HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (002)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.*0,80 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by PCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a' listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 04/2512023 the Board, by a majority vote does approve for payment those vote, payable batches Payable Total: 1*075.00 Reviewed and certified by. Commission 'X A f 15 t2D LAI/ Commissioner Chairman bf't4e' Board of mmrisidners. Date: 4/25/2023 Invoices/Batches,not approved: Double Checked. by: Date; AP BATCH IQ: GCEIVIG 4/2512023 Grant County Claims Clearing Account W 9201 AP COMPLETED BY: N.YANEZ Name FUND AMOUNT JOURNAL ENTRY: CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. COUNTY ROADS 101 TREASURER NOTIFIED: CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 POSTING COMPLETED BY: HAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 FEDERAL DRUG 107 CHECKS: 609652 MENTAL HEALTH 108 1,075.00 VOIDED:' ST DRUG SEIZURE -109 LAW LIBRARY 110 BATCH PMCHK CREDITS PIVITRX TREASURER O/M 111 $ $ $ ,JAIL CONCESSION 112 $ w $ ,ECON ENHANCMNT 113 $ $ $ TOURIST ADVERT 114 $ $ COUNTY FAIR 116 $ $ INET INVESTIGATION 118 PROS CRIME VICT 120 $ 1,075.00 $ 2,150.00 $ $ :2,150.0 REWW-42023RGEX. LAW & JUSTICE 121 $ $ .TURNKEY LIGHT 1,22 $ ,AUDITOR O/M 124 $ - $ $ .DD RESIDENT PROD 125 $ - $ a $ r $ RZE,T. 1st 17'4% 126 $ $ $: TRIAL COURT IMPROV, 127 $ $ $ .obm VIOL, SRVCS 128 $ $ AFF HOUSING 129 $ .HMLS HS LOC 1.80 $ $ $ REET 2nd 1/4% 132 $ $ $ Econ Enh. Rural Co 133 $ $ M$ .Dispute Resolution 136 $ $ Building 138 $ REET Admin 139 $ - $ SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 $ - $ $ SHB 1406 141 - $ $ GC ABATEMENT 150 $ $ -HILLCREST CRID -161 $ $ GRANTS ADMIN. 190 $ $ ARPA 191 $ $ AOC BLAKE DECISION 192 $ $ MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 $ $ $ MACC. Bond 307 $ $ MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 308 $ COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 $ $ PROP 1 -SALES TAX. 311 $ $ $ $ ERP RESERVE 312 $ w $ $ T SOLID WASTE 401 $ $ $ DATA PROCESSING 501 $ INSURANCE 503 $ $ - $ INTFUND BENEFITS 505 $ $ - $ $ UNEMPLOY COMP 506 $ $ $ $ DENTAL INS, 5.07 $ $ OTHER PR BEN. 508 $ VISION BENEFITS, 509 $ 1,075.00 $ 2,150.00 $ $ 21150.00 EQUIP RENTAL 510 $ 1,075.00 $ 2,150.00 $ n S 2,150.00 COMMUNICATIONS 511 $ $ - $ PITS & QUARRIES 560 $ 11075.00 $ 2,150.00 $ 2,150.00 TOTAL TRANSFER: 1 t0750-00 System: 4/25/2023 4:44:13 PM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date: 4/25/2023 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT User ID: nayanez Payables Management Ranges: Vendor ID: I - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class: First - Last User -Defined 1: First - Last Sorted By: Vendor 1D Payment Priority: First - Last Due Date: First - Last Discount Date: First - Last Payment Date: 4/30/2023 endor ID Vendor dame Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total Number Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLPOA LAKELAND POINTE APARTMENTS 04/19/2023 OBRA 4/25/2023 108.150.00,0000.564004502 ~ ------------------- $1t075.00 ~ -------- $0.00 ----------- $1,075.00 TOTAL FOR FUND # 108 -------- ------------- $1,075.00 -------------- $0.00 $1, 075.00 GRAND TOTAL ------- -------­----- $1,075.00 -------------- $0.00 $1,075,00 System: 4/25/2023 4:45-050 PIM County of Grant Page: 1 User Data: 4/25/2023 COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER User ID: nayanez Payables Management Batch ID: GCEMEG-04,25.23 Batch Comment: Checkbook ID: U. S. BANK * Voided Checks Audit Trail Code: PMCHK00003194 Posting Date: 4/25/2023 Check Number Data Payment Number Vendor ID Check Name Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92,01609652 4/25/2023 0212639 LLPOA LAKELAND POINTE APARTMENTS $1, 075-00 --------------------- Total Checks: i Checks Total: $1,075.00 Grant ew Grant Behavioral HeaNh 0 Welltiess Name's Date: ����j Is Item(s) Requested (include a photo if you need a specific item): .......... ........ .. ......... ...... ........... ...... ............ ...... . ....... A, JO Approximate Cost, J;7S Funding Source, If known: Date Needed By. Supervisor's Signature Date ��/�� Please have your supervisor sign the form and then return it to the Finance Department, System: 4/2512023 3;32:00 PM County of Grant Page: I User Date: 4/25/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ICS: rgonzales Payables Management Batch ICC: RENEW-42023RGE5X Batch Comment: Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual., I Trx Total Control: Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $1,075.00 Batch Total Control: $1,075.00 Batch Error Messages" Posting Date: 4/2512023 User posting access denied N M P'61 - I .6 UM ocuffleht-- ate Dow en ix. or,. D" D Voudh6r Nu�n I.' am JAY "'do r 'Nrr e LLPOA 04/19/2023 OBRA 4/25/2023 0387638 $1,075.00 $x,075,00 LAKELAND POINTE APARTMENTS Description 12542161.OBRA rMER.FIOUSING Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 010/0000 $0.00 Distributlon Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit AmOLInt 108,150.00.0000.564004502 MENTAL HEALTH., .,EMERGEt PURCH 11075.00 0.00 .692,001.00,0000.2 j j 0-00000 -W NTS P E - ARRA AYABL -,.PAY JL76. 11075.00 11075,00 I f n 7 System: 412512023 3:32:00 PM County of Grant Page: 2 r s User pate: 4/2512023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ILS: rgonzales Batch IR Payables Management r r Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total YOI�� ��`IIry MMM�h�M of Y�A.��w'�W� W Y W YrYIW Y..4►�i $1,075.00 $0.00 $11,076.00 t tate of Washington -County of Grant I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the service§ rehcrered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that l am authorized to authenticate artd certify to said claim. Subscribe .thia day of (Signed) C' or Department Approved and Authorized By Date: Alldwed Commissioner t Commissioner Commissioner Form W909 Request for Taxpayer Pav- NOVernher 2017) Identir-Icatio'n Number and Certificatio.n "a of the Tteatury rOM to the Intnue Service O'D to wv*qv'1rS,90VAF*rr4W,9 for ltistrucq- reqUester. 00 r$c)t ilrlte (na .1haWrl on your InCoMe WX ratUrn), N- 11�h- �'- -' �-- - L 'On* and tho latest InfqrMation. Asemd to tha MqufrOd on this 80a; do noU it jMe adlvta U1111s - ' "- VO f1l's rVnob"tank. TLakeland P tj ii1j4irla, 2 flu4imean h m I Check appropdato bOX for federal (0110VIIng $, oven boxes,Itf0tion Of the pamon wh4vaboame N entered On line'l « 011eck onl►y otle of the pa LLC COTPOMIlan partnumf0p 4 lwXempjjorjs (Coda -1 apply only to Certain w111103, riot Ind1vj,(:U0lt;- St. Instru'a0m; On page 3, El 1.1mited RAINY company, EnItIr the tax classIlIM110" P120 corponlVall, ca N'Ot'O: MOO JhD Appropriate box In thE? 11118 rPONIOVI, NPOrMomh1p) EgftPt PaYOO codo (ff any W. 8130va for the tax LLO 9 the LLC is 4asafflad c"38�111(:UtlOn Of 1h 6 5149 IA- member oymer, sragardod frotn tho owner lot 1j,$, V0 0 oho�k1�xemPtlbm another LLO that 1s net di lodIsreparded (rOm thO ()VJnef UnInu the o% etCho arp, LLCI Is distogardad deral tax purposim, .9 fr'o"l the frOm FATCA reportlilg to* fra a I Otherwtse, a sin LLG that 0"Or should ch that OPPtOPriale boX (or ft tax CLOU111callan of Us iownert 0 Other (Sea Instructfons) b" code (if jjny) L? Address (number, Alre-ot, a0d apt err suite r1Qj SWAM - ctlons, ( APPA9 to Arwwt III AV(s West FlaquiWer's name and ad MSG (optionno W314, M10 41P Code 7 Ust acr-ownt nwb Ailll!:!= M-0tower ''i ation Ntimber ITIM zn'Or Your TIN in thea TIN PPrOpriMe box, The provicjW MU:st backup withholding. rhe 1i1dIvIduaI,,.;, this is generally your so Match the name Oven on It Octal S"U number roald to ty e"t alte?), $010 PtOPdatarl or disregged social 50cul11Y nuMber ($St4). ed antlity. sea the �nstrurtlons However, for a enlitles, it Is your emplo for Part It tatsr* For other 77A Mer, Yet IdOM11ricatfOrl Ilumber (C -IN), It YOU do not h4vo a number, see u0W to ge NOW. " if the account Is In more than one name, see the lnsfrucflon� fOr I'I'Me 1. Alzo sea or JVVmbor ro Cive tete pequesfar fQr GuidOliries on whass numbor to enjer. What Name and f E m P.E0 Y "OFId._�j�*n t I a �"q ,�v"Mhe WE 2 Urlder penalties ot perju ry,- I certify t#1 t, I-Pne tiumber shown on thj$ form Is my corract t I-0rn-nb1:-SubJod-tu-WcKMP Withholding a) I 0M exe to ba Issued to me); ano Service (IRS) that I am MP( (torn backtip Withholding, or no tonger zubjeot 0*00t to backup withholdidg as a result of a allure to report (b) I have not been nottlied by the Internal Revenue tri back"P W101holdrh9j, and all Into I 01lizen or other US, Person (defined below),, RMd Interest Ot dived ads, or (o) the IFIS hB9 nOtifted Me that 1,2M 4, Thi FATCA codo(s) enlarW On this form rif any) tndlc;atthg that 1 Or" OXOMPt k6m FATCA reporting Is correct, carftatfon 111strudailona-, You must wos-t out item 2 YOU h0is failed to report all Interest and QbOVO It YOU have b�*,en noj&d by the IFIS that Wo Urre ly 8 ject to backUp withh6ldlog because acquI3100M or abtndonmelit of d'v1darAA DA aur t4x retum. For real estate Iransactla no, He you r 0 nt ub PrO,1004Y, cancellaVon ot debt, CoAtributlans 10 - M 2 does nOt apply. For mortgage IMM$t Oaldf other Nn and dMdendst yoLt are not required to sign ft C an IndividWW Milrement arrangement (IFIA), and generally +, -but yuxj 0 J"w Your c0r�raatT�IN, 8�aatlie r rt 1171alnot,. 81911 'Slonature of Mus' P(O'VidO your Mraot 11N. See this In POYMents Ila General I Instruct ns S00tiorl references ore to the Intemal �SvenUei Code unfess noted, 130 FututO devOlOpMaintsO For the latest intarnostfall AbcAll dev aftera me related to Form W -9 -and Its Instructions, such Is legislation enaated er they were published, go to WwWjrs.9,3Vjp0MW'q. PUYPO$e Of Form ,An Individual or entliy (Form 1 '49 requester} who b required to file an (nformatlan r8tLIM With the lriS must Obtain your oorreCt IaXpayer Identil"096n number (TW) whfch M&Y bO Your social securlty number PSN), Indfvidual Wpay�ar identIfication numberI (17INt adoption t"Payer identification number (ATIN) or EMamountloer Identification number (PIN), to report on an Informalton return V18 paid to.yout or other 21710unt f0partable on an Information return. Examples Of information raturns include, but aro not JIMIted toy the following. * Form 1099 -INT (`interest earned or paico Qat. tic, 10231X Dots t". to/ V119 FOrm I 099 -DN (dlvIdends, InaludinG those from Stocks funds) or muiur, . I Form 11 099-MISO (various types 01 Illconjel prjzeSjawards, or gros$ proceeds) * FOrm 1099-8 (stock or mutual fund sales and c ItaMactlons by broker,,;) ertain tether * Form 1089-8 (Proceeds from real estate transactions # Form 1009-K (merchant card and third Party nei�vork transactions) 109a -T (tuition) " FQrM 1098 (homeMortgaga Intarot), 1098-E (student loan lntoeast), Form 1009-0 (aanCefed debt) F00 1090-A (acquTsitjon or abiandonm%t 01 Ocured property) Use Form W.9 onj , " you are a LIZ, POrgon (Inicludi allen), tO PlOvIde Your correct TIN. Ing 0 rasident ffyou do not ratum JrnrM W-9 110 bo Subjdct to back6p IvithijoldIng. the requOster w1th a 77N, yqu might later. SOO What Is baoku wit holdingp- Form W-9 (R' ov, 11-2017)