HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - BOCCZA A K 111 INISM.0MIS "60111FIX's] MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2019 C Carter,, Out 0:45a.rn.-9:20a.rn. ] Hammond, ASC Update and MiscBOCCAction (Items Zthrough l7) l. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services, grant administration, etc. 2. Antitipating: (item was held from 11/12/19 agenda) Recommendation from Strategic Infrastructure Program (SIP) Advisory Committee on the following SIP Projects: 0 SIP Project #2019-09: Port of Mattawa — Stevens Street Development — No Action, the Port Rescinded their application. wSIP Project #2019-10: Port ofRoya|S|ope—WatedineExtensionEast toEldorado Stone (Torklift) for approval of $133,,000 in grant funding; and w SIP Project #2Ol9-1l:GnantCountyPubUcHosoita|DisthctNo.1(SamaritanHealthcare) — Infrastructure Support for Replacement Public Hospital for approval of $100,000 grant funding; and w SIP Project #2019-12: Port of Coulee City'— Coulee City Medical Clinic for approval of S169,OOOgrant funding. 3. Antitipating: (Item was held from 11/12/19 agenda) BOCCResolution re Strategic Infrastructure Project (hereafter "S|P")Advisory Committee Recommendation for Funding (SIP Nos 2019-09 through 2019-12). 4. 2020-2022 Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract with T & J Services. 5. 2O2O-2O22Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract with Quincy Tovvng. 6. 2OZO-ZO22Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract with Central Towing. 7. 2O2O-2O2ZGrant County Sheriff Towing Contract with Vista Towing. 8. 2020-2022 Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract with Halls Towing. 9. Interlocal Agreement with Yakima County regarding Law Enforcement Services related to WanapumIndian Village. 10. Resolution Authorizing Executing of Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and Yakima County Regarding Law Enforcement Services related to Wanapum Indian Village. 11. Appointment and Oath of Office of Special Deputy Prosecuting Attorney between, Garth Dano, elected Prosecuting Attorney hzr Grant County., and Brian Ferrasd-O'MaUeyof Nossarnan, LLP for legal guidance and assistance, supervision and consultation, including advise, with respect to the Grant County Public Works Department and environmental and landfill matters, and the provision of legal opinions regarding such matters as may be appropriate to the County, as directed by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Term is from date of final signature through December 3112020. NOTE: ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATES TO ASSIST IN SCHEDULING AN ) XUY BE CHANGED SUBJECT TO THE BUSINESS OF THE DAY AT THE BOARD'S DISCRETION. THE BOARD MAYADD AND/OR DELETE AND TAKE ANYACTION ON ANY ITEM NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE AGENDA. ANY SUBJECT PLACED ON THE AGENDA REGARDLESS OF HOW THE MAT -TER IS STATED ON THE AGENDA, MAY BE ACTED UPON BY TH ?, B UD. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) ACCOMODATIONS PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Page 2of5 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of November 18, 2019 12. Appointment and Oath of Office of Special Deputy Prosecuting Attorney between, Garth Dano, elected Prosecuting Attorney for Grant County, and Leslie C.NeUennoeofNossaman,LLP for legal guidance and assistance, supervision and consultation, including advise, with respect to the Grant County Public Works Department and environmental and landfill matters., and the provision of legal opinions regarding such matters as may be appropriate to the County, as directed by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Term is from date of final signature through December 31,2020. IS. Request for release offunds onSIP 2Ol7'O3 City ofGeorge, Industrial Park No. 5Water System Improvements (Reallocation of Grant from SIP 2015-06) in the amount of $100,000.00. to the City ofGeorge. 14. Washington State Office of Public Defense Agreement No. ICA20012 with Grant County for disbursement of funds under Chapter 10.101 RCW for improving the quality of public defense services in Washington State counties. Funding is in the amount of $92,837.00 with a term of January 1,2O2Othrough December 31,2O2O. 15. Amendment No. I to Washington State Health Care Authority Contract no. 1863-34799 which amendsthemaximumconsiderationfrom$9O,O27to$9Q,OO4.Theamendmentchangeswere effective June 30, 2019. 16. 2O2O-2O22Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract with Junior's Towing. 17. Homeless Task Force of Grant County submittal of The Grant County Plan to End Homelessness December 2019 -December 2024 for submission to the Department of Commerce regarding the Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG). 9:30a.m.-9:50e.m. 10:00a.m.-20:15a.m. 1030a.m.-20:45 a.m. 11:00a.m.-12:20a.m. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE T Gaines, Central Services Update Commissioners Office Safety Meeting Citizen Public Comment Period Consent Agenda (items I through 12) 4. - 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers for approval. Request from the Administrative Services Coordinator tocreate enew fund #141.00ltitled "SHB 1406, Affordable and Supportive Housino". This fund will collect the local state -shared sales and use tax tofund affordable and supportive housing. Anticipating Memorandum ofUnderstanding Friendship and Mutual Cooperation between Grant County, Washington and 'Town, AichiJapan. This will establish asister region relationship with the goals of encouraging cultural and educational exchange. Request from the Quincy -Columbia Basin Irrigation District for the Commissioners to appoint Steve Dm|in to the vacant seat of their Director Division l position. As his petition of nomination was the only one received, no election is required and they would like him to assume his duties for their December board meeting and not wait until January, 2020. Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC) Claims Payment Request for Batch 01-92 in the amount of$2,3SO.00.