. Energy Assistance: Grant County served 1066 clients and awarded $422,600.00; and Adams County served 670 clients and awarded $246,700.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to close the public comment portion of this hearing. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Stevens moved to approve: • The County's submittal of an application to the Department of Commerce for 2020 CDBG Public Services Grant funds • To accept closeout of the CDBG Public Services Grant No. 19-62210-005 • The County's possible submittal of an application to Commerce for 2020 CDBG General Purpose Funds. Commissioner Taylor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned.