HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (002)GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Data April 20, 2023 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, CHG Grant #22-46108-10, Hotel Leasing Amendment, Reimbursement #18, New Hope,, Request #12 New Hope has requested reimbursement for the above -referenced grant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $5,946.13 for March 2023 expenses. The invoice and supporting documentation are attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to New Hope in the amount of $5;946.13. Thank you. I AppROVED APR "Z � 2023 coN_ -S Grantee Name: Grant County Lead Grantee List Sub Grantee Names Below Total Report Month/Year: Mar 2023 Grant County New Hope i 0• 00 0 - pease..H o u _ .f. . _._.... .0000=- .-_ t COS s : CHG-Rent & Fac support/Lease Costs $0.00 _..:. >. ...-.,_..:..:. ... . :.-... ao«.sr c. _.-:. _ fi a_.• • . k5 W h CHF Fc I� Su AN e a .,,Y�.t..,...aata,.k.n..3x,.,. o Lea eCo is WE � . .. . ,. ,: .., ... _. ... .... ... .. .'fi*" > K - tet+ » :,:.:.r +� A �+.,� ... M. , 3Tk` .. < k�� Y.•:. Wx;, v4, �- t �' f,a ,e, ¢�,H , ��:. � �.;o:��'El. $io / o(4o.R ..- .,'q..0.. YX v <1 O'Now, a } lon �R , i' i�. ': a6,s ,.lair .p�k», - '., _ ... a ,. �� .a kcc ^� ,c•3:rt' L`t (Rx�.�•aBig, � .�.�,'.,. S.. .. r.�v ,k..,. E .�i 10- a '.:$0.00 e $o.00 :$0.00. $0.00 w s\.^. \� ,g�� ,c- "•, il \e. i5, �\k� SCe •� i�1 � ' a l �' g+r tiR �• �� �<i� `T"�• v2 � 4 !R v \� r isRai tt3'r` Hated l;eaS�ng/RRA�i��A Irn����$833.63 .$0.00 $833.63 F \rye; c`t:��hM Y• if s c a � ('M j. $0.00 $0.00 '�2�_.�,�`1i�'�:.�a ri���,�t',«�•a x�'��R\`� �t�tft\�� t`2�"a�iaric6i„y � �+;� •: Hotel Leasan �a�ap4, a��\ E� 4�� R , �� �a�R� �� .�.��;nr�,��`����� ��. ��A� ��.��� � >^ .� �{ � - � s. x � +.�� . nom,..s.�,�. , .a..,.�� $659.40 $659.40 •A` ` ti\a y. ayL : • a <a UIsA IwR> ro\E,e , .',R ti w a_ �� 4�� Rentz",forY�Ra'PEO"', ousin � x $ 4 453.10 $4,453.10 RF" ► ••�«'+\\ ,3�+�5 4 n t 9 .R a? a\m t W Y•'�\`\$d FAxr iwt� �s r 26 X`' \. ��d��a x 8 yr �rtiU,. Adhdit�onalwCHG, . . g�t���4"�R= �Y���s,;r,i,;r;, ZF �,.. �l,a, t..a. �$�`.t`1`.. 0.00 $0.00 Invoice Total $5,946.13 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, CAPEHARTWHERRY 1239 MOSES. ST MOSES LAKE A. 98837 Document Number Purchase rder Number VendorlD 03272 23 8 HERC 6�sk-r—ipd—on Ctient EFA Page 1 / I Invoice 0385551 Date 3/27/2023 hp Mt. Metfibd Aft Payment Terms ID Amount $4�503.10 Subtotal$4,503.10 MISC $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment Total Due GRANT COUNTY New Hf.ope/Kids Hope Kids flope I �_r-:2f,t.-- ; � PROMISE TO PAY I Date 3/27/2023 cklimant: Capphart WherDL8�a "m�ts Post Office Address: 12391 s s St. Moses Lake, W 98837 month Day Purpose J. r Cemb Rent plus Late fees 4128 00 Court Fees 10 q 4 j tL All bills 111LISt be I in detall on this blank or itemized list attached herewith. When submitting chinis for rent be Sure to speclify dates claim is hitended to cover. For Submission for Payment - ISS0134,11). Return Voucher To: 4 Becky Garcia GratiL County New flope/Kids Hope New llope/Kids (lope Advocate 3 11 W Third Avenue M oses Lake, WA 98837 1 hereby Corti fy on Honor. thl'At the goods, mer cluandise, material or service charged foi- its the above bill have been fOrnished as herein charged, DA 11", 3/27/2023 CANNOTBE USED FOR ALCOFIOL"I"OBACCO, PRE -PAID OR GIFTCARDS. Jan Printed Claiammitokn . � a I Claimant w' qL)j m New L!2pq Vom'11cV.'i I-CCeivVi-I hY i oc lilt) will KAVc payintAll ovadablv th(.- ft MIN N 01 m i mo 13 M 8JIG t4i NCY V1 NANC IAL ASSISTANCE FOR. M FUNDINct., H 127 A ce K. Barrientoz ---------- --- From Becky Garcia Sent,. Monday, March 27, 2023 11:23 AM 01 Tom Alyce K. Barrientoz Subject, FWANNIM rent Attachments, EFA -Request Form Gertrudes.docx They wanted to charge over $2000 for attorney fees on top of the rent. From,; Perste ingapartments . <pershingapartments@hotmall.com> Sent: Monday,, March 27, 2023 10:19 AM To.- Becky Garcia <bgarc'la@grantcountywa.gov> Sub"ect: RG 11 ent So the total of wine is rent and late fees 4,.128 with court fees 325.10 total of $4,503.10 J"&b 14wvla Assistant Manager T.Jiaited Marketing Inc. ,aT­-ei bart Whe,,-rry 1239 Moses St Moses Lake WA 98837 Office: (509)762-4126 Fax-, (509)762-4283 From. Beckv!ggrcla Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 1:25 PIVI To: Persh'in.gppa.rt.me,n.ts,@,botmall.com Subject, rent She is trying to see if 01C will help her with the rent, If they are not able to pay it we, New Hope, will pay the amount due. I will not find out until later today if they are able to assist her. If we are to pay, we might not be able to get it to you by tomorrow, It will get paid. Becky Garcia Legal and Community Advocate E __.. new beginnings, better tomorrows W ThLrd Ave MO-Ses LAIZ4 WAJR9>37 5o9- 7.64 -s? -+02 .bgarda,@grantcountywa.gov The information containedin this e-mailis privileged and confidential. It Ols intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above (or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipi'ent),, If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by e-maiiing: or calling at the' above add ress/n umber,, Thank you., 2 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor.- MELVA LANE LLC DBA: QUAILITY 449 MELVA LANE MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Document Number Purchase' Order Number VendorlD 85b1'184CLQUAL F1 Description: Emergency Shelter Page I /I Invoice 0383951 Date 3/1/2023 Shipping Method Payment Terms ID NET 30 Amount $659.40 Subtotal $659.40 Misc $0.00 Tax $0,.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment Total Due $ $26591. Quality Inn (WA255) 449 Melva Lane Mases Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-8888 M.WA255@choicehotels.cem Comment #119 NEW, HOPE UNDER CHARGED #119 NEW, HCP #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE Adjustment UNDER CHARGED #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE. #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE Adjustment Account: 858118243 Date: 3/1/23 Room: 119 WCONS Arrival Date: 2/19/23 Departure Date: 3/1123 Check In Time: 2/20/23 12:40 AM Check Out Time: Rewards Program ID: You were checked out by: You were checked in by: amitch Total Balance Due: 0.OQ Amount 59.99 5.94 0,01 0.00 60.00 5.94 80.99 5.94 60x00 5.94 (253.70) 59.99 5.94 283,78 9.01 0.00 (329.70) 60x00 5.94 80.0 5.94 60-00 5.94 60.00 � y5.94 ,F0.00 5.94 329.70 (659.40) Quality' INN BY CHOICE HOTELS NEW HOPE NEW, HOP 604 W 3RD AVE SUTIE B MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Post Date 2/19/23 Room Charge 2/19/23 State Tax 2/20/23 Room Charge 2/20/23 Mate Tax 2/20/23 Room Charge 2120/23 Mate Tax 2121/23 Room Charge 2/21/23 State Tax 2/22/23 Room Charge i 2/2.2/23 State Tax 2/23/23 Direct Bill 2/23/23 Room Charge 2/23/23 Mate Tax 2//24/23 Direct Bill 2/24/23 Room Charge 2/24/23 State Tax 2124/23 Direct Bill 2/24123 Room Charge 2/24/23 State Tax 2/25123 Room Charge 2/25/23 Mate Tax 2/26123 Room Charge 2/25/23 State Tax 2/27/23 Room Charge 2/27/23 Mate Tac 2/28/.23 loom Charge 2/28/23 State Ta 311.123 Direct 13111 3/1123 Direct Bill Quality Inn (WA255) 449 Melva Lane Mases Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-8888 M.WA255@choicehotels.cem Comment #119 NEW, HOPE UNDER CHARGED #119 NEW, HCP #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE Adjustment UNDER CHARGED #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE. #119 NEW, HOPE #119 NEW, HOPE Adjustment Account: 858118243 Date: 3/1/23 Room: 119 WCONS Arrival Date: 2/19/23 Departure Date: 3/1123 Check In Time: 2/20/23 12:40 AM Check Out Time: Rewards Program ID: You were checked out by: You were checked in by: amitch Total Balance Due: 0.OQ Amount 59.99 5.94 0,01 0.00 60.00 5.94 80.99 5.94 60x00 5.94 (253.70) 59.99 5.94 283,78 9.01 0.00 (329.70) 60x00 5.94 80.0 5.94 60-00 5.94 60.00 � y5.94 ,F0.00 5.94 329.70 (659.40) Folio Summary 2119/23 N't 311/23 Room Charge 600.00 State Tax 59-40 Direct Bill (659.40) Balance Due.- 0.00 With this rate you are able to earn valuable Choice Privileges points! (659.40) Will be billed to: Account 2277219 NEW HOPE, 604 West Third, Suite B , Moses Lake, WA 98837 X 4"CHOICE All privileges. NOWARMS You could be earning free nights at Choice hotels and other great rewards. Join Choice Privileges today by stopping by the front desk, or logging on to www.choicehotels,.,com/choice-privileges. With this rate you are able to earn valuable Choice Privileges pointsl X CHOICE priv'lleges. NRWARUS You could be earning free nights at Choice hotels and other great rewards. Join Choice Privileges today by stopping by the front desk, or logging on to www,choicehotels.com/choice.-Pr'lvileges. Quality Inn (WA) Account: 856118243 Date: 3/1/23 449 Melva Lane Room: 119 WCONS Quality- Moses Lake-, WA 98837 Arrival Date, 2/19/23 INN (509) 765-8886 Departure Date: 3/1/23 BY CHOICE HOTELS GM.WA255@choicehotels.com Check In Time: 2/20/23 12:46 AM NEW HOPE Check Out Time: NEW,HOPE Rewards Program ID: 604 W 3RD AVE UTIE 8 You were checked out by: MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 You were checked in by: arnitch Total Balance Due: 0.00 PC O$Oa.te O$ 0. ription Comment Amount 21119/23 Safe ver/ltd Warranty 1.50 2/19/23 State Tax 0.15 2/20123 Safe ver/ltd Warranty Adjustment (1.50) 2/20/23 State Tax Adjustment (0.15) 2/21/23 American Express (2.50) XXXXXXXXXXX,X6576 2/21/23 Miscellaneous LG H2O 2.27 2121/23 State Tax 0.22 2-121/23 State Tax 0.01 2/27/23 American Express (2.50) XXXXXXXXXXXX6576 311123 'Miscellaneous LG H2O 2,27 3/1/23 State Tax 0.22 3/1123 State Tax 0.01 Folio Summary -2/19/23 -.311123 State Tax 0.46 American Express (5,00) Miscellaneous 4.54 Safe /ltd Warranty 0.00 Balance Due: 0.00 With this rate you are able to earn valuable Choice Privileges pointsl X CHOICE priv'lleges. NRWARUS You could be earning free nights at Choice hotels and other great rewards. Join Choice Privileges today by stopping by the front desk, or logging on to www,choicehotels.com/choice.-Pr'lvileges. Client Shelter Form Shelter/Hotel: Hotel/Motel Hotel Name/Room In shelter: Quality Inn Date In,: 2/19/2023 Date Out: 2/25/2023 C Program* V Review Shelter Guidelines: xY/ [IN Invoice Turned In:N/A 1JY/ xN Client (First Initial & Last name): Year of birth: 1981 Client ID: AOT7500 Case ID, 688207 Secondary #1 Secondary #2 Click or tap to enter a date. Click or to to enter a date. Choose an Item, Choose, an itern. Secondary #3 Secondary #4 Click or tap to enter a date, Click or tap to enter a date, Choose an Item. Choose an 'Item. Secondary #5 Secondary #6 Click or tap to enter a date. Click or to to enter a date, Choose an ftem, Choose an Item, Notes: Notes. Where did client exit to?.: Click or tap here to enter text. 0