HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitledC� c.So Grant Countv ti,s,, SL►E R1 A C�NT co%) Ryan Rectenwald Undersheriff Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2017 Cell 509-750-7304 rectenwald@grantcountywa.gov Ken Jones Chief Deputy Field Operations Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2018 Cell 509-750-7303 kjones@grantcou ntywa. gov T. Dustin Canfield Chief Deputy Special Operations Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2021 Cell 509-237-8610 dcanfield@grantcountywa.gov Joe Kriete Chief Deputy Corrections Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2026 Cell 509-750-2710 jkriete@grantcountywa.gov Darrik Gregg Chief Deputy Emergency Management Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2001 Cell 509-237-3552 dgregg@grantcountywa.gov Tracy Williams Administrative Assistant Office 509-754-2011 ext. 2014 Cell 509-237-2278 twilliams@grantcountywa.gov s/ 4-3 -(9 Tom Jones, Sheriff May 3rd, 2019 Tom Taylor, Chair Cindy Carter, Vice -Chair Richard Stevens, Member Board of County Commissioners Re: Budget Extension ($13,146.30) Liberator Dated this I'. day of Board of County 1 2u� Grant County, Washington A rove Disapprove Abstain Dist 4 1 Dist # 1 Dist # 1 cyst "�! "1st # 2 Dist # 2 Dist #3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 Dear Commissioners, I am requesting a budget extension in the amount of $13,146.30 for the purchase of 15 Liberator headsets for the Tactical' Response Team (TRT). This grant was approved in fiscal year 2016 and expires on May 31st, 2019, however the monies were never carried over to our current budget. The Sheriffs Office (Emergency Management Division) is currently in receipt of a grant from the U.S., Department of Homeland Security (HLS) through the State Emergency Management Division (WAEMD). It is referred to as the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) and the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activity (LETPA) funding subsection of the grant, is where the money will be expended from. The contract number is E17-074. The Sheriffs Office has received authority from Washington State EMD grants division to purchase fifteen (15) Liberator headsets. These headsets will be utilized by TRT and will improve interoperability while keeping the team safe on deployments. The total cost of these units including tax is $13,146.30 (or $810 each). These headsets will be an effective tool and will allow the team to function the same by all using alike headsets. Our intent is to purchase these units from ProForce Law Enforcement out of Prescott AZ (on our current vendor roster list). The Sheriffs Office had sought quotes from another vendor and did not hear back from them. If you should have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to call, so I can clarify questions if they arise. Ulla. P.O. Box 37 • Ephrata, WA 98823 • www.grantcountywa.gc 509-754-2011 ext. 2001 • 509-754-2058 Facsimile Administrative Offices in the Law & Justice Center, 35 C St NW, Ephrata, Wash. V12/2018 Below I have added an image of the handheld FUR monocular that will be purchased through the Homeland Security Grant. Respectfully, VWWO/c ell— Chief Deputy She iff s Office mergency Management Division Copy: Madeline Prentice, Chief Accountant Donna Harrington, Financial Specialist Ryan Rectenwald, Undersheriff, Grant County Sheriff's Office Sandi Duffey, Emergency Management Coordinator LAW ENFORCEMENT 2625 $fer7rTnAn Drive prBaCo?t AZ, A& Tel:U28-776-7192 Fax: 928-145-3,168 emaiLsalds�:prufurt:rwnlinri.cum vivmprofurceunline.cum SOLD SHIP TO TO GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT ACCTS PAYABLE PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 JOB # DATE ICUST.# LSALESMAN NA 04/12/19 007032 OC. A CURTIS WHEELER QTY. QUOTED ITEM NO./DESC. P R I C E Q U O T E QUOTE# PAGE 443855_1__ 11 SHIP DATE Ij A.S.A.P. GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT CHIEF DEPUTY DARRIK GREGG 35 C STREET NW EPHRATA WA 98823 SHIP VIA IFRT. FX G -FOB ORIGIN UOM UNIT PRICE DISC. NET PRICE 15 NON-LIIB4SDOCK TP91/RODU TCI LIB IV 810.00 EA�.0 12,150.00 RH FLEX BM/SINGLE COMM OD GRN This quote is valid for 45 dayE from the date of qi1ote, pending credit approval, and iE subject to inventory, manufacturer's availability anc price change. Please call to receive price update upon e piration. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: Please ieply to your salesrepresen- tative in writing to process this order or send an email to sales@proforceonline.com. For o ders over $ ,000, a PO or signed quote is required to pri10% ess the or er. Returned items are subject to restocki g fee. �11 sales are final on non-stocked/speci4l order iterjs PLEASE READ ATTACHED: Please be aware that handling charges are of actual freight and are therefore subject to sales tax in aliforn a and Washington. ProForce Law Enforcement agreez to defend, indemni y COMMENT TERMS LAW ENFORCEMENT 2 FL95 Sfea rman Drive. Preai,ptt A-7, 86,301 Tel:4128-776-7192 Fax: 928-1,15-3,169 email: sales4prufurcrwnline.wm www.prafvrwun6ne.wm SOLD SHIP TO TO GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT ACCTS PAYABLE PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823 P R I C E Q U O T E QUOTE# PAGE 443855 2 SHIP DATE A.S.A.P. GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT CHIEF DEPUTY DARRIK GREGG 35 C STREET NW EPHRATA WA 98823 JOB # DATE C:UST.4 LOC. SALESMAN SHIP VIA FRT. NA 04/12/19 i007032 A CIJR'I'IS WHEELER FX G -FOB ORIGIN QTY. UOM QUOTED ITEM NO./DESC. UNIT PRICE DISC.NET PRICE and hold harmless its customer from claims for personal injury or property damages, to the extent arising from the negligent acts or omissions of'ProForce Law Enforcement or its employees, agents or independent contractor$. IMPORTANT: To order from this quotation, please sign below, attach Purchase Order, and email tosales@proforceonline.com Printed Name • DOLfr& Date: S/S Zo P.O. Signature: i i SALES AMOUNT 12,150.00 COMMENT FOR: DEPUTY CHIEF DARRIK GREGG DGREGG@GRANTCOUNTYWA.GOV BY: MATT ANDERSON 8.2000 SALES TAX 996.30 SUB TOTAL 13,146.30 TERMS DUE NET 30 DAYS