HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCATTACHMENT I&A (1) Department of Commerce Community Development Block Grant CONTRACT CLOSEOUT REPORT contract Number: 19-62210-005 1. Grantee Jurisdiction: 2. Official Address: .Grant County PO Box 37 Ephrata., WA 98823 3. Name of Chief Administrative Official: 4. Title: Cindy Carter Chair, Board of County Commissioners 5. CDBG Contract End Date or Project Completion Date: 6. Final Public Hearing Dptp: 2/28/2021 March 10, 2020 for original grant March 9, 2021 for Amendment A 7. Brief project summary and results achieved: (See instructions on following page) Prosperity Center -Provides financial education & credit counseling services. 89 1st time home buy classes, 462 counseling sessions (840 hrs),, 263 finan workshop students, 5I1y1ptrge)taj.p-Cep servie e Weatherization Program- Served 24 homes in Grant & Adams Counties Energy Assistance -Served 1,066 clients in Grant County and 670 clients in Adams County Health District COVID Response -1816 cases tracked for contact tracing, food & care kits provided, information/efforts coordinated with medical providers & long term care facilities, planned mass testir & vaccine clinics. C] For construction projects, pictures of the completed project have been submitted toyour CDBG project Manager 8. Physical address of the activity(s) if not available at start of project (See instructions) 01c, 903 W 3rd Ave, Moses Lake, WA Health District - Various locations throughout County The chief administrative official of the grantee jurisdiction certifies that: 1. To the best of his/her knowledge and belief, the financial information and dataprovided in this report is true and correct as of the signature date indicated below. 2. The project was completed in accordance with the grant contract and scope of work. 3. A final public hearing was conducted to assess project performance. 4. Records supporting the information provided in this report will be maintained for a minimum of six (6) years from final closeout and made available upon request. 5. Cofisents to the use and reproduction by the CDBG Program or anyone authorized by CDBG, of any and all provided audio or video recording or photographs without compensation. In the event audits disclose disallowable costs, the Washington State Department Of Commerce shall retain the right to recover an appropriate amount of costs after fully considering the recommendations on disallowed costs resulting from the final au. *1 t Signature: A Chief Adrnvfihiktrati v*'e Official Date Cindy Carter, Chair r Lt.YtF Cul l9 t-, Ld E C CDBG Contract Closeout Report 0. A Lik Pt s� , I o F"'!' N �i� ATTACHMENT 16-A (2) The Contract Closeout Report provides a format for grantees to certify and document project completion in compliance with federal CDBG national objective and citizen participation requirements; and with the grant contract. Data you provide is used to update, with actuals, what was anticipated at the beginning of the project and to complete yearly reporting requirements. Detailed instructions are included on the reverse side of forms that are not self-explanatory. We recommend completing the report using the electronic version available at www.commercetwa.gQv/cdbg, or sent by your CDBG project manager. Please contact your CDBG project manager if you have questions e • Items 1-4 are self-explanatory. • Item 5: Insert the end date listed on your contract face sheet or on the most recent amendment. For projects completed prior to this end date, enter the date the project was completed. • Item 6: Insert the date the required final public hearing was held to receive input from the public on the CDBG- funded project. The public hearing must be held prior to submission of this report and meet public hearing requirements. • Item 7: Briefly describe the CDBG-funded activity(s), the original need that was met, project's actual accomplishments compared to the CDBG contract's scope of work was accomplished, and project highlights. For construction projects, submit digital photographs of the project by emailing, or sending a CD/flashdrive, to your Project Manager. • Item 8: Review the project address listed in your original application Project Summary. If it has changed, or if it was not known at that time, provide the actual address(es) here. • Signature Block: This is the signature of the grantee's chief administrative official or designee. CoverPage and Certification.....................................................................................................................................1 Tableof Contents....................................................................................................................................................... 2 FinancialSummary..................................................................................................................................................... 3 ProgramIncome Summary........................................................................................................................................ 3 BenefitSummary....................................................................................................................................................... 5 • Benefit at Closeout Form...........................................................................................................................asses. 7 Minority Business Development, Section 3 and Labor Standards Reporting ..................................also...................... 9 • Contract and Subcontract Activity Form (Attachment 1)..............................................................................11 • Grantee Section 3 Closeout Summary Report (Attachment 2)... ............ 13 • Final Labor Standards Compliance Report (Attachment 3)...........................................................................15 CDBG Contract Closeout Report ATTACHMENT 16-A (3) FINANCIAL SUMMARY 4 -Any dollar amount refiected In the Total CDBG Balance column will be assumed as a de -obligation and returned to the CDBG Program. PROGRAM INCOME SUMMARY WILL THIS PROJECT GENERATE PROGRAM INCOME F] Yes No If you check "Yes," and request to retain program income you must submit a Program Income Reuse Plan by closeout or receipt of first loan payment (housing rehabilitation, microenterprise assistance or other), whichever is earlier. Program income (PI) is defined as the gross income received by a CDBG grantee or subreciplent that was generated from the use of CDBG funds and equals or exceeds $35,000 in a single calendar year. For detail on program income and content of a Program Income Reuse Plan see Section 4 CDBG Management Handbook. CDBG Contract Closeout Report BUDGET SUMMARY . HUD IDIS Activity Number,, Budget Code & Activity Title (See the project A-19 invoice voucher information) Budget Amount Funds Expended Balance 7945 05Z Public Services 7946 21A General Admin 8100 05Z Outreach & Referral 8102 21A General Admin COVID $117,558.00 $3,500.00 141,770.00 $-26-,.-x:00 $ 31500.00 $1177558 $ 31500 $14117-70 $ i 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Total CDBG $ 266,328.00 $ 2667328 Other Fu.nd"ng $2 999 265.24 $1,066,641.21$14000000 �r": :s : �°���'. 01C has multiple funding sources $2999,265.2 4 7 Health Dist has multiple funding sources Ex: CARES Act through Grant County .c TOTAL PROJECT --$4.665,993.241 332-2334-4. 4 -Any dollar amount refiected In the Total CDBG Balance column will be assumed as a de -obligation and returned to the CDBG Program. PROGRAM INCOME SUMMARY WILL THIS PROJECT GENERATE PROGRAM INCOME F] Yes No If you check "Yes," and request to retain program income you must submit a Program Income Reuse Plan by closeout or receipt of first loan payment (housing rehabilitation, microenterprise assistance or other), whichever is earlier. Program income (PI) is defined as the gross income received by a CDBG grantee or subreciplent that was generated from the use of CDBG funds and equals or exceeds $35,000 in a single calendar year. For detail on program income and content of a Program Income Reuse Plan see Section 4 CDBG Management Handbook. CDBG Contract Closeout Report FINANCIAL SUMMARY INSTRUCTIONS: Activities I Budget Codes I Title I I Amount I CDBG Contract Closeout Report 4 Project HU® Project, Activity and Budget Code (s): The A19 voucher lists the Project, Activity and Budget Code(s) and Activity Title(s) for the project. each Activity assigned to the project., its corresponding Budget Amounts Funds Expended, and remaining Balance(s). Other Funding: List the other funding sources identified in your CDBG grant application and used in conjunction with CDBG funds for this project. Sources include: State, Federal, Local Private, and Other. Include the Funds Expended and remaining Balance for each source. / WASHINGTON STATE DEPARIMIENT OF COMMERCE a AGENCY NUMBER 1030 IDIS PROJECT YKIBER Commerce Contract Number 18-62210-018 A19 VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION AGENCY NAME DEPART IEEINT OF COXn, IERCE &M: CDBG PO BOX 42.525 OL"i IPLk NV;l 9S.504-2-525 INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAMANT: Submitthls form to dalm payment for materfals, merchandis e orseMces. Show complete delall for each item. Vendor's Certificate: thereby certifyunderperjury that the items and totals listed hereinList are proper chargesfor materials, merchandise or services furnished to the slate or Wash Ington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of ag e, so); marital status, race, creed, color, national. origin, handicap, relialon orVletnam era or disabled veterans status. - 'VLND 0 R 0 R CLA LNILANT (W aff an t is t o, b e p iya b I e t o,) SPRINGFIELD COUNTY 100 N. ACAIN ST. SHELBY-V-MLE, NVA 99999 =0RnNC1 PERIOD: BY: (SIGN IN BLUE INK) (TITLE) (DATE) Description QuAla" AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT REMAINING BUDGET REQUESTED THIS INVOICE BALANCE 7706 05 Public Services 35,539.001 $35,539.00 $0.00 $0.00 7707 2 1A &(10ral Admin 3,500.00 $3,500.00 $0.001 Activities I Budget Codes I Title I I Amount I CDBG Contract Closeout Report 4 BENEFITSUMMARY At CDBG application, the grantee identified and documented how each CDBG activity would benefit low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons as well as the ethnic and racial breakdown. If activities provided a benefit during the contracting period, actual beneficiary data was required during the project. If benefit was not achieved until completion of the project, beneficiary' data is reported using the attached Beneficiary at Closeout Form. Follow these sequential steps to document the final project benefit(s) achieved, 1. Does your CDBG contract require you currently submit a beneficiary report for your project? (Example Public Service Grants or Local Assistance Programs)* If yes, STOP, submit a new report documenting the beneficiaries since last reported and proceed to the Minority Business Development, Section 3 & Labor Standards Section. ® If no, proceed to #2. 2. Is the project for a planning -only activity? El Yes ❑ No 0 If yes, STOP, data is not required, proceed to the Minority Business Development, Section 3 & Labor Standards Section • If no, proceed to #3 3. Complete the Benefit at Closeout Form on the next page to document the benefit provided to LMI persons at project completion. *NOTE: Under limited circumstances, a project may have multiple activities that require beneficiary reporting both during the project and at completion (i.e. sewer system improvements that include replacement of private side services). In these instances, you will receive reporting guidance from your CDBG project manager prior to closeout. CDBG Contract Closeout Report Note: • General Administration and planning budget codes do not require reporting. ® Totals for Lines 1, 2, and 3 should be the same, (Budget code and activity numbers can be found on the Contract Data Shp -pt sent with the Pyinriffinri rnRC, rnntrnt-f I Budget Code 05 Urgent Need Activity Number ��roject Beneficiary — Persons Served New Access (i.e. first in area) Access to services/facility is no longer substandard Improved access (i.e. improved proximity) 1. Total Persons 1809 1834 Racial/Ethnic Breakdown HUD has designated Hispanic as an ethnic group. A person can be identified as both a member of a racial group and an ethnic group, but cannot be designated only as an ethnic aroup. Low- and Moderate -income Breakdow� Very Low Income (0-30% AMI) # by Race # of Hispanic* # by # of Race Hispanic # by Race # of Hispanic White 1605 956 362 Served Black/African American 39 Genpral Non-LMI (81%AMI and above) 186 Asian 14 3. Total. Population American Indian/Alaskan Native 23 Se ed Asian and White 31 Black /African American and White 11 American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American 18 Other Multi -Racial 68 2. Total 1,809 956 1 Low- and Moderate -income Breakdow� Very Low Income (0-30% AMI) 761 General Very Low to Low Income (31-50% AMI) 500 Population Low to Moderate Income (51-80% AMI) 362 Served Sub -Total 1,623 Non-LMI (81%AMI and above) 186 3. Total. 1,809 CDBG Contract Closeout Report