HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurplus Request - Sheriff & JailI` I� c4tiSyk r CouN�a .ra Raat ,i 004kvL� WU2-754 I" e*1-: 4V'I7 61 Ced 5Z 72-7XI 14, Ken Jcr Chief Deputy FiOd Operations Wfice -754-2DI4 �xf. 20t8 CRtEr9>i 4f'Cf`*$@!Ya€,{v DW''IWi a -C; T. rwfin Dar'ifiehd cNei DeNty S Oaars t 5C9 -?54 -20-¢ r ek1. cn.t t'r3FSR"�rs.'ty`s a ,14 Joe Meta €t'ie Cslrrections Me 155 -754-20{1 ext 2025 Ceti M'50-217II i�a�pte��rtatll�i�ctt�rfia �� r Dar"'k Gfe c``i'tDeptiv �,z.5 TJ Crani County January 9, 2020 Grant County Board of Commissioners 35 C St. NW Ephrata, WA 98823 RE: Surplus Property Dear Sirs: Tom .Zones, Sheriff Dated this day of 20 Board of County Commissioners Grant County, Washington Ap rove Disan rp ove Abstain Dist Vi=i Dist # I Dist # I Dist #2 Dist # 2 Dist # 2 Dist t'3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 2 I U ZJ H to 1%4-i" W+ LAq o -rt,," l �ku.-_4- -!v 40,1Z. 12 During the annual inventory of INET property it was determined that the below items can be deemed surplus. The items are outdated or have been replaced and have no current value to INET or the Sheriff office. The Handy Cam's will be destroyed and the radios will be donated to another agency. Asset ID Description Class Acquisition cost Location Serial # Current Value 102640 Sony Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 661.22 INET 416349 0 102641 Sony Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 661.22 INET 364786 0 102715 Sony Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 661.22 INET 416946 0 102820 Body wire & Equip CE Equip 15382.84 INET None on inventory list 0 102944 Motorola Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.99 INET 407CKF22936 0 102945 Motorola Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2937 0 102946 Motorola Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2938 R 0 102947 Motorola Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2939 0 102948 Motorola Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2940 0 102950 Motorola Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2941 0 104073 1 Sony Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 1661.22 INET 425566 0 Travr*Nams. _ Sincerely, `i-inuaA`ra ire Rte: ta`ki Cafes eAt Detective Sgt. Mike -Crowder X59 -23'22`g. INET/ MCU Unit €tianas�raalt suv rliy+a.v JAN 21 2020 Cc: Donna Harrington s Undersheriff Ryan Rectenwalda �tkIT t tlf9-N GOIMI,�iS P.O. Bax 37 • Ephrata, WA 98823 •t.4rnr tcountyerra.90vlsheritf 509-754-2011 ext- 2001 • 509-7154-2858 Facsimile Administrati.e Offices in the law & Justice Center 35 C,° St NW". Ephrata, Wash. S RCW 36.34.060 Sales of personalty. Sales of personal property must be for cash except when: (1) A public auction sale by electronic media is conducted pursuant to RCW 36.16.145; (2) Property is transferred to a governmental agency; or (3) The county property is to be traded in on the purchase of a like article, in which case the proposed cash allowance for the trade-in must be part of the proposition to be submitted by the seller in the transaction. [ 2015 c 95 § 4; 1963 c 4 § 36.34.060. Prior: 1945 c 254 § 5; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 4014-5; prior: 1915 c 8 § 1, part; 1891 c 76 § 5, part; RRS § 4011, part.] NOTES: Intent -2015 c 95: See note following RCW 36.16.145. RCW 36.34.130 Intergovernmental sales. The board of county commissioners may dispose of county property to another governmental agency and may acquire property for the county from another governmental agency by means of private negotiation upon such terms as may be agreed upon and for such consideration as may be deemed by the board of county commissioners to be adequate. [ 1963 c 4 § 36.34.130. Prior: 1945 c 254 § 12; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 4014-12.] RCW 36.34.020 Publication of notice of intention to sell. Whenever the county legislative authority desires to dispose of any county property except: (1) When selling to a governmental agency; (2) When personal property to be disposed of is to be traded in upon the purchase of a like article; (3) When the value of the property to be sold is less than two thousand five hundred dollars; (4) When the county legislative authority by a resolution setting forth the facts has declared an emergency to exist; it shall publish notice of its intention so to do once each week during two successive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the county. [ 1991 c 363 § 66; 1985 c 469 § 45; 1967 ex.s. c 144 § 1; 1963 c 4 § 36.34.020. Prior: 1945 c 254 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 4014-1; prior: 1891 c 76 § 2, part; RRS § 4008, part.] NOTES: Purpose—Captions not law -1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180. Severability -1967 ex.s. c 144: See note following RCW 36.900.030. Grant County ERIF� , R�yart Rectenwafd Understreriff €31rice 5(49.75-2011 ext. 2517 Cell 5M-750-7304 etenwald@grafitcc-utity,sa.gov Keri ,!ones Chief Deputy Field Operations Of[ s 5009-754-201:1 exr. 2;18 Cell 5N-750-7303 joaes@grararount�yvaa. ga T.. Dustin Canre!d. Chief Depuly Special Operation's Office 5419-754-2f`11 ext. 2021 Celt 509-237-8610 :antieId@grantcouni)P-va.e .foe: Kriete Chief Deputy Corrections Office 503-754-2311 ex`=.- 2026 Celt 509-750-2710 jkriete r�,:granteount y .r �. ;o�- Dorrik Gregg Gltief Deputy Emergency; Wartagement Office! 51;9-754-20 t t erl. 2001 Celt 509-237- 3652 f+�egyranl ;citintywa.g�",r 'rfacy'041 rams Administrative Assistant Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2014 Cell 509-237-2278 vif,iarns@grantcount�w: ; §1'<N: a Jan`eary 9, 2020 Grant Counfiy Board of Commissioners 35 C St. NW Ephrata, WA 988 RE: Surplus P Dear Sirs: During the annual inventory of INE'i surplus. The items are outdated or Torr Jones, Sheriff Dated this 20 Board of unty Commissioners Cr Count . Washington a��pro><-e n:Dprove Abstain Di,a _ Dist # 1 Dist # 1 _ Dist 4/Dist Dist # 2 Dist # 2 Dis '3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 :y it was determined that the below items can be deemed en replaced. Asset ID Description CI ss Acquisition cost Location Serial # 102640 Sony Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 61.22 INET 416349 102641 Sony Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 66tq2 INET 364786 102715 Sony Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 661.2 INET 416946 102820 Body wire & Equ' CE Equip 15382.84 INET None on inventory list 102944 Motorola Portle Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.99 INET 407CKF22936 102945 Motorola P able Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2937 102946 Motorola, ortable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 I ET 407CKF2938 102947 Motor;7a Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INE 407CKF2939 102948 Mot ota Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2940 102950 torola Portable Radio INET Drug Tools 2900.98 INET 407CKF2941 104073 9 Handy Cam INET Drug Tools 661.22 INET 425566 Sinc ely, r Detective Sgt. Mike CrowderISb_,3v 8• INET/ MCU Unit Cc: Donna Harrington Unaersheriff Ryan Rectenwald F..C)Y 7 • Ephrata. WA 98823 • Wti vA.' kxZ r?'.,t,t7unIYW 5013-754-2011 1 ext. 2001 • 509-.754-2058 I=1tc:�icttil Adfnnistretive 0 fives in the Law & Ju4Uce, C eritei. ``5 C 5t NvV, E phr_0t_s, W ;3= VED SAN 14 2020 1.. 9 1 r. QANTi C 111 INTY Ot?s41lJ'OSSV.i_I~RS