HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing - AssessorOpen Record Public Hearing Allan and Kathleen McGee — Application for Open Space Classification from Farm and Agriculture January 28, 2020 10:30 a.m. In attendance: Cindy Carter, Chair Tom Taylor, Vice Chair Richard Stevens, Member Barbara J. Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Melissa McKnight, Assessor Amy Perez, Deputy Assessor 3 Public: See sign in sheet 10:34 a.m. The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing Open Record Public Hearing to consider an application for Classification as Open Space Land for Current Use Assessment under Chapter 84.34 RCW from Allan and Kathleen McGee. Property is located at 15253 Rd P.7 NE, Wilson Creek, WA for 40 -acres within S 14, T 21, R 29, E.W.M (Parcel No. 180413004). Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Amy Perez, Deputy Assessor 3, stated that the Assessor's Office recommends approval of the application for open open space. Based on the lease they had with the association and the grazer is no longer using the land for grazing, based on Department of Revenue standards, they do qualify. A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Taylor to close the public comment portion of the hearing. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Taylor moved to approve the reclassification as presented. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned.