HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (003)GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners FirarJanice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator DabP February 4, 2021 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, Emergency Solutions Grant #20-4613-C-100, Reimbursement #1, City of Moses Lake, Request #1 The City of Moses Lake has requested reimbursement for the above -referenced grant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $31,200.03. The invoice and supporting documentation is attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to City of Moses Lake in the amount of $31,200.03 Thank you. Dated this I day of Ei) .20U Board of County Commissioners Grant County. Washington Approve Dimpgroy Abstain Dist #1Dist#1 Dist #I Dist#29 Dist #2 Dist #2 Dist #3 Dist #3 Dist #3 City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 TO Grant County Attn: Janice Flynn Via EMAIL Description INVOICE DATE January 19, 2021 DEPT: ADMINISTRATION INVOICE #1 -1-19-2021 FOR COVID -19 EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT Subcontract work for Grant County Dept of Commerce Contract 20-4613C-100 Homeless outreach and chronic homeless shelter program Amount HopeSource- Shelter Management $9,699.25 Pacific Security- Shelter Security $4,430.71 H&T Excavation- Site Work for Operations $12,916.68 United Rentals- Operating Rentals $665.57 Ziggy's- Operational Supplies $1,907.84 Basin Propane- Operational Supplies $22.83 Lowes- Operafiional Supplies .. i nnc nn �.. $��� 155-7.1S REFERENCE ACCOUNT NUMBER; 110-000-33321-019-1000-0896-00 ON PAYMENT TO` ENSURE A PROMPT RESPONSE Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date. Balance Due _ $34,r . 31 abo• o Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department;at-509 772 or: 3735. _ nses Subcontractor #1 Admin $0.00 HMIS $0.00 Traininunique activity) $0.00 Street Outreach Outreach Essential Services $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Handwashing stations/porrable bathrooms (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0,001 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Street Outreach $0.00 $0.00 Permanent Emergency Shelter" Shelter Case Management (IncFuding M,ancl'Eis20LServices) 4, q 9,699.25 $9,699.25 shelter Operations 'S, $21,500.78 Renovation $0.00 Major Rehabilitation$0.00 Conversion $0.00. Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 volunteerincentiver (unique activity) $0.00 1 Training funique activity) $0.00 ISubtotal Permanent Emergency Shelter! '$31,200.031 $31,200.03 Temporary Emergency Shelter Shelter Case Management (Including CE and Essential Services) $0.00 Shelter Operations $0.00 Leasing existing real property or temporary structures $0.00 Acquisition $0.00 Renovation $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Other Shelter Costs $0.00 Subtotal Temporary Emergen Shelter 01 1 $0.00 Rapid Rehousing RRH Rental Assistance $0.00 RRH Other Financial Assistance $0.00 RRH Case Management (including CE and Essential Services) $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Landlord Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Volunt er Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Traininunique activity) $0.00 ISubtotal Rapid Rehousing 1 $0.001 $0.00 Homelessness Prevention Prevention Rental Assistance $0.00 Prevention Other Financial Assistance $0.00 Prevention Case Management Includin CE and Essential Services) $0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) $0.00 Landlord Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0.00 Training (unique activity) $0.00 Subtotal Homelessness Prevention I 50.001 1 $0.00 Program Staffing Changes: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job title, Et email ATTN: Allison Williams ` City of Moses Lake Grant Bars Code: % HOMELESS GRANTS INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Submit this forth to request payment for services or materials. GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 1579 Attach accompanying proof of erises i.e. receipts, Omesheets vendor's CadiricaM: The individual silting oft voucher below werrrods they have the authority to do so as aulhoded and on behalf or the entity identified in the Vardor/Claimsnt section. The indvidual signing below cantles under peralty of peril that the Rome and totals [sled hevein we proper charges for malenab, merchandise or services Latished for the Grand, and that all goods MOSES. LAKE, WA 98837-1579 VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant Is t0 be payable til Hopesource/COVID-19 Emergency Housing Funds 706 E Mountain View Ave Suite 501 famished ander services rendered have been provided will decdrriuton because of age, sex, r -"I stahn, recti, creed, color, national origin, handcap, religion or Vietnam ere or loaded veieraiustabs. Ellensburg WA 98926 ev: Contact Person: Susan Grindle . ". . ` Phone: 509 "899-0978. (SIGNATURE) CFO 01/14/2021 Email: skarlitdfe(�l;aneitiiirte.us Grant Period:711/20-10131121 ` Title (DATE) REPORT PERIOD/Month a Year: Dec-20 Z. Grant Budget ReimbursementsReport Period Line Item Homeless Budget Line Items: (7/1/20 - To-Date ;Request Balance 10/31/20 $17,442.80 $9,699�25 $142,857.95 $0.00 $17,442.80 $9,699.25 $142,857.95 W :Z G.,,{ .h3` __r?-}�_-+.. - ANIVR Vtraa'44 New Grant Balance for Current $142,857.95 Reimbursement Request this $9,699.25 ' Reporting Period Fiscal Year FOR CITY USE ONLY: Voucher Approval Signature: DATE: Program Staffing Changes: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, job title, Et email Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL- Grant County CV -1 9 EHG - Unpostsd Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County C.OVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 12/1/2020 Through 12/31/2020 Credit Pam I Divi... GL Code GL Tate Session 1D Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 100 Administration 0.00 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1387 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 237.41 7100 FICA & Medicare JVA1387 Allocated Me for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 22.70 Expense 7101 Employee Tax JVA1367 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 67.60 7105 Health Benefits JVA1367 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 43.83 7105 Health Benefits JVA1363 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.09 7106 Unemployment JVA1367 Allocated line for -Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.82 Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1367 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 8.61 7108 Other Benefits JVA1367 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.87 7108 Othar Benefits JVA1388 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.01 7110 Employee Incentive JVA1367 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 16.84 8010 Professional Fees JVA1367 Allocated Ona for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 56.33 8100 Office Supplies JVA1367 Allocated fine for Admin Allocat on 100 Administration 25.39 8110 Office Furniture JVA1367 Allocated One, for AdminAOocallon 100 Administration 0.86 8110 Office Furniture JVA1368 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.04 8200 Communication JVA1367 Allocated line for Admin AOocatiori 100 Administration 5.60 Expense 8300 Postage & Shipping JVA1387 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.15 8350 Dues & JVA1367 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 8.47 Subscriptions 8400 Rent- Space JVA1367 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 10.79 tourer County 8405 Utilities -Ellensburg JVA1367 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.18 8420 Repairs & JVA1367 Allocated lime for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 4.87 Maintenance - General 8421 Repairs & JVA1367 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.05 Maintenance - Program 8500 Equipment JVA13e7 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 223 Purchase 8510 Program supplies JVA1307 Allocated Ona for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.79 and tools , 8650 Photocopy Expense JVA1353 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.01 8675 Advertising JVA1387 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 0.13 Expense 8700 Travel Expense JVA136T Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Admtnislrotion 1.39 Gtr:1114121 04:3t40 PM Credit Pam I GL Code GL Title 8711 Training & 7000 Technical 7000 Assistance 8712 Representation 7000 expense 8805 Vehicle Gas & Oil 8955 Other Direct 7000 Senrices 8980 Other Direct Costs ` 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7000 Salaries & Wages 7100 FICA & Medicare AP1032703 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPR01102 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare AP1032703 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1098 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare COSPRO1102 Expense 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax 7101 Employee Tax 7105 Health BeneOts 7105 Health Benefits Drtc 1114710410-'40 PW Session ID JVA1367 JVA1367 JVA1367 JVA1367 JVA1367 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- Grant County CV -19 EHG - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County COVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 12/1 /2020 Through 12131/2020 Transaction Description Allocated Gyre for Admin Allocation Allocated Brie for Admin Alocaton Allocated One for Admin Allocation Allocated One for Admin Allocation Allocated One for Admin Allocation Transaction Total DM. - Opening Balance AP1032703 Accrued Vacation Nov 2020 AP1032703 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 AP1032703 Payroll Nov 16-30.2020 CDSPR01098 Payroll Dec 1-15, 2020 CDSPRO1102 Payroll Doc 16-31, 2020 CDSPRO1102 Payroll Dec 18-31, 20201 CDSPRO1105 Accrued Vacation Dec 2020 AP1032703 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 AP1032703 Payroll Nov 1630, 2020 CDSPR01098 Payroll Dec 1-15, 2020 CDSPR01102 Payroll Dec 16-31, 2020 CDSPRG1102 Payroll Dec 16.31, 20201 AP1032703 Payroll Nov 145, 2020 API032703 Payroll Nov 16-30,2020 CDSPRO1098 Payroll Dec 1-15, 2020 CDSPRO1102 Payroll Dec 16-31, 2020 COSPRO1102 Payroll Dec 1631, 20201 AP1032703 Payroll Nov 1-15.2020 API032703 Payroll Nov 16-30,2020 DM. - Code Division Idle Debit Credit 100 Administration 6.59 100 Administration 3.77 100 Admaristration 2.09 100 Administration 097 100 Adminlstralon 0.93 533.59 0.00 Bal... Admfnlatration 533.59 100 812... Personnel 0.00 612... Personnel 3.00 612.. Personnel 0.76 612... Personnel 0.38 612... Personnel 2,725.72 328.24 612... Personnel 4,212.48 446.12 612... Personnel 254.68 26.68 612... Personnel 29.39 34.18 612... Personnel 123.24 612... Personnel 126.76 812... Personnel 212.54 612... Personnel 333.55 612... Personnel 19.86 612... Personnel 11.10 812... Personnel 11.73 612... Personnel 32824 612... Personnel 446.12 612... Personnel 26.68 612... Personnel 15.36 612... Personnel 23.72 Page 2 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- Grant County CV -19 EHG - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 1109202007 - Grant County COVID•19 Emergency Housing Grant From 121112020 Through 1213112020 Divi... GL Code GL TiHe Session ID Transaction Description Code Division Title Debit Credit 7105 Health Benefits CDSPR01098 Payroll Dec 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 164.29 7105 Health Benefits CDSPR01102 Payroll Dec 16-31, 2020 612... Personnel 16429 7105 Health Benefits COSPR01108 To Reconcile HS Share Medical AOacatlon 2020 612... Personnel 1.05 7106 Unemployment AP1032703 Payroll Nov 1-15,2020 612_. Personnel 33.28 Insurance Fx 7106 Unemployment AP1032703 Payroll Nov 1630, 2020 612... Personnel 29.95 Insurance Exp 7106 Unemployment CD,SPR01098 Payroll Dec 1-15,2020 612... Personnel 31.11 Insurance Exp, 7106 Unemployment COSPR01102 Payroll Dec 1631, 2020 612... Personnel 61.12 Insurance Exp 7107 L & I tax expense API032703 Payroll Nov 1-15, 2020 812_. Personnel 1.59 7107 L & I tax expense AP1032703 Payroll Nov 1830, 2020 612... Personnel 1.44 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPR01098 Payroll Dec 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 41.64 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPR01102 Payroll Dec 1631, 2020 612... Personnel 69.97 7108 Other Benefits CDSPR01098 Payroll Dec 1-15, 2020 612... Personnel 0.25 7108 Other Benefits CDSPR01102 Payrol] Dee 1631, 2020 612... Personnel 025 Transacton Total 9.505.54 835.22 Bal... Personnel 8,670.32 812... 8010 Professional Fees Opening Balance 613 Program Operations 0.00 8010 Professional Fees AP1032535 Background Meds: invoice #221275411 - Nov 2020 613 Program Operations 421.29 - L Valencia, C Rodridguez, S Trevino 8010 Professional Fees AP1032847 Voigistics volunteer tracking database, subscription 613 Program Operations 10.00 12-17-2020 to 146-2020. EHG 8712 Representation AP1032885 Mgmt lunch meeting- Susan, Mark, and John In ML - 613 Program Operations 64.05 expense Nov 2020 Transaction Total 495.34 0.00 Bal... Program Operations 495.34 613 Report 0.00 0.00 Opencfp/Crment Balance Dm: rnui+ asx40 Pu °aw 3 Hops source Expended General Ledger - BL- Grant County CV -19 EHG - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County CCVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 12M2020Through 12/312020 Divi... GL Code GL Title Session ID Transaction Desaipdon Code Division Title Debit Credit ReportTransadlon 10,534.47 M.22 Totals Report Current 16,534.47 835.22 Balances Repot Difference 9,69925 0. «rn4ar 04:3x40 PM P'a` PACIFIC SECURITY 12/3112020 547 a dtv of Parker Corporate Svcs 2009 Iron PACIFIC"Bellingham, WAt98225-4211 PAGE 1 SECURITY UNITED0)-74435-i 37 s INVOICE DATE 12131/2020 SHIP VIA INVOICE NO 34557 MOSESL03 S 1 S City of Moses Lake O Moses Lake Sleep Center H Allison W81ams L 1045 E Broadway Ave 401 S Balsam St D I Moses Lake, WA 98837 PO Box 1579 P T Moses Lake, WA 98837 T 0 0 Guard Service (VV) Holiday PM Month of Service - W December TOTAL DUE 4,430.71 177.0000 8.5000 1.0000 177.0000 8.5000 1.0000 SLS1 SL52 DUE DATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO 12/31/2020 12/3112020 547 12/31/2020 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Due On Reoelpt 20,12-X 1 213 112 02 0 ITEM ID TX CL UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Guard Service (VV) Holiday PM Month of Service - W December 0 0 0 177.0000 8.5000 1.0000 177.0000 8.5000 1.0000 23.3500 35.0306 0.0000 4,132.95 297.76 0.00 We appreciate your business. Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISC TOTAL 0.00 4,430.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,430.71 TOTAL DUE 4,430.71 IN FW+IW-.00WbNW NNJJONiAWN}AWWNV NIN-I IN100 N.V �OrOJV�TIYII itIAPWWGW4Y+ImIQI U N N N N N N N N N N N N U N N N U U N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N I I m O NO O O O O O O O O D O O O O O O O O O O D O O p O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D O 0 0 0 0 i I ry i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N I O O O O O O ..... O O O O O O O O O .a ...... 0 ... 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 I i F W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W o o W W W W W 1w O.ONm mmImVAI owl og11m 10�10t X07 as0..0at �m'N+ogi3Og+'im O10�1 001001'N,Yo'1'N Og'I Gq' i Gr 1: .!, O C OOOO ��i• cC� Ca -G Cec�C emmmmmmm• m�• mm- I m i W~ pP Pr pM •S! 3 �e g ma j��99��1I 04o 4 mw Nryry w m� w p IIjj ��tlOPp�p4*�r�k f<�I+aij P l�pa pP�rrrP��MR MUMR�Vleo� I R I Im. 1 Irl ; - IRpS NON O N O N O N O ... 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F. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pc 1 ; I J I O r O r O r O M O r O r W r O r O r O 0 Y 0 Y 0 Y 0 Y O r O r O r O r O r O r Or o I r I W O W O W O W O W O W O m m W O W O W W O W O W O N O W ... W O W 000 W O W 0 A 0 O h1190010 og400 Parker Corporate Services page. 2 along Billing Summary (Detailed) 01/07/2021 12,20 ...............................�..........,.,..........���.............o,........�...._...__—.......�. standard 177.0 4.13a ss OT 0.000 0.00 DOT 0.000 0.00 Stat 8.500 297.79 Dahill 0.000 0.00 Othar 0.000 0.00 _________ _________________ 185.500 _________ _________________ 4,430.71 Allowances 0.00 _________________ Total with Allowances 4,430.71 .I ) H + T Excavation 5660 NE Mae Valley Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 7642784 Bili To Groundworks 3, LLC Kevin Richards 1328 E. Hunter Place Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice # 12130/2020 1 2070 Page 1 P.O. No. Terms Project Sleep Center Quantity Description Rate Amount Sleep Center Power Trenches, Light Pale, Installation, And Additional Gravel 148.01 Tons of gravel delivered and spread around sleep center 26.00 3,848.26T 12 Dec 1, 2020 Employee hrs trenching for underground power installation (2 employees 75.00 900.00T @ 6 hrs) I Dec 1, 2020 Backhoo day use charge 350.00 350.00T 16 Dec 3, 2020 Employee his for additional electrical trenching to septic control box and 75.00 1,200,OOT Installing light poles (2 employees Q 8 hrs) 1 Dec 3, 2020 Backhoe day use charge 350.00 350.00T 2 Dec 3 & 4, 2020 wAunping Jack' compactor day use charge used for compacting soil 125.00 250,OOT around light poles I t Dec 4, 2020 Employee hrs installing light pole (2 employees ® S.S hrs) 75.00 825.00T I Dec 4, 2020 Backhoe 1/2 day charge 200.00 200.00T 6.5 Dec 9, 2020 Employee hrs backfilling electrical trennehe s (2 employees 8 3.25 hrs) 75.00 487.50T I Ileo 9, 2020 Backhoe 112 day charge 200.00 200.00T 34 Dec 10, 2020 Employee hrs spreading gravel, movingladjuWng shatters, backfilling, 70.00 2,380,00T and debris cleanrup (4 employees (cry 8.5 hrs) I Dec 10, 2020 Baekhoc day charge 350.00 350.00T I Dec 10, 2020 Skidstteer day charge 275.00 275.OQT 4 Dec 11, 2020 Empldyee hrs used in additional spreading of gravel (2 employees Q 2 75,00 300.00T hrs with skidsteer and mobilization Included) Total Page 1 H + T Excavation 5660 NE Mae Valley Rd Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 760-2784 Bill To Groundworks 3, LLC Kevin Richards 1328 L Hunter Place Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Date invoice # 12130!2420 1 2171 Page 2 P.O. No. Terms Project Sleep Center Quantity iesaiption Rete Amount Stiles Tax 8.406/o 1,000.92 Total $12,916.68 Page 2 ®United mentals, BRANCH E35 23550 N FRONTAGE RD E BIOSES LAKE WA 90037-9320 509-764-0061 J a) FIRE STATION •,i 701 E 3RD AVE Cf1 MOSES LAKE WA 98837-5904 A F3 Office: 509-766-9214 Cell: 509-761-0514 27.30441 MB 0.436 43655S2Lp01 258631 1-t 0 ill��ihlltlnm�4til���li�Illi��lihli��N��iltit�11iNi�llltt CITY OF MOSES LAKE PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837-0244 4 WEEK BILLING INVOICE Customer # : 1282157 Invoice Date :12/11/20 Date Out : 11/25/20 12:00 Ph; Billed Through 12/23/20 00;00 UR Job Loc 701 E 3RD AVE, MOSES UR Job # : 6 Customer Job ID: P.O. # OPEN DOORS Ordered By :TAYLOR•. BURTON Reserved By : 14ARISA WEEKS Salesperson PAUL SCONTRINO Invoice Amount: $665.57 Terms: Due Upon Receipt Payment op8cns Contact our credit office 704.916.4820 REMIT TO: UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA),INC FILE 51122 LOS ANGELES CA 90074.1122 RENTAL ITEMS: ..Qt Y Equipment Description Minimum __ Dov D:eek 9 S4eek 1 10952518 DEMO HAMIMER 20-25# ELECTRIC 65.00 197.00 493.00 Make: DEWALT Model: D25901 Serial: 302151 493.00 1 800/1600 CLAY SPADE SDS MAX DEMO/ROTARY HAMMER 20.00 20.00 60.00 121.00 121.00 COMMENTS/NOTES: CONTACT: TAYLOR. BURTON CELL#: 509-746-3742 Rental Subtotal: Agreement Subtotal: Tax: Total: Billing period: 28 Days From 11/25/20 12:00 PM Tnru 12/23/20 12:00 PM s0 _ 121Z212-0 614.00 614.00 51.57 665.57 Effective January 1, 2021 and where permitted by law, United Rentals may impose a surcharge of 1.8`& for credit card payments on charge accounts. This surcharge is not greater than our merchant discount rate for credit card transactions and is subject to sales tax in some jurisdictions. NOTICE: This invoice is subject to the terms end conditions of the Rental and Service Agreement, which are available at https://www.uriltedrentals.com/legal/rent al -service -terms -US and which are incorporated herein by reference. A COPY OF THE RENTAL AND SERVICE AGREEMENT TERMS ARE AVAILABLE IN PAPER FORM UPON REQUEST. Page: 1 p `\0-154C;Lw-M-0�l, OPERATED BY ZIEGLER LUMBER CO. qTze In(a.tid Xortfiiwest's Yfome Improvement Leader N W r"W, 2 �M PR6-4 Date City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 December 31, 2020 321 S. Balsam Account # Moses Lake, WA 98837 55387 Terms: Net 10th following month Page: 1 of 1 Document Invoice # Date Type Description Amount Balance 1013750505 12/8/2020 Invoice Charge 1,907.84 1,907.84 TOTAL DUE: 1,907.84 Current 1 to 30 31 to 60 61 to 90 Over 90 1,907.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 620 E. HOLLAND AVE. • SPOKANE, WA 99218 • (509) 467-4960 • FAX (509) 483-9436 I;m P R t'! P A E 955 E BROADWAY MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 PHONE: 509-766-0068 Bill To CITY OF MOSES LAKE PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Ship To INVOICE Date Invoice # 1/5/2021 24008 Account No. Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.B. Due Date 1444 Net 30 1/5/2021 2/4/2021 Quantity Item Code Description Ulm Price Each Amount 4.5 Propane PO# COM.EV SLEEP CENTER Sales Tax gal 2.60 8.40% 11.707 0.98 Thank you for your business. Total $12.68 wn P R O P A N E 955 E BROADWAY MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 PHONE: 509-766-0068 Bill To CITY OF MOSES LAKE PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Ship To INVOICE Date invoice It 1/8/2021 24049 Account No. Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.B. Due Date 1444 Net 30 1/8/2021 2/7/2021 Quantity Item Code Description UJM Price Each Amount 3.6 Propane COM.DEV SLEEP CENTER Sales Tax gal 2.60 8.40% 9.36T 0.79 Thank you for your business. Total $10.15 am