HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolicies - New Hope DV/SAKids Hovin HelPing Children become Children again, Policy and o - e is :`roval Letter November 12, 2019 To: Kids Hope Employees and Volunteers Re: Policies and Procedures Kids Hope, is a Children's Advocacy Center under the governance umbrella of Grant County. The program reports directly to the Grant County Board Of Commissioners. Employees are expected to be familiar with all Kids Hope policies and procedures. Additionally, Grant County provides comprehensive personnel policies and procedures that are introduced during orientation. Any questions regarding the content or intent of this manual should be directed to the Children's Advocacy Center Director. Staff and volunteers may recommend a change in existing policies to the Director at any time. Likewise, matters of importance polinot covered by the cies and procedures should be brought to the attention of the Director in order that new policies may be formulated if necessary. These updated Policies and.procedures have been reviewed and approved, as signified by signatures below. Tom Taylor, C ir Cindy ice Chair Richard Stevens, . Member -- Date Kids Hope AF c%A%.,y Cente4 This Policy and Proceduredocument is intended to improve the quality of services to child victim"sf non -offending family members, and caregivers through a coordinated multi -disciplinary team response to allegations of child physical abuse, child sexual abuse, and non-accidental child death. The policies and procedures contained herein are designed to be congruent with e Grant County Investigation Protocol for Child Sexual Abuse, Neqlect and Child Fatalities. Any discrepancies between the documents are unintentional and require resolution. Page 1 1 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW"...... INNER MEN on Ma .OPERATIONAL GUI►Ii■■■■!a■s■■SIR Malmo a■■es■!■i `@dace Accept` noel ■ ■ a ! ■ ! 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N i p■ i e i ffi e i■ 9 5■! a p a a m r s i a . = ..... --- l a - - -- " =Po Y CASE o■m!■!■m■i!aIWN-WAL's■■elaa111 mei-$'::_:-=:_..: - ms[-v-,e..ae��mili■gra_:�tn:: aIsms immIla sa■!ii■mine Ram21 Poli Iv- I I N I ���:: -...._ .. . ._..._......p !Neap ■ ■■■ :.y ffi --- ......... i a si !tt:a liap■■iiaai■■aelaimea■asses .. 22 AY v e ... ''� �° ■■■■ v ffi_ :# Miami m v a a m v■ a Mail MINE agosignal Issas■ m i 8■ 8 9 m i■ 9 v 3 m!23 Page 12 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW The Kids Hope Children's Advocacy CenterKHCA � C) is a neutral, child friend! facile helping meet the needs of children,y � non-offending family members and caregivers in Grant ant and Adams Counties. KHCAC provides advocacy and forensic interview services with referrals to partner agencies specializing in medical examination and treatment and therapeutic evaluation and treatment. The purpose of this manual is to ensure a successful conclusion to i ec= nvestigation and minimize trauma to child victims by: _ --- -=. - 1 Establishing a working agreement among _ - ,.r the various .geesponsible for investigating allegations of child abuse and ne Iect A N 9:..:........ / ), an .: "::providing support to victims and their non-offending parents p g p is or caregivers, - - 2} Promoting well-coordinated, efficient thorn-- � .: =� .: �h and reliable invest�g�t�:ns that benefit from the input of individuals with widely8�fffqrin .g ski lls_,_d_: experiences 3} Fostering an attitude of mutual respe and u a p .._�ersta:fng among particip��l agencies, and- = g - 4 E....n.. ....... suring s __ u r� ` n g that children involved:: e .. .!nvestsgations are pratected, supported, and treated --------- with dignity and respect in a trauma rnfrrned environ- _ t. we recognize that these goals can t - - g e achreed through the.-imp Cerentation of a comprehensive and unified approach that r Pp co �zes and respects the differ p raining,skills of each participant, and experiences p p ,thering dutces and obl�gtris of each child vic tins' age ncy, and the special needs of Where appropriate invests ia- ion . = :g shall wolve.one pr more of the followingdisciplines: ------------ --- --- ------------ lin La ,. - -........ .... ::. m Er forc.. int....... ....... Chid Protective-voices ;Prosecution------------- - i d cal l en. ealth victim "'Aocacy ® Children's Ad.' o ca_c:. Center(Multidisciplinary Team) Each case involvinga`e��[�� victim i . s unique. Circumstances may arise when this oats guidance, manus! does not provide ode q g ance, or may conflict with the needs of a articular child. circumstances - � � p held. In such decision-making shall be consistent with the s �� spirit of the Grant County Child Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Neglect, and Child Fatality Investigatian protocol, and this document. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES The KHCAC primarily serves child victims of sexual or physical abuse or neglect in Grant and Adams Counties. KHCAC also provides forensic interviewing services, and advocacy for child victims living in Grant or Adams Counties whose victimization occurred outside Grant or Adams Counties as well as child victims living outside Grant or Adams Counties in response to a request from Child Protective Services and/or Law Enforcement. Case AcceDtance Criteria ............ .... ........ x 0 Ve services that meets KHCAC accepts case referrals from law enforcement and child pr te. ........... . ... . necessary to refer. their criteria for a multi -disciplinary investigation and that they dei - Forensic interviews will be conducted in cases alleging child _s0*k.8*Uaf`:-'!` buse child physical abuse ........ . witnesses to criminal activity, child maltreatment and/or n. t for thild . ren under the age of 18. Case acceptance exceptions may be made with th.e---"*.--roval of the ::R ------------ ------------------ .T CONFIDE.. _-.1ALITY .. .. ..... . The KHCAC, acting as part of a multidisciplinary f signatories for the Kids R e MDT p .......... Memorandum of Understanding meets all conficlentiali .ujrements as mandated by the --- - --- ---- S -nering agencies is considered M.0U. Written and oral information excfi,a.nj4ed_ or disclo "eqapart nve _Pps 9' stigation and providing confidential and can only be used for ottr­ a.dva n ci n appropriate services to victims and their::"'i�_O` i I i e S-`.': ....... M Procedures: During multidj related to assn documenting t Lr] to MDT 0:`_'; .......... ):Iilnaryte-am .meeti n g vents. bins will vat hancies'-'*_--m practice ........ y Td -,.Confidentiaitgi' V, 8--- W...;_ eetings. .......... ............. . .'en .-Any that.... ....... c 4h"' ludes, identification is shredded following use. client KHCAG' int informn is kept in locked files at the KHCAC. It-lo V" T Staff invol oversight, quality improvement and assessment ........... I ....... _ - on case: Itation and peer review have access to client records and interview materials as needed and are expected to uphold a laws, gency, state and federal confidentiality Forensic interview materials, including video or audio tapes and transcripts which identify the child, can be used forgeneral education purposes only with permission of .the client or guardian. Definition: The Multidisciplinary team (MDT) is comprised of representatives of core systems necessary for an optimal response to allegations of child abuse. These include: Law Enforcement 0 Coulee Dam Police Department o Ephrata Police Department o Grand Coulee Dam Police Departmen_,.,.-,",--, o Grant County Sheriffs Office o............. ...... .. ...... -- ---- ... ...... Mattawa Police Department . .. ... o Moses Lake Police De artment- ..... . ... -------- .......... Quincy Police Departmeft'--,-,---..-.. o Soap Lake Police De argent o Warden Police De; atment .......... o Ritzville Police Dep argent - ----------- o Othello Police De art .... btli-gimigi-IN" o Adams Pun.t-- %.y ---.Sheri s Ofri:e_ Medical Services .......... o ..... .. .. . ..... . ......... . . .... ... .. . . Se u a As I Samaritan ""H-4e�"' a lth'- c X- S840 Nurse Examiner .............. 1. ......... ...... . .. ...... ............... Child Protective Servic"e'":"s,.o . ............ ..`�Moses Lake rtm:e 1:,o Ch'flb �en. Youth and Families (DCYF) Prcose -ult-;: ot ce .... ... .. . Gra untv Pr 69kutor"s Office Adam'eCU &�County Pro tor's Offlice ...... S . ....... . .. ...... ----- CAC ............. o ..... ........... *---;-:;-1.;--- -- --- ------- ---- Ch" ------ ---- — .-Hope Id:' Center .. ..... ..... ............ . ..... --- ---- ---- T ............ Services .. ... 1, Heal .......... . .... litIntegrated Services ................ -------------- Gra o ------------------ ......... . --------------- ........... n d iviau.a:Sub-contracted mental health providers Victim Ad::"' ......... . ... u. cacy o w Hope A KHCAC Multi--. -1's!7'cir)lina orandum of Understanding (MOU) is agreed tab the above ryem partners. Member Roles Law Enforcement Law enforcement is charged with investigating allegations of criminal conduct occurring within their jurisdiction. Investigations may include interviewing persons having knowledge of the allegations, identifying and collecting evidence, making custodial arrests, placing children in protective custody, and referring investigations to theprosecuting attorney for review. With respect to criminal investigations where allegations of child physical abuse, child sexual abuse f child neglect, or non-accidental child death are made, law enforcement may also be required to report to Child Protective Services, and/or other law enforcement agencies. Medical Providers Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners or appropriate medicalproviders with specialized training in pediatric examinations, conduct physical examinations on children suspected to be the victim of child physical abuse and/or child sexual abuse, for treatment and evidence collection. SANE examination documentation and any evidence collected ill be turned over to the .. ........ requesting law enforcement agency. Child Protective Services ......... ............ n' 1:6-ct c "I h al abuse, child Child Protective Services investigates allegations of child- P. sexual abuse, and non-accidental child death. Where-aaaec ..fations mar Y easonably involve the commission of a crime �enforcement. CPS is required to report to -l ...... aw *-, CPS will strive to conduct joint investigaforss. � emotional trauma to child victims and reduce: CPS will report the outcome of cases_ they inv ProseCut-ing Attorney The Grant and/or Adams County Prose c U';:t­J ... n"' g Attu criminal investigations and when a p prop ri file fob to have committed a crime . -.. Grant o r A ams: lith law, ,,enforcement to minlze f effort. Q .,pl. 1. Q o....t%�r - �Atgae �: to KHCAC. ........ . ...... .. ......... nd his/h,`:.... prosecutors review ::c'ri;minal c: arges against those believed a h .. ......... t �n Mt rrosecuv ttorney report Cr"Jal Filings associated with child victims and n, imn spo§tI'O-.n-:..O 0�iminal cases --t NHCAC. the final d'If thes ..r. ............... -, - The Prosecuting Arglrly-cin-unicate with law enforcement regarding . .. ........................... n. ensure the 'k�- best possible outcome. --�s to ens-u- on.g 61.ncr.1p t atio"S. y Chile --- sdvocacy Cen*-:,,.;.. ............... .......... d ... ..... The K'r-'-1S7,:"H.9pe Children's AdVo-*cacv C6hter (KHCAC) is responsible for providing a child friendly neutral eft7r:�%b.nment for child:'.. -V' non -offending family members, and caregivers to receive services, co'nd0ft,. child foreri8-r-c-Interviews and work with an advocate. KHCAC will aon on active investigations involving child victims and facilitate 'T forma­�':::%.' regular case review ­(Mpr�" meetings, report demographic information, and facilitate peer reviews. KHCAC will organize, schedule, and host quarterly meetings with partnering agency heads to review County and CAC policies and protocols governing the investigation, prosecution, and review of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Non -Accidental Death in Grant and'Adams Countes. KHCAC will provide advocacy services, and referrals to other social service agencies to any juvenile crime victim and his/her non -offending family members when appropriate. KHCAC will provide a forensic interview room for use by law enforcement and CPS. In addition , KHCAC will conduct forensic interviews of child victims and witnesses when requested by law enforcement or CPS. KHCAC will schedule use of the forensic interview room upon request and will provide the requesting agencies representative with an audio/video DVD at the conclusion of the interview. Mental Health Grant Mental Healthcare is a part of Grant Integrated Services providin.g therapeutic services to Children, Families, and Adult clients in Grant County. Services includ and crisis services n 0 health services from assessment and individual therapy. KHCAC may sub -contract m e a ­- ---------- ................ individual providers ensuring they use evidence based practices:­-",­ _%A,6a,-,are trauma informed. ........ .. .. . . - ----------- - When appropriate, therapists will ask clients or to sign a consent . .. .......... to release information form allowing for a shart-:'n""**c"'i-","'�"'f appropriate: nrorm ation with the MDT. . . .... Pol ------------ . . ......... ............ . J5, ....... .............. .......... .. ........ . . ....... .... ..... Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) are the basis for thel-doe..... tj 00 of the Kids Hope Children's Advocacy Center (KHCAC), in both ht of the 6"CA and in meeting client needs ­, .............. A coordinated MDT approach facili tates teragenc munication and information . ....... .... . . .... .. .... . sharing, ongoing involvement of key ind':-:ri'duaN­-;--,anJ 1-sU 0 rt fir children and families. - --------- Procedures: -, ----- - -- ...... ... . ... -- - ----- ----- - .... ........ ar thfy�:�rorurn u The KHCAC MDT,,'- -e im-.J� ings�­ ------- - e a mon used as the basis for the review of CAC ge information a O:Qscuss challenging cases. The KHCAC MDT cases, to excbfo rm:- n d t e'�'-`:CAC staff law meeting includes etif6rcement agencies, child protective services Prosecution, mental. �,,_medica` F',staff and victim advocates. . ..... .. . . ...... . . peeks --heir agencies to sign a Memorandum of 6KHC-c-----_- �-._,a.. dmin&rt:,...a members o din" :0 rsta n 9�::--agroein .. ...... . rt a multidisciplinary process in child abuse 9* - ----- ------- ---------- ana p Vjding::-­­.`. pport services for victims and families The Memorandum g� =nderstanding is ........ s.t ' ned at lest every other year by participating agencies. This d d 'ent commits ry t�igned parties to a multidisciplinary child abuse intervention res Pon S ---------- Inform ati j. HCA On- KC__.` .... .. processes and partner services is provided to non -offending caregivers of the child forensic interview. This includes an overview of victim support, medic6'_L:-'and mental health services. As stated in the Memorandum of Understanding and the County Protocol on Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse and Child Fatalities, personnel participating with the KHCAC agree to maintain confidentiality of all records and informationgathered on any cases, as required by state and federal law. Attendees sign a Multidisciplinary Team Confidentiality Agreement. An assessment of MDT functioning is doneperiodically through bi-annual OMS surveys of MDT functioning. Surveys are dispersed both electronically and on paper prior to 2 MDT meetings each year. It addresses teamwork elements such as: trust and respect, collaboration and well-defined purpose, role of disciplines, feedback opportunities, group confidence, case review and productivity, resource sharing and success in accomplishing goals. The CAC will regularly provide or facilitate training or other education opportunities to MDT members focused on issues relevant to investigationf prosecution, and service provision for victimized children and their non -offending ca ,,.e" il e rs. ---------------- MDT members will participate in effective information s.na:ring that is consistent with legal, ethical and professional standards of practice-, d he timely exchange of case information within the MDT. Every effort t;_-_: . ...... a.--gatn informed consent es- d to the immediate �:;;MDT to r �pQn- from the legal guardian of child clients to enabjth` and ongoing needs of the child and family ............. .. ...... ...... `-_*__-11 ............. ... ....... ............ .......... . .......... .......... ...... ......... .. ...... ..... . .. ------_-- -------- .. ..... . .. ........... .. . ........ . ....... ... ........... .......... .......... ....... .... ..... Po I if L: Culturally competent services are routinely made available to all CAC clients and coordinated with the multidisciplinary team response. Prnrpri i i rp - The KHCAC conducts or obtains a community assessment of CAC client demographics and community demographics every three (3) years. The ass --` _s,Ment data is analyzed for disparities and gaps, then strategies to meet those dispa`at'e'_ s'- and, gaps are recommended by CAC leads to develop goals and strabeqies--'That support culturally ............... sensitive services. HCAC seesPractices and resources are in place which suppo' "Krvic to non-English e :L language speaking and deaf or hard of hearing child :;th ir families. a interpretation services or qualified KHCAC.,.b][imjquai staff provide inte'tp_ ........... tion services. ............. Meardentifcrultidisciplinary team members ensure 0a ............ f cultural con*";'-: 5inerations and special needs of clients throughout the invests ation._ "b' ntion :omerve and case management _u process. The KHCAC intake form..,reciuests releva,n;..'.'c1tural issues and special healthcare ------- e: ver needs that could affect .......... .v -,. of services..... -:::.; outreach engage :-t.n,minority cultures. Strategies �... ch- ......... ............. and vo""..lub rs and:'."Droviding written materials in .... ...... ......... . --:.multidisciplinary team members is supported by -------- ------- i nis poucy is reviewe.a az:.i,ea�s.teve:r.v..,ttree - ----- ---- rs and may be updated as needed. FORENSIC INTERVIEWS P The KHCAC forensic interviews are conducted in a manner that is legally sound, unbiased, fact- finding, developmentally and culturally sensitive, and neutral while maximizing the use of techniques that will elicit reliable information while minimizing the use of highly leading or coercive questions. All interviews are performed by trained staff and follow the guidelines outlined in the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission training curriculum. Pur The purpose of the forensic interviews is =---- to allow a child to provide.--.-.,- tear and complete information about incidents that may be related to criminal act1tv-, ry iews may address be ss� ngalleged physical or sexual abuse of the child, kidnapping, wtip'.'b e of others, domestic .,us violence, homicide or other crimes. ............ . . ... Procedure: Forensic interviews are done at the KHCAC: henever it does not c:O­­­ .......... . bI.Mgmise the investigation or the safety of the child T bi_ 1K.KHCAC is reco-anized as be-s­t:t: ........ - -pped to ...... . .. . . meet the child"s needs during the intervie`W``�Vt, When a child under thirteen( 13). years ofage s p p rtedly a victim of sexual abuse s c interview abuse or neglect, the'.,�f I be conducted by a person who ............ .. .............. -224 and/or Rk"IW 74.14B.010.: has received the training requ R.CW 43.10. ......... n .. . .. . "fifteen (15) years is When a child between the ages thirteen ).,.vears " . .......... reportedly a victim of sexual abuse -t the forensic interview is Ysi ca I .-Or..ne ........ . g:ec .:p'L`rson--: hb has­,re.ived:!-­­t recommended to..b.d.`--'-, bh'i'duCted b a y ..cethe training required . ........ under RCW 4140-1`224 enc or RCW 74`14B: 010. -0 J :over fifteen --5.)-.-.vears, when practical the investigator(s) When a child the a ev should evaluat"6`;:`.,!`tf_ ....... H`e c h i I d *s eC and consider any disabilities the child aV`elopmentaJ::::;' . . ...... . Z'r= - ferring the child to a forensically trained or- r. - may ale before Int -*-"..-; ht"­`tth 9" . ............ .... ....... ......... i nt e r* V�­' sionary c-­r;lfj� .... . . tt �.-t -.-,service to youth or adults who are suspected perpetrators -c u ------------- 6ption5 Y T sexual abuse. E­�c be made for young children who do not meet the legal M d*..,,with . sal Pard to be charge I offenses. 0at:,r&.v.ers are re askedlto-:,reschedule a forensic interview if the child has a fever (1.00 degrees higher}, i 8�Wmiting and/or has diarrhea flu symptoms, or another other interview will be rescheduled after the child has been ffid' Je illnes9,-`.,--` .. ...... cOmmunt'"'_ 6 ­for --_-R:'-2_,. hours. symptom-fr _i.tt):4; The referring checks availability with the interviewer, schedules the interview with the non -offending caregiver, and facilitates transportation arrangements. KHCAC and the referring agency will determine who shall contact and invite additional MDT members. KHCAC recognizes that every case/child is different and the appropriately trained interviewer will be determined and agreed upon by -the referring agency and KHCAC staff prior to the interview. The forensic interviewer has access to the informationprovided by the law enforcement officer and/or discussion with those multidisciplinary team (MDT) members involved in Page 1 10 initial contact with the child. Information includes whether the child has any special needs that may be relevant to the interviewprocess, including health care needs, interpreters, modifications in the interview room, or specific interview strategies. Interviews at the KHCAC are audio and visually recorded and will be provided to the investigators (law enforcement and/or CPS). All child interviews should be documented near-verbatim. In the event the interview cannot be audio and video recorded additional acceptable methods of obtaining a near-verbatim record include, but are not limited to: contemporaneous notes, audio or video recording, or by a court stenographer. ............. . . ................... Post-interview information sharing includes discussion amo11­­J"!`,::... h--ose MDT members present and distribution of the recording to designated ::; ,inlivestiqatina departments. When interviews take place outside the KHCAC, train ewers shall follow the guidelines of the Child Interview Guide. .......... Interviews at the KHCAC are routinely observedVi'Dartneri g age representatives n law enforcemen which may include the Prosecuting Attorney,5 KHCAC staff. The referring agency is expected to atten.-.d".,"','--th-'-'e"�:"- terview M ..... .. ...... in as well as tl. .. ...... DT members ..... ... .......... e ...... .. . . . ..... b­ -ewer'. event that fie`: re identified by the referring agency and/o'r7;"­:i:n--eN-,. from the referring agency is unavailable for"th..`6i.Jnt erVfm the referring agency and ... ... . ...... .. ue or be rescheduled for a i n interviewer will determine if the.,interview shou .. . ......... ................ ............ different date/time. ......... ---------- - - - - ----­--------- tearview fori` ing purposes or quality Others may be approved to wa ... ...... .. ...... .. assurance-related functions. Perm---­--,:`r;, j-,.-,sion of th!" .',,--interviewe n d the investigating officer will be requested and a confiden a'10"Iform ci d.. Multisession and/or:-,-subsequent inter "­._"'_' w ire :, onau _d 't----at the discretion of Law c t Enforcement or frith MD consideration of the well-being of _Q. 118 u ati­`­­ ­ ....... ... iDers, with __.�Ie' i nt the child and� eqritv t8fthe investi:g­i,�, t ion. Subsequent interviews may be appropriate wh n tie child .1s,­,itnable to ce`..:lete the interview in one session, the child it1 nal information is needed to complete the ad0 ;ew i f is forthcoming with:-:,�`,n.n: rm ......... a -made with caution to prevent harm to the es tg these ----:­`­ ......�e_t "iny . .... + erm o& p .......... ... ....... when a backup Jn�i-ery ­needed an NICHD trained Child Forensic Interviewer will .......... Felice DepartmentN6's akerequested fr)mes Lty Sheriffs Office, CPS or .Grant Coun 8-hdther trained Child':-.,Forensic. ifiterviewer may be determined after consultation with cutor, d'. the referring agency shall provide or make accommodations If an interis reed b e for a cert. fi ........ . --------- nlQ,r-,' re 'er to be present for the interview. The decisiori p� ----- 0, or disallow access to model clay, play_ doh, markers and a smart watch during th'o.- interview will be determined by the interviewer and the referring agency prior to the interview. Body drawings may be utilized during a forensic interview for the purpose of clarifying details about an even already under discussion. The introduction of evidence during the forensic in process shall be determined by the interviewer, referring agency and MDT members on a case by case basis. Page 1 11 Training: ® KHCAC interviewers must successfully complete training that is on the NCA's approved list of nationally or state recognized forensic interview training and includes the following: o Minimum of 32 hours of instruction and practice o Evidence -supported interview protocol o Pre -and post -testing that reflects understanding of the principles of legally sound interviewing o Content that includes: child development, question des, implementation of protocol, dynamics of abuse, disclosure process, cutin competency suggestibility o Practice component with a standardized review_ roce.ss`.. o Required reading of current articles specifi to theP rac I_�e:. of forensic interviewing KHCAC interviewers will participate in ongoi:r cl cation in the fio!d child g ._.: maltreatment and/or forensic interviewing.-. insisting of ..minimum of ntact hour g_.. s every 2 years. KHCAC interviewers will participate in a structe:p review process for forensic interviewers a minimum of 2 times per year. -- Training certificates will be kept ons _I. .. ................ a KH a and peer reviews and encouraged toarticit review processes which may include atuonal C. The 1 will be informed of training, _- s g KHCAC "WIN.bostquarterl structured peer ....... rai�1pg compo nts. ------------ Page 1 12 VICTIM SUPPORT AND ADVOCACY Polis The Kids Hope Children's Advocacy Centerpartnering agencies make available free support and advocacy services to CAC clients and their non -offending caregivers as part of the multidisciplinary team response. Active follow-up and participation in MDT case review is completed by case managers and these services are consistently made available throughout the life of the case. KHCAC refers clients primarily to New Hope. New Hope is a Grant County agency providing advocacy to victims of sexual abuse domestic viole and crime victims in * - ------- ­­ .. ...... ...... . Grant and Adams Counties. New Hope will provide advocacy serviq .... i ­and referrals to other social service agencies to any child victim and his/her non-offerd::.:.._ng family members when appropriate, =.............. Procedure: The Kids Hope Children"s Advocacy Center Staff Greeting and orientation of children and..,.n"Q,'& nding caregivers to'f::'h. n._.7�' e O'�CAC and the . ........... multidisciplinary response team; * Referral to partnering service providers; ------------ z -ON .. .... r;...... -,-."izing behavior that may indicate * Written information on protectin children a n _ec . '9n the need for counseling for vicrt.ms..... n a' tra u m a; ..,..,sexual abU -'pe victim I'a""'dvocates when there are child Consultation and coordination .......... H U L M' victims from the same family WNi ­ n _; J. 12 end:inder and 13 and older age ----------- ---- ::unique n groups in order to avoid duplicati� n..:,'._b-.f service-- .. . .. eeds of the victims -e rdina. ton mo- s will be called as necessary; and their non -offen�ding..,.,ca reg ivers.' .. ..... . ..... ................ ........ . The New Hope Legal omm Gh"i Adv vide: ro ­ ------ - y oca s,_1 v _X lid abuse vi m Advocacy for: h.'' s (includ'i"n" but not limited to physical abuse, neglect, "e witness to and dr `ndangerm:en and their non -offending care givers; t Ass istance ....i...n prdcrin.,g cp..,n.......c.. re serves e ­s 8* 'u*- as hous ingfoodp i, ,transortationpcass AectfQ.an oebc­vioience intervention. .......... As§is ancemi-th-11-accessing: out case status and investigational processes �terviews; support duri-, ngtrials .., resour and r6feNls, including information on Crime Victims Compensation; Oh'n­'g­f'Qjnq advocacy i' rficivaing emotional support, informed decision making and safety ---------- p I a nnwhich exte Wbeyond the criminal process; Ne All w P a dvo _e -C working with CAC clients meet training requirements as .... ...... o required :nal Children's Alliance (NCA). The County Prosecutor*_`-_` Office Victim Witness Program provides: • Advocacy and support for the victim throughout the criminal justice process from charging to final disposition of the case; • Information about the investigation and prosecution process; Updates on case statusf continuances, dispositions, sentencing. 0 Court education/support/accompaniment if needed; ® Information on and referral to other community-based advocacy services when relevant. Page 1 13 Training.: ® victim Advocates who provide services to CAC clients must successfully complete a minimum of 24 hours of instruction including, but not limited to: o Dynamics of abuse o Trauma -informed services o Crisis assessment and intervention o Risk assessment and safety planning o Professional ethics and boundaries o Understanding the coordinated multidisciplinary onse-`. P ry res p:::::::: o Assistance in accessing/obtaining victims' rights .,a_--tiined b law =- y a Court education, support and accompaniment,. o Assistance with access to treatment and otlef=service cluding protective orders, housing, public assistance, dom,estiC ViiolenceEn er :: _.:...tion, transportation, financial assistance, interpreters, ar others as determline :for individual :.. _. clients. 'w. .- ® victim Advocates shall demonstrate arta :tion in o r p .:.::.::::. _ng.ng education in t -field of victim advocacy and child maltreatment coni" 1. ::� minimum of 8 conte ct hours every 2 years _- Page 1 14 Po_ The KHCAC provides referrals to non -emergent medical evaluations for all KHCAC clients regardless of ability to pay. The purposes of a medical evaluation in suspected child abuse cases include: an accurate and complete history to make a medical diagnosis, address medical conditions unrelated to abuse, assessment of the child for any developmental, emotional, or behavioral problems needing further evaluation and treatment and make referrals as necessary, differentiate medical findings that are indicative of abuse fromtho=hich may be explained by ------- ----- - other medical conditions reassure and educate the child and Mt v--,. andf fa""_-":_`:"" help ensure the health, safety, and well-being of the child. The medical pro v-1 d,ocument the medical ......... findings by written record and photo -documentation. .............. ent carefor actual or §-u-­"­ected abuse: Fra ct u r n s) I.n-.1sing or unexplained genital or , ­ g r'.'u t -41 con aWtthin 5 days (120 hours) for -------- eal _Assn "'It'a n Traumatic Stress _S - --------- Referral for tical Eva] uatJ',0"'_- ns Sexual Assault evalu6' os should b'Q'*--"'-.Scheduled fog children who present with none of the h. more cif the following: we: Or criteria criteria for emergent eva-lb�avon,_., . ........... ....... ......... ®C ear disclo" ... .......... ............... ........... • Witnesse .child episode 'buse dha or developmentally inappropriate sexual contact =Z1 ... • Rea"..;Zon,a.ble cause to be".i,­.' ...-1-, thata:7_: has suffered abuse • Suspicious contact by a knn regiseed sexual offender ® Sibling bfan own or high["":'-_"'­­uspected sexual assault victim ® Child who ni-cooperativeMit a h n office exam when abuse is suspected :7. ® Reoccurring sx_l:talker behaviors in young children that is nottypical for their age and development ® Genital contact by a"""'her peer or older person. Referral for Non-U Medical Evaluations by child's PCP is indicated for ® Complaints of sore/red bottom • Painful urination/defecation • Sudden onset of Enuresis (wetting) and encopresis (soiling) I If the abuse is alleged to have occurred within the last 120 hours and physical evidence is possible the referring agency or family is directed to Samaritan Hospital, where SANE nurses are available to assist with forensic child abuse exams. Page 1 15 Drnrnrh irnc ® The KHCAC Coordinator, law enforcement, CPS staff and the parent /guardian review the presenting concerns and determine the need for a medical assessment. ® KHCAC staff are available to assist in the scheduling of a medical examination with a qualified medical provider. ® Medical staff are responsible to: Complete a medical history, a physical exam and a colposcopy exam when appropriate. -o"""T' Findingmed m s that are deeab or "diagnostic'.. a:'trauma from sexual abuse are to undergo expert review by an "advan:czbdrnedical consultant". Inform parents/guardians of medical findings follovg th.:p.hysical exam. Information sharing and record security ® The medical records (DVD and/or written report) in a secure location and are subject to confident to law enforcement CPS the Prosecutor's 0fR'c",-'Je":", * Findings of the medical evaluation are shared wit --evaluation and at case reviews. Tra ............. ... ........... .:_.Maintained at the -medical facility, kept ,e only released laws. These records - d the medi al peer revie W"'i.-aa-encv. 1DT-_;rn`.e , mbers present follow'fin'g the et - ers with specific training in child Medical evaluations are conclucte'­-d-b "v ":' health provi .... . ......... sexual abuse that meets ONE of th"-e--:followt"n*--'-g�:::*:-:,:.-t:-.a--j:njng st 'n ­dards: o Child Abuse Pediatrics Sub board eii.g"b't.'i"r\/:.off ,,::.-c-e.itiflcation; o Physicians e g U Wth"- board cert' - ca ton*:or board::- i' ibility in the field of Child . Abuse ;R:�" atrics, Advanced Pra ttf6e Nurses, and Physician Assistants should pediatrics, have a minimum of hours of fore al didactic training in the medical evaluation of child sexual abusd Medi Ca educat years. SANEswittraining should have a minimum of 40 h bu raitct"ioner .... ...... hb`;�Urs o "k specific to the medical evaluation of child sexual abuse ­.... * oursew r followed "'1*::,,,,.... compten.cy based clinical preceptorship. This means a ...... . .. preceptorsh[pr-wim anerienced provider in a clinical setting where the SANE : ra% can c1emonst"b '_-e- competency in performing exams. s. rofessionalDrov Ung services to CAC clients must demonstrate continuing .,.. Of m ­4.1m n,;,e field"' child abuse consisting of a minimum of 8 contact hours every 2 Pol The KHCAC provides appropriate referral to therapeutic and mental health services for victims and their non -offending caregivers. The common focus is to foster healing by minimizing potential trauma to children and their non -offending caregivers. This may include mental health services, parent education and support services. KHCAC ensures clients have access to appropriate trauma -informed mental health assessments and treatment. The KHCAC consults with the victim and/or family on needs fort's_..ervices, and makes V appropriate referrals to qualified and trained mental health]).ro- iders as agreed to by the client or his/her non -offending caregiver. ... Client confidentiality and mental health records are protoct jn accordance with state and federal laws. ......... _S The KHCAC mental health services partners anentv aIntegrate er ices and private ip practice providers. Services include assessmePcrisis intervention trxiiv dual and grou therapy for primary and secondary victims,"srved by the,,.:KHCAC. a When appropriate, child victims and their"Ib:=Dn- offending�rnily members", -....-.,referred to New Hope for services such as case managrent s uppoft, etc. vocacy, pa .. . ......... Support services for caregivers mav include;=;T the child, emotional impact of ., WN O abuse allegations, risk of issues distress that allegations may trigger. ® Services are available regardless" the clients ablitv to y ® Mental health providers have speciaI-i-"--'z"-ed ---- deliver i er trauma -focused ------ evidence-supported'M.......e......n......t.a.I health t r*6­_6­toren:rt to accordance with NCA accreditation ... ....... requirements. Mental health------- th:Ahe MDT through the following regular ..-tivu �: :, cnicians pro_0e support activities: attendance a n d icipation in M ---- DT case reviews,, sharing relevant P information with th--'e,.;';MDT.�,confidentiality, providing clinical n, .......... ..... .... .. child trauma and evidence -based con.-su V6;:.:i1`:,;-t-o­ he RM -. on issues re'eva n--.- o c . . . ....... . .......... .. ,and a portri .... h e MDT in the monitoring of treatment progress and d to relevant training known by or offered through the it ntal health.are in providers, KHCAC. Traini Mental h81th--�- profes nals who provide services to KHCAC meet the following training req u i re m e n= �--�=:. • Mental health professionals have completed 40 contact hour CEUs in accordance with the provider's mental health related license requirements, evidence -based trauma treatment training, and clinical supervision hours by a licensed clinical supervisor. • Mental health professionals must demonstrate that they meet at least ONE of the following training standards: Master's degree, licensed, certified, or supervised by a licensed mental health professional Page 1 17 ® Master's degree or license -eligible in a related mental health field • Student intern in an accredited mental health related graduate program, when supervised by a licensed/certified mental health professional. (Both the student intern and supervising licensed mental health professional must meet the previously indicated 40 hour training requirements). Mental health professionals who provide services to KHCAC must demonstrate completion of continuing education in the field of child abuse consisting of a minimum of 8 contact hours every 2 years and ongoing clinical supervisionf6"Onsultation. CASE REVIEW P 0 1 i cr. KHCAC cases will be reviewed on a regular basis by a multidisciplinary team collaborating on issues of protection, advocacy, mental health and medical needs and legal processes. This formal process enables the M®T to monitor and assess its independent and collective effectiveness so as to ensure the safety and well-being of children and families. Drnrarh irnc- "'Open" cases are those presently within the jurisdiction of i nt or Adams County law enforcement agency or the prosecutor's office. The CAc--*_6' - - -------- ..... dinator tracks such cases and enters them in the CAC data base. -- ---------- -- A basic triage review of open cases occurs month, atte':xHCAC MDT Case ._ Review meeting, regularly held at Samaritan .S- .:spial or KHCAC. T.aroup is a core I multidisciplinary team (MDT) for the Kids ,H .,00e,, Children's Advocacy'Ge'­"h1:_ter. ........ . Additional case review time for challen.gir'lg"""-,"--'c'-"a-ses cari.,.,lJe..,!reciuested by any DT member and scheduled by the CAC Coordinator. The""' C­-;A.C,,,.c. 6' Ithator will facilitate the case review. ::t:':o Case reviews cover, at a minim uim.- thr,6"medical eva�f a.. tin protection and safety issues for the child, and criminal investigp oni-':-*-'*rosecu.""*".'.* ....... ti o n acute. Relevant cultural, medical, developm,"e; tal n -te, uca tona.. issues that may affect the child .. . ......... . . ........ a victim's ability to-_-._bm.rn-Unicate and invesg i rn.tion are identified and , considered in eloping tet rvice plans. Case reviews ateutilized as ­n opportunity fpr MDT members to increase understanding of the complexityf't-hild.;L,a: : �use...,c.... a:ses._:Qpi:csmay include, but are not limited to .............. :LL; let -ant t0 research .. h1j; - abuse ". se':€daps, family dynamics, socioeconomics, and ...... ..C"b ng paces. ri Tea t7t; -r !L- dt ........... The week prior to & Ce re et MDT membe't- ew,meetinci, a KHCAC staff member will send a reminder e - :: vi as" mw which vv%liInclude the proposed agenda, as well as the option for �L­ MDT',)"- embers to req'u(::'_t:­'­­t an additional case to review or an additional agenda item. M e m b e- Lr;: --:: s-- .,,...an MDT-.-_.'f.*6".'r"' case reviews will include representatives of Law Enforcement Prosecuto- 0ff1c�'CPS KHCAC, mental health medical and support/advocacy staff. - Confidentiality--------- "' :J_n formation and guiding principles are discussed and agreed to by all those present as representatives of agencies signing the Kids Hope MOU. KHCAC staff or an advocate communicates information from the case review to other involved parties when necessary. Cases are closed by the KHCAC when closed by the involved law enforcement agency or prosecutor's office. Page 119 KHCAC basic case criteria includes children who are victims of alleged abuse. Cases may address alleged physical or sexual abuse of the child, kidnappingf witnessing abuse of others, domestic violence, homicide or other crimes. 5 � WON 1111 Polisr. The KHCAC tracks open cases and services through final disposition to obtain demographic information,, monitor progress through the legal system, assess client needs,, and to identify issues for improving operational performance. r% - I Partnering agencies provide data on referred cases through an initial Forensic Interview Request form and as requested monthly by KHCAC staff. KHCAC staff track open case activities. "open" cases are tho ...... 8- �­­-:: that meet KHCAC case .or-ty acceptance criteria and are under jurisdiction of the Gra 'Adams Councriminal . ....... justice systems. . .......... ® Data is gathered monthly and shared at case revie.w.. ...... ............ • KHCAC cases are "'closed"" and moved to an inactivecase trackin"'g`-,. ocument when a final legal disposition is reached. ---- - -- ----- ® KHCAC staff prepare a spreadsheet of act i-.' ;;cases that a:re currently:: e �(jq tracked to be ------------ - w presented to MDT members at the monthly DT case.: meetin 9 At a minimum the KHCAC tracks case informatfon iodemographics for victims`- ...... i "'M and offenders, type(s) of suspected abuse, rea ns''Ip of alleged offender to child, multidisciplinary involvement, --ic""Harges�._ criminal di' ion, child protection outcomes and status/follow-through of n64;" . ....... fnental heth deferrals. 'dre ...fs Alli I id is submitted bi-annually Data tracked is required by the N'MI-Onal 'iC: n, a rice.,.a by KHCAC staff. sped ate data by contacting MDT partner agenc-N'S"';` av-obtain case . ... ....... �a and/0""r":':,.'aggreg ­ 7 KHCAC coo rd i nffi't'Ireq Uiettih'g needed -ttv,.ormation. KHCAC uses th""""N CA GmOutce Measuree .nt System (OMS) to evaluate their client service delivery F-., milies c:oM::'-:`p:"1ete surveys electronically or by hand while at the CAC 1C. fm-` -v. -:a and/or are contactedby "aof their follow-up, ................... .......... .............. Page 121 Poli KHCAC is a government -based agency. Grant County, WA is responsible for the governance of KHCAC operations. Grant County oversees ongoing business practices of KHCAC including setting and implementing administrative policies, hiring and managing personnel, obtaining funding, supervising program and fiscal operations, and long-term planning. Prnrpri i i rp - Page 122 EMW Po_ lj.�Y: Kids Hope Children's Advocacy Center is maintained as a welcoming, neutral and safe place for children and their non -offending caregivers and/or family members. Essential Components: • The facility is maintained as a clean, comfortable space in which forensic interviews, medical evaluations, referrals for other services, and meetift-as can take place. ® Private meeting spaces are available to assure confldentl among investigation team members and families. • Live observation of forensic interviews is available -,.b "D-. members. • The building is physically accessible to clients wi:�:�:' 1,,: eds. r- �: a"t • In performing the duties of the CAC, the CAC ensures sepa ion of victims and alleged offenders. ............. • All visitors of the CAC are supervised orerved by a staff t all times. perso ' n a- • The facility decorations and toys refte`*6­-t--.E't_h'e cultural diversity and mental veoDme levels of CAC clients. ............. ............ Child areas are safe and sanitized. Page 123