HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (004)'A www.hagc.net February 1, 2021 Housing Authority of Grant County 1139 Larson Blvd. • Moses Lake, WA 98837-3308 Phone: (509) 762-5541 • Fax: (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 • TTY: (800) 833-6388 Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN: Janice Flynn PO Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Ms. Flynn: Dated this day of FCT7 , 20—V Board of County Commissioners Grant County, Washington Approve i s r v Abstain Dist #I PC Dist #I Dist #I Dist #2 kT Dist #2 Dist #2 Dist #3 Dist #3 Dist #3 Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #5 for January, 2021, for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program. I certify that: The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP), contract # 21-4614C-108, in the amount of $58,607.35 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the ERAP grant. Sincerely, Cc�;k ( ,5 Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director The HousbigAuthorityof Grant Counrys Washington it an equal opportunity provider and employer and daa not discriminate on the basis of ran, color, national origfm religion, sex, physical or mental — disabi* or fan dialstatus. The HousingAudwrity of Grant County} poh= andpracttca arc designed to provide assurances thatpersons with disabilities will be given reasonable accommodations, FOIIAL F10118Y/0 upon request so that they may July access and utilrs the housing programs and related services. OPPORTUNITY 4 you or anyone in yourfamily is a person with disabilNes, and you require a specific accommodation in order to July utilize ourprograms and services, please contact the HousingAuthuaity. Grant CountylGCHA Contract # 21-4614C-10 HAGC-- (E P) Submitted to GC by: GP. Date' '.Y tr Request for Reimbursement No. #6 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 _..._e........ Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: x_ Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? x Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? x Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _x Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: x Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? x_ Allocable to the program? (Le., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) x Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? x Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? x Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). _x_ Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? _x_ Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? x Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). x Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? _x Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). x Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. _x Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\EVICTION PROTECTION GRANT ERAP Subrecipient Checklist.docx Page I Grant CountylGCHA Contract # 21-461410 (P) submitted to GC by: HAGC. Date: 2 Request for Reimbursement No. #S Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: _x Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? x_ Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? x Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _x_ Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: x Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? x Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) x Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _x_ Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? _x Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). x_ Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? _x_ Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? _x_ Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). x Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? _x_ Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). x_ Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. x Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:WCCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\EVICTION PROTECTION GRANMRAP Subrecipient Checklikdocx Page 1 Grantee Name: ILead Grantee I List Sub Grantee Names Below Report Month/Year: JANUARY 2021 1 1 1 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY $o.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Invoice Total: $58,607.35 i General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 01 Ending 1/31/2021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 - s Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 4082048-01 MGMT RETIREMENT - ERAP 0.00 960.86 960.86 0.00 0.00 418205-5-01 ADMIN MED/DENTNIS/L - ERAP 0.00 1,279.08 1,279.08 0.00 0.00 419017-8-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES -ERAP 0.00 1,164.41 1,164.41 0,00 0.00 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 0.00 58,607.35 0.00 58,607.35 58,607.35 PROJECT 01 -Total: 0.00 62,011.70 3,404.35 58,607.35 58,607.35 Run Date: 2/1/2021 12:11:29PM Page: 1 G/L Date: 1/31/2021 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 01 Ending 1/31/2021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 02 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 419018-8-02 POSTAGE - ERAP 0.00 134.09 134.09 0.00 0.00 PROJECT 02 - Total: 0.00 134.09 134.09 0.00 0.00 Report Total: 0.00 62,145.79 3,538.44 58,607.35 58,607.35 Run Date: 21112021 12:11:29PM Page: 2 G/L Date: 1/31/2021 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail. Report Detail Postings {or Period 01 Ending 113112021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GR ftW COUNTY (OCH) AccountNumbeffl% eilption Period Date Journal Comments 1589 balance Debit Credit Ndti hen 9s End Balance 471501-0-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT- ERAP 0.00 01 115/2021 AP -003787 :000108190 1KA-0 810,00 01 1/5/2021 AP -003787 OOD108687 AN 14"', 0.00 810.00 01 1/512021 AP -603787 000108667A/ft- 11 l4s 450.00 0.00 1,280.00 01 115/2021 0.003787 000109037RN`.i➢iitlii111601 �jtPow 450:00 0;00 1,710.00 01 115/202.1 AP 6037$7 000109037nN: ltiiGirilBiilPl�lyjlo 778.00 0 00 2488;00 01 11512021 AP -003787 000109037AN 778,00 0.00 3,288.00 01 1[512021 AP=003789 0001.07176 AN -41101. G n8 0.00 4,x(4,00 01 1/512021 AP -003789 000107176 -AN` 816M 0,00 4:680.00, 01 115/2021 AP -003789 000107176 AN: 818.00 0.00 6,276.00 01 1 #5/2021 AP -0037119 Q0010.7176 /1N. 96U.0 0,00 6;236.00 01 1/5/2021 AP -00378.9 OWID7392AN: 960:;00 D:bb 7,196.00 01 f/5=1 AP -M789 000107392AN: t 730.00 0:00 7,926.00 Of 1/5/2021 02-003789 000108713TIN:�ej�y8 760.00 0.00 8;886.00 01 115/2021 AP -003789 000106713AN 178.00 0.00 888200 01 1/5/1021 AP M789 00016889711M. � 178.00 0.00 9;038:00 01 1/5/2021 AP -003789 000106897A"N: j ay � 727.OQ ¢ 00 9,765'00 01 1/5/2021 AP -003788 000109036/1N;* 327.00 0.00 '10,492,0080D:00 01 1/512021 AP -003789 000105038AN 0:00 11'292./20 01 ?1512021 AP -003789 OD0169038 AN: 800,60 0.00 12,092.00 Of U512021 AP 0037,89 OOO1Q9039 AN: I�r 75(,00 0,00 12,.842.00 0.1 65/2021 AP-M7f39 000i08039ANt fi 750,00 0.00 13.642.00 01 V1 M21 AP -0037889 000109039 AN:ftW1i0WW*Kyft 76.0.00 0;00 14342_00 01 1/522021 AP -00378$ 000109Q39 AN a 7<i3O,Op 0.00 15,09200 01 115/2021 AP -003789 000109040.11 750.00 0.009.,000,00 15;842.00 01 VW021 AP -003789 000109040 /IN IS11111Yif1i 0.00 16;842.00 01 1/5/2021 AP -Q03,789 000109Q4Q11N'�115M� 300.00 0.00 17;14iao 115/2021 AP,t103789 001}109041 AN: 1:000.00 04001 18,!42.00 01 1/512041 AP -003:789 D00109041 AN M Mii * 400.00 0.00 18,542.00 01 11512021 AP -00378$ 000109041A 400:00 600. 18942:00 01 11522021 AP -043789 000109042lIPL iNwy 400.00: 10.00 19,342.60 01 !!5/2021 AP -003789000109042.111 750;06 0:00' 2 ' 01 1/5M21 AP -003789 000109043 /1N .., 760:00 0,00 20;842,00 01 1/5/2021 AP -003789 000109043 Ali-. MW I!M1N1�11" 9.00 0:00 71,742.00 01 ?15/2021 02-003789 OOD10904$11N;�IIIM1�11M1s 90001).00 0.00 22,6712.00 01 1/522021 AP -003789 000109043 AN: M4B1Y1t�1�1[� 906.00 0.00 23,54200 D! 1!512021 AP-OW49 000109043 A! JJ 1!9 i I IJO"ki► 900:00 OAO 24,442,6D 01 175/2021 AP -003789 000109043AN'IIAII II 900.00 0.00 25 342,00 01 1/521021 AP -003789 000109044 AN: I R9l 9©0:00 oba 28;24200 Ot 1/514021 AP -D03789 OOb109045fift- 70000 0.00 26,942.00 01 115/2021 AP -003789 000109045-AN:9�I1i 655.00 GSb.00 0.00 27:597;00 01 112412021 AP -003799 0001fl0235/!N 0:00 M252.00 01 172412021 AP -003799 000100235AN 700.00 0.00 28,952.00 01 1/2412021 AP4W.799 000lOQ235.AN 700..00 0.00 29;652.00 01 1/241202.1 AP -003799 W01100235AW 475.35 733.00 0.00 30,127:35 01 1/24/2021 AP -00379s 000103720 Art ssomom Flo 644.00 0.60 30,880;35 01 "1/2412021 AP -003799 000103728 AN:0100000YilYiiitp 0.00 31,504,35 01 1/M021 AP -1789 000103726 AN: T�I�Ii1�118fi 7.22,00 0.00 � �6�5 01 1/2412021 AP -008798 000106825 /IN: � 722.00 861.00 0.00 32;948,35 01 1124@021 AP -003799 000106625/1 0.00 33;609:35 01 1124M21 AP -003799 000107111 1IN: 661,00 0.00 34:270.35 Ot 112421024 02-003799 000107111 AN: 507.00 507.00 0,00 34,777,35 0,00 35.284.35 Run Daie:ll2BF2021 8:41:58AM OIL Date: 1128/2021 P490: 1 User Logon: SAB General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 01 Ending 1/31/2021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account NumbsdDescHption Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 471501-8.01 HAP PAYMENTS-Rr-NT - ERAP 01 1/2412021 AP -003790 006108608AN:IMi to 295,00 0.00 36,678.35 01' 1/2412021 AP -003799 000108606 AN. 1,.095.00 0.00 $6,674.35 01 112412021 AP -003799 00010g606AN: 110IRl 1,095.1)0 0.00 37,769.35 01 1/24/2021 AP -003799 000108887 AN; 550,06 0.00 38,319.35 01 1/24/2021 AP -003799 000108687AN.- 550.00 0;00 98.889.35 01 1114/2021 ARM7199 0001066,87A 535.00 0:00 39,404.35 01 1/2412021 AP -003799 000108697118.- 535.00 DAD 39,939.35 01 111412021 AP -003799 000108902 AN; �II�Mftii`1tt� 780.00 0.00 40;89995 01 1/24/2024 AP -003799 000108902AR: 766.00 O.QO 41.459;35 01 112412021 AP=003799 000166902 /IN: 760.00 0.00 44219;35 01 1/2412021 AP -003799 000108902 AN:0 760.00 0.00 42,979.35 01 1/24/2021 AP -003799 000109046 AN: i-1111-1. 975.00 0.00 43,95435 01 112412021 AP -003799 0001090415M, jilMiftlB R 600:00 0.00 Ot 1114/2021 AP=003799 000109046AN:'-'-- BIr� 57500 0.00 44,654;35 45,129:35 01 1/24/2021 AP -M799 000109WIAN: 7s0.oQ 0.00 45,879,35 01 1124/2021 AP=003799 000109047 AN. $4:00 0.00 48,629.,35 01 1124/2021 AP -003799 000109047 A 750;00 0:00 47:379.35 01 1/242021 AP-003799 00010904771N:0114111p1A1"1y 750.00 0:130 484129.35 01 1/2412021: AP -003763 000109047ANc IIM1Fli1MI1j 750.00 0.00 48,$79.35 01 102021 AP -003799 000109047 AN.AARMIiUiwMMi1f11 760.00 0.00 49,629,95 01 1124/M21 AP -003799 OQD109048 ANA 111-0--f..- 534;00 000 50;16335 01 1114/2021 AP 003799 000109048/fiN! j�IlgY�i1�11 I ltl 834.OD 0.00 50,497,35 01 12412021 AP -003199 000109049AftWlMM*WwwW 400.00 DAO 51,097.85 01 1/2412021 AP -003799 00010904914N: 400A0 0.00 51,497.35 01 1'12412021 AP -003799 M09050AN: 610;00 0.00 52,30735 01 1/2412021 AP -003799 000109051 ANI -1-900,00 0.00 53,207.35 01 W412021 AP -003799 000109051 AN:��i�i� 9id0;00. 0.00 54,107;35 01 1/2412021 AP -003799 000109051 AN: 1 900.00 0.00 55 007;35 01 1424121321 AP -003799 000109051 AIV: !!! 900.00 00 55,907.35 01 112412021, AP -003799 600109051 ANz: 900,00 O,OD M 618,07;35 01 124/2021 AP -003799 000109051 AN: 800;00 800 57,707.35 01 1/24/2021 AP4003799 000.109052 AN.: 0 650.00 0.00 56;257.35 61 1/2412021 AP -063799 000109052 AM 350.00 0A.0 68.607:35 0.00 58;607:35 0;DO 58;607.35 '56,607:$5 Report Total.• 0.00 58,807.35. 0.00 58,607:$5 5&,607.35 Run Date: 1129/2021 8:42:58AM Page: 2 GA. Date'. 1128/2021 User Logon: SAB WO:hxgltn Slam ����aennn7ent of L;rlID1IIP17(`R Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) - Report Form th—eh D-,;z,bcr 2020 Report Period: Enter corresponding week or month that matches the invoice relmbursement request. Instructions: Match all of the information below to the Information collected on the ERAP Household Information and Eligibility Form. Grantee: Grant County Report period: January 1, 2021 -January 31, 2021 HouseholdentInform atlon - rz, ...r , k ,;'He YMHoiieA6`td:ihfdrniatiort-:iei�t-P`ro'm-d own :r 51as,,:,... ic.. .,,�':;:,-.a,r.�: Househoh110 No. olmonths afrental Tatol Rent Payment assistance Gender Race Ethnicity, staying with Friend Family? Percent Area Median I- fAMI) ;012032020 3 "2334 Wal. - Wbb - H1,PakAx6x No Lou than 30% 832102020 - 2 BOD F-1. WNW ;—His ani &wLatlna No L-0-3014 01120112M 1 - -910 Mdo 9kdt ar AM—A—r— N—H an—1.4tlnx No Lou thm 30% 1109092021) 3 23W Ms. Whlu No H1spwjOoa4Wu No -40% @111042020 - S 3730 Ms. Whlh N.o-Hl NooW. No Lasa than 30% 16112092020 3- 1200 F.W. While Noni11 on-4tim No L•athw30% MR12082020 2 1500 Mala. R.ft"d n4 Mow M nx No - Liu then 30% h4121=20 6 5400 Funak Whit* H I x No Lau than 30% SF11242020 1 - 700 Fanale - Mule Ia R.— � � N - 7 Udrot No Lou than 30% ZG12022020 2 1310 Mak white Non•N I NomLAtlnx No —a KD12072MO 2 352 F.W. wk.. " N—M I -iota No L—th-30% C6AiM72M 2 - 1232 F.W. MUNI -.Nods H a tkx No Lou th. 30% 92032011020 2 1454 Famde - whllo H Onx No Lon tan 30% ASLI182020 2 1920 Female whim HispanicAttlax Louthan 30% W11232020 2 IBM F-1. Whit. HIOn a Man SD% Rias 2 1090 MAW Whka en tim thanw% ' 6 5100 Fa whits- N m Lou Man W% AP1=2020 - 1 810 Fx1Wa White No I -iaMa Man 30%831202020. . 2 1209.SS Famula.. BleckorAfrlcmA-ft.n H - Ii" MN. Man 3016%430292020 2 9DD Iamala Muhl to Recce HI' 1 m then 90%'SA32 2020' - 2 1010 Femek whit. HN dnx Men 30%Vr12072020...3 2099 Female - RA.6 ..Mow H • Men 30%YM11232020 3 2165 Frnale WhNi - X 30X JR11072020 - 2 1322 Mow R' - nt knew X - No Lou than 20% SP3206= - 6 4500 FsmAe- - Whit• - N—HI m No—W. 11No.. Lou M•n 30% . CH1207202D 3 - 2150 F.male Whlte NoWH1sO*nkjNwtu1. IN. Saatha.sa% G112072M 2 1100 F.m•k Mull Ie Rua Hisand n... No `SO% AQ12072020 2 '..lamF-1...know H Nm No Lou than 30% VC11232020 .4 31)10 hada Whft N - ioi - - No Lou thin 30% N311102020 2 1400 Fin" - R.fmd n.. Mow 14hpattiqUilm No Lou Man 30% KL12072020 2 1069 F•mAe Whit. N-Kls'anlc s Wfflax No Las Man 30% AL22012MG 2 900 Female White Xls ank Latlnx No - Lou Man 30% Total Grantee Name: ILead Grantee I List Sub Grantee Names Below Report Month/Year: JANUARY 2021 IBLIDGET 1GRANTCO. I COUNTY TOTALOF BALANCE DRAWS REMAINING $0.00 $7,500.00 $30,786.00 $0.00 $952,260.36 $68,261.64 $983,046.36 $75,761.64 Sep -20 Oct -20 Nov -20 Dec -20 Jan -21 Feb -21 Mar -21 Apr -21 May -21 Jun -21 ":$7,500.00. $7,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,786.00 i i 1 $30,786.00 $3,640.49 $10,027.48 $5,117.67 $12,000.36 $0.00 $1,020,522.00 - $1,020,522.00 $21,951.83 $92,384.03 ########## $576,647.66 $58,607.35 $1,058,808.00 $0.00 ## # $0.00 ### $0.00 Invoice To $1,058,808.00 $25,592.32 $102,411.51 ########## $588,648.02 $58,607.35 TOTALOF BALANCE DRAWS REMAINING $0.00 $7,500.00 $30,786.00 $0.00 $952,260.36 $68,261.64 $983,046.36 $75,761.64 d1% W -h ,9hm STar: � On"riment of %&V Canmterce Eviction Rent Assistance Program (EIRAP) - Report Form through De,ember 2020 Report Period: Enter corresponding week or month that matches the invoice reimbursement request. Instructions: Match all of the information below to the information collected on the ERAP Household Information and Eligibility Form. Grantee: Grant County Report period: January 1, 2021- January 31, 2021 Household Payment Information. Head of Household Information (select from dropdown) Household ID No. of months of rental Total Rent Payment Gender assistance Race Ethnicity staying with Friend Family) Percent Area Median Income (AMI) AG12032020 3 2334 Female White Hispanic/Latinx No Less than 30% CT12102020 2 900 Female White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latinx No Less than 30% 0/12082020 1 810 Mate Black or African American Non-HispanfciNon-Latina No Less than 30% 1109082020 3 23D0 Male White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latin, No -I'M KH32082020 5 3750 Male White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latinx No Less than 30% KL12092020 3 1200 Female White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latin, Na Less than 30% MR12082020 2 1500 Male Refused/Don't know Hispanic/Latin, No Less than 30% MZ12102020 6 5400 Femate White His anis/Latinx No Less than 30% SF11242020 1 700 Female Multi le Races His anic/Latinz No Less than 30% ZG12022020 2 1310 Male White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latinx No '5096 KD12072020 2 352 Female White Non -HI artic/Non-Latinx No Less than 30% CBA12072030 2 1232 Female Multiple Races Hispanic/Latina No Less than 30% EM12032020 2 1454 Female White Hispanlc/Latinx No Less than 30% A511182020 2 1920 Female White Hispanic/Latinx No Less than 30% MV11232020 2 1600 Female White His anic/Latinz No Less than 30% RLL1106220 2 1490 Male White Hispanic/Latinx No Less than 30% GPI2072020 6 5400 Female White Hiz anis/Latinx No Less than 30% AP12032020 1 810 Female White Non -His anic/Non-Latinx No Less than 30% /211242020 2 1208.35 Female Black or African American Hispanic/Latin. No Less than 30% KLID292020 2 800 Female Multiple Races Hispanic/iatinx No Less than 30% SA12102020 2 1014 Female White His artk/Latinx No Less than 30% V1`12072020 3 2088 Female Refused/Don't know Hispanic/Latin, No Less than 30% YM11232020 3 2485 Female White H6panicJLatinx No Less than 30% JR12072020 2 1322 Mate n't knoww, His anic/Latinx No Less than 30% SP12DB2020 6 4500 Female Non-Hispanic/Non-L,11 No Less than 30% CH12072020 3 2150 Female Non-Hispantc/Non-Latinx No Less than 30% 6/12072020 2 1100 Female ces Hispanic/Latinx No -50% AQ12072020 2 1070 Female %R.f..d/D.n't n't know Hispanic/Latinx No Less than 30% YC11232020 4 3040 Female Hispanic/Latinx No Less than 3D% NSIII02020 2 1400 Female on't know Hiz anic/Latin, No Less than 3096KL12072020 2 1068 Female Non-Hispanic/Non-Latinx No Less than 30% AL12012020 2 900Female Hispanic/Latlnz No Less than 30% LAR Receipt Retrieval Receipt Details LOWE'S OF MOSES LAKE,WA SALES-1:S2956LW12507154 TRANS.: 8870096612.11-20 16967 51.8 PG 10 DECK SCRW 1.58 25.63 26.98 DISC06NTEACH -1.35 1329409 31321N X 1FTGALV CBL( -34 0.93 0.33 DISCOUNT EACH -0.02 3 @ ' 0.31 757003 BLACK CABLE TIES 500 PACK 13.19 13.88 DISCOUNT EACH -069 999436 LUXPRO LP600V2 FLSHLT(-48 71.10 14.97 DISCOUNT EACH -0.75 'MINIMUM RETAIL PRICE APPLIED TO THIS ITEM' 5 F_y 14.22 314110 FA FIRE EXT BRACKET 5LB 18 92 9.96 DISCOUNT EACH -0.50 2 @ 9.46 314107 FA PRO 3A408C FIRE EXT 94.96 49.97 DISCOUNT EACH -2.49 2 @ 47.48 155670 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPL 0.00 N z SUBTOTAL: 224.73 WA - STATE TAX: 14.61 MOSES LAKE - CITY TAX: 4.27 TOTAL TAX. 18.68 INVOICE 01408 TOTAL 243.61 LAR; 243.61 LAR """"""8695 OOt459 KEYED REF1D.765275 In V20 07:36:11 TOTAL DISCOUNT: 11.83 295601 12111/20072618 REF#:408 CUSTOMER- CITY OF MOSES LAKE THE ISSUER OF THE CARD IDENTIFIED ON THIS ITEM IS AUTHORIZEO TO PAY THE AMOUNT SHOWN AS TOTAL UPON PROPER PRESENTATION I PROMISE TO PAY SUCH TOTAL (TOGETHER WITH ANY OTHER CHARGE 1 DUE THEREON) SUBJECT TO AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE USE OF SUCH CARD, CUSTOMER SIGNATURE Receipt Retrieval Receipt Details LOWE'S OF MOSES LAKE,WA • RETUR1485866 R S2956DT2 21963601, TRANS;±: 2721464 1 RET 55399 CR -KE M,05 �10159 9 O 37.81- ORIG. STORE: 2956 DATER 10920 INV:82296 INVOICE 85866 SUBTOTAL: 340.29- r SUBTOTAL. 34029 - WA - STATE TAX: 22.11 - MOSES LAKE - CITY TAX. 6.47 - TOTAL TAX: 28.58- ANGE DUE: 368,87- I LAR: 368.87 - LAR """"""8695 000001 KEYED REFID193558 12'11,20 1317 54 295602 12'11/2013:17,56 REF#: 754 CUSTOMER: TAYLOR BURTON THE ISSUER OF THE CARD IDENTIFIED ON THIS ITEM IS AUTHORIZED TO PAY THE AMOUNT SHOWN AS TOTAL UPON PROPER PRESENTATION. I PROMISE TO PAY SUCH TOTAL (TOGETHER WITH ANY OTHER CHARGE DUE THEREON) SUBJECT TO AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH,THE AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE USE OF SUCH CARD. SIGNATURE IMAGE UNAVAILABLE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE LAR Receipt Retrieval Receipt Details i LOWE'S OF MOSES LAKE.WA -SALE - SALES#: S2956DT2 2196360 TRANS#. 64721392 12.11.20 638209 KS 2.5-GAL KEROSENE 98.72 25.98 DISCOUNT EACH -1.30 4 @ 24.68 PICK UP LATER - LOWES It 2956 on 1211112020 s 726197 KS 1-GAL KEROSENE (-15658 83.44 10.98 DISCOUNTEACH -0.55 8 @ 50.43 PICK UP LATER - LOWES It 2956 on 12111/2020 335377 KS 1-GAL KLEAN HEAT KEROS 46.68 12.28 DISCOUNT EACH -0.61 4 Q 11.67 PICK UP LATER - LOWE$ N 2956 on 12/11/2020 155670 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPL 0.00 N SUBTOTAL: 228.84 WA - STATE TAX: 14.87 MOSES LAKE - CITY TAX: 4.35 TOTAL TAX: 19.22 INVOICE 64996 TOTAL: 248.06 LAR: 248.06 LAR ""-"""'8695 001463 KEYED REF1D:793460,12i11)20 1316',34 TOTAL DISCOUNT: 12.04 2956 64 12111/20 1316:42 REFf -. 996 CUSTOMER: TAYLOR BURTON THE ISSUER OF THE CARD IDENTIFIED ON THIS ITEM IS AUTHORIZED TO PAY THE AMOUNT SHOWN AS TOTAL UPON PROPER PRESENTATION. I PROMISE TO PAY SUCH TOTAL (TOGETHER WITH pNY OTHER CHARGE DUE THEREON) SUBJECT TO AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE USE OF SUCH CARD. 1 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE Taylor Burton From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 9:04 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt `fhis�;;en�e7 is�frusfed , ' � Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 0 =. Item Price CFT IR 1/4 -IN X 1/4 -IN X 2-1N ATP $ 15.12 Item #: 1061516 3.98 Discount Ea -0.20 4 @ 3.78 GFT IR 26 -PC SCREWDRIVING BIT SET $ 22.80 Item #: 1054982 6.00 Discount Ea -0.30 4 @ 5.70 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 2801 Subtotal $ 37.92 1 Invoice 2801 Subtotal $ 37.92 Subtotal $ 37.92 Total Tax $ 3.19 Total $ 41.11 Total Discount: $2.00 Total # of items purchased: 8 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFID Authorized Buyer Account Name $ 41.11 12/17/20 09:03:29 001262 469714 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date 12/17/20 09:03:39 Store # 2956 Terminal # 2 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! START SURVEY * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y 0 U R I D #028019 295623 526692 * Taylor Burton5� From: Lowe's Home Improvement < do- not- reply@ receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 2:06 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: We're Preparing Your Order Now 'his sender is trusted _ Your Lowe's Receipt - Order Confirmation Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC_ 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 Transaction #: 64674755 Order Date: 12/22/20 14:06:10 0 Item Price PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 HR 10 CUFTTM HAI 0TG21SB(-644613) $ 360.05 Item #: 970843 379.00 Discount Ea -18.95 1 @ 360.05 [DELIVERY] SHARP 0.9 -CU FT STNLSS CTP MWO 1 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED, MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt: Item #: 804936 79.99 Discount Ea -4.00 1 @ 75.99 [DELIVERY] Invoice 86899 Subtotal 0 PO# 139110759 Item JUS26800D RECEPTACLESMOKERS BK Item #: 1984582 139.15 Discount Ea -6.96 2 @ 132.19 Invoice 86900 Subtotal Invoice 86899 Subtotal Invoice 86900 Subtotal Subtotal Total Tax Total Total Discount: $36.86 Total # of items purchased: 2 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFID Authorized Buyer Account Name N $ 75.99 $ 436.04 Price $ 264.38 $ 264.38 $ 436.04 $ 264.38 $ 700.42 $ 58.84 $ 759.26 $ 759.26 12/22/20 14:05:58 001985 657324 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date Store # Terminal # Store Manager Delivery Details Delivery Address 1045 E BROADWAY AVE, MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-3742 Delivery Date Wednesday December 23, 2020 08:00 AM -08:00 PM* 12/22/20 14:06:10 2956 64 JASON SCHEEL *We'll provide you with a 4 -hour time window the day before your delivery. Pick Up Later For stock items: Please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. For special order items: After being notified that your order is ready, please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. Pick Up Dateltem Description QTY 12/24/2020 1984582 RECEPTACLESMOKERS BK 2 Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! 9 * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! # * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE # ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! # * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER LINO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! #* * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #868992 295693 571164 *# NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH LOWE'S DELIVERY SERVICES FOR SCHEDULE CHANGES: PLEASE CONTACT YOUR STORE 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF YOUR DELIVERY FOR DELIVERY INFORMATION, CONTACT NUMBER AT THE TOP OF YOUR RECEIPT. This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. Taylor Burton 41433 b From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 1:20 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt *Thissndkit tnste e s Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 X Item Price PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 87412 Subtotal $ 0.00 101 PO# 139110804 Item Price JUS26800D RECEPTACLESMOKERS BK $ 132.20 Item #: 1984582 139.15 Discount Ea -6.95 1 @ 132.20 Invoice 87413 Subtotal $ 132.20 1 Invoice 87412 Subtotal Invoice 87413 Subtotal Subtotal Total Tax Total Total Discount: $6.95 Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFID Authorized Buyer Account Name $ 0.00 $ 132.20 $ 132.20 $ 11.10 $ 143.30 $ 143.30 12/29/20 13:19:12 001376 917906 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date 12/29/20 13:19:23 Store # 2956 Terminal # 64 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Pick Up Later For stock items: Please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. For special order items: After being notified that your order is ready, please visit the Customer Service desk to pick up your merchandise. Pick Up Dateltem Description QTY 12/31/2020 1984582 RECEPTACLESMOKERS BK 1 Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! 2 * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! # ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! # * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #874127 295643 640842 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. Taylor Burton 445"50 From: Lowe's Home Improvement <do-not-reply@receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 1:01 PM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt This'sender is'trusteci v Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509)764-2600 HT Item Price 12 -IN RCP PRO DECK SCRB (+805316) $ 13.28 Item #: 469312 13.98 Discount Ea -0.70 1 @ 13.28 COMFORTGEL HAND SCOOP( -301615) $ 11.38 Item #: 864791 11.98 Discount Ea -0.60 1 @ 11.38 5 -GAL LOWES BUCKET -UNITED $ 3.31 Item #: 954434 3.48 Discount Ea -0.17 1 @ 3.31 1 40 -LB ICE MELT $ 41.68 Item #: 92384 10.97 Discount Ea -0.55 4 @ 10.42 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $ 0.00 Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1835 Subtotal $ 69.65 Invoice 1835 Subtotal $ 69.65 Subtotal $ 69.65 Total Tax $ 5.85 Total $ 75.50 Total Discount: $3.67 Total # of items purchased: 7 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthCD KEYED REFID Authorized Buyer Account Name $ 75.50 12/30/20 13:00:46 001309 811469 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date Store # Terminal # Store Manager N 12/30/20 13:00:55 2956 1 JASON SCHEEL Taylor Burton lQ 3 From: Lowe's Home Improvement < do -not- reply@ receipt.lowes.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2020 10:51 AM To: Taylor Burton Subject: Your Lowe's Purchase Receipt :T'his sender is trusfetl � � � �.�� � -- Your Lowe's Receipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's. Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. YONEZAWA BLVD. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 764-2600 IHJ Item CONSTR/INDUS FIRST AID KIT -118 PC Item #: 274042 22.48 Discount Ea -1.12 2 @ 21.36 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED Item #: 155670 1 @ 0.00 Invoice 1952 Subtotal Invoice 1952 Subtotal Subtotal Total Tax Total Price $ 42.72 $ 0.00 $ 42.72 $42 . 72 $ 42.72 $ 3.59 $ 46.31 Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey * Y O U R I D #018356 295693 657304 * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. ' *VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/returns LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOW ES. COM/PR I CEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt. Total Discount: $2.24 Total # of items purchased: 2 Excludes fees, services and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 AuthTime AuthGD KEYED REFID Authorized Buyer Account Name $ 46.31 12/31120 10:50:50 001281 275011 EMPLOYEE ANY CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LATER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE, Order Date 12/31/20 10:50:58 Store # 2956 Terminal # 1 Store Manager JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! * SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! * ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO BE * ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! * iENTRE EN EL SORTEO MENSUAL * * PARA SER UNO DE LOS CINCO GANADORES DE $500! ** * ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT SURVEY * WITHIN ONE WEEK AT: www.lowes.com/survey " * Y 0 U R I D #019522 295643 663144 ** * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. * VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. * OFFICIAL RULES & WINNERS AT: www.lowes.com/survey ******************************************************** Thank you for shopping at Lowe's. To see our return policy, visit Lowes.com/retums 2 LOWE'S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS, VISIT LOWES.COM/PRICEMATCH This email is sent from an unmonitored mailbox. If you need to speak to someone about your purchase, please call the store using the number at the top of the receipt.