HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - BOCCGRANT COUNTY BOARD COMMISSIONERS DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Week r o February b• February b• , Commission Chambers 35 C Street NW Ephrata, WA 98823 Public meetings are in person with a WEBEX Conference Call/Video option available. (info below) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2023 Event address for https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=e4a8Od45c243fa2de784d9d65a attendees: 9c2aeab Event number: 2488 062 3195 Event password: BOCC-FEB13 Video Address: 24880623195@grantcowa.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Audio conference: To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code. United States Toll +1-408-418-9388 Show all global call-in numbers Access code: 2488 062 3195 D Stone, Out 8:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. D Bren, Hiawatha Truck Route Design- Discuss Equipment and Production Staff Plan 9:00 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. K Smith, Payroll Discussion 9:30 a.m. —10:30 a.m. B Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Update • NovaTime —Reports • Commissioners Office Job Descriptions • Commissioner Expense Claim Reimbursement Discussion • Airport District No. 1 (Desert Aire) Technology Request • Behavioral Health Discussions 10:30 a.m. —11:00 a.m. R Jones, Meeting with Loc Ohl 11:00 a.m. —11:30 a.m. S Castro, Landfill Discussion with Prosecuting Attorney (Anticipated Executive Session RCW 42.30.110(1)(1)/litigation) NOTE: ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATES TO ASSIST IN SCHEDULING AND MAY BE CHANGED SUBJECT TO THE BUSINESS OF THE DAY AT THE BOARD'S DISCRETION. THE BOARD MAY ADD AND/OR DELETE AND TAKE ANY ACTION ON ANY ITEM NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE AGENDA. ANY SUBJECT PLACED ON THE AGENDA REGARDLESS OF HOW THE MATTER IS STATED ON THE AGENDA, MAY BE ACTED UPON BY THE BOARD. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) ACCOMODATIONS PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Page 2of7 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of February 13, 2023 11:30 a.m. —12:00 p.m. M McKnight, Assessor's Office Update 1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. Commissioners Round Table — Miscellaneous Discussion • Review of Consent Agenda Items • Grant County Fireworks Ordinance vs WAC 2:00 p.m. — 3:30 p.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Event address for https•//grantcowa webex com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=ea8562bd184b5d6c55a6b732c2 attendees: 44be90c Event number: 2488 367 1165 Event password: BOCC-FEB14 Video Address: 24883671165@grantcowa.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Audio conference: To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code. United States Toll +1-408-418-9388 Show all global -call-in numbers Access code: 2488 367 1165 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. K McCrae, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Department Head Review— Discussion 10:00 a.m. —11:00 a.m. Department Head Review 11:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. T Gaines, Central Services Update 12:00 p.m. —12:30 p.m. D Stone, 7th District Elected Official Zoom Meeting 1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. S Castro, Public Works Update • Solid Waste o Week of January 30th- 653 Customers, $104,786.00 in Revenue, 2200 Tons of Garbage Collected o Restorical Research • Public Works General Update o NOFO Page 3of7 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of February 13, 2023 o R E ET Account o Deposition o Vehicle Accident Policy Review o Evaluations o Workstations o SS4A Grant 0 2023 County Safety Program Grant- $35 Million FHWA, $ 4 Million State Submittal Due March 15, 2023. • Public Works Engineering/Roads o Accident Report 2:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. Commissioner's Meeting • Call to order • Open Forum for Citizen Input (3 minutes per person, 15 -minute time limit)<t n • Approval of Agenday':.�°. t ci' 6- • Correspondence ie. Emails that have come in that need response, letters of support etc.) �Po • Commissioners Roundtable — Miscellaneous Discussion Sure 1.4- re. -6,--t r--1- —10dk-#-A "�.� �• Consent Agenda — (Items 1 through 27) All items are consideredroutine and will be enacted b�Y-7 Zone motion of the commissioners with no separate discussion. If a separate discussion is Aen desired, that item may be removed and placed under Board Discussion/Decision. 1. 2. 3. 4. AUDITOR'S OFFICE C - 14 lir 6 —Ac, F R Payment of vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. Request to amend fund/department number for Renew's Computer Replacement Program from fund 115.108 to 115.001. Request to close Courthouse and Juvenile Improvements fund 308.001 as the fund has been intentionally depleted and is no longer in use. Request to close the Quadrennial fund 502.000 as the fund was absorbed by Technical Services fund 501.179 and is no longer in use. ri FRvq nFFirF 5. 2023 Washington State Department of Health and Human Services, Grant No. 2110-80558, Child Support Enforcement, Assistance Listing Number 93.563 in the amount of $108,400.00 with a term of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. 6. 2022 Washington State Department of Health and Human Services, Grant No. 2110-80558, Child Support Enforcement, Assistance Listing Number 93.563 in the amount of $105,203.00 with a term of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE 7. Approval of January 30, 2023, Commissioners Minutes Page 4 of 7 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of February 13, 2023 8. Invoices 9. Reappointment letter for Marj Steinmetz to the Grant County LEOFF Disability Board for a two- year term beginning February 14, 2023, through February 28, 2025. s 10. Reappointment letter for Valli Millard to the Grant County LEOFF Disability Board for a two-year term beginning February 14, 2023, through February 28, 2025. 11.`A—n,t ci-p�tF�ng.'-' 2023 Animal Shelter Contract with Grant County Animal Outreach Inc., (GCAO) for a one-year term beginning on January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, in the amount of $100,000.00 to be paid in (4) quarterly installments. a� 12. Proclamation for the Moses Lake High School Dance and Drill Team for their 2023 State Championship 1St place finish in the 3A/4A Tumbling Co-ed Division. 13. Proclamation for the Moses Lake High School Dance and Drill Team for their 2023 State Championship 1St place finish in the 3A/4A Game Day Co-ed Division. ,/14. Reimbursement request from Housing Authority of Grant County on Department of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) No. 22-46108-10 in the amount of $42,130.32 for January 2023 expenses. 15. Reimbursement request from the Housing Authority of Grant County on the Department of Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP 2.0) Grant No. 21-46190-108 in the amount of $654,129.16. PUBLIC DEFENSE 16. Out-of-state travel request for Ellyn Berg to attend the National Defense Investigator Association Conference in St. Louis, Mo. Dates of travel are April 10, 2023 through April 15, 2023. Total cost of travel is $2,352.00. P iRi ic. wnRKs 17. Resolution accepting completion of the Dodson Road Overlay – 2021 Project, CRP No. 21-07 completed by Central Washington Asphalt in the amount of $722,086.67. RFNF\A{ 18. Request to Proceed with Farmers Electric for the opening of the new Royal City Location. The estimated total cost to complete electrical work is $8,588.92 and will be funded from account 108.150 Capital Outlay. SHERIFF'S OFFICE J19. Held from the 2/7/23 Consent Agenda: Big Bend Community College Health Agency Agreement for Provision of Clinical Experience for Big Bend Community College Health Education Programs 2022-2025 Affiliation Agreement with the Grant County Sheriff's Office/Grant County Jail. V/20. Held from the 2/7/23 Consent Agenda: Service Agreement with Omni Staffing Services and Grant County Corrections to provide staffing services for their occasional nursing staff needs. Term of agreement is one-year. Page 5of7 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of February 13, 2023 21. Washington State Department of Commerce Interagency Agreement with Grant County Sheriff through Justice Grant/Byrne Formula Grant No. F20-31440-204 in the amount of $226,563.00. Term of agreement is July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. Purpose of this grant is for Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team (INET) — Multi -jurisdictional investigation and prosecution of drug, gang and violent crime; activity normally beyond the capacity of local jurisdictions to adequately pursue as part of existing operations. 22. Executive Office of the President Office of National Drug Control Policy Grant Agreement No. G22NW0015A in the amount of $51,,483.00 for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program. Term of agreement is January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. 23. Out-of-state travel request for Derek Jay to attend the National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference (NADCP) in Houston, TX. Dates of travel are June 25, 2023, through June 29, 2023. Total cost of travel is $2,.100.00. ,24. Out -of- state travel request for Tom Tufte to attend Leadership Training in Clackamas, OR. Dates of travel are March 12, 2023, through March 17, 2023. Total cost of travel is $2.,914.00. r` X25. Out-of-state travel request for Katrina Ball to attend Washington State Narcotics Investigators Conference in Coeur D'Alene, ID. Dates of travel are April 23, 2023, through April 27, 2023. Total cost of travel is $1,315.00. X26. Out-of-state travel request for Terrie Smith to attend Washington State Narcotics Investigators Conference in Coeur D'Alene, ID. Dates of travel are April 23, 2023, through April 27, 2023. Total cost of travel is $1,315.00. 27. Out-of-state travel request for Gary Mansford, Jeff Wentworth, Brandon Guernsey, Isaiah Graham, Chris Kottong, Amy Lambert, Jose Rivera or Korey Judkins, and John Wallace to attend Washington State Narcotics Investigators Conference in Coeur D'Alene, ID. Dates of travel are April 23, 2023, through April 27, 2023. Total cost of travel is $10,,520.00. • Board Discussion/Decisions Items (Items to discuss and items that were removed from Consent Agenda. These items will be acted upon together) 0 Adjournment 3:15 p.m. — 3:45 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Ordinance Establishing a New Section of Grant County Code Chapter 6.46 Titled "Trespass On County Owned Property" To establish a new section of Grant County Code Chapter 6.46 titled "Trespass on County -owned property." Full context of the ordinance is available by contacting the Commissioner's Office. 3:30 p.m. -3:45 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Ordinance Amending Chapter 11.34 Of the Grant County Code Titled "Operation of Golf Carts' And Removing Sections 11.34.030 "Golf Cart Approval" And 11.34.040 "Golf Cart Registration" To amend Chapter 11.34 of the Grant County Code titled "Operation of Golf Carts" and removing sections 11.34.030 "Golf Cart Approval" and 11.34.040 "Golf Cart Registration". Full context of the ordinance is available by contacting the Commissioner's Office. Page 6 of 7 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of February 13, 2023 4:00 p.m. — 4:30 p.m. D Stone, Meeting with Nathan Poplawski 4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. R Jones, Position Management Review Team Meeting 4:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. R Jones, Larson Recreation Center Ribbon Cutting 7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. R Jones, Moses Lake City Council Meeting WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2023 7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. R Jones Grant County EDC Board Meeting (ATEC Building BBCC) 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. D Stone, South Grant County Road Tour 9:00 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. C Carter, WCRG Fiscal Committee Call 9:30 a.m. —11:30 a.m. TOURISM COMMISSION MEETING Link address for attendees: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/i.php?MTID=mO2218546739ee679a9cf4bcaa246lf4O Webinar number: 2480 262 7261 Webinar password: TOUR-FEB15 Video Address: 24802627261@grantcowa.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Audio conference: To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code. United States Toll +1-408-418-9388 Show all global call-in numbers Access code: 2480 262 7261 1:00 p.m. — 2:30 p.m. C Carter, Grant County Suicide Prevention Taskforce Meeting 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. D Stone at Legislative Steering Committee (LSC) Roundtable (WSAC, Olympia) Page 7of7 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of February 13, 2023 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2023 8:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. OSton�Legislative Steering Committee (LSC) lO:OOa.nm. —l2:00p.m. R]ones, CBSVVCBoard Meeting 3:00p.m.-3:00p.m. RJones, Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EPSP)Local Board Meeting (Webex) 5:30p.m.-8:00p.nn. C[arter, Grant Transit Authority Board Meeting (Moses Lake Facility FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m. CURRENT USE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING 11:00 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. R Jones at Adams County Courtroom Tour (TBD)