HomeMy WebLinkAboutPersonnel Action Request - Superior Court (003)Revised 03/29/17 PERSONNEL ACTION REQUEST (PAR) Compensation Instruction for Elected Officials & Tied Positions Section t — Core Employee Data (Current Data Required) Empl#: 5449 Legal Name: Estudillo, David I Effective Date: 07/01/19 Section 2 — Requested Action Action(s) NOTE: The Washington Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials (WCCSEO) sets the compensation for the position of Superior Court Judge. Grant County is responsible for 1/2 of that salary amount. (See attached WCCSEO wage scale). The variance between the WCCSEO and County annual amount is due to the calculation process necessary to convert to an hourly amount to calculate tied positions. Wage Change — Adjustment Section 3 — Core Items (Current Data Required) Item Current Data Dept# -Dept Superior Court — 001103 Job# -Job Title 103-06 — Superior Court Judge Hire — Position 09/14/15 — 09/14/15 Grp# -Name Not — Elected Official Employee Type Full Time Regular Section 4 — Compensation Calculation Prior Rate New Rate State Contribution County Contribution Total Contribution State Contribution County Contribution Total Contribution Annual $86,278.40 $86,278.40 $172,577.60 $95,492.50 $95,492.50 $190,985.00 Monthly $7,189.87 $7,189.87 $14,381.47 $7,957.71 $7,957-71 515,915.42 Per County policy, Elected officials, and positions whose compensation is directly tied to that of elected officials, are not eligible for longevity pay. Section 5 - Authorizing Signatures Department: N/A Date: N/A Human Resources: �� Date: Board Approval ® Required ❑ Not Required Chair: Vice -Chair: Date: _ Member: Revised 03/29/17 Fina" 201g anC 2020 Sai_ary Schedule =xecu ive Branc 7 Position Secretary of a—t Treasurer Azzorrey Ge -eral Audi or Supt of 7' bilc Ir:stru ar, rsurdree U^rS'if"15s rarerComrriss�oner of Pub0c Lards Judic al 31anch Position eg stative 3r anic i Position _eL:sia-or S':,eake- v' .< a "-Ouse Senaze Va:.Orr-zi _eader Hcu,e Mircr;y -ace- Senate Mirormy leader Current Salary Salary Effective 7/1/2019 Salary Effewtive 7/1 020 1 T 1 ..� S.}+'.• )� !27,353 E.a'1 1 M s0 117,300 1 tis 30,560 t 3.1,6= ;19,;03 ? 3.6T5 52.599 167,3$1 172,259 041 ; 2S i 20 1X2.21 d 136.910 1=5,860 153,C40 126,555 13',600 37,7x0 132,225 i45,860' _ Current Salary s..ar/Effeci�v1r«111 Current Salary Salary Effective 71112019 4-8,731 �5-,76u 90,-' S � E.a'1 t 15 i.3! -a 4 Current Salary Salary Effective 71112019 4-8,731 �5-,76u 53,360 53,360 5a.76b https: /salaries.Nva.g o`rlsalan Salary Effective 71112020 220,320 �9,730 =9GK- go, E GD Salar/ Effective 7/1/2020 =:aa C.ss1 60,881