HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Sheriff & Jail (005)K23-025 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE Vllashington Traffic Safety Commission AND ra THIS AGREEMENT is ria de and en.teted -into. by and between -the W,�ashingtonT'raff'ic5afety-Co.mm*"iSsion, ft r referred to as hereinafter referred to as "WT8C and ran Count nen s e, F �t aF *5r P k� g herema e ---------------T x "SUB-;R_E-C1P'WNT*!' 'NOW THEREFORE "" on'ideration oflhe;terms, conditi' and performa,n ).in c s 0 ce contained ns., coven ajnts, herein) --pr attachednd.lincoroorated,and rna-0e a p*ert.hereof, t -a s fol' Vie.Partie.,s:mutua11.y greL-a 'i. PURP0'S*E.:,,'(?'F THE; AGREWENT The.. purpose of'fhis, -Agree -provide,fundin-- provt,. Uh eporimorit O'f me -pt is to ded byfh�q gi. ited 5tate.s. 1) M,jni,,t t 'A) TransDortation 1US"DOT) National Highway Trpff1c'5af6ty.,Ad' ra (NHTS a� d, 'allo­ ed unde—the n W r Assi'stance List , ings- C Jog of Fe-Oeral. bome (C.�bl b:0,20'-.6 0:for troffic-safet stic Assistance A) num. .0 ygrant Zero Task F6ree, sp-et1ficilly to,pfoV' peolect -202 1 HV8,' 4456-Rton 'Target Ze W in e,fu,hd ..Af6t�thelaw enforC,e,Meht 15 to cooduct-lovertimo n HV traffic safet f Tar Ze", S .0 'd the St;Aeme 't of Wofk �(Sow_ 1h 'Uppott gmphaslls pzktr'bls'a�:d' tl e �v � qqe in n o riorities. Thi Ta''rg6t Zb'ro Ma'hagd.e (TZM) and/or -the La'W' F force.rnent L Son 0L) AMcoo rd hate the- OW with the SVBo-REC11P1 ENT With the goal.,of r-ed"uci-ng'teaff1c.ceash,es. Grant --2022-HVE-4456-R:Ligion',15Ta'rge':t'ZeroT'a'r SkFo--cewa,S awarded to the, Region 15 to, support colla'borative efforts .to: conduct. HVE', activities. By:signin.g this agreement', the SUB-�;RECIPJENT is able to seek re'Imbursement for,approved overtime expenses incurred as a participant :in .the regions HV ..g*on s grant, .2. "PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance of this Agreement' shall commence upon .the -date of execution by bo t 'h Parties, but not, earlier than October 1, 202 ,1, and remain .in effect until September 30, 2022 22 Unless' terminated. sooner, as provided herein. 3. STATEMENT OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK: Problem and Opportunity Statement / Proiect Overview The main causes of serious injury and fatality collisions on rashington's roadways are driver impairment through drug and/or. alcohol Use, and distracted driving, Motorcyclists also represent a high number of injured and killed as a result of unsafe and poorly trained ridersand the challenges vehicle drivers face in ob5e,rving motorcycles on the road.., This project Will fu,hd locally coordinated high visibil'It' enfor-ceinent Mbbi.1"zot"ons for distracted dr -M ng and W1 e funding o.r rn mo orc do safetV. Selected,regions `11 also b giVeh fund" f - I ' - lrod Driving HVE. Overtime patrols will be pa , e. organized by local Ta -eget -:Zero (Managers Ms) $the stat6Wide Lair E,nforce hi 0 t Wison networks and their local Target Zerq Task Force. Thes patrOIs will also be �to ordi ated With th W' s Nln-gto hate Patr 1'.(WP) Target Zero Nl n.agers dill establish 0 r streingthen M.a'tibis'hips with key SP distr"d I to district personnel improve `interagency coordination. 6n. -Goal Prevent traffic crashes to reduce traffic related deaths and serious s through active, visible t sinjurie n and -.targeted traffic lair Onfo orisiste "t an -d r rce.ment.. fr-ato--gy ,W 1 4 Prevent -drivers from engaging in h b6haviors, by 'increa In ign-risj< e L 9 their verception of the risk f rece'v S 0 1. ing z citation through high Visibility nf6 rcement campaigns (HVE). HVE'Campaigns influence driver behavior by creating the perception ihat there is an 'increased risk of .engaging in risky drivihg behaviors. This perception ISLachieved through 1onincrea .) ' s,.e in. media messages g about UPLCoMi-ng-eMrphasis periods so that thea tar ted drivers know, w when the patrols ;k.11:pccur and what will bo.e,hforced and 2) drivers have the perception of increased because they can see a stgniticant and noticeable. 'increase In law enforcement presence (officers pul,ling cars over) that r.einforces be. medla- messages they received and.inf luences-thern to modify,the,drlying bohair vI Obloctives- and Reauir.eme I nts for"' All, High VisibilitV Patrols, 1, SUB.".RECIPIENT- WI participate in their task force to plan and execute HVE events, The SUB - RECIPIENT in cooperationwit i h the loc:c!'J task force WI a. Conduct robust. planning for each HVE event. WC recommends creating an operational plan doveldRod b-y'the I L ocal traffic safety task force fdr each HVE event that Includes: i. Goals for the event — For example, what behaviors is the event intended to influence? II. Summary of participating lawenforcementagencies, target violations and target locations. ill. Summary of the public outreach that will be done to promote the event so that dr'ivers in the target- -arned and can anticipate it, ed locations are forew iv. Use data and information such as crash data, anecdotes of near misses, and professional judgement to pick target locations where the patrols will occur. b. The planning for HVE events will be data informed; based on crash data, anecdotal evidence] and the professional judgement of task force members, c 0 Execute the event using multiple officers (J minimum. of three) at the same tirnein the same target areas to create a visible, presence so that the driving ppblic has the perception nl ot law enforcement o-mniprese h-ce''On' the targeted roads. Enforcement is highly visible —zlearly more than a typical day. d. Pa'rtic'ipating officers should fnakimiz� their contacts during their patrols so that their activity co.ntributes to the 90.als of the Hvt event. See this requirement described below. -In the section called Other CoOsidbration's, Exceptions, And Notes Regarding HVElvents. e. Promote the event through :ill earned, d I Hable -so owne—and, If funded, paid media that is av a. 1. that the public Is made aware of the event before, during, and after the enforcement takes place. Translate messages asneeded to teach the ftiajority of drivers in the targeted locations. f. invite local media. involvement -in the -effort to reachcomun- in Which HVE Will occur. g. --strive to actively enfo,rce traffrc.sOety laws.focused on collis'ion ca,u ing,bohavi-ors in. priority 1- sl areas throughout the y0a-CoLitside Of HVE events. h. Ensure all participating p.ersonnol wi.11'use t. e WEIVIS systorn,provided by the WTSC to record all activities in digital: activity logs conducted by"their clm'missioned officers pursuant io the HVE events. Patticipatipg Q I officers W* 11, fill ou.t all applicable field's of thed,ig-ita-I activity log and use the co e e I on irregulatiti6s, challeng'�!S' or other details mments, fi'ld'tb prcivid. denfls 0 1 is that -would h.elp explain what wasencountered -d Ing their shift,'SUB4 encou urECIPIENT Will also so.ens,ure all supervisor's. 8h.d fiscal'sta'iff have the. ability to review'' and edit those activity logs. I. Erisure,all particip-atin pers will -receive al. briefing prior to, the event so:- that -every participant.understands the purpose and goals.1of the HVE evont, This can'be done In' pL 4preferred).o.relectronicViatelephone.ofvirtual software, Below"is'a recommended briefing .checklist:. I. Event goals, and summary of participating law enforcement agencies -and officers target violations, and target locations.. ii, List of on-call DBEs and request- procedures lili, How to fill out theIr,digital activity [Og in WEIVIS iv. Information on how the Mobile Impaired Driving Unit will be used (if applicable) v, Dispatch information* vi,. Spotter processes ('if applicable) vii, Available Draeger machines and locations Ensure all officers participating in these patrols is BAC certified and -received. and passed the SFST refresher training., k. Support, the promotion of HVE events utflizing, all of their owned: media channels (Le,, Faceboo.k,, Twitter, Website, email newsletters 5 1 ..-or other 'ocial media). 1. Ensure at least orae individual available for weekend media contacts, beginning noon on Fridays before HVE mobilizations. Objectives and Requirements for Dist'raded DHving HVE Patrols 1. SUB -RECIPIENT must -use the spotter method for all di'stracted driving HVE events, This method will utilize a team of no less than three officers — one. spotter identifying violations di at least tiro Wo officers responding to violations, 2. participating Officer's will doc'u" rn' ont I , in the "COMments" box of their activity log, the, names, of the spotter and chasers with which they were working. 3. SUB-RECIPEINTS ut*1l'Whg'motorcycle officers are exempt J . rom.thespotter requ- ir6mi-e-rite, 4, sU'B-AECIPIENT agtL2kes that distracted d riving patrols cohductedw -' 'it�hout using the spotter- Mpth.o d will not be compensated by the WTSC. -5. SUB.-.iECIPIENTWHI only expen,d funds_ or these HVE events in support of the national distfactod driving campaign from April 4 to April 1l. 6. SUB-RECIPIENTrn y exp.end fOnds outside the Aprinational campaign, -but on'ly w enlth.e Target Zero Manager receives: written approval from WTSC in advance and 2) the event is "n support of a distracted driving focused H"VE' event org8nized by the Task Force-, Patrols conducted 6. ut *, e of the campaign window,. and without pre -approval from WTSC will not be reimbursed. Other -Cor 's'iderati0hs',- Exce0thoris, And Notes Regarding HVE Events Maxim,oiz'iong-contactsio-Participating l,aw..onfotc:Lihie,nt Officers, should make a-smopy contacts -as they can dUring the",ir.patrb,l -ib the spirit Of changibg driving bo:havAor. Active, con's'lstoht, and targeted f r raffic law enforcement pact s -an on helping io modify driver behavior. A traffic stop affects future. dr'V* t ' i ing habits that has a positive influence on reducing the numbetand se -Verity Of collisions. People believe what I they hear from each other and it influencos what they do. TrMfic stops act as a deterrent to risky deivhig 9. behavior. This strategy has three peimarNL purposes that that traffic stops achieve: The fitst Ourpose Is to stop a violation Of the law for pqblicaf , . s et Officorswi ill accomplish this. purpose rnorolV by stopping -vehicles. The second Purpose of the -stop is to serve as a general deterrent to other drivers. Officers' -visible presence with a vehicle at the roadside has this symbolic effect on other drivers. Finally, the third purpose is to change the drivers' future driving behavior. Process Measures Percent of officers that receive a briefing prior to HVE events, * Percent of HVE activity logs with a start date and -end date, /time" ' within prescribed campat h W .gn indows. * Percent of stops resulting ii -n :an .infraction or citations issued for high-risk beha-viors including but not limited to 'imp -aired driving, speeding, distra'cted driving, and aggressive driving. 3.1. MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES Mobilliz-aitloh Dates U Drive. U Text. U Pay. April 4 11, 2022 3.2. COMPENSATION Compensatio,n for the overtime work pro -vi, "ded in accordance with this Agreement has been establishedUnde'r-the term� of.ACW`3'9'3'4. The cost :of . accomplishing the work described in the SOW will not exceed dollar total from amouri is listed belovtr.PaV. 'dnt for sat! facto y performance -, c' df the overtime M s r p an e work s ha I I not exceed th 'is -a-M o LIM unless the WTSC,erid SUB -RECIPIENT rhUtuall�y agre'o to a higher amount in a written Aniendme'rit to this Agreerne'n't executed by both the WTS,C and SUB -RECIPIENT. comp -time me is not consld&ed overtime and Will not be approved for payment. All law enforcement agencies who are active members of the Region 15 traffic safety task force With a fully executed; grant agreement are eligible to participate in th*5:grant,. 3.2.2s WT8 C. will -reirnburse for personnel overtime expenses at 150 percent ofthe officer's normal -salary rate plus SUB-4*11-ECIPIENT's contributions to employee*b nefits, I'm' e i i ited to the follow"ing. * FICA. 0 Medicare Any portion of L & I that is paid id by the employer (SIB-RECIPIEN'T) RetirementWiltributions pa1d by the employer (508 -RE. I CIPIENT) can be Included if the contribution is based on a, percentage of their hours worked Health insurance, or any other benefiu not listed above,,.arle not eligible for r0mbursernent. The SUB-11WPIENT gill providLa law enforcement, offic&s with'vehicles, radars' ,approptiatee.quipment(e.g., portable breath testers, etc.) to paril0pate in the emphasis patrols. ols. 3.2.3. Funding alterations are permitted as follows: Upon agreement by the regional TZM and all other parties impacted by a proposed budget altetation, the allocation amounts may be increased or decreased without amending this agreement. FIVE grant funds should be managed collaboratively by the SUB - RECIPIENT and the TZM. These alterations must be requested through email communilcatio ' n among all involved, parties, including the TZM, and the WTSCH scal Analyst. --rhis communication shall include an HVE Allocation Ad - 1 0 - I justment form, which details the funding alterations. Funds within the same HVEam c paign budget category only, can be increased and decreased across p a arties, so long as the modifie*d total' does not exceed' the r gional total allocation per fu. nding category C e 3,2.4. These funds,. designated for salaries and benefits, are intended to pay for the ' ­ hourl- overtime casts and proportional anoints Of fringe beh6fiS of commissioned staff-pu -pursuing the-activitios described in the statement of 'work, These funds may -not be used for any other purpose for example any work required to maintain a law enforcement -commission -including recertification train-ings like firearm qualification. .3.2.5. Dispatch: WTSC will reimburse communications, officers/dispatch personnel for -work on t'hispr "ect oj providing SUB -RECIPIENT has received -prior approval from their region's, TZM. This activity must be overtime an.d only the expenses listed in section 3,2 and its subsections: will be reimbursed. �.206. Transport Officers: WTSC will reimburse transport officers for theirwo"k on, this proie r eco .rev ding SU -B -RECIPIENT has received a,pprov8l from their regionsri�g"I. regional .151_,to TZM. The TZM will work with the determine ifneed is warranted far fhe-typp, of HVEactivity.. This activity must be overtime -and" only the expen.ses listed in section .3.2 and its subsections will be re4mbors, - ed. i 3.2.7.. The laver enforcement involved Will ho -t schedule in' overtime shift' for longer officer S than eight -hours.,WTSC Wd'&,* tand 'the're rnay'be instan, ces when i-norethan eight hours* are billed due to n rs. .5 D U I proceissjng or - other reasons and an e xplahation should be provided on the ''EMS Officer Activity Log. 12.8. The'law enforcement agency involved will ensure that -any reserve officer for whom rehbursement is claimed has exceeded his/her normal weekly wor rkin.g hours when partic"pat' t i,ng in an emp,ha.41spatrol. and is .authorized to be p1d, at the amount requested.'Reserve officer s mayonly be paid at the normal hourly rate fime rata.and not at tho,150 petcent ovrata.te. 8.10 SUMMARY' OF PROJECT COSTS The WT-S'C has awarded $i5,006..00 to the Region 15 Traffic Safety Task'Force for the purpose of conducting coordinated overtime HVE'activitles, B ..-,y signingthis agreement, the SUB-RECIPIENTjs able to seek reimbursement for approved overtime expe.nses incurred as a participant in this grant, All.activity must be coordinated by the region's traffic safety tas reimbursement,k force and TZM in order to be eligible -for The funding for Region 15 is as follows -4 EMPHASIS PATROL [Distracted Driving Patrols $15,000. (Section.402, CFDA 20.6001 OTAL $15,000. 3.3.1. The funds issued under this Agreement are only to be used for the specified category and shall not be I s commingled between categories, a APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSA' 4, ACTIVITY REPORTS The SUB-RECRENT agrees to have all personnel who work HVE patrol's submit a'WEMS Officer Acti'V it w I ith'in .24 hours y Log of the end of all shifts worked, These same logs Will be associated with Invoices,as detailed s in thle"BILLING PROCEDUR.Ej' section; Use of the Officer Acti vity Log in the WTSC s online grant management system, WEMS, is -required. SuporvisOr review and accuracy c in WEIVIS. certification Will also be done ' 5. ADVANCE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED No payments in 8,dvahce of or i n o. o services b be prbvided. under this Agreement shall in ariticipatio, bf goods 'r sL ces t be rb-ade by th,b, wTSC 6.. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS,AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement May -be m ailneild.Ltkd'b� utual agreement of the. Parties in the form of'a written request to _y afnehd -this Ag.r'e6 rnentlq Such -ai-nendments shall only be binding if they -are in writing end signed b Y personnel outprizedto bind each Of the Parties, Changes to the budget; SUB-RECIPIEN'T8 Primary ,and WTSC Program Manager can be made thro . I Contact, ugh email communication and signatures are not required. 7. ALL -WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This greement A contains all the terms and conditions conta- n tions -agreed'other understandings, upon. by the Parties. No oral or otherwise, regarding the %subject .matter ofth's Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties hereto, ,8. ASSIGNMENT The -SOME'CiPfE' work to be provided under 'his greemont, in whole_ le or *h part, NT may not assign the t i A 0 1 without the express prior written consent of the WTSC, which consent shall not,be unreasonably withheld. The SUB -RECIPIENT shall provide the WTSC a copy df all . t . third-pa'rty-tontratts and agreements entered into for putposes of fulfilling tho SOW. Such '-th-*rd-party contracts and agreements m How applicable Iust fo federall state, and local law, including but notlimitedto procurement law, rules, and procedures, If any of the funds provided under this Agreement include funds from NHTSA, such third -party contracts and agreements must t include the federal provisions set forth in this Agreement in sections .34 through 42, 9. ATTORNEYS" FEES In the event of litigation or other action brought to enforce the Agreement terms, each Part its ows, . n attorney fees and costy agrees to bear .10. BILLING PROCEDURE All invoices for reimbursement of HVE activities will be clone using the WTSCs grant management system, WEMS,. WEMS Officer Activity logs will, be attached to invoices,, direct[ linking cost of the a iv'tyt the Y ct., I o invoice. Because'the activity, approval, and' invoicing are 811 done within WEMS 0 back up documentation is required in most cases. , no: once ,sub Mitted by theSUB-RECIPIEN ' invoices T, invoices are routed t' the re oval TZM for review and e b .9 approval. The TZM, Will submit all approved invoices to the WTSC via WEMS W'rithin 10 days Of receipt. Payment to the S U.B.1180 PI ENT for approved and completed Work will be rn de by warrant or account tr8nsf& by WTSCWthin,30 days of receipt of such properly do tumented invoices acceptable to WTSC'. Upon .expiration'i',of the Agreement, a hy claim for payment not already made shall be submitted within 45 da ys -.after the expiration date of this Agreement. All invoices for goods received or services performed -on or prior to June 30,, 202 1,, must be received by WTSC no I.aterthan August 10, 2022. All invoices for goods received or services performed between July 1, 2.022 and Septqmber 30- 2022, must be received by WSSC no la'ter than November -15, 2022, 11, CON F1 D'ENTIALITY/SAFE UARDING OF INFORMAMON The SUB-�-RECIP . IEN'Ts hall not use or diSc'l-ose' n' 14 -tion- concoirnihgAho, WTSC, or in- for.. �atio which any nfor'tta . M n ,maV be. clas'sified as coofidential, for any purp65-e,n t ire' tly connected ol dir c Wfth'the administr tion of this a Agoem ent, except -with written consent of the WTSC,, or -as may be required b law. W1 y .12o. COSTPRINCIPLES tosts incurred under this Agreeftio'n't shalla dherb to provisions of 2 CFR Part Zoo Subpart E. 13..0 VENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The ,SUB .RECIPI ENT warrants that it has not paid, and agreesnot to pay, any -bonus, commission brokerage, or contingent fee to solicit or secure this Agreement or to obtain approval of pan—application for federal financibl,assistance for this Agreement The UMTS shall have the r,ightin the event of breach of thi's.sectioh .by the 5U,B­RECIPlENT -to annul this Agreement wit thout liability. 14...0115PUTES 14.1'. Disputes -arising in the performance of thisaementI which hot.resby agreeme olved nt.of the AgIrL Parties, . shall be declded in W I r1ting by the WTSC Deputy Director or designee. This decision shall be final and conclusive, unless within 10 days. from the -date of the SU B-RECIPIENT's 'receipt of WTSC's written decision,. the SUB -RECIPIENT furnishes awritte, n appealthe WT -S -C Director, The SUB-11ECIPIENT's appeal shall be to e decided 'in Weiti ng by the Director or ��signeewithin .30 days of receipt of the appeal by the Director. The decision shall be binding upon the SUB -RECIPIENT and the'SUB-kECIPIENT shall abide by the decision, -14.2. Performance During Dispute. Unless other -wise directed by WTSQ, the SI B-RLCIPIENT shall continue performance under this Agreement while matters in dispute are -being resolved. 15,, GOVERNANCE -15.1.'Tbis Ag.reernent-is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to conform to those laws. 15...Z. In the event of an i * nconsistencyin the terms of this Agreement., or between it's terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving -precedence in the following order: 15.2.1.. Appl.iclable federal and state statutes -and rules is. .2. Terms and Conditions of this Agreement 15.2.3. Any Amendment executed under this Agreement 15.2.4, Any SOW executed -under this Agreement 15.2.5. Any other provisions of the Agreement, Including materials incorporated by reference 16. INCOME, Any income earned by the $Q8-'REC--IPIENT from the conduct of the SOW (pg., sale ofpublications, registration fees, or service ch-arges) must be accounted for, and that income must be ap 'lied to pr "ect P oj purposes or used to reduce project costs, .17.- INDEMNIFICATION ,.17.1., To the fullest extent -permitted by 1pw the. SU -RECIPIENT sh flindernnifyand. h '0'Id harmless the .13 a i WT$() its officers, employees, an.d.8gents, and prbtessand d6dnd at itsown pdrse a nand all clay i:ms, �deman'ds suits at law or Oqd-ity, act ons, pehalties, .losses damages, or costs of 'hatsoever kind ("claim brought against WTSC arising out of or in-tonnection with this Agreement and/or the SUB"RECIPIENT's s pe*ffb.rm'a`hc0 or f6ilure to perform -any a� ett ofthe Agreement. This indemnity p n ovisi ' on applies to all' a 1 0 a "s, clalhi�' against WTSC,, its officers, employees and agents ri ng put of, in connection W ith.,,.,o r incident t o the acts or orbissi,ons'.of the SUB -RECIPIENT- its, officers. employees agents, contractorsl'and �subcontractors, Provided, however, that nothing herel.n -shall require fhe­S-U 13--REC-1,P1EN'Ttoindemnify and hold harmfess :or defend the WTSiC,, its agents, employees,, o cers to the extent that cl. are caused r offi t at sed.b the e'ligent y n g acts or omissions. of the. WTS.Q.j its officers, employees or agents; -and proVided further that if such claims result from the concufrent,negligence of (a) the SU.13-RECIP''IENT.,'its offl'cers employees -'-gents, cont . ractors A a., or sLibcontractors, and (b�'e, amploye r involves -those 'ctions covered by the WTSC. its* office, r�, L es,, or age 0a RCW .1,15, the indemn(ty provisions provided here -ire �and enforceable only to the extent of e shall be vlidtho noglig.efte of the SUB -RECIPIENT, itsbffic'-ers, loyeesa ents, contractors or Mp, g subcontractors -17.2. The SUB -RECIPIENT waives Itsimmunity.under Title -51 RCW to the extent it is required to."ridemnify, .defend, acid hold harmless the WTSC, its officers, employees, or agents. 173. The-'Indemnifi�- "ctition and held harmless provision' shall survive o termination th"Is A reement. 1 .9 18. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The -employees or agents of each. Party who are engaged'in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that Party and shall not be considered for -any purpo I se to be employees or agents of the other Party, 19. INSURANCE COVERAGE 19-1. The SUB-11ECIPIENT shall comply with the provisions of Title 51 RC%W Industrial Insurance if required bylaw. 19-2. If the SUB -RECIPIENT is not required to 'maintain mm aintain insurpri ance in accordance with Title 51 RCW, or to the start of any performance of work under this Agreeent, the SUR -RECIPIENT shall provide"-*'! TSC with proof of insurance coverage (e.g - vehicle liabl,0ilit14. y insurance, private. property lilability.insurahcej. or commercial property liability insurancia-), as determined a ppropriate b,y WTSC, wfijch protects the SUB - RECIPIENT and wT8c from risks associated with theS'O W' associated W th this Agrteme - t. W1 n 20. LICENSING,ACC . R EDITATI.ON,, AND REG18TAATION The SUB -RECIPIENT shall cornply With all applicabl - e local, state, and federal licensin'g, accri2ditation., and tegistratidn feclUirerbents ind.staridar& rie'cets-orilof`the perfor-manceW this Agre ement. The SUB - RECIPIENT shall cb.mplete. registration With the Was'fibigton State Department of "Revenue, if required, and be responsible for payment of all taxes -due on payments made under this Agreement, 21. RECORDS MAINTENANCE 21.1. During the term of this Agreement and for six years thereafter, the SUB -RECIPIENT shall maj.ntaln books records,.-docume.nts, and other evidence that sufficiently and properly reflect al[ direct and 'indirect costs expended in the,.performance of the s described herein. These records shall he �ubjectjo, services inspection, review,. or audit bV authorized per�onnel, of the e WTSC, tho Office of thT State AUditor-d n ds, do federal Officials so :authorized by laW, -All boobs, s, and oth levant to this recot cument re Agreehl.ent. Will bo- retaioed for sIx years afteir Opirdti10 h, The 'Office.of the State Auditor, -federal auditors the WTSC, end 'any dulyauthori.ze.d. representatives V. shall have full access- and the sight to examine -Y any of these matoriaIs-during,th, is'period. 21.2. Records.and ofh& documents, d- uit, furnished .by one Party to this.A t to the other greemen Pa'*ftYl M411 r&naih the property of thefurhishing Party, unless otherwise e a gr ed. The.roceiving, arty will not . disclose or m'a'ke a-vailable this material to any third Parties without -first giving notice to the furn'ishing Party -and giving them a. reasonable opportun . ty I ize -reasonable security- , P , rose u' i to respond, Each Party will uii4" .and protections to assure that records and documents pro q res vided- by the other Part are no.t erroneous W ly .disclosed to third Parties. 22, RIGHT Cal" "INSPECTION The SU13-REClPlE_NT.sha'll p.rovicl.e right ofaccess -to facilities ' t i ties to the WTS'C-' or an of its. officers -, :or to any other authorized agent or -Official of the state , I - - of Wa sh ' 'ngton or the federal government, at all reasonable times, in order to monitor -and evaluate performance, compliance, and/or quality assurance under this A- '-ke available inforr-ati 0 necessary for �l'TSC to c6 With the greement, TheSUB-RECIPIE.NT shall Ma11� ,- 0cortin right to o access, amen -d, and receive an of disclosures o disclosures of their Pers nal,lnform''ation according to 1 0 . the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.(HIPAA) or any regulations enacted or revised pursuant -to the HIPAA provisions and applicable provisions of Washington State law, The SUB - RECIPIENT shall upon request make available to the WTSC and the United ,States Secretary of the ,Department of Health -and Human Services all internal policies and procedures, books and records relati ng to the safeguarding, use, and dISCIOSUre of Personal information obtained or Used as a result of this Agreement.. 23. RIGHTS IN DATA 23.1. WTSC and SLIMECIPIENT agree that all data and work products collectively called 'Work Product") pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered works. made for hire under the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 USC §10.1 et seq., and shall be opined by' the state of Washington. Work Product includes, but is not limited to reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisement, books, magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, sound re�prbdfttions 'designs, plans, diagrams, drawings, software, and/or databases to the extent provided by law. Ownership includes the right to copyright,, register the copyright distribute.. prepare dedvative works, publicly perform publicly display, and the ability to otherwise use and transfer these rights. 23.2. If for any reason the Work- Product would not be considered a work made for :hire under licable p I.- .law, the SUB -RECIPIENT assigns -and transfers to WTSC the entire right, title., and interest in and to all riffits 9 ..in the Work Product an.d -any registrations _and copyright applicationsrelating thereto and an renewals yrO e s and extensions thereof. a 2303. The;S'UB-RECI T its awn expense, tho,resu_ Its f project" tiv tie W thout ' rior PIENT rn'''y publish., at 0.. oac review by the W ovidl��dp TSCfpr that -any publications (written-, visual, or sound) cbrit- in-ackn 'wledgment of al 0 the -wpport provided. by-NHTSA wind the WTSC Any discovery or invention derived from workperformed. under this project shall be -t(Ae&ed to the'WTSC, who will determine through N'HTSA whether patent peotections will be. sought) how any rights will be administered, -and other act' - ions required to.proteci the public interest. 24. SAVIN(;-r% In the event funding from stater federal, or other r sources is withdraw; hdrawn; reduced, or lim"ited 'in any way after the of mPOor ettive date of this Agreeent and - t ., o completion of the,$OW under th Agreement, the WTSC M.ay terminate- the ,Agreement u.,nder, the "TERMINATION FOR CONVE.NJENtF clause, Without -the' 30 -day notice reqQ'I're,m'eni, TKeAgreerri einflis subject to reneg6t - a the WTSCI doh under i tion at t s discretion I limitations any new foncli0g, iI tions oe conditions. , 2_5 SEVERABILITY If any Provision of th'is AgreemOrit or aril of any document incorpot'ted by reference shall -be held. a C invalid, suchil.nvalidity-sh'-11 not affect the other provisions of this Agreiom,ent which can effect - e 4 .be given without the invalid Ofovisibh,, if such ti i�h 'in n 0 f - pplicable [pw and the e ai de'r co forms t* the requirementso a fu- hdo-mehtal ptirpbso of this..Agr-ee m- eht., and to this end the provis'lons,.of this Agreement are declared to 'be severable. 26, SITE SECURITY While on \A/TSC premises, the SUB -RECIPIENT, its agents, employees,or sub --.contractors shall conform in all respects with all WTSC physical, fire, or other.secur*ty policies and applicable regulations. 27. TAXES All payments of'payrol.-I taxes, unemployment contributions, any other taxes, insurance, or other such expenses for the SUB -RECIPIENT or its staff shall be the sole responsibility of the SUB -RECIPIENT, 28. TERMINATIO -N FOR (AU. SE if the S'U1B-REQPI.ENT does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement or 9 violates any of these ter s and conditions, the WTSC will give the SUB. RECIPIENT Written notice of such m n I failure or violation., and may terminate this Agreement immediately. At the WTSCs discretion, the SUB- RECIPIENT may be given 15 days to correct the violation: or failure. In the event that the. SUB -RE ' - C1 P I ENT is given the opportunity to correct the violation and the violation is not corrected I within :the 15 -day period* this Agreement may be terminated at the end of that period by written notice of the WTSC. '29. TE'RIVIINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as oth.erWi.se provided in this Agreement, either Party May torMinate this Agreement, W*thoUt cause or reason, with 30 days writteningtice to the other Party. If this AgreemOnt is so terminated the WTSC shall be liable only for payment required under the terms of this Agireement f . br services -rendered or goods delivered prior to th':e- effective date of -t,- ermination. 30. T REATIVIENT 0''F_'ASSETS 30J a Title to all propertyfurnished n by the WTSC shall remain property of the WTSC, Title to call property furnished bytheSUB-RECIPIENT for the cost of Which the ,SUB -RECIPIENT is entitled to be reimburs'ed as a direct item of cost 'Under this- Agreement shall pass to and vest in the WT -SC' upon delivery of such p-roperty by the SUB -RECIPIENT. Title to -other property, the cost of which is reimbursable to. the S_U13-RE QPIENT Lin.derth'Is Agreement, shall assto and the WTSC upon iss,vane for use of"such property in the .performance of thi.s Agreement, or (H) commencement of use* of such property in he p.eJormance oft his Agreement,or{�H I of the in whole or ir ft.whIcheve-r' 0 -M* M bu r$e M 0 nt cost thereof by th ' e WTSC first occurs. 30. 2.1 Any property of -he WTS' furnished to the U-_ t C 5 B RECIPIENT shall, :unless othe rw.ise..provided herein or -approve d by the WTSC, jbe,used only for the performance of this AgreeMent, 303. The SUS -R_E*C`IPIENT`shall be, responsible for a'riy loss or damage to, 1ch esuIts property oftho WTS,Cwh r from' the rye gl igeri ce, 'of the SUB-RECIP'IENT . or which results from theeon rt the 0�a 0 the. SUB_ RECIPIENT to hia''i n taln -,a n d a d rn" Inister that property in -accordarce"With sound ma� err practicges. 30.4. If an 'WT y SC property is lost, destroyed, or d, -RECIPIENT shall .'Menbdiately notif� the amaged, the SUB WTSC and shall take all to a-sona.ble steps to prbtectthe property from further damage. ,30.5.. The SUB -RECIPIENT` sKal.kdrte I nder to the WTSC all propbrty of the WTSC -upon cum pletion, termination, or cancellation of this Agreement. 30-6. All reference to the SUB-RECIPIENT'under this clause shall also include SUB­�RECIPIENT's empl-oyees, agents, or sub -contractors, .3 1. WAIVER A failure by either Party to exerciseitsrights under this "is Agreement shall not seclude that Party from subsequent exercise Of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other, rights under this Agreement.. APPLICABLE CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY GRANTS (23 CFR PART 1300 APPENDIX A): 320- BUY AMERICA ACT The SUB-RLOPI will comply with the Buy America eequirement (23 U.S.C. 313) when purchasing items IENT using federal funds. Buy America req ' uires the SUB -RECIPIENT to purchase only steel, iron, and manufactured products produced in the United States, unless the Secretary of Transportation determines that such dotnestically'produced items would be 'Inconsistent with the public interest,, that such materials are not reasonably available and of a satisfactory quality, or that:'inclu.-sion of domestic materials will increase the cost of the overall project contract by more than 25 percent- In order to use federal funds to Purcha.se fo.re.igp produced items, the W1SC must submit a waiver request that provides an adequate basis and justification, and which is -approved by the Secretary of'ion, Transportat DEBARMENTAND SUSPENSION Iristructio0s for Lower Tier .Ce-rtificat ion 311 'By signingthisAgreement, the SUB -RECIPIENT (hereinafter . in th."Is section referred to as the "lower tier partlicip.'an,V) is prbViding the certificati'on set out bel ow' an agrees to :comply the requirements of 2 SFR part .180 arid 23 CFR ' alt 1300. p .�3*i2, The c-ertification in this section is -.a "material 'rep*resentatio-h of fact upon which reliance as placed Wh6hthigtran�actibn was entered into. If itis Iater determined that the lowert[er participant. know4ngly. rendered anerroneouscertification, in addition to other remedies 'available to the federal g9vernment,-the department t &:ageh' ithwh-16 this transaction originated may pursueil pa n agency Frith. available remedies, includi Ing ,suspension and/or debarment,, 33.3.7he low6r tier.participant shall provide immediate written notice to the WTSC if'at-any tune me the low'or tier-parilcipanflearns that its certification was erroneous, when 8u.bm,itte.d or h. -os become erro'neou's by 4 .reason of changed arcumstancesi 33.4 - The terms covered transaction,.. debarment,. -su�spens".o.n.,'i,nelig'lb'le,.,Iower-t'i*e.r#c" parti IPant,Person., primar ier, in Y t, ,.P.r* c4)aL and voluntarily excluded, as used in this clause', have the meanings set out ut in the Definitions a:nd Covered Trai!$actlons sections of *2 CFR part 180.. .33.5, The lower' -tier partieipnt agrees by signing this Agreement th-at'it-shall not knot owingly enter into any lowertler covered transaction with a person s who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 9 subpart 9,4, debarred, suspended, ineligible, or vol suspe Untarily excluded from participation in this covered tNinsattlbh? unless 1ess authorized by NHTSA. 33.6.'The lower tier participant further agrees e'' by signing this Agreeme nt that it will include the clause titled s n Instructions for Lower Tie'r Certification" catio h", ihclud ing the "Certification Regarding Debarment, �Uspen,sion, Ineligibility and voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction )1 without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions, and will require lower . tier participants to comply with 2 CFR part 180 a.nd 2,8 CFR part x.300. 33.7. A parti'c'ipant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification, of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part. 9, subpart 9,4, debarred, suspend.ed, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless essit knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non -procurement Programs. 31.8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be .construed to require establishment of a syst - rh of records &I 'i - e in Order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that Wh d by'a p udent person in the ordinary ich is normal.ly possesse r course of business dealings. 33.9.- Except for transactiohs authorized under paragraph:35.5, of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knoWng!'y enterswe into a'lor tier covered transaction with a person who is prop . osed for debarrrient under 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4, .suspended, debarred, ineligible,or voluntarily excluded fro, m participation in this transaction, the department or agency with which this transaction I I transaction originated may. disallow costs, annul or terminate the trans -action, .is'sue a stop work order, debar or suspend yo or take other remedies as appropriate. Certification -Regardingnt .Debarme ' � UJity and r Tier Covered .,'S.us,pensWoIn,.(nel.i ' Transactions gi. VoluntaryExclusion- Lowe 3010. Tho lower tier participant certifies, by Agreement, signing this, I that.neither it nor itsprincipals -are presently debarred, suspended proposed for debarment declared ineligible, or Voluntarily exclu'dod from . participation in this transaction by on federal -.de' , �t- nt or agehcyd Y par_m*q rt .33.11. Wber I - r i thg •lower tier pa ic p8ht is -u unable to,ce th to *tat h e of the cer 6monts in this tificati 'on, such participant $ha -11 attach zn ekplan-atioh to this Agteemnt, 84o "HE DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE ACT OF 1988 SX,, 8 34.1. The SUB-REC IPIENT shall: '84AA. Publish -a statement hotifylo ees-thatthe-u-ni wful ft ing' emp y a s r Ma Uf8cftife, di *t ibuti.on, ds pensing, pdssOssion,, or'.us'0 of a cbntrolled.substance is pr"bhlbited in the,W'-O'rl(p lace and shall specify the action that will .be taken against employees for violation -of such. prohibition. 34.1-2. Estab'l.isho-drug-free awar'e-ness.progratntoinform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace the SUB-RECIPIENT's -policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; any available drug -counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and the penalties that maybe imposed -4 i - upon employees for drug violations occurring in the workplac 34.1.3. Make it a requirement that each employee engaged in the performance of thegra.nt be g of the statement required by pa I ragraph 36.1,f this section 1. 0 ivena. copy . 34.1.4. Notify -the employee in the statement required by paragraph 36.1.1. of this section that as a .condition of employment under the grant, the employee will Aide' by the terms of the statement, notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a' .0 viollation occurring in the workplace no later -than five days after such conviction notify th Vand n . e WTS C within 10 days after receiving notice from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such Conviction. 34A.S. Take one of the following -actions within 30 d_a�s of receiving notice un - der paragraph 36.1.3.. of this section, -With respect to any employee Who is -so cOnvictedi take appro-pnate personnel action a" t such W gains an. -em - loyee, up to and termination,. -an.d/o-r require such h employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse ass[ stance or rehabillitatio-ri program. approved for such purposes by a federali state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate. -agency. gency, 34.1.6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implemen-tatio"n of all I of the paragraphs above, 35. FEDERAL FUNDING ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY ACT (FFATAI 'in accordance with FFATA, the S'08 -RECIPIENT shall, upon request.,provide WTSC the,na ' mes -and, total coMpensation of the five most highly compensatedofficers offhe entity, if the entity in the preceding- fiscal year received 80 percent or more of its annual gross .revenues in federal awards recoiVed,$25,0 a S..00,000 or more in -annual gross revenues from federal OWards, and if public- does not have access t' -'nf 'r ": 8t! . I I the U . does V . 01 0 m on 6outtho tompensatioh* of the senior 1executives, s. of the entity through periodic epo rI s filed 'under ,sectt on 3(a or-15(d)bf the.SecUtities. g �xch- eAct of 1934 or.section -6104 bf the Internal Revenue Code of 1986# a ,'36. FEDERAL tOB I BYING 360111 The undersigned certifies, to the best bf.his', or''her knowledge and belief, that: 36.14.1*' No federal 0 prop iatOd funds haVe bben pbid 'will' id by or on behalf of the undersigned to p r I or .he pa a dor -or .any.per oOn O'influ'ncing e- -z attornotingto"Influiefite a n officer or employee any agency, a Member of. Congress, ah..offIc Or or ehi.' lo of Cbhg.�e�s or an employee of a. Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract,, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of -any cooperati've agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal; d,mePt, or modification of any federal contract, gra,nt loan, or cooperative agreement. 36.1.2. If any fundsotherthan federal approp,riate.d. funds have been. paid or will be paild to any p - , e*rson for influencing or attempting to influence an -officer or employee of any agency, a, Member of Congress, an officer or employee :of Congress, or an employee ofa M -ember of Congress in connection with this federal deral contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall core* piste and submit -Standard Form- ALL, )Ilsclosure Form to Report Lobbying, in accordance with its instructions. 36.1.3. The un-dersi -n-ed shall require -that the la of this certification be inciuded n .9 nguage I certification . i the award documents for all sub -awards at all tiers, (including sub -contracts, sub rants and contracts under grant, loans, and cooperative.agreeme-nts), and that all -sub-reCipients shall certify and disclose accordingly, 36.2. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed When this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the . 0 required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10.0-00 and not more than $100 000 for each such failure. 37. NONDISCRIMINATION (Title VI,, 42 M.C. § 2000d et seq.) 37.1. During -the performance of -this' Agreement, the SUB -RECIPIENT agrees-, 37.1.1. To comply with all federal nondiscrimination laws and regulations - to as,may �e� amended from -time time, 37.1.2. Not to participate directly or-ind,irectlyin the discrimination prohibited any federal hon - discrimination law or regulation, as set forth In Appendix B of 40 CF' R Part. and herein. 37.1.3. To pert it access to its books records, accounts other sources of information, an -d its facilities as .required by the -WTSC,.UISDOT, or NFITSA. 37.1-4..Tha.-t,,In-the-event a,contractor/fun.dingrecipient faiflsto comply With any nohdisairTiinati on provisio.hs iri-th1s, contract, fu,.h ding Agreement, thg WTSC Will have We right to i 9 mpQSe_sUc*h cbiit'ract/agree.mentsanctions:"a5it 6 NI-ITSA.de''terrnine are appropriate, *inc. u ''.1 dihg but hot limited to withholding Payniehts to the c6J tr- ctor/fuh d1h' recipient under the conttact/�greement until the n, a, te contrador/fund ing rL3dipiont co " J1* mp io-5,:and/or cancelling, terminatingor suspendin.g.a cont.ract o"r fund.ing a.grbehieht/ in whole of 1-n part.. 37.1.5. To insert this tla4se., including all paragraphs, -in every sub -contract and sub -agreement and' in every solicitation foe'a subcontract or sub-tagreement that receives-federa,l"fund,s.und.er this prpgrarn-, 380 POLITICAL ACTIVITY. HATCH ACTS F The SUB -RECIPIENT will comply with provisions ofthe Hatch..Act (5 U.S.-C. 1501-15,08).- which limit the political activities of employees whose principal. employment activities are funded in whole or in Part, with. federal funds.. 39. PROHIBITION.ON USING -GRANT FUNDS To CHECK FOR HELMET USAGE The SUB -RECIPIENT Will.not use 28 0. S.C. Chapter 4,grant fuhds for programs to the -age or to check helmet us create checkpoints that1c:target motorcyclists*._ .4 .10 1.9 1 clists*..This Agreement does not include :army 8spetts or elements of heirnet-usage or -checkpoints, a - d so equ*-rement. n. fully complies with this r I !40. STATE LOBBYING Nonev of the funds'under this Agreement will be used for any activity specifically des-igned to urge or influence a stag or local legislator to favor e adoption of any specific legislative proposal or -oppose th a I pending before any A8te -or local.legislative body. Such activ ities include both direct and 'indirect (e,,g,, grassroots") lobbying activities, with one exception. This does not preclude a state official whose solar is supported with NHTSA funds from engaging in direct communications with state or local leg'slat I ive officials, in accordance with customary stake practice, even if such communications urge legislative officials to favor te prac or oppose the adoption of a specific pending legislative proposal, .41. DESIGNATED CONTACTS The followiftg natned in.dividuals will serve as designated contac ts for each of the Parties for all communications., notices., and -reimbursement regarding this Aar eement: The Contact for the -SUB RF'CIPIE'isi NT.� The Target Zero Manager for Region 15 is- The Contact for r WTSC Is: Hilary Torres :fAW Al.ison Mitc -hel A� _z. t --v W, Re ion 15 Target Zero Manager WT SCP­rOgr am Manager $ aire an S 4zmali* on@gma"I.com htorr- s@,wtsc.wa■g ov . . . . . . . . . . . . V 509 _681-0579 360 -72.5-9888 42_,­.,-AUTHOR1TY TO -SIGN The- ub" d',e'r's'i.g hid. akkho'­Wlodge's that they are :authorised to exeCLIte this ' Agre�em.ent -and bind their respective agencies or entities to the obligation set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOFthe parties have executed this ti Agreerne-rit, WASHINGTON TRAFFIC :SAFETY` CONI'MISSION Torres, Hilary (WTSC) .St n�tur signature Date Hilary Torres .Printed' N"arne Program Manager Title 10/5/21 Date WEMS Grant Requirements Acknowledgement Form for High Visibilifiy Enforcement (HVE) Mobilizations WEMS ID: 2022.-HVE-4456-Region 15 Target Zero Task Force Before beginning work on this grant project, the grantee RrQ'Ject Manage I r -should -thoroughly read and understand the terms of the Interage ncy Agreement (IAA). Tbis G -rant R.eqUire,ments Acknowledgement FOrbli provides an -explanation of some key terms and highlights but is not cortiprehensive. If the Project Ma pager has questions -after reviewing this i. document, please refer to the 'W TSC Grants Mahage'ment Manual., or contact the WTSC. Program grant., ram, Mahag.eras gned, to this When you, the grant Project Manager, agree to this document; ,you ceft ifV that you Understand the . grant -requirements and agree to fully comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement/contract, as well as addition -al federal req Ui irements outlihed in the Code- of Federal Regulatlons`,for Federal Grarits and Agreements, as referenced ce . 1 -1 0 bel'ow.. If anyth'ing i'n this document conflicts with the Agreement/Contract the Agre*ement/Contrac' t ices p,fec.qdO.n-ce. Oofore you be -gin -Ware, you must have: A fLljly executed IAA or contract signed by both, prties. Attested td`the.Grant ,Requi - reme . ntsAtknowledgment'Form this document). WoA-canh the `­befo Jthe�to�tdat o th, 1A o it re e n A signed by all parties WTSC W'll only e .F6rbqforethe1AAJS reirn" bur'se exp -en* ses i n"curred after'the 1AA is fully executed, Select Contract Provisions: Statetnentof Work:This sum marizos the work to be.donefort'his grant. Ifthis changes significantly, the "granteewi I I need to req u est a ch a n ge'arnendmentma-y be required. ' iriWEIVIS,,and an JAA High, Visit ility Enforcement (HVE) Operational Requirements: The specific HVE requirements listed *1 1 the Scope of Work are extremely important to th'e.success of . the high visibility enforcement strategy, .n t ALL of these requirement's must be followed, 0 WEMS Digital Activity Log: WTSC requires all agencies participating in high visibility enforcement clu. to use the WEMS system to clocuiment the activity of all participating officers. An officer cannot participate if they do not have a WEMS account and do not input their activities' into the WEMS digital activity log. 0 Officer Training Requirements: Any officer participating officer must document in WEMS that they have cu rrent- qualifications for BAC and SFST. Period of Performance: All work must be completed, and goods and services must be received, during s the period of performance on the IAA. Page, 1 of 2 0 Compensation-, * Comp time is not an allowable expense for reimbursement on a *high visibility enforcement, (FIVE) campaign contract or other OTOVc �irt me) patrol projects. The funding for these Otype' of projects ts are for the actual activity of patrolling and.-tornp time or any other type of leave will not be reimbursed. * All .expenses must be incuired during the 'period of performance on the IAA. * Expenses cannot exceed the t.ota-1, -amo_urit of the- agreement and must fall within the anibUnts of each budge i category as listed in the IAA, * Funds -may bemI oved, With prIor approval and within certain limits, between plarinLad budget categories, A formal request must be submitted to the Target Zero Manager. Advance Payments. Proh ibited-i WTSC car dot pay for any costs 'prior to the work belncompleted or the goods being delivered, Agreement_.Alterat'lonsq.nd Amendments: If-ypura.gencywantsto seek an exceptio,n to any of the HVE operationalm U y ou ' must submit an exception request to the,WTSCs primary contact- listed _u's in the in interagency Agreemen,t, Billing Procedure: Your agpnty is r'quired to utilize* the Digital activity Log in the WEM'' sy_stem, i e supplied b'", the o WTS C fo r a I I of Your invoices. vo i ces. Yo u r I'you training y o.eal TZM can give and support- if yqu need:ass`stan,cesing this syste.m; Buy,America Act: -For any manufactured goods over,.$' .5 000 t le grantee ust provide wr'fsten certifi(ation that,th e- goods, inclUding IT softwia--r­e aid ha-r'dWare, were produced in the USA. COst U. principles: Grantee grant f "Ilds to replace routine and/or existing staff or expend.4t(u. res. Must comply With 2 Uk Pa t 200 5 r uboart I_ncome_:_any .Jnone generated wIt mu8t be ith this.gra accounted f6r and applied to project purposes ses or used to reduce, costs. ''osts. J Lobbying/political Politica . lActivity*:.Be:.Because thin iE!5.-.-federalfUnds no work being funded by this caU is grant, can be `used to .lobby or otherwise influence state or federal officials, or support or opi. ose le:g­Wat*oh; o there is -on' 011oWae-fdr rustohio'rSt ate 'pr.a'ctr.ceb ROc Ords *MaintOnO'hce:'Maintain reco.`rds p'ertaihing.to this agreement for 6years after expiration Other Roquirer e-hts: Orotnloticin4litem Purchase Restrictions: No proe-no 'onal items,-ese can be pUrchasLad with th grant-funds, 0 Single Audit Requirements: Required of an entity that expends $750,000 or more annually of federal funds, Federal grants, or federal awards usually perfo rried;ahnUally, .ra %_ I a r By checking this box.an:d ty -ping your name below, You certify that you agree to fully comply with the terms and. conditions set forth in the Agreement,_as well as the requirements listed in'this document, -Typirig-your name below constitutes your electronic -signature on this document, I Agree L) lid (N. me, Agency; Title) +�-a�{�N i Cct� (Date) Sc� i t�r�r�i�►�' Page 2 of 2 V -67ATE,OF WASHINOTOON WASHING -TON TRAFFIC.SAFETY COMMISSION At ven(10 SEt 5111144 40,9, FO PDX 409441,01YMP4 V/41$h if 98.5-04-0544, (3-�Zi 772 519,3-80 AME'_ ..­�-Z..NDM.ENT # -1 T_Q "-,VISIBILITY ENFORCEMENT GRANT 2022_,HIGH� 'MMISSIUN wA F F I C 9 _TY .014, 17 i,A S h 0-Iff s 0 .-Grant "U ffi� c e Th.e. G ,ra.ntee..,listed-_;above­ Wipate.8: !Is hi hv lb.il" einfo e' t __9 'ht part c �.in,.Kegion. 15 2022- i5 Ity rcem n . ra .:zero as Unding I - th' HVE-4456,;-Reg , ion 5-Tat., 'k F' Oro F e n added has,:b e o is grant�to c e is -amen nt the' Cl nc u'd fU e ..m.0s for enforcement pa, icipation in jick It--or`T`i k Th dm projedt o s s7ectiot eta ov �c st SOO n d e7refei ,pe;!.o worka ren agreement. Thi addi ions to thO,ag_ mten -are as follows _.-p-ope o. -k-Adai ons': X1 je':00sd Rd u" 0 an _q tremens or_ ck r T`ck t. Patrols f6 �Wl Click, lt:or T okot 10T) �HVE mint Usib.the -s e -od r oT►i q. r ed met f h "s h* -O n e om ed fficers,.,,. .9pe spotter ident in violations ii, at -.-,Ie `f;'d` It if gs. tic office'rt'Yrespo Vpjngo, ocer's on motprpyp es are,an exc6'p' d fh"p rom tis requirement, 2 .1-'I`" PIENT --agrees that .010T HVE' atrols condu'Oed 'Without usin thespotter ated �ylhe 8C. Math od 1101b oto qrs will not bcow eh 3. -SUR-RECIPIENT HI W en un 1Y.-I.e.l. .,.Of d.slortheseHVE. the 1r) S.Upp frO June,5 :2022, ;ate,. I events ort of Q10 C_Mpa - - I_ y 2022 Project -Co is.,,A,ddjons:li* 4T -ke t. Patr6l S c .0 1 010oo -Seo-tion .402, C- FDA 20.600 n -d Jo` All other sections and teras a c nditiobt of th*s:-,0- 'full -force and effe-6t. n rae rem Ain "in This Amendment is executed b 'th below,:' ho eper.sons igning w warrant that they have the men ]is-effe five -on the date.1 1 e it "s fully ex'Cuted. d''' t executei is men c I thofl�y to this A T tP STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY'' COMMISSION 6218111 AVenUe SE, Sulte 409, PO Box 40944, Olympta, Washington 98504-0944, P60) 725-9860 AMENDMENT # I Im 2022-HVE-4456-Region 15 Target Zero Task Force This amendment updates the Scope of Work and Project Costs for 2022-HVE-4456-Region 15 Target Zero Task Force, for the purpose of providing funding for law enforcement agencies in Region 15 to participate in the national Click It or Ticket campaign. The additions to the agreement are as follows: Scope of Work Additions: Objectives and Requirements for Click It or Ticket Patrols 1. SUB -RECIPIENT must use the spotter method for all Click It or Ticket (CIOT) HVE events. This method will utilize a team of no less than three commissioned officers — .one spotter identifying violations and at least two officers responding to violations. Officers on motorcycles are an excepted from this requirement. 2. SUB -RECIPIENT agrees that CIOT HVE patrols conducted without using the spotter method or motor officers will not be compensated by the WTSC. 3. SUB -RECIPIENT will only expend funds for these HVE events in support of the national CIOT campaign from May 16, 2022 --June 5, 2022, Project Costs Additions: Click It or Ticket Patrols Section 402, CFDA 20,600 $10,000.00 All other sections and terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect, This Amendment is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they have the authority to execute this Amendment. It is effective on the date itis fully executed. WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Signature Mark Medalen Printed Name 4/14/22 Date WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION PaIlly signed by Pam Pannkok ON: C"44M Nnnkuk f), au, Pam Pannkukeotlnaltvppannkukqvitsewa.gnv. c�US WtO. 202-14)4.18 07:53:55 -0,rC& Signature Pam Pannkuk, Deputy Director PrintedName 04-18-2022 Date WASHINOTON -TfZAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Wade, Alonzo 4126I2o22 , Fags 2 of 2 STATE QFWAS , HINGTON WASHINGTON i`F�AFF{C SAFETY CO1VilVIISSI(7N 621 Sm AV01700 SE, Suite 409, PO Box- 40944, Olym -ft:M1�0ton-�09444`6­_-725 . plai 98564 (3, Q�. -9860 AMENDMENT *2 TO 2022, H am -Region -15 Targ- t, Zero TaW Fo Me t 0 fir . 02Z -HV E 4 4 56',,o R e, g"i 'o h --of --osis-.'0 e t dotes the -8 W. R tAmen m n up, r an vrpjec wpe2 rge,PUrp f t:76rd Task Force, f0th: e" pse o p., g funding forw [a (OffOrWment -R Tan 1-5,to oftip atojn m-, t -agehmsm og P o ofoycle t g �the* Intartate'.90 a ptrols du "o Emphasis: -eve.6t... The additions to the 0g.reement are ..as.-foll owo: _616f. .5.0Work A-dd Itiotisi.iD -'ives-andRe*-­ P quireme, 'dor -Mo 0 -staf0ty Pawl.s $U'8(-Rii01P15NT will oxpend thase!mo'ein-,support of the, tont`fuodshterstate-I90 IEMpha­ -2 sis vent June2.. 4-26., J'022 c ons. -o a mo filto' Cus theiRegaian Uns fed 9.. NT rill on d nin chiludirIgIM t rafiltig'.". inc o orcycles and all other md'N -r,v- 1 0 ehl es ope j oh.tho rbadw.ayo,.. Illegal end un r' ing.ac io rh. it am e d iv' n-:8, ' "In'o."ludos 1 V jng,_ speading o jOgtoo,'dowt d" t w y, ..'wraoted.,, 4vino etQ., U, a trois IPI T' ill Utilize mpt t REC N :w o I ' e,.(rpo r�; o ,icers nng th. _;w P er a''" fir nt. h,Lhv - avalfcabl,'6, 'Howov'er,,a­fi' c 0" tm" I �`_, �00ed -1 w,en o e ers ollgibleend ". orged togarfici t Datrols, cipa e in th-o'se P C Additi m ot 61' Slbfety PA ro- -18,(1.64 T sfer:F- _0 $:1-51,000-0 All other or: oricl 'er of I $ offiact M t ms, �and tondifloll,$,- hf Q0n_trnt.-remMam4n-_. T. i 1 0 __ I va — h,s Anofidme, d by the- ersons n belft, who: t.tNt-theyh- 'the . ... .. nt.18 ex-ecUte .,,g ing.. rran a ave f0dw authbeity to executo.this Adnendmont:,4 e i 'is-.eetiv eonto JV! at' 'it, is IYOXO'utedl. Wa4SHWGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY CO MISSI N Signa. e I 4 J Printed'Name �� i D;ate, WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY C41NMI- SIt3N Signature Mark Medalen Printed -Name, 6/17/22 -Date Interagency Agreement between Grant County (Sheriff's Office) and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for Target Zero Task Force Grant Project No. 2022-HVE-4456 Date signed: _JM 2023 GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS } p Roy Jo , Galr Cindy Cart ,Vice Cha Lam'' Danny Sto e, Member ATTEST: