HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - BOCC (002)Semice Agreement 0 STAFF IG SERVICES Grant County.Corrections -f . This agreement is between ()IT 0 1-0 i Staffing Ser-vriees-, Ine. (Omni) and Grant County C rrel n (Fai'lity) whose address is 35 C St NWj -ph� 4 Re c i t a I s: Omni is dMicated- to p ro�vidirig qtrality fztafflt:�' 'I'g to !"-unty orgavulzatioff. in necd. Adiditiorially, Oi-wil Siafg Services, 11-1c is licensed by the State to provide medical perssonnel., Facility de -sire -s- to useOU111I' Staffing SiSiCT'Vices, lnc� for their Msional nu f- staffi, na, nceds. *,_1 In cOnsideration of tbe mutual prn,)rnjsics contained in this agreewtent,, the.ng parties agree to the followi: Term: The- teen, of flu-s"(19reement I's for one year, This: agreenient will automatically Mne W f r Of y p -r 0 unless citber party rn povides writtenofice e 0 Ic- car e I s, i of termination of the agreeme"t. The Party 1 w',, h* 1 ,19 to teri-ninate the agreement, t'niv.-A provide written notice 30 days- prior to termination of the a -m N 1, Th rt e mit Provide uTitten 110tice x5i followss-: for Facility. to the Chief Deputy of F e Pa i -s W---" acilit-j- anti for (-Nrinli, to Kritt Parties Mai- mutuallis agree- to terminate the agreement at any time. On"s Responsibilities: Omni will p* d- '1.e cetw d, teMPoram-� saaffing to your facility. This Staffing may he -scheduled through the OMni Office at 509-835-54,97. Omni will provide pcv d staffing on an us needed and asi available basis. Omni shall pre-qualif , intcr%riuw, and Nscreen all employecs bet"re placement in order to determine. the 0 qualifications, education. experience a r of -said employeesi, ''civ nd competency I S -ening inclu - ess dru- wreen, I - d national criminal check,,, sex offender, 01G.Compet ency Testing, Skills Checklists and EPLS checks. Omni staff mem�rs will arrive carly as requested for t --mentation to the flacilia y.'rhe facility may- request the epiployee atTive at regularly sichcdulcd Urne as necessaU for lest minute shift coverag e, In this cast the el"Plovee will complete orientation during, the ss g hift, 01"ni will remain the employer for Omni personnel diroughout the urs of this S' 1, gA mc oniti, wide ill Provall compens-ation to the emplove-c. as. ni. As such, 0 ' Oinni stawill comply with allpoliedes a -rid re-gulatiolls Q 0 facility recognizc.,5- sole f tj)e -f- c'j'ty, T- I. responsibility for prollessional rVIS101) dl� I slaff N-0ifle on, as suPC 1 I'd (firectPoti of0inn5 signment at raeflity. Anyin the qt - red -�ice -endered may teasult In termination of d i ial i ly () r care deli ve or se -i I s i the Onmi persontiel's ass'gnmen Omnishall at all tinies safeguard the hitn e_gr'�y, secu 'ty, atid confittentialit (if WMdually'denfiflable 1, health hif-ormation, as that te 7t'n in The flealtb Insurame P( v `1 tv --ountability Act of I is def aed ib, I I yo and Acc 19 9 6, 4 2 U.S. C. S e c tio t 1 13 11 0 d ( 6) (" H ea I th 111 fio. ra t wjjL it as ac -9s by virtue 0 us Ala jrjtflo . 0 1. h ce s f 0 Agreement. To acComplish this requirement.,,st"afflin SCINices shall mant abe W ...{Omni ' J ain; rexts. ln 'riedin, 42 U.S--.C,, Section 1320d- appro,pria-te ad.aunistrative. lech'111cal and physical safetruards, spect I Onini shall familiar',ze 'is, Staff g _ 1. as employ -c. c. h, an d , suble ontuact(yes •with. the privacy and, scmirity policies of Fuidity, applicable to. Ea ility. Is Ith iation. Omni atid Facifity sh, aptly repc -t t ­ C 1. Hm , hifiom- I I w. al I pron _) -t 0 her any unexpe.cted in.cidents regarding ally reach oa. r int grity, unity or confidentlatt(y of on.e anot Facility's Health hiflormation.,, W - In The evcnt of an y co mpjaint T by or with respect to ri I a patic: t 'n the Faeflily oi, any 1'n-vestigation ily governmental agen or y itiga"t-10n commenced against the I`=I lity, Onin' '11fitilly y wi. co, operate with Facilftl y jj,j, 1� effu .110 reKpoiid to and resolve the same in a timely jand eff-ect" a ive manner. 011.1ni ftgTecs t ics, clairns find Invesfigad ns. and IT at A -1 -.1y notify the Facility of anyinquin Y Will Prot .1p! 1 1.0 cooperate fally ifthedirectiorthFacIffiityNvith -espcct t tnaers 0 na n X1riot eng vage subcontrttctorss to provide iempk) y Unless a. agreed to in advance b y the C I t r or the event that swbcontractors are c-neaged. Ontn' ill a 1 11 subcoutrwto, iip ovees meet tbe assure that a I qu1ins alifica oas o , ai Wined 'n the. cc 1, )ntriact. 0"'.1m will cv-aluate. d 'c lided by subcon ac servi es prav aractors an. ongoing basis. OMNI shall proxA'de, tn u,ra.l.,1ce ct,)vcta, 'n th's. secflon ge as set out "L I I a i e In"IsUraRce. VS The _te-nt. of flle- , r. - 'u r. d to Protect the COUNTY should thcrci be any claims, su actiorls, Costs- damages or "pense s 's"11 A.; Wor frun' anY 10S.S Or 11C�0' ill Invntionial apt I 1 0 the tel*ms ofthis Atzrec- . c Dr omiss'on f OMNI, or Itagents, �vhilc- parrormitg under The insm"aInce I'C*qulj*cd shall gay issued by ati ins-tirance.company au- 'S Ile State of Wnshin&g LI'lorized to do busine.5-i witliin t on. Except for Protb&sdonal Liabffity or Er wid 0missions'It -41 '�e' the Is . m,&n(; sihall narn COUN11% On I Will, 1111,111ce c the its agent% Off ice_rs, and emploNyecs as addi al "miureds under Inls.'Uranc-c Policy. All pollicles shal 71 Ile Pn' MaTy to any other valid andcollect-We 111surance. ONINI is a ins, th UIS'Urers to give COUNTY thirty (30) calendar days advancve notice of at, renewal or niodificatiotL .1 a IY MsUranrtce CURCCHAtions, non - OMNI shall submit u I a. C0U'A\j'TY'with1n_ -fifteen (15) calendar days, of t1ne Agreement startdate, a certificate of insunance which ()Utfiaes the coverage and limits defined i'n ibis instirance section. D-uring the U-Nmn of this Agreement,, OMNI S -hall submit r , tiewal certififc8tcs not IQ-bs than thirty (30) calendar days prior to expirat iono p h eac 0a . f Hicy required under this sectioll. OM,N] shall prov'de ing th 1118=111ce- Coverage. ti be mainta ned in full forec and of-R,--ct Buri j,.n of this Agree . Commm-Mal Cimral L ib`fity In',sairance Policy. Pr(-Yvl'de a Conimere'a I I G e ncm I Ll ity Insur-ke"llice Policy, iflcl.U6 ing convactual Kabli-lily,,U.1"ifte-n on -an Occurrence bassis',in adequate quawity to agprotect uins,t legal lhability anisng Out of Agreement activit, but not lcss� 1,000,000D onao per 00currence-v n Additilly, GNINI is respollsible for ensuring tbat a -ay subcontractor'-si. provide adequate nisurance Coverage for the activitiles a n-51119 out ofsubcontracts, Pro ficsrsiowiil Liability or Profes,idonal Liah'fity, Errors tlDd InSUrance, 04C.i. ..a niaintain Firrors and Omissions Insut-,,, ince, OMNI shalluitainmin min'.niu,11 1', ts tl . - -I Upt o,.1) less than $1!000000.00pe-r occurrence to eover all, f"Cti;vitfe�s% -by the OMNI and ficensed sta �zip 'OUNTY4 its toyed by OMNI. C i6onal insurods under tbliss Policy. -agents officet�s, andemployee�,--., nee( d a.., add i Fatitt 41 11-ty Responsibillitlits., Facility agr4xss to orient Omrji cinpic)yce s to th-C la i1 itstifles and -11 regulations, to �acqaafnt th w'.tb - t-h-cfac'tll'.ty.po.I'I,c'lcl.-5-,a.nd rocudurcs, and to vlatidve com.petency and bility of theassigned wiployee, P Oinni crnploycess may only be. placed in, ass'd gm-ments-that i.nmab , , I-*-. r � 1, 0 the i b descriptio I - n o 0 - ni asci g-ps. fheni- if an C int finployee is as��ad to 110at tounotherdepartirne 7,16 1 x fl t w'th*n the F., 11it "t 1,0 de-partnimt mu-st be. a like department or unittand thefleetemployhis ee must ave demonsirate ' ' -evi I o i� d pr competency and have the appropriate certifications. c-redentials-, for that dep-artm. ent, v, nft, 1. i Coperat nan ev a i i E n 've to -1 F`aci I iy agrees, -to co - i alu. fion 0 a C h we it v f e 0m. -til 1pl()yc req, t Yee's abil to perR)nrisCal SUCI ernpluN: 1 -ay pecific job functIM)s UP011 c0tople-tion of t1w C-Mployce's-, asisignment. Facihty- aagrces to noti,�y .0 1-nni within #24 hours. of -an -vent- coil, -jell �y OT C0111 la`nts p.e L s ents., ;3nd to the:Omni i Eniployce anckor Omni Staffing Services. Facility a i " -bgrees Cornmin.11cation. wh -J 1, 1. * Employee Uh 0M I' MvIlellever an �idenul rL related to I 1C 01=1 I n. c Injury MPO compl-eted- Upon notlification '4 Ormli shall document and track tall ilnex' Pcoted trici&-outs, includ.11% em.r. sentinet (;!TCn% and o -flier event's 'I) jU icss -aiid sttfieq�- ha7ardsm-la-ted to dw care.. and Mi pr provided, Facility agrees toyplaylees for A"C'Mice to 01T). R) wifflit'n 30 dayss, of recoivit ig an, 0 A 111VOICC, mni viay char,ge financ-c fees aL:a simple ii -lost rate, or I% on any amounts no nter t paid Within 30 (lays, ()=Fs goal 's to allways pr(wid facififics wilb a consistent, level of'servicc. l for _na s n Facif It' t ' 1S y reas( , Y ; dissatis-fied with 0 mmil's; scrvice or the sen-ke provicicd by One of Omni's hcalthearc profiess-IDuals, Facility iS WC0111ra. ged to viuntact 0 '1 s rnni S'Allallaj exnealt to discuss- ti ksue. omili 11 -a ---S'Sses in place to proce resolve Qorup Jaints In an effective and efflai-cmt manner. A iTianagorlient representafivew* work- With t1le Facility to rvsolvrre the conceirm An, 'ndiv`dual or oqyaniz't 0 on that 11as a eoncern. about the qua and Y I Safe Ly of aietcaredl weedbmI n healflicare rs NNIC -high has not been addregsed by Omni's mens ern is (MCOUlaged to Contact tilc Joint Comm", i(iss rx 11 teoultn' by -)n at �N Nrlxjo I ISSIDT-1.0rot calling the Office- of QualitY Mollito 'jig at 6310. a 702-5636. n Fees, and B0111.1g: The fees for serlees 1'v* Rdered under fluis agreement are 11 'n attachnic-lit # 1 1 -to C I I _ 1jrs ut ited by t1w, employee '111 ("xCe-SIS of 40 per weekct or ot I Oitified holidays,sliall be billed tat time and oyie haW MiT I e age wul be based upon th fl trilxv,] distance for the Ointi'l emplo -D dwic C to flaci Itt Y and return, Anyfiec clionges., -will occur after agreed to by botli parties'. Tbe- faciliqY Wifirclimbunst-c, Ot -xp -j ary itaff nni for lodging c ensc,5, as j g -- expenses will be for Ing.. These agrccd upon beforc the cxpenscs occur. Food .p use will not be covered by the fiacility. Recruitmen Sbould the Ffly acil* Choose to et loy an Ujuni einployee, with'in I year of the Omni employe-cits last assignment at the'Facii lity, the Fben'tity will compensate Omni $4000.00as a recruitmentfiec, Scheduling: The fia-Cility in cancel Onini saaff up to 4 botirs priortc) the start ot f heht s'ft witl aoul any penalty, If the &C1'1itY;e'a"-CC*jS 0111-ni personnel. with k-1,sis. ththe an fibur ht-mrs' noti w- W"ll be b, I 1. t acjj�jty i 'illedfbrmilez and four hours. of firn.-erpt the appropriate sh'f Hold Harmless and Indc, . ni fic stion OMNI shallhold harmles- xnplo I nj F 'TY- -s, r, dej ii y a nd de- fe. nd d c COU N. .0 1 ye -es an a a arty and ,Irl clah. w, ti suitst 11"ability ex ag,ents from mid aqains losses penses, damages, ic nd judgmeuts of any nature whatsoever, including cos-Isa d attiorn n e-y's f�cs in dcfense dicreof, for.injt1tyl sickne,s-'s,', disa-blility or death to peN---ions ()r dan-ulge to properf); or by or a O.N'S acts, errors or ornissi". the ac-ts. jerrors or om'ssio ' 4 or anyore fior whosse a % 'Oils Or msof its employees, agyents, subcoxilr -actors , w - - - - t. Clair -ns siliall any of them maybe liable, ntheperfonnanceofth"sA I greemen include, but not be 11in'ted to J.- asserflotis that intbrina, .-tionsupplied or used, by OMNI or subcont-ractor infi-inges any patellL copyrighttrade-mark-, tradename, or otherw-'se nsults do. practilec-, in an, un. -.1air tn PROVIDED HOWEVER. that OMNYS obligations hereunder shall not extend to injury, sickness, death or damage caused v or arising Out of the !-s'oleligence 0 Ffhe COUNTYI.its officen, officials, employee-$ or agen ts, PROVIDED.. F,"URT11ER,. -the. event o e concuTrent neghgence of the I _ that In Patties, ONUNTI'S oblicration ff th s hereunder shall apply only to the pereenta -c of fa -butable tot OMNI, a Its employees, agents or subcontr. actoN, § In any and all claims against the COLOIN'tY I hS pploy , end agents , -Sorfic alscies Of iccr e a by any employee of OMNIj subcontracto.r., -anywone di irectly or irull emloyed byatt(.-)f them,or anyone for who. - acts any of theni inay be fiable the- indemnirication obligation under this Section .4 -hall not b filmhed in any way by any limitattim) oil die. 3111 0-11nt Ortype of damages,, compe.11s,ato enefits Payable by or for ton, or b OMNI orsubcontractor under Wer ketis Compansat.' d sab' ay 0 10.11 acts, i il' bene -fits tact, benerits actq, 4 being clearly t�gyrecd and -understoo(t by the parfics here s, r otheremployee to that the OMN 1 expressily waINTS any imr-nunity OMNI might have had under Titl 51 RC-W—By executin,'Agreement, ON'tNI acknowledgess that the fioregoing uraiver hasbecn .tutu by d utu ally lie gr tlie , rties -and (hat the. d ie pa M provis-ionsof this Section shall b ated as relcvant, into any contractO w* -i aiiy 111CO"tr)o rc MN] ntakres itt ,subcontractor agent performing work- hereunder. (WI's obfig 1,, tions hercundersih-all include, but are not 11.11 l' to, im.,estigalling, adj ustinir and do-fe-nding all cla' s all �' 0 Im eging Jogs- fi-011jacti.011, error or orn'ssion, or breach of any coi LUIT) Oil f I I lWW-, statutory or other delegaled''d-tity by OMNI. OMNI"ISemployeeg agents or subcontractors. Complete Agreement, Th' s Agreenwljit cot st-tilt.e-5 the ellt,re I ntegraw -1reenlient of die pa .d Ag -IN xt rsedes- 11 other rutW IM st agreenients.and may not be modlified except lin writing sligd by all parties. AppIlicable Law In g�interpretedaccording o :� tows f the Suite fwashi gton. the eventof any sty � action or othero01 fome this Agreement, ventic shallben the Superior Court off` Grant CountyWashingt Agreed to thi'sIL day Grant d Dat , W a Staf n - enIces te: Aftntiment I (Irant County Correct� lolls mileage Per CLUnnt IRS rate Time worked over 4( D hours per w or on a holiday wk II be calculated at I �5 tial ffie above- rate.. In extraord'aaq tim sp 'f 1- di p es it ee-1, , c cr:i is rates r.,na- V be ftp fi1- di Thc*I�, ra! s wit! ve a iscussed wd. the clici Prior to Occurring., 'Identified Holidlays New Year's Day Christmas Day Labor Day Memo h rUd Day ThIrRilksgiving Dqvy: Independme Day Agreed to th I s day of a Sigim Grant Cotinty Correc Grant C*Orr Hens Date-, Print Signature AI 1'07 Omni Staffinig Services M111 Staffi-Semices Omni Staffing Services Contract �erk of the B? rd Rebekah Kayl�6-F WSBA #53257 Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1q, ar3 Rob -Jo- Chair /2t Danny E. -tone 4