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MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2019
The Grant County Commissioners session began at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Taylor and Stevens in
attendance. Commissioner Carter was out and excused.
9:00 a.m. — 9:20 a.m. 1 Hammond, ASC Update and Misc BOCC Action (Items 1 through 8)
A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, to approve items 1
and 2 and 4 through 7 on the agenda as presented. Items 3 and 8 were not ready for signature. The
motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.
1. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services, grant administration, etc. (Approved)
2. Professional Services Agreement with the Grant County Horticulture Pest and Disease Board
(HPDB) and their Coordinator/Inspector Consultant, Jody Kane. Term is June 1, 2019 through
December 31, 2020. (Approved)
3. Anticipating: Lease Agreement between Grant Integrated Services and Grant County Public
Hospital District No. 5 (Mattawa Community Medical Clinic), for a building at 210 Government
Road in Mattawa, Washington. (Item not ready for signature)
4. Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, County Program Agreement,
Working Advance Long -Term Payable Agreement No. 1963-56851. The purpose is to specify the
procedure by which DSHS will assess and, if necessary, adjust the Long -Term Payable it provides
to the county. Term of the agreement is July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. (Approved)
5. Consolidated Homeless Grant Sub Recipient Agreement #19-46108-10 with the Housing
Authority of Grant County, to determine eligibility and provide assistance to
individuals/households for assistance for housing to prevent homelessness. Term of the
agreement is July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021. (Approved)
6. Contract with Northwest Abatement Services for duct cleaning services at the Grant County
Juvenile Court and Youth Services Building in Ephrata, Washington in the amount of $7,898.60.
7. Amendment A to Contract No. FY18-90006-001 to extend the Washington State Department of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation grant for Grant County Courthouse Main Entry/Interior
Rehabilitation Project. Agreement is extended to June 30, 2020. (Approved)
8. Anticipating: Desert Aire Police Protection and Law Enforcement Services Agreement between
the Grant County Sheriffs Office and the community of Desert Aire. (Item not ready for
10:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. T Taylor at Moses Lake Watershed Council Meeting (Moses Lake
Civic Center) (Did not attend)
10:00 a.m. —10:20 a.m. District Court Update
• Employee Appreciation BBQ
o Always scheduled during Judicial Conference
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of June 17, 2019
• GCSO Traffic Safety Team Meeting Update
• Legislative Updates coming up in July
o Small Claims fee and limit will increase
o Name Change Fee will increase
10:30 a.m. —10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period (No public in attendance)
TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2019
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
9:00 a.m. — 9:50 a.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update
Calendar Items
06/20/19 — 06/27/19 — NOVAtime Training (9 Sessions)
Discussion Items
1. Annual Financial Report to State Risk Manager
2. WCCSEO Salary Increase
3. Payroll Schedule Settlement Process
4. NOVAtime Implementation
Authorization Requests
5. PAR — Chris Turner
6. Sick Leave Donation Request
Labor Relations
7. Association — CH, DC, PW; SW; YS
Negotiation: Negotiations for 2019 (2/21) (In
8. Teamsters-GCSO — Corrections
Other: Shift Rotation
9. Tea msters-GCSO —Sheriff Support
Negotiations for 2019 (No Date) (In
10. Teamsters-GrIS — CM, I&C, TS, SLID
Negotiation: Negotiations for 2018-2019 (Settled)
PERC. Unit Formation
Personnel Action Request (PAR) for the salary, wage and/or position change for Chris Turner,
Facilities and Maintenance. (Approved)
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of June 17, 2019
10:00 a.m. —10:50 a.m. J McKiernan, Fairgrounds Update
• Staffing status
Seasonal Employees
Capital purchases moving forward
o Red Gate Signage - should be installed next week
o Reader boards — 7 now ordered, - 6 to go
o Cord covers to be ordered
• Building upgrades
o Cattle Barn upgrades — new roof
o Eagles booth upgrades paint
o Concrete work around food booth and bathroom 7
o Sound system improvements
o Southfield repairs — Nathan Cox donating sod
o Concrete projects AAA Ready Mix donated concrete
o Chicken pens and new building
• Fair status
o Entertainment—done
o Camping registration was done in 15 minutes, Parking 5
o Vendor registration is going well, we only have 4 booths available and that's good
considering no elections.
o Superintendents — We have a new dog Super
• Rodeo updates
o Arena improvement requests on the horizon
o Working on ideas for the water tank
o We will need a solution for the underside of the grandstands
o Looking at water tank
Revenue and expense comparisons—waiting on May
• Time off request
• I've been working on the grounds more to help prep
• We are going to use Skillsource to work on some projects
11:00 a.m. —11:20 a.m. J Gingrich, Deputy Clerk of the Board Update
• Travel policy
• July BOCC Training Luncheon —move from August?
Board of Equalization (BOE):
• Hearings July 11 & July 18, 2019
• Rules Update
Tourism Commission:
• Trails Book
• Ponies
• Phase 35 Deadline — May 31, 2019
• Phase 36 Announced
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of June 17, 2019
Veteran Services:
• General Policy Discussion
o Limits
11:30 a.m. —11:40 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Economic Enhancement Strategic
Infrastructure Program, Central Services/Fairgrounds and Sheriff's
Office Budget Extensions
The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider the following budget
extension requests:
Economic Enhancement Strategic Infrastructure Ending Fund Balance Fund #113,
Department #155 in the amount of $458,500.00 to fund the following Strategic
Infrastructure Program projects
• #2019-03 for Port of Moses Lake Sewer Extension, $150,000.00 grant
• #2019-04 for City of George — Well No. 3 Generator $122,500.00 grant;
$ 52,500.00 loan
• #2019-05 for Port of Quincy Industrial Part No. 4 Frontage Improvements
$133,500.00 grant
Central Services Fund #126, Department #168, in the amount of $310,968.27 (REET
funds) for Bernardo and Wills to perform the architect design of the Ardell Pavilion's
fire suppression system at the Fairgrounds
Sheriffs Office Fund #001, Department #114 in the amount of $23,858.10 to
purchase two (2) SMART Boards (7386P -i5, 86"). Funding will come from two grants:
a Homeland Security Grant and Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activity
funding grant nos. E17-074 for the FY 2016 and E18-160 for the FY2017
Darrik Gregg, Chief Deputy, discussed his request for the SmartBoards.
Commissioner Taylor read into the record the requests from Central Services and to the
Economic Enhancement Strategic Infrastructure Program fund.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter to close the
public comment portion of the hearing. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Carter
moved to approve the budget extensions as presented. Commissioner Stevens seconded and
the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned.
1:00 p.m. —1:20 p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
1:30 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. J Tincher, Public Works Update (1 Item)
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve item 1 on
the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of June 17, 2019
1. Authorization to call for bids on the Lower Crab Creek Road Reconstruction Project, CRP 18-03
with a bid opening date of July 9, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. (Approved)
2:30 p.m. — 2:50 p.m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 8)
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve items 1
through 8 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers for approval. (Approved)
2. Commissioners June 3, 2019 Minutes for approval. (Approved)
3. Multi -Agency Communications Center MACC Bond Claims Payment Request (Batch 01-87) in the
amount of $39,418.67. (Approved)
4. Special occasion liquor license for the Columbia Basin Rodeo Association and their event at the
Fairgrounds Rodeo Facility in Moses Lake, WA from August 14 —17, 2019, from the Washington
State Liquor and Cannabis Board. (Approved)
5. Budget extension request from the Administrative Services Coordinator in the amount of
$15,000.00 for WSU Extension Professional Services (001.122) Coordinator/Inspector Consultant
position within the Horticultural Pest and Disease Board. Current Expense funds will be used.
(Approved, a Resolution will be signed at the July 9, 2019 Consent Agenda Meeting)
6. Amendment of the appointment letter for the Criminal Justice Treatment Account (CJTA) panel:
Alan White to replace Garth Dano for the Prosecuting Attorney. (Approved)
7. Request to increase fees: Fingerprint Based Criminal History Checks from $12.00 to $13.25 and
their Concealed Pistol Licenses from $48.00 to $50.00. (Approved, the public hearing was
scheduled for July 23, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.)
8. Request to consolidate the Quadrennial Fund (502) into the Technology Services Fund (501).
Quadrennial activities will be tracked through the use of a separate project within the
Technology Services Fund. If approved, fund 502 will be closed and all final cash balances will be
transferred into Fund 502. (Approved, Resolution No. 19 -049 -CC)
3:00 p.m. — 3:30 p.m. Department Head Review
3:30 p.m. 4:20 p.m. Grant Integrated Services Update
• Royal City — next steps
• Mattawa building/location
• Contract Consultant update
• Cityview update since we got the contract from Commerce
• IT Costs — Preparing for 2020 budget. Cost prohibitive to DCL budget.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of June 17, 2019
Payment of vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense
reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, as recorded on a
listing and made available to the Board. (Approved in the amount of $357,393.29 and $99,289.00)
7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. T Taylor at Grant County Economic Development Council Board Meeting
8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. R Stevens, WRCIP Fiscal Committee Conference Call
9:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m.
R Stevens at Columbia Fiver Policy Advisory Group Meeting (Hal Holmes
Center, Ellensburg)
4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.
mer, Criminal Justice Treatment Account (CJTA) Panel Meeting (It
was determined that a Commissioner was not needed to attend)
6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
T Taylor at Grant Transit Authority Board Meeting (Moses Lake Facility)
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2019
11:45 a.m. —1:00 p.m. C Carter at Port of Chelan —Airport Service Luncheon (Port of Quincy
Conference Room)
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of June 17, 2019
Signed this 2,"9 day of 2019.
Barbara . Vasqu z, CMC
Clerk of a Board
Richard Stevens, Member