HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (002)System: 5/11/2022 1'15�7�N . County ofGen User Date: 5/11/2022" Page: Batch ID PAYABLES TRANSACTION E0TLIST User ID: Payables Management Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail ________ ------------------ $10,784.84 ___—____$18J84.84 $0.00 State of Wash ington-County of Grant 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed this day of For Department Approved and Authorized By 07 Document Total ------------------ $10,784-84 ________$1O.7g4-84 Commissioner Commissioner Date Allowed System: 5/11/2022 1:15:37 PM, County of Grant Page: I User Date: 5/11/2022 PAYABLE$ TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: eswash Batch ID: MUS05132022EW Payables Management Batch Comment: Batch Frequency.- Single Use Trx Total Actual.- 6 Trx Total Control: 0Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $10,784,,84 Batch Total Control: $101874*84 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 5/11/2022 Actual batch total does not equal the control batch total General Ledger Distributions Account 001 .119-00-0000.575304700 692.001.00.0000.211000000 Account Description Account Type PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE PURCH WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Debit A -mount 1,88.70 .0.00 ----------------- 18.8.70 Credit Amount 0.00 .188.70 wrwwwwww 7 188. 0 Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 001 .119-00-0000.5753,04700 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE PURCH 692.001-00-0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE P" Debit Amount 8.60 0.00 ----------------- 8.60 Credit Amount 0.00 8.60 8.60 System: 5/11/2022 1:15:37 PM User Date: 5/11/2022 Batch ID MUS05132022EW County of Grant Page: 2 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: eswash Payables Management Lj- ----------- ucumui it Number m uocuent Date Voucher Number Purch Vises Do e CM., ht Total .Vendor Name Terms AV-fll r s Isea GCHST WAGES 4/22 5/11/2022 0364237 $7,312.49 $7,312.49 GRANT CO HISTORICAL SOCIETY Description Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions i ions Account Account Description -001 .119-00-0000,575301100 REG. SALARIES &'WAGES Account Type PURCH Debit Amount Credit Amount 692.001-00-0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 71312.49 0.00 01,00 ----------------- 71312.49 71312.49 ----------------- 71312-49 Wndor IDt Numb r Do ocumen e Currient Date 'vendor Voucher Nber ase D0( um ent Total Name D1 Terms is' Av al GCHST SS4/22 5/1112 22 0364238 $558.64 $558.64 GRANT CO HISTORICAL SOCIETY Description Payment Information Checkbook/ and Payment Number Document Date Check Amount tribution M Disessags: e 0/0/0000 $0.00 Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account'5302200 692.001-00-0000.211000000 Account Description Account Type SOCIAL SECURITY PURCH WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Debit Amount 558.64 0.00 wwwwrawwwar 5 58.64 Credit Amount 0.00 558.64 ---- ------- 558.64 Systern: 5/11/2022 1:15:37 PM User Date: 5/11/2022 County of Grant Page: 3 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: eswash Batch ID MUS05132022EW Payables Management Vendor ID Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Document Total Vendor Name --------- Terms Disc Avail UUHUU 64221000005/22 5/11/2022 0364239- -- ---- GRANT CO PUBLIC UTILITY DIST $365.52 $365,52 Description Payment information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Check Amount Distribution Messages: 0/0/0000 $0.00 Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account. Account Des r on Account Type Debit A -mount 00 1 .119-00-0000.575304700 c i ipti PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE PURR Credit Amount 692.001 M0000,211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 365.52 0.00 0.00 ----------------- 365.52 365-52 ----------------- 365.52 L-JUUU Itif I umber Purchase=s Document Total L Number Document tete Voucher N 'Vendor Name ...... Terms Disc Avall SELLC 5943 5/11/2022 0364234 $2,350.89 $2,350.89 SEGALINI ELECTRIC LLC Description Payment Information Checkbook/ and Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0,00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description AccountType 304.001-00-0000.575304910 MUSEUM CONSTRUCTION ... ll� PURCI-1 692.001 a00-0000.21 1000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Debit Amount 21350.89 0.00 --------------- — 21350.89 Credit Amount 0.00 21350.89 ---------------- .21350-89 VOWHER/PVROHME ORDER • r CHASF, ORDER { UN r` e GRANT QOTY x ✓� t COURTHOUSE PHRATA, WAWNGTON 98823 510654 r*HARGET . 0. �y FUND N '✓ 1 . .. .DEPT. N-O,__Lt_ DELIVERY REQUIRED BY TERMS, PUS tTtRDER (DATE: E IN 11V I l0y, N i 1 i a VENDOR CODE. [HAT THE w.. w v 0 o%-, j4�ev E vQri f It 1 VNVF.R PENALTY Q PERJURY � MA`RIALS HAVE BEEN FUFlNIsH�r Ti`+ THE LABOR PERFORM��t l� �E���I��C� �{� RVIOES R N FRED OR JUST, DUE AND UNPA D OBLIGATION- AGAINST A�I� THAT THS `H +SLIM IS A THAT I AM AUTHC�RiD T AUT U� OF C NT AUTHENTICATE AND ERTIF'TO SAI ANO SUBSCRIBED - DAY OF r (SIGNED) FO APPROVED AND `-.�.....,. AUTHORIZED BY DATE ALLOWEO REFERENCE PURCHASE ORF NUMBER ON ALL INVa 1 � �{111CWN'�'E.Ri i ` t cco►�tiu � �:��r, .� City of Ephrata 121 Alder St,, S.W. Ephrata'.. WA 98823 (509) 754-4601 2248*7**GSO**0,74*.43/4**i-******AUT{ 5 -DIGIT 98837 GRANT COUNTY MUSEUM PO BOX 1141 EPHRATA WA 98823-1141 Q� W z SERVICE DATES*- 04/01/22 - 04/30/22 ACCOUNT NUMBER.- 005058-001 SERVICE ADDRESS, 7A2 Basin Street NW BILLING DATE: 04/28/22 DUE DATE: 05/20122 k17 i ......... ......... flll . . . . . . . . on 1055600 . For billing questions please call (50 9) 754-4601, Mon-Fr17,,,30AM 4T his stub ensures that yourpayment is processed accurately. I^A�TMdefach and return the stublwhen Making p ---------- I -------------- aymeniseT M'. tt eM. fM 1M t'i 'M W ry M MI Ite Me M 4i eM 'M Wt 11t M 51i W jtt -fie iek IIL M WI .ts M M ilt ief �A e4 M. lii fei. 4� tt ni wY fY: M let 'tt aM He W >e.let lit :w t4 st rtM1 A9I YM i� Y tea r r4 Y r �i M w ni rot nn p rt +W p L, RETURN THIS, PORTION WITH PAYMENT I I . TOTAL AMOUNT DUE By 05120122 188.70 2248 2/2 NOW, For billing questions please call (50 9) 754-4601, Mon-Fr17,,,30AM 4T his stub ensures that yourpayment is processed accurately. I^A�TMdefach and return the stublwhen Making p ---------- I -------------- aymeniseT M'. tt eM. fM 1M t'i 'M W ry M MI Ite Me M 4i eM 'M Wt 11t M 51i W jtt -fie iek IIL M WI .ts M M ilt ief �A e4 M. lii fei. 4� tt ni wY fY: M let 'tt aM He W >e.let lit :w t4 st rtM1 A9I YM i� Y tea r r4 Y r �i M w ni rot nn p rt +W p L, RETURN THIS, PORTION WITH PAYMENT I I . TOTAL AMOUNT DUE By 05120122 188.70 2248 2/2 City of Ephrata 121 Alder s11. S.W. Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-4601 N*rm= 2248*7*kG50**0.74**1/4*,P*******AUTOS-DIGIT 98837 GRANT COUNTY MUSEUM MOMMM PO BOX 11411 EPHRATA WA 98823-1141 1 1111111111111,1110.1 [if I III 'I'll 111111111 1.114 11111111 fill III kill1l - - --------------- ------ mom= New, and fun things happening *in the Ephrata Parks and Recreation departmentl You can sign up for ac I tivities at; hftps-.//secure.recl.com/WA/ephrata-parks-recreation/catalog. Remember to Bag and Tie ALL your garbagel If you have extra garbage, set NEXT TO your can, Not in front of, not on top of, but NEXT TO. Each Extra Bag is $3..00. Z co z 0 CL =) Z) =) < EL 0 z 0 to SERVICE DATM, 04/01/22 - 04/30/22 ACCOUNT NUMBER., 005058-000 $ERVICE ADDRESS, 732 Basin. Street NW BILLING DATE: DUE DATE: 05120/22 For bilIg questions please call (509) 754-4601,, Mon -Fri 7:30AM 4:30PM This stub ensures that your payment is processed accurately. Please detach and return -the Stub when making Payments. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ww- Es RETURN THIS PORTION 11. if WITH PAYMENT �t�C'CaUNT INFt�RMATIC��i ',. CUSTOMER NAME: ACCOUNT NUMBER: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: DUE DATE: SERVICE ADDRESS., GRANT COUNTY MUSEUM 005058-000 8.60 05/20/22 732 Basin Street NW B - 05120122 8.60 2248 1/2 a P-0- BOX 1141 EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 9SE123 April 30.,2022 Attention: Katie Accounting P.O. Box 37 Ephrata,, WA 98823 Dear Katie: Please reimburse the Grant County Historical Society for the more sp I ent on, our April 2022 payroll. WAGES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --$71312.49 SOCIAL SECURITY ------------------------------------------ 558.6 4 TOTAL--------------------------------------- ; ------- — ------------ -------------------------------- $7,871.13 Sincerely, Patty Thornton, Director Grant County Museum YQU-CHER/PUBCHAS� y RD1RR ' GRANT 00 VNTY COURTHOUSE *•�fi EPHRATA, WA$HlNbTON ����� CHARGE TO � 5 3 FUND NO, DELIVERY REOUIREI)eY � � �ERr;1g0, 'IFC, ORDER DATE Ll t�p ,. -� , - R VENDOR CODE JEZ L r JUST, CLUE _. „ 'vl ifn�v ^� UESC�iIB . ,_..�. 1 r" o -' +�wr ti ii t T 1P `013. ►710N HEREIN p THAT ��I�1��REC� O� UTHO-RIZED TO AUTHEN ����r� T �� BOUNTY ��►! I� � •�4jy- ,�yj w l TE , ,I 1 CERTIFY G AMT AND THIS OF (SIGNEO) FOR APPROVED AND AU17HO81ZE0 8Y RlzI-�1ENCE t - OokTE &LQWFn PURCHASE OFit) INVOICES NVOI"" VOUCHERIPURCHASE ORDER y; `..RANTOUNTY ;,PURCHASE ORDER Nr COURTHOUSE EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 98823 510654 CHARGE TO DEPT, NO, DELIVERY REQUIRED BY TERMS P 'ORDER DATE V ..y_ D I { h R G " D VENDOR CODE 1 nr- SRI LHlALS HAVE BEEN FUR1VfSHED, THE SERVIES RENDERED PERJURY, THE LABOR PE'RFORM�D A DESCRIBED HER N, �R JUST, DUE AND UI�PA(C� OBLIGATIONAGAIN , AND THAT THE CLAIM IS A THAT f Atvf AUTHORIZED TO AUTHENTICATEST THf� �t11�tTY �F BRANT AND AND CERTIFY TO SAID CLAIM, SUBSORIBE ,,THIS DAY OF r"� D (SI(3NED) R FOR APPROVED AND D��'AH7M�NT AUTHORIZED BY • . REFERENCE -PURCHASE 0PDER NUMBER. lDAVkAC:Kl40'* weu Irsur-m DATE ALLOWED ^Lr ■ f W14,ML L !NVUIC;E t�o�MissrcxvFRl I�MMt�s�ota�} (COMMISSIONER) I arent Counity PUBLIC UTILMY DISTRICT Customer Service PO Box 1519 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Address Service Requested 10011111 TGCSTMNT04272-2022546 01 100000000 0001216 002 Grant County Historical Society PO Box 1141 Ephrata WA 98823-1141 Page 1 of 3 Account Number: 642210000o Billing Date: 04/2612022 Due Date: ­� ------- 05/2312022 $365.52 Billing Demand: 31.184 Power Factor., 100,0000% Usacie History fin MA/W 17461 13 969 10477 6984 3492 0 Apr May Jtjn Jul Aug Sep Oct NOV Doc Jon Feb Mair Apr 2021 2022 Rate 2 -General Service la!�Frfodl- /2414 Z- 0412512022 2 Prior Balance . ­ -------- $497,44 Payments Applied THANK YOU Balance Basic Charge 33 D;aYs @ $1,.04 $0.00 Energy Charge 7,314,,,802 kWh @ $0.04245 ***SUBTOTAL $310.51 ENERGY*** C,ity Tax CURRENT CHARGES $20.69 $365,52 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $366-62 YING IN PERSON PLEASE BRING ENTIRE ILL DETACH THIS PORTION AND MAIL WITKYOUR PAYMENT, IF PA For yourconvenleince you can pay your bill: Samek Grant'County Hi torical Visit us online at: www.grantpud.org A— W Customer Service., 509-766-2505 Account Number: 6422100000; Due Date: Automatic credit card, and checking account payment options 05/2312022d are also available, Please call 509-766-2505 to sign up, Amount Due: Grant GoryPUBUC UTIUTY DISTRICT r(j Customer Service PO Box 1519 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Share the Warmt h Contributiow, 7� son El All previous charges are due upon receipt of this bill Ill Ill Ill 11111111111111111 64221000000000000000365523 11 00000548 0001095 0001-0003 TGCSTMNT042722022546 01 L 00001216 P.O. 813X 1141 EPHRATAt WASHINGTON 98823 April22,2022 Attention: Katie Accounting P.0, Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Katie: Please pay Segallni Electric LLC, 2210 Basin St. S.W., Ephrata, WA 98823 from our Insurance Replacement Fund. Segalini Electric LLC-------------------------- I ----------------------------------------------- 2210 Basin St. S.W. Ephrata, WA 98823 Sincerely., Patty Thornton, Director VQ R�R/PVRQHA ORDER ORANT'QOUNTY lot S{ 3 aCOURTHOW� EPI AAAA, WAWNGTON 98823 510654 E MAR _ kO A �.� C/ DEPT N-0, DEL►YERY REQUIRED ay a TERMS:, l a. Y .� PURCt RDER 0 A T E E L�A ` h1 4� � 1 1.: -�"� � • ------------- VENDOR CODE w`w. moi++.. /�'''\ s € C) # Y /�,/� 1 `•/'. 1 ( l t l'•'w t [ y .Y L■ "+yiF yr{� 'k4.W/ tt�( �} t � t k � .fly � a s - .. wr wra•wr. � a 1 � � CRIER C .ICY ul , 3 110 BACK ORDER$ ,ACCEPTED0 C 8c--- ------- RED 8 ss 1 4 i a 014 Y icy .�M��� j'''y✓+ay, •. • r. � " i t1 4 k cz- f y k ti y` a 4 F f , i t • . • 'i I � . i k i a • t . r i ' i a 1 r STAT E OF AsHINQTC)N o Jj }'� i 7 F O ANT Y a I, ARE UNDERMNED 00 '` ' 0 t ' CERT" (HAI THE MATERXS `✓ ER ! � UN�tt� R PSN OF PER rN V 8 E'EN FURN PERJURY, R PERFORMED M OEC 1 E RyIQEs R ' .BUSTTHAT! DUII-AM~ ANS UNP,iAUTHORIZEQ OBLIGATIONR azo HEREIN NR , ra ur ENTICAGAM r OF 0To r AN j;�y(�TQOUIFY SA10 C y SUBSCRIBED �YJ a ��� rN1(1 + ... '. OF y _ FOR - w APP80VE0 AND AUTHORIZED BY DAYS ALit WEO REFERENCE pU FTA$ oRt)p NUMBE R ON ALL PAYMENT$ YQQQH�R INVOICES Segalini Electric LLC 2210 Basin St S.W. Ephrata, WA 98823-9617 Description PER PATTY UP 0- RADE LIGHTS IN MUSEUM TO LED MAKE MAI: TA FREE LED 4'WRAPS 1/2" ROMEX.CONNECTOR #10 X1 " LR- WIRENUT 8' LED DIRECT WIRE BULB 41ED DIRECT WIRE BULB Date Invoice # 4/19/2022 5943 P.O. No. Terms Project $2� 168.72 Due on recelipt -- -------- 18 2. 17 Qty Rate-, Amount 7 105.00 735 -OOT 4 76.47 305.88T 4 0.79 3,1 T 8 0.07 0.56T 38 0.17 6,46T 32 32,69 L046,08T 6 11.93 7.1.58T Subtotal $2� 168.72 Sales Tax (8.4%) 18 2. 17 Total $2,350.89 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $2,350.89