HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - FairgroundsIF, L Tuesday, November 19, 2019 To: Board of County Commissioners Re: Request for help to decide food booth tenant Grant Counly FAA ground 3953 _MrwLty Dr NE Moses Lak-eNVA 98837-1029 (509) 765-3581 Fax: (509) 766-7,940 WWYL-gcfailgroullds.colli tkc n We had a non-profit,, Grant County Animal Outreach, vacate a booth last year at the Fairgrounds. This creates an opening for another business or organization. Iplaced a legal notice in the paper asking for proposals. I received two back for the open booth. One is from ABATE,, a non-profit and one is from Smokenhagen, a for-profit with a long track record at the Fairgrounds. ABATE provided a business plan and potential menu. Smokenhagen provided a brief history of his concessions ions at the Fairgrounds. Smokenhagen did $18,966.13 at the 2019 Fair. At 20% their return to the Fairgrounds was $3793.23. ABATE has no track record at the Fairgrounds. I've attached the interest information for each.. .From a business perspective, Smokenhagen would provide more revenue to the Fairgrounds and has a track record. ABATE's menu, at first glance, doesn't achieve the sane level of return to the Fairgounds. Smokenhagen has a track record of revenue from 2012 top resent. ABATE has no track record. I also believe that we will see additional booths open up on the grounds based on the struggle that non -profits are having in finding volunteers. There will be other opportunities es for ABATE Based purely on business any recommendation would bete approve Smokenhagen for the former Grant County Animal Outreach booth. Please help me decide if this is the correct direction for the booth or if I should 'Instead go with ABATE. Thank..you for your consideration Vin rely, cKiernan, Director LAI VV E D NOV 15 2019 R S 3C), 1101-ISVII Grant : uT ti:...alll Pleaseonsi.derm self and SmOkenhagen to- operate a Dermanea bu 4"Id' -g -n.tho y. Gfan`t'.Cou'n� F airgrbun.ds 6r the 2020. � s.'!:have been operatina, -at th.e: G -rant -ce a County` Fait for a Ve'r*J y­e*a*r`s.operal 'Ah"tH i" nSh 1;o::*wn and "te i awa ia ave. Smokenha- W -e: - t o' -e. gen e operat ..a v r50 location8 peg .yeat,Il d MOS'es La*ke: h: dme an ca This ad: ditiondl lccca on would be a ionof'Smok n -h- S:-Ynok d .-a s an-expans.1 e. .. agen e... H.Q., well as some kind. �of h:ot des ertftem,. with, a menu to beapproved b -yo d y u. an. your, vendor; coordinatonff: possibleto maker y.equest, 1. would* be Interestd' -he. e.... M.t previb(us: Animalutr -boroneina:stmaariocation u ng, Thank.. ou for your ti me,:.and I i i d r t it - thi P�.ease, cons.. e :me 0.0perae is,.. space. Respectfull Y, .5 - 999 - 0. .04544 aii-grounds NE AiI. Wily: -� v e J A; A10-ose-.11-Xi --ee- VA 98-8'17 4C. . 1 --fel 1:0 Ll ector 0 , :t ,I 01-1.9 C), b: e. 2. cs b d S1 rani C*111.,Ip us'. n a,.)* - i 'A f3A IT.L' j e 1. ZA V] -,xi -ft)od booth M on we. a -cJ'v(- - ua I s-,. C Ll I I: v, A s i n 1 1. atus, and 1'. 41 x cutc( -i:-,i - :1 Df OL11' o.-f-l"Icers i s, -co wL%:(i' 1, i: I i: c y CIVIC I .c 1 . , - I -*, .. ls. 'a. d U 211C C -S's U. -)r ' d i, t ` u --i i ter (,Yvv�,�t im rost,,-, tira-rit -c f S., Z. N. eft I A y ca.11'. h.. c.s.-Nn rt o 0 �11 e 1:,: f"I te i i fo. bo( th aot ti -i a' 11- I c d at 1`01 0're. 0 1*�, ONI?` F �-ds, th ref" z,*ttj(.*).nfh-a:t­ has. opci-ated f'ooctboot'll I-S.:at t I .1 1 1;X -.1 - U we It e. fbF naiti ar wi:�fll tlie Uel A t I 13Iss -t � 5 "(1) U. 1,11111 t e J., al i -ioa-boo-th rl..,c- t W C: i---1 f1d 0 rs., -L We., III he f o1c fri. es, ws s ot tise - -I is W public 1,11 1 --:-of Nro:t 40 P170plo'sal boo ti ba Oto f.e, 0. r 1`111 f zerl, -, o af. :e- ITJ' cl edtt at :,and t.:p MITI ote otoi, y .. ... v rl�: j J; 10 cii ST c-01111-1-11. 1.1t.A11:1 V( e y 0 n (-Arnty 1:r1ea.." urtr Ab -c -i -to Gi `ff od ftem k..:. -..... ............................... i.. v-.... :w.;,,.�.v.vwA.:.n;...:n..w w:_::....+.:�.....:.......�,...:w.,.:v...-w:.•,...w.,...«.............. ,.:,: :....... �( �.. �..: _ ..:. ....... . _ �= i; i' ;1 i 1 o p P i 11;9 ;S t t fii:W VI P S.7- . � ) ..... ... - �.:� , ' ith wil'i.p ream ............................._... .... .................................... r pi • Vt Ll �%Il f. I berry .y . I ii p Re )l is ....,.,�:.:.,::..»:.::.__..:•-;.,..-.,,.,.-,•..,,�, y.x..:. ..r..:. 4 ....... ........ iUed~�.. x f 1:..0 ...... .. . .........:. .... ............... .... k . ...... . .. z -z A -M WIN Ile.... AN Yl. V IM -115 j js. ll - lop Q.11 CC 1 0,00 10, (Y �A 'fl A .0 -.000-000 G P. .00*0 00 -S 0 sa-I Arty. sO .1. tx 01 Ic I 01 I. t --t tt c oi. al re a, I locati ons — cove.-ra. b e 'advi,c3ed I` a.--ci ch t I I. ge. is n-ol. Ti a, Nl- 11-1 r I 11'. If. 1:j -f I :P rb. I LI C ts XX C it Ie I'L 1 (11 C a . x )k lows: E cttt F� I OCILTc t 1OF --S s Othe: v cjaicim.i.s., C, RAI drc-mes- f(ly cl r i f 10 1. 11. t 6 71 .}ff.'s. I S. cl. I Is`: :i '. 1, ( IIS 11 Dr C. V., QCIA 1:0/2411.1. 01 �9 ljl�j 111111111 lillillimw pra. ibf s, can B NN R 0 FIT. C011PORATION' -'S III ct, S., tatlfs:- Prillicit'' �d Office: Street A(*.,td,rP:- ks Sr Ar s 't" .:*"09 15 -2ND El I UN'll pr -Li -wipa] )ffifce Maitinu Address--�, t Expira- imw, 0 31`3 1. /2 *02 0 S 'I'Al F0'r I tz matiam, t,. O.ai.§ tian. Date: :03./2l/""'.t-979 ct".0d ofDuration., N(Itu, r. Q REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION: Kc�isterezf Agent ICOt"Cr1 TNI 0117 Strcct /teldress: -93*47 UNI'I`Lll SPATES. I,tap9 152ND -S'I' Id L UP Al .19.83,74 N11iIin}; Andress: T,. Po BOX 8369 7'r�GOMA,SVA, 8-0-1-9-.0.369, IJNI?DSTA'T'ES, tit I'Vratioll Plan � Outtl . rl�c ABATE G' OUI ,v Bus'lhiess PLan tit 11., ZLI, -1 (").11 -mtpro-m-ot�es; . .- 1*110tar"C C C or .1lizAtIot 1 x I.t. i s:: A org.ai A`1`3:ATE'Gran.t Cowit 5--a - i ..a:. no, i y atw i., saf,��.:t 'u, -I Commulu. ty I 11VO Ile'llt a.11 (I legislative We ci-re e'l Ufli( ue, h-,,c-.v,-id.b c. vebt,vr� t..LlI'S.1110toroyde'l ''t five ribht. : ind egi � �1 I tv d btiho educab o th. an vk.--e:a "I t �M.� 1) 1. 111 f1l U I k!.e mv -f�) J - ill tol C C Qrd��.r tC. 0. U), t. awafelle:SS v fo s inoto ear. s 111 cf� A ajxer `0 t Cio, Ot"difira-tor i 1. n�. 2:0 '1'6, SU:S-c'111 arso h e V1 la:s y -.er i .­,�� as b f C hAs -i*a. .-e. d q ..Eh_Erio.kJ:z.'0.f1O. t I -s .2"V-111 -ii:sirat: h e lbr'�.,s ki CUTO de crt, e* e.. ir). w Arfi b7a h ation wi t.11, at te ed and et*'�l I -el". OW11 I esuati-ra. t C".. (AVII OP tedl and u. s wo-ar-k.ed..1.1.! th-e -o( -Te -r-se 11 -as F, *(�TOU n -ds fi J*: .110; 1 ef"11,11 d 01 t�e fldu-A A`iJi: 21_... Yea 11, Ir -1 Creui iN 47. ZD; etc 0 4 A iia tftre� rs R). Ill d i I e et I. rl th baot1l, ej\ 1""], C d p 01 I db cd f J 0-th, e t,'b:k­:a t 1: 11 C"! TY VV th(,*;-u1H *­ Orl-d J! -brk �e nte v et. e. -. \c p 0 r, e.Tl.:C-. C. I ers i p sed -or nd non-o-pi.1.. 1:14.0 "tt, 01 Pfivate- proll'. -a BecatjsQ Of OtJrgum] of 0 c fbo 1: bolti, t -th '-G. ]T C Llllf-�4 Fcai 1 I oil. a..s n. FCY�`fll I Z fl ..0 'O.Ix 0-a iln j e.- - "I - 0 t 1'1+0 1.11AT'st M O -L, )WIl I 8.0. pl. ansi� i t Lt. h. -.:ra our''bod e�t -atl N 1 -8 t6 PeSt o me t es 01Y. 1e11e, 14 ._LVt M!s n 1)[+,e.0i.We`a­: eawa. ci t --th e PV As Id 1: CY f V� I 1a t�Op OUT, a-ve (JOIC a. -It r-61 e-.v,;cn, i -i t d: e.- I1nienvs.- i-'�lGra.n t.CQLII�as 11, 1 I I �. 0I1, Ile -e -k t -h: tha 11 SIS J"t I S :1 9 011:1 (Y t t -s ....sel. er -a L) JAS 011 :OL1J*,- I f.) Vesta, e,4t, Ot--i rsti ge.4 t s '111 b t -0 "T -a t ABA 1`8". (73.rant� Cot.-l'..11ty: Is. T( Od bo*+.. .1 S. ,JJ.11Tq'U t ­S� UffS VV i le SCORe's, t1d. G1 th d614. added tocaflY SO"UT(Od f-Ut -01' ly thi. It ��f PP.Odto Our a:111(1 Se. ...8 �.Cvs t 1I A IS P.A 11 O'Lt t, -PS t Fa t e iny v to, (,av �a 1.11: u I ti. C. &o-i� I. rCes of yd e reness N1 Iwa. ust... mu., 1 if 0 UC wl 1: t] .0 G r�'14, .1 1— h it �,()U: UN 140 a re s b hi. iu,r c) R' PRO bm i ri 4 ti;0�}"S -i n c s e i v Res pcmbl: et:for rket.. - lCos P: . t" ... I..... S:_ t C, X11. v e c rec Sal es. -strate.a.ics 'a bs 0 1i S-1; b I 6 -ti r! (4. -1: 11 11d ts t -S Q� p I et IT th e (M, 1.1011. 111 S S.1 e. .1 C I S ' 'T C.1 &S 1110 C 1: ng �1 t il-14 M. Y: 'tes fn: t1to I i tto t :d I Revom *blo Y. IM nd Q 'WO t t .,l Ve orli e. Q.U.Sto rn ers rt n. tor. C pa Y P1*0 .1.101 R.0po.rts, tothe Coor -nato:r di Attefids -to C.it a S. 0111.1 e I'S com i -rl enqt tries'.. -d I wbt.x4 et a. n d' FT S* tol, P I' el e-1 o the.... or-cmij Nny other dlqly as ci s., f- d v I Co m �q, g a -ryt. vroducts ari ri- .1 Ifferent rivor and st �`111:0L11 ke es 13:1 f r R �pons.t e* prepc C - ftz YJ e '.0r.c. Suipp les dciet f0i t)ai: s an ):tt e i t .0, t ant b ak-;* r I i S. I eel U k� lvfn u, t N., S 1'f.1 11-1 1 S pay, meri s,, oii C." t b h 11,ofthe I e-Sta1-frant. P- to bt i.e T*S. e] -,� i t tyre e en -d of" w Ie �:rIC 11 041 6C the., bo, s �,11. I f:i`- ' al ansac" 1) el d f Qt Wes bilfs: Resp-ns'ble.. t"or m ent pl-­taxv, I evi-es;:- and 1'tV t. P1 .01 p �y ouslcjlfel a f 11. Z ft 11 0 1-1: .C. l I I th 0I n -ter d C.-x"Acri-or. ofti b "I d' I e i's b 11 i - B I Bt fi t Is but 11 iet,y I tS.,:1 1. -s V P Ind v 'Iw k.n.,-es's ou'r vi. e stock Of �OL, , e t: Z' t) b1 e t ..I Woof 1`1 VIA,� VV­� 23.' H Q.. k. 01P 01 otoll: and even,:11 e Ut a --�s 411elfireats that we:,are li.kel-v g - o i I 1 '1.4 to be: OX D'Spd., -.toifi Waghin p i Itc d, St� of.Am-erica a �1 wJ1 ol e. H e. 1": e. "S p1w`Cv* Ift 1� e� Clot fi.-Om. th.ei:ert icall cond' eted at 111 13 �'I 1e4NN1­-0 W.1 ti I v SI S:`,. Sfreng-tin Out I'll , '90.v_ t Mrul%ret essert. tflle: awar... We, * re t1i -af t -f- t -11 --I� -are q d pt,oduc ICT ct wa -:11 'e' e-tt* ICA nee .0 J 11 ds�J,( OdJ­-:.O*: SU.Nive, weare prepared; CVC b.0 ..I a PwA : 'u -a O-_P.P..(_*�- 4SW.Ve 17 j -st IM o. e 9. f t1 t)': I Event Plat-iTICTIS ztll t. ns os V. �-A (tv'sal ti-fi(1:0e 0 p rhy ther- M-1 - Of the-.:. 0 1d: �,vf' S S w 1.4. The17e.1s ha.l�df., fll.e Urlited f. S 11.1 Q f? -partS..Of th.c. wor 1! sy ari! --nacks- J i. te�fll eople eat' b -read., d IsTCI -,,ft lec,-,tst one, b J<er�,t I (I �,cj. nd �1.s t 1-1 e fc c t h a. t are m --e*:. t"i ot igztl Of".- .") - 'r b al ery bu," ­ses. -si aes r *ci I t 0 no -otll. R -.)l bi t. a w"i t dot US.* fi to t d' )0 .11 T!b Or'.11-It C tj.t�)t: F i i -s a. h tip: Our 0 wn e, b ..S S.. it fl- 011 111d S" RATECY S S gy ng 0 fir :wn (I -'s r 's is t ��jqub t .t foi� q L aw r tlat mat dc d a. i. :N,�y -I..) nN I I e .'0011C W1 an t tn -c m ar I .r. :r Se ls� con.tiflUe, to-ex..PI. .:)re -'ti o., t h t ke )-h1ce- St ­tnalv to r "s fl*�trt of <,)-n �.Olc ; 7 cy t f t.f. c to �R -1 al7c OU F let- t -h -al WC ie ift d a III I- Se 0 ty doe�s� -ri ofi ti, aii :1 C& 11. flm:t \..'-V Co. L. -I. -a j*i,d 1. "1 -tv h:iglef th;:­ t '10. :rs 'As a. ni.i,atter- a. --tact, We .. .... 1(t. we; I ol d L Tc J, ati mit, J M. -wi 11: b f h e s ut prod. t s 11C ',e COTIA.Pe7, titb:rs: i n. terfl.".1s: Of ql-,ia] i y_c I'l.d. cluand* I t 4. Y- J, of .0 C, anyb-ody.ca'1--1 N"foses Lake. P :..0. . t Pay!T) Q-..-I1tjYQUQy JS -I "I b 4.I, I C1 S I Vc -1: veo . c e� at t that •d-ift 0, t 01I T �T b o nsc -a s. i t Ss ui t I JAC are, tl-l-c - ti OIX ."S diff ren't- I. --ent op., P �ynl t b:e avall .0 m 0- fOLIF Mtle,.is, Vay.M.ent b.-vc.a's-1.1. '3 i n of P. it 1(1-(.CjUafC.- cl (A Il 'I 0 4 le t j, t 1 0, VC -Pk 1.1-b! vi'm of 0 -tel, above wehave choseti burfl-inty -utfc -t.tl s f.] mt WH 1: h.*C, I P L c 1.1 C OL1.1;' .1.11S With-O.L.-a any 111t.c.1w.'s- 9 75 Pe .S. e r e: . v, '0 I "k "I u :Who pulrchasc�;.- -ks* OV M: f P e: P Y.9(� S -01t iv rt.nxs as.: wel.: 0 ts'oda:d'ans ra t i; Ig i Ft tflg -St c to -u t -er S;i t n r 11 0 f b.1111 ITICY b clt&_ si ti,ess par n ,s► . -, olle. b L I s, he.w j! c W.1.1averestri Ct OAi ourSt J toi- CJ enenat,;e. P,art of tht.-Staet Lip. q n captta.] 1. 0 11 C1 6.1, te.*,. acCOU - ell '1111S... "Ile 0 ci,,vs a.11TOLm t a We� haVe b-ce-ji able'. t eFa t'L� th. c I t f RN -111 I 1191, �X I ell st -I es S. 1. c ds b-ooffi.,, t]' --ell I MI. 1. 1.1 v 0 -t d PT. 0 n... U, TV 1 .11 (J Lf I LIST n ess, bclker b h bu ail s 'c" lit j C ari:d wa i� t e I.,1111 f �t d P J es: on s strriil.i i. lit :A i aD .S (�xir-,Stf:ate. .g61T.!:-11 Or, tru I avC Pe th rbt i cy NIVO, T: !TG OT RII.; �of NVI :e NV i f 1: 0: t t L t. ri e :i, I t-.aj41 01' S -S s to s v - to, I. I -a' 11 0 S' lat w -4' T ii t"h e- b - k v bU., 1:11e, f q fall AT n,icre< U. 1� I :and -d tY q: Y. (A te c. h., L'i I S t i. 4.1 c A M C1 e, 011 n Co pleted' upentng of Corporate.11,111k S. e Sa.les (POSS) C111; 01 1. e 0 Tev C Cj Llt1VSP :MComple-ted axpa ID. 0; )leted jfcaj.oh..w. A bi-ts:i el h dA P IIs ns L-1 f (I j A 11 r, Ogress Ot A•L.J.jit P 11 it. Sa -cs:t :C 0 h du ct. ii'l Fc�i-isib �tui rc) .11 ;t1:0n_.P 10 -fl t. ABATE -(Tarit C Coulpfeted J .01, Tt'rl:.11 X-1 rl t P. 0 111 (!x, t$s . 4, C 0 t 0,111 P I C ..P C0.1 W1 1 -ti, otil e es S. C., a TVIA t I k- a._c. jtptzile. .11 PVO gi 01 c d atiffi -rig. Od.11: N -N-1 L-�i b s' e f �o r I I e� 17 e (t t 1. 11 A W:,i e-41 xi ICS., bot .1 o.ifline rt�nd ti -th e -n ),bborl-mo --i Progress & Hatta 'ii d Fire a t6t),AixilMelieturloareOki 111 .`Irt K) I'l. 0 ou... P 0 P1 fist -Plet-ed ecf*i i xc u.c. --s At it i. -JIl C�-". I It* P T Ile t e�rs I -! v