HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 23-035-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION TO DECLARE SURPLUS RESOLUTION No. 23- r -CC GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE COURT & YOUTH SERVICES EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the Grant County Juvenile Court & Youth Services has miscellaneous items that are not functional and are requested to be disposed of via surplus; and WHEREAS, this department has determined that these items are no longer of use to Grant County; and WHEREAS, this department is now requesting that the Grant County Board of Commissioners declare these items surplus; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that each individual items are below the $2,500.00 threshold and a public hearing is not needed, and WHEREAS, it is their intent to dispose of these items via Technology Services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners declare as surplus the attached listed items. DATED this 2-5 day of j , 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain , %_8 1 t..l Rob Jones, Chair ❑ ❑ ATTEST: Cindy Cart , Vice -Chair It Aw Barbara J. Ttde D��,,anny E. S ne, Member Clerk of th N:\Staff\BLutz\Resolutions\Juvenile Surplus.doex Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT: JUVENILE DELETIONS GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE %Fiyn 'Rorr &PPr?nx1A1 I CTTCO nC C! IDDI I le A rer!-re -r^- 'A ASSET ID DESCRIPTIONREASor FUND SURPLUS DATE MANNER OF DISPOSAL BOCC APPROVAL Y/N N TO CUSTODIAN CURRENT PHYSICAL ? Security System JVC JVC, 2 DVR recorders, includes 4 100942 outdoor cameras W/o asset tag numbers listed below, acq , unknown TS Ldept will pick up and'recycle Obs*olete.L Inside, Dew Control Statiron, 2. units 5/16/199Scost$7,615.73 a these 2rDVRunits JUVENILE - EPH stacked on rtside of counter ter Camera -Unknown brand,.�pole mounted, tubular, grey, TS. dept will collaborate with F&M short, securitV)r p r Ole on Beezley hill facing. kitchen. unknown- dept. to.tdkia cameras downy to: be Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH Outside.* Beezley hill - pole behind recycled TS bldg (points to kitchen) Camera-PELCO brand, wall mounted, rectangular, tan, _by - TS, dept will collaborate withF&M Outside, On building -northwest security points to front parking lot unknown dppt to take cameras- down; then Obsolete JUVENILE -EPH corner by Drug Crt offices (points to p they will be recycled b%/ TS, front parking.jo a) Camera,PELCO brand, wall mounted, rectangular, tan, TS deptwill,collaborate with F&M Outside: On building-southLSide security points to back parking lot unknown dept to take Cameras down; then Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH corner by Detrn, door (points to back v thewill be recvsled LbV'TS' parking lot) Camera -unknown brand, wall mounted, tubu'lar, white, TS dept will collaborate with F&M sec urity w spikes to BB.hoop points unknowt dept to take cameras down; then: Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH Outside: On b' uIlding-west Inside BB they will be recycled b)t TS court (points to ho -op) Camera -ARM brand, 2.8 HI Resvandalproof, ceiling TS dept Will collaborate with F&M 102965 mounted,.round, security camera; acq 8/31/2009, cost unknown dept to take cameras down; then Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH Inside: Detn group room [drug crt $759.12 the will be rm sled by TS staff] Camera -ARM brand, 2.8 Hi Res vandalproof,-ceifing TS dept will collaborate with F&M 102965 mounted, round, security camera, acq.8/31/2009t cost unknowi dept to take cameras down; then Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH Inside: Detn med [drug crtstaff] $759.12 the will be re sled bv:TS Camera -ARM brand, 2.8 Hi Res vandal roof,- ceiling TS dept will collaborate With 1=&M 102967 mounted, round, security Cam era;-nqP/31j2QQ9, cast inimovift dept to'tame cameras down, --then Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH Inside: Front lobby $759.12 the will will be recycled by TS Camera -ARM brand, 2'.8 Hi Res vandal proof, ceiling TS dept will collaborate with F&M 1 m.02968 ounted, round] security camera; acq 8/31/2009, cost unknown dept to takecamerasdown; then, Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH Inside: Detn intake room $759.12 they _W,IIL be recyclecity, - TS- - Camera�ARM brand, 2.8 Hi Res vandal. . , fpole mounted, proo -unte dept will collaborate w TS d 'ith F&M 102969 round, security camera, pole at entrance; acq ;ally po, rt unknowndppttG -take cameras dawn; then Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH outside. dally Fort- pole 8/31/2009,, cost 759.12 thewill be recycled bv TS v Camera -ARM brand, 2.8 HJ Res vandal proof, ceiling TS dept Will Coll, abarate withr F&M 102970 mounted, round, security camera- -acq,9/31/7-009, cost L unknown dept to:take cameras down, . then Obsolete JUVENILE EPHrider Outside: BBL Courtu awn ng $759-.12. they will be recycled by TS Camera -ARM brandf 2.8 Hi Res vandairproof, pole mounted, TS dept will. collaborate with F&M. round,security camera,, pole at public Walkwayfi acq Unknow I dept cameras dowh- then Obsolete JUVENILE EPH r102971 ' _ Outside. Parking g lot -front lot pole 8/31/2009, cost $759.12 they Will be recycled by TS Carrera-Spero Technology brand, Model# HTINT59K, ceiling 121.163.00. TS dept will collabLoraterwith F&M 105685 mounted,, round,, security camera.; acq 12 29/16, Cap Out 9117�5271 doot tor take down- then ObSol ete JUVENILE -EPN Inside: Courtroom Entrance $22132, s/n.-"42476170344 3S64 they will . be recycled by TS Carnera-Speco Technology brand, Mod I# "NTSK ceiling 00 , de TS d pt will collaborate with F&Mr 105686 mounted, round, Security camera; acq .1.,2/29-/-16, Cap Out 9117.527 0 dept 10 take cameras down; then. Obsolete JUVENILE -EPH Outside: Front Door Entrance $22-1.32, s/n,: 42476170343 3564- they will be recycled by TS Camera-Speco Technology brand, Model# HTINT59K, ceiling 121.163.,00. TS dept will collaborate with. F&M 105687 Mounted, round',* security, camera.; L acq 12129/16, Cap Out 9117.52710 dept to take cameras down 'then Obsolete JUVENILE - EPH- Inside: Courtroom $221.32, sLn: 42476170368 3564 the will will be recycled by*TS 10fi