HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - FairgroundsHousing Authority of Grant County 1139 Larson Blvd. •Moses Lake, WA 98837-3308 Phone: (509) 762-5541 •Fax: (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 •TTY: (800) 833-6388 www.hagc.net March 2, 2021 Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN:Janice Flynn PO Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Ms. Flynn: Luted this_ day o ocird of County Commissioners Grant Counly. Washington A rove i_ sw arag A-bstahj Dist # 1 Diss 4 i [:dist #2 Dist #I st Q Dist #2 Dist #3 ... I . .. ... Dis'l #3 Dia #3 Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #5 for February, 2021, for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program. I certify that: The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP), contract # 21-451,4C-108, .in the amount of $50,111,.45 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the ERAP grant. Sincerely, Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director RECEIVED MAR - Z 202-1 E-AER8ANNLTLCOUNIYCOMMISSIONERS M1881Cii 1E1 8 .. 21 The HousingAuthority of Grant County, Washington is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability, or familial status. The Housing Authority of Grant County's policies and practices are designed to provide assurances thatpersons with disabilities will be given reasonable accommodations, EQUAL HOUSING upon request, so that they may fully access and utilize the housing programs and related services. OPPORTUNITY If you or anyone in your family is a person with disabilities, and you require a specific accommodation in order to fully utilize aur programs and services, please contact the Housing Authority. Grant County/GCHA Contract# 21-4614C-10!�8a(!ER P) Submitted to GC by: 6 .g HAGC (J=�� 0. Date: r ;?Oaf Request for Reimbursement No. #6 Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: _X Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? _X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? _X Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _X Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: _X Does -the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-1 22? X Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar -amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federalgrantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) 9 _X Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? _X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the` same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? _X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances,.._bqjreated as either direct.costs on1v or indirect_co�ts on1v with respect to final cost objectives). X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? _X Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales), X Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? X Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed at a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase,orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period H:\ACCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\EVICTION PROTECTION GRANDERAP Subrecipient Checklist. docx Page 1 ERAP Voucher betail Worksheet. Grantee Name: Lead Grantee List Sub Grantee Names Below Total Report Month/Year: FEBRUARY 2021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Invoice Total: $56..111.45 ERAP Voucher'Detall Works.heet Grantee Name: Lead Grantee List Sub Grantee Names Below toiaw Report Month/Year: FEBRUARY 2021 BUDGET GRANT co. COUNTY TOTAL OF BALANCE Sep -20 Oct -20 Nov -20 Dec -20 Jan -2-1 Feb 21 Mar -21 Apr -21 May -21 Jun -21 DRAWS REMAINING $0.()G $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $c).00 $7, ,500.00 $7500.00 $0.00 _80. $3,640.49 $10,027.48 $5,117.67 $12,000.36 $0.00 $0.00 $30,796.00 $0.00 if X66 ;: ,s.r 4 „,':t • .,�sa.s ,.x.s r�:.>,Y: ., 3 ,:.,.., /:-:: ff $21,95L,93 $92,384.03 -#######M $576,647.66 $58,607.35 $48,611.45 $1,000,871.81 $19,650.19 $1,Q58,80g.00 $0.00 ## 0 $0.00 ### $0.00 Total InvolceTa $1,058,808.00 $25,592-32 $102,411.51 #####H#### $588,648.02 $58,607.35 $56,11I-45 $1,039,157.81 $19,650.19 General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 02 Ending 212812021 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 1.11000-8-01 ADMIN SALARIES - ERAP 0.00 204.32 204.32 0.00 0.00 417100-8-01 AUDIT Grant County- ERAP 0.00 71500.00 0.00 7,500.00 0 71500.00 418200-8-01 ADMIN FICA - ERAP 0.00 15.24 15.24 0.00 0.00 418201-8-01 ADMIN SUTA - ERAP 0.00 4.03 4.03 0.00 0.00 418202-8-01 ADMIN L&I - ERAP 0.00 1.21 1.21 0.00 0.00 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 58,607.35 48,1611.45 0.00 48,611.45 1071218.80 PROJECT 01 - Total: 58,607.35 561336.25 224.80 56,111.45 114,718.80 Report Total: 58,607.35 .56t336.25 224.80 561111.45 114,718.80 r4) 000 0 0 00-C, + 61 J_ Q.A, 5 002 Run Date: 3/2/2021 12:18:46PM Page: I G/L Date: 2/28/2021 User Logon: CAS tit VJASI11rigion s itul i�tmux�etce Report Period: Enter corresponding week or month that matches the invoice reimbursement request. Instructions; Match all of the information below to the information collected on the ERAP Household information and Eligibility Farm, Grantee: Grant County Report period: February 1, 2021- February 28, 2021 • Household Payment lnformatilon=Kead:otl ^rF;4•a "r r 4 -`k.y (a 'xi `. ac W' E•• Lb' 1 '.`:Y x. .Yt':'. 9r..>. ,..•i Y,+. .;y. .•e.S .:-y.r .: `G':`i. s..s�!t4.-•si`g•aaue.';'�., «. ,�•i 'i. "'f��..�';} .4.. Fxa x.}tw./µ 3.'a;Cs-. "M -31,HauseFiold frifoCmatian {select:from dra down Household ID No. of months of rental Total Rent Payment Gender assistance Race Ethnlcity Staying with Friend Family? percent Area Median Income (AMI) MLC12072020 2 2112 Female' Refused/Don't know. His anic/Latinx Na Less than 30% ' SV11022020 2 1549 Male Refused/Don't know Hispanic/Latina No Less. than 30% TA11062020 2 1440 Female Refused/Don't know His 'anic/Latinx No Less than 30% FC11062020 2 691,95 Male White.. Hispanic/Latina No Less than 30% KRI7032020 i ;-525 Female White Non•Hispanic/Non-Latlnx No Less than 30% EM12232020 4 1978,5 Male White Non-Hispanic/Non•Latlnx No Less than 30% AW12072020 '• 6 6954 Mile. White Non-His anic/Non-Latinx No less than 30% A011172026 5 1815 Female Refused/Don't know " Hls anic/Latinx No Less than 3096 RL11092020 2 1231 Female White' Hls anic/Latinx No • Less than 30% HBA11092020 2 995 .Female White His anic/Latinx No Lessthan.30% CG11062020 2 1205 Female White Hls 1OLatlttx No Less than 30% MV11182020 '2 11.30 Female White Hls anfc Latinx No Less them 90% ........._..................................................................._.... ..................... :.. _...._. AF12082020._..._............_. 3 ............................... 2430 Female............_......_. W ite.__......_............:. Non-His anic Non-Latinx..._:._. No-...__.._._._..._._.._---- -------------- ___............w Less than 30%.._....._...._..._......_....._. . AND11052020 2 '468 Female White His' anic/Latlnx No Less than 3D% VTN11052020 •2 1356 Female. Refused/Don't know* Hl5 anic/Lattnx No Less than 30% ' 'AP11232020 4 3620 Female White Hispanlcalatinx No Less than 30% TM11232620 3 1553 Female Multi Ie Races His ani Latinx No Less than 30% MG1118420 2 1922 Female White His anic/Latinx No ;So% JV12012020 2 965 Feindle White His 'anic/Latlnx . No DM12072020 4 3325 Male White' Non=His •anic/Kari-Latinx No ~60% ECii182020 ' 2 1360 Female White His anic/Latin% No Less than 3096 JM11052020• • 2 1810 Female White Hlspanie/Latlnx . No Less than 30% ADM11052020 2 1486 Male White Hls anic/Latink No Less than 30%' AV11032020 2 1188 Female White Hispanic/Latinx No ~40% DCE11052020 2 1356 Male White His an(c/Latinx ' No Less than 30% J111092020' '2 1500 Female' IMultiple Races Hls anic/Latlnx No -50% .• PG12072020• '6 " . 1375 Female lWhite. Non=His anic/Non-Latlnx NoL'e'ss than'3056 ER11062020 2 12061 Female jWhlte lFlls'anlc/Latlnx lNo. Less than 30% General Ledger Detail Report Detail. Postin.gs for Period 02 Ending 2/281202.1 HOUSING AUTHORMY OF GRANT CouNTy ( H) .Account NumbarlDesoription Ped0d Date Journal Comments ' Beg Beianoe 17ebit Dt'eCiit Nettang® Encs Baianco 4715D1-$ 1 HAP PAYMENTS -RENTi :''LAAP . . ' •58,07.35 02 2!1.12021 AP»0038(75 000106674 /IN. • 02 21/12021 AP-o0a865 ....;.. 0001.06624 hN` 28.50 0.tt7 58,635.85 Q2 211'12021 AP=0.133805 0001068241IN: 1350.00 0.00 59x285'85 02 21112021 AP -003806 000'106624 /IN: 650.60 0.009,9.5 02 211.12421 AP -003805 0.00'106624111+1:'..NEW 1,159.00 0.030 617,5.85.85 92 2[1/2-021 AP -003805 0001.0662411N: •. R1 0•0°0 61,744.8.5 02 2/1/.2{321. AP -003805 000106624 /1N. 3 59.170 1,1 0.00 1,x2,9033.55 • 02 2-1112121 AP -003805 000100624 /IN: 69;00 0.00 64,462.85 02 0142.02f. AP -0038.0s 000.1 024 I1.N: ' 1,159'.x30 0•.00' 0,221.85 02 211120321 AP -003865 . . 000106624 AN: 11159,04 9.60. 60,330.85 X32 213.12021 AP -x 03805 0001070.98 /IN. ' 111,59.00� 0.00 07,839.s5 02 21812021 AP -003809 000'1x�3726111�: • .. 525.00 . 00.00t3 0 68,064.85 02 2181202•/ AP -0038G9 600103726 /K 00 0.00 68,7£�.8a 02 21612021 AP�-008-809, ' 0001.03726 AX: .72E3.t}t3 n a.E30 00 69s5.�k4.85 02 2�l2c�21 AP-0Q3869�: 4!QOi1Q3726:�/1N: 7 l 4.00 0.00 h �y �y 7 V r.G7G3m 02 2/812021 AP­oomo 000100794 AN: 77�a.U6 0.00 • 71,.0 53.85 02 21812x 21 AP- 403809 0001067941�N: 311,96 0.00 71,365.84 02 2/912021 AP -003811 00010906311N: .384.00 1,056.0 0.00 71,749,80 02- 219120321 AP -00381'1 0001.09063 /IN:.. 1 fel 3 0.00 72,sx�5.8D x�2 2111:12021 AP^a t�38: a 0 OGI.069 �5 /IN� x',0.56.0 0.00 211:1/2021 AP -0.03813 00010699511N: 46,04 03.030 74,3-26.80a2 02 2.11112021 AP -0033813 -000106995/1N, Wilb! 536.0{ 603.00 0'.00' 74, 85E>.80. 02 2111.12021 ACJy17fl38'13 .. . t3001 .06995 /�N:: 0.100 76,459.80 02 2/11/2021 AP -0033&13 000100995liN:!M0*w@ in 603.00 0.00 70,ox 2.8x� c32 2/'1'1/20121 A►P-91813 OOxa1069951iiV: • :WMI 111.. 603..00 0.00 7e;�s�..aa 02 2111-12021 AP -003813 .. ao0 00i�s� /iN, 603,00 v.0o� 77,20a.$0 02 2/1•1/2021 .AP -003013- 006'106995 11 627.00a..0�- 77,166.8o 02 2/141202.1 -AP-Q0.3814 -000106821 /iris: 60100. o.0- r 78,398.8o 0, 9 .sa$10,00 02' 21141:2021 AP -003814 000f06:8211IM: . ��ii ...... ... 81-0.00 0.0.17 79,208.80 02 2/14/2,021 AP -003a14 0001-06821 /IN*. .810..00 0..,0D 80,018.80 02 2114/202.1 AP -003814 0001 0802,S /!N: 810..60 0.00 80,826.80 211:412{ 21 AP -003844 00008028 AN 611,00 0.00032 $1,439.80 02 2/14/2x 21 AMM14- 0001108936 /IN: 620.00 , 0.01 n«0ij 82,£350.80 02 2/1412121 AP -13x3814 ... .. .- .. .. 004108$30 /111: .. .. L7A.�. . .. _ - -.. ... - -��� . - ._..82;434-00 . 02 2114/2021 AP -003814 990•#08936 /1M!• 375.00 x3.00 82,000.0x7 02 2/14/2021 AP -063814 001'3100056 /1N. ..... . 375.00 0.00 83*184.80 02 2/1412021 AP -003814 000.108936 /IN: 375.00 0,00 83,559.80 02 21=021 AP -00382.1 0�001°�06794, /1N:I'Ml 4� 375.00} 0.10 $3,P34.80 42 21-22.1202-1AP-003821000.1067'94 /1.N: 750.x10 0.00 84,684.80 02 X1221'202.3 AP -003621 0.00107058 /IN: 750.00 QW0 85,434.80 02 21.22!2021 AP -003821 0001070.58 /1N: x•97'.00 0.00 85,931.80 02 212212021 AP -40382-1 000 07068 .!►N: 47.0,00 878.00 0.00MW 02 2/22/2021 AP -003821 000107688 /IN:86,987.06 0.00 132 2J2212021 AP -003$2/ • 00101: G7688 /IN: 94$.40 G.00 87, 935.80 Q-2 2/22/2021 AP -x 03821- 000107688- 7688 /1h1: 1 9?4.00 906.x3.10 O.aii 88•,909.30 02 .2/2212021 AP -003821 000107688 AN: 0.00 0 89L,01,430 21221X}21 AP -093:8.21 ODOID768811N: f, �dlnli�i�i 905:01) d.0002 944719.80 02 2/.22!2421 AP -003821 0001-07688 /IN- 9D5..00 4:00 91 1624'.80 02 2122/202.1. AP -003821, 00010781.7 /IN: - _ O,Ua 92,529.80 02 2/2212021 AP -003621 • 0001089-34./IN 468.136 0.0E3 32,997.803 02 2122/2021 AP-�003821 00010893411:N- 678.00 678,.00' 0.00 93�1�75.6a i 0.06 94,353.80 Run Date; W112021 12.227:32PM OIL -Date: ;1.112021 pago.l l User Logan: SAB General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 02 Ending 2/28/2021. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GOH) Account.NuMber/Description Period Date Journal Comments 139'g Balance Debit Credit Net change End Balance 471601-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT ERAP 02 2/22/2021 AP -003821 000108934 AN: 678.00 0.00 02 2/2212021 AP -003821 00010893411N: WN W .Muv. 67.8,00 0.00 95,031.80 02 212212021 AP -003821 000108934 /IN: JFPWA ii'li W.00 0.00. 95,709,80 02 2122/2021 AP -003821 0001-0898411W.11kNOW, 5.94.00 0.00 96.,303.80 02 2/22/2021 AP -003821 0001-0898411N-. 1 1 i I WMWw 668.00 0.00 96,897.80 97150$.80 02 2/22/2021 AP -003821 000108964/IN: 297.00 0,00 02 2122/2021 AR -003821 00a.109028 /IN. RAdOW 716..00 0.00 97,862,80 Q� 212W -2Q21 AP;40-3821 00010902011 Ems 770.00 0.00 98-16,76.60 W 2/2212021 AP -003821 000409067 /IN: 95.0.00 0.00 99,34a.80 02 2.122/2.021 AP -003821 -000100067 AN: 475.00 0.00 100,1*298,80 02 .21221202-1 AP -003-8,21 0001' 090161 /K, 0.00 100,773M 02 2/22/2021 AP -009821 000109087 ft w 950,00' 0.00 101,12S.80 02 2/23/2021 AP -003822 000*1067-94/1N:.,. - 680.00 0.00 102,673.80 02-----2/2-312021! AR=003822 - 680.00 O.:f�!0 103.,353.80 02 2/2-312021 AP -003822 .0001-08957 /IN*: 280..00 1(�,D33.80 02 2x2312021 AP -003622 0001,0895711N. 0.00 104,313.80 02 2/23120�1 A -P-.003822 000108957 /IN: 280,00 104,428.80 02 212.312021 AP' -1103822 .000 108957 AN, �, 140,00 .0.00 0.0© 104,708.80 02 2123/2021 AP -0-03822 000108967 /IN*.. 280.00, 0.00 104,-848.80 02 21Z312G21 AR -003822- 280-400 0,00 02 2/2312021 AP -003822 00010a964AN: 906,00 0:00 105.,40a.80 02 2123/2021 AP -003-822 000108964 /IN 905.00 0.00 k46,313.80 107,218.80 5007-25 48,611.45 0.00 48,611.45 1D7,218.80 Deport Total: 58;607.36 48,611.45 0.00 4816,11.46 107,218.80 Run Date: 31112021 12,.-27*,32PM P0,00: 2 G/L Date: 31112021 MOr Logbd: SAB