HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (003)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 11/20/2022 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total: 71,480.99_ 1-aO .Reviewed and certified by: ire Com miss i'tqLo-"� A CommissionerA Chafrman of thq'Soard of Commissioners Date: 11/20/2022 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: AP BATCH 11): GCAP 11/20/2022 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 1% AP COMPLETED BY: N. Yanez Name FUND AMOUNT JOURNAL ENTRY. CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. $ COUNTY ROADS 101 $ 150.00 TREASURER NOTIFIED: CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 $ - VETS ASSISTANCE 104 $ POSTING COMPLETED BY: NAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 $ FEDERAL DRUG 107 $ CHECKS: MENTAL HEALTH 108 $ VOIDED: ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 $ LAW LIBRARY 110 $ BATCH PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX TREASURER O/M 111 $ $ $ $ $ JAIL CONCESSION 112 $ $ $ $ $ ECON ENHANCMNT 113 $ $ $ $ TOURIST ADVERT 114 $ $ $ $ $ COUNTY FAIR 116 $ $ $ $ $ INET INVESTIGATION 118 $ - PROS CRIME VICT 120 $ - $ 71,330.99 $ 142,661,98 $ $ 142,661.98 1022AFFHOME LAW & JUSTICE 121 $ - $ 150.00 $ 800.00 $ $ MOM PAYROLLRFISSUE TURNKEY LIGHT 122 $ - $ $ $ $ AUDITOR O/M 124 $ - $ - $ $ $ DID RESIDENT PROD 125 $ - $ - $ $ $ R.E.E.T. 1s11/4% 126 $ - $ - $ $ $ TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 127 $ - $ $ $ DOM VIOL SRVCS 128 $ - $ - $ $ $ AFF HOUSING 129 $ 5,140.32 $ - $ $ $ HMLS HS LOC 130 $ 33,929.14 $ $ $ $ REET 2nd 1/4% 132 $ - $ $ $ $ Econ E nh. Rural Co 133 $ - $ $ $ Dispute Resolution 136 $ - $ $ $ $ Building 138 $ - $ $ $ $ REET Admin 139 $ - $ $ $ $ SHERIFF SURPLUS, 140 $ - $ $ $ $ SHB 1406 141 $ 32,261.53 $ $ $ $ GO ABATEMENT 150 $ $ $ $ $ HILLCREST GRID 161 $ $ $ $ w $ GRANTS ADMIN. 190 $ - $ $ W $ - $ ABPA 191 $ - $ $ $ - $ AOC BLAKE DECISION 192 $ - $ $ $ $ MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 $ - $ $ $ $ MACC Bond 307 $ - $ $ $ MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 308 $ - $ $ $ $ COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 $ - $ $ $ $ PROP I SALES TAX 311 $ - $ $ $ $ ERP RESERVE 312 $ - $ $ $ $ SOLID WASTE 401 $ $ $ $ $ DATA PROCESSING 501 $ $ $ $ - INSURANCE 503 $ $ $ $ - $ INTFUND BENEFITS 505 $ $ $ $ - $ UNEMPLOY COMP 506 $ - $ $ $ $ DENTAL INS. 507 $ - $ $ $ $ OTHER PR BEN, 508 $ - $ $ $ $ - VISION BENEFITS 509 $ - $ $ $ $ - EQUIP RENTAL 510 $ - $ $ $ $ - COMMUNICATIONS 511 $ - $ $ $ $ - PITS & QUARRIES 560 $ - $ $ $ $ TOTAL TRANSFER: $ 71,480.99 $ $ $ $ $ 71,480.99 $ 142,961.98 $ $ $ 71,480.99 $ 142,961.98 $ $ $ 71,480.99 $ 142,961.98 $ $ System: 11/22/202z,za,Cu eu County ocorao raga' l User Date: 11/22/2022 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT User zo` oayauez Payables Management Ranges: Vendor zo` l - oozzzzxxzzzznz Vamormame: Ficst-Last Vendor Class: First - Last User-oefioed z' First - Last Sorted By: Vendor zo Payment Priority: First -Lao Due Date: n�o -�o Discount Date: First, -Lao Payment Data; 11/30/2022 Vendor zo Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold rota ------------------------------------ Number Date oETRM __________________________________-______________________________ oETRo zo MICHAEL PAYROLLn roSUE 1I/22/3022 10I.020.00.0000.543301300 $150.00 ________ $0.00 $150.00 TOTALFOR FUND # 01 ________ $l5o.00 -------------- $0.00 ________rOTAL $I50.00 HAGCO HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT 1022AFFORDABLE 1I/22/2022 I29.171.00.0800.55I804069 $5,140.32 _________ *O.uo _______ $51I40.32 TOTALFOR FUND # 129 $5,I40.32 -------------- $0.00 __-____rouAL $5,140.32 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE a0MELESSCOR22 11/18/2022 1,30.I72.00.0000.565404068 $704.57 $0.80 $794.67 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 1O22aONIELESo zz/.22/2022 138.I72.00.00010.565404968 $9,205.01 $0.80 $9,205.01 RAGCo HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT aOMELEaGCOR22 11/18/20 22 $1,865.75 $0,00 $1,085.75 oAGCo HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT 1022HOMELo o 11/22/2022 130.172.00-8000.565404968 $221063.71 _________ $0.00 _______ $221063.71 TOTALFOR FUND # 130 $33,929.14 -------------- $0.00 _______TOraL $33,929.14 HAG Co HOUSING AUTHORrx OF GRANT 1022aHB1406 1I/22/2022 $32,261.53 $8.80 #32,261.53 TOTAL FOR FUND # I41 -------------- ------------- <32,261.53 ________ $8.00 $32,26I.53 s�mo TOTAL _______ ________ $71,480.09 ___ $0.00 ______ $71,480.99 System: 11/22/2022 8:39:38 AM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date- 11/22/2022 Account Type PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID-. gkgrubb 130 . 172,00.0000,565404968 HOMELESS SERVICES CITY Of PURCH Payables Management 0.00 Batch ID: 1022AFFHOME 0.00 794-67' Batch Comment: ----------------- 794.6.7 Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual: 6 Trx Total Control: 0 Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $71,3310.99 Batch Total Control: $71,330.99 CTMSL 1022HOMELESS 11/22/2022 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date,* 11/18/2022 .Vendor I'D Document Number 'DocumentDate Voucher Number Purchases Document Total Vendor Name. Term's Disc Avall. CTMSL HOMELES,SCOR22 11/18/2022 0377522 $794.67 $794.67 CITY OF MOSES LAKE Description July & August Correction Payment, Information, Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/0/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account //Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 130 . 172,00.0000,565404968 HOMELESS SERVICES CITY Of PURCH 794.67 0.00 692.001,00.0000,211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 794-67' ----------------- 794.6.7 ---------- 794.67 Vendor] D Document Nu-mber Document Date' Voucher Number-�- .,.Purchases D ocument. Total Vendor Na' `Terms' is Avail CTMSL 1022HOMELESS 11/22/2022 0377547 $91205:01 $91205#01 CITY OF MOSES LAKE Description Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/010000 $0.00 Distribution Messages, Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account /Account Description Account Type 130,172.00.0000.565404968 HOMELESS SERVICES CITY OF PURCH 6921,001.00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Debit Amount 91205.01 0.00 ----------------- 91205.01 Credit Amount 0.00 91205,01 ------------------ 9205.01 System: 11/22/2022 8:39:38 AM County of Grant Page: 2 User Date: 11/22/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: gkgrubb Batch ID 1022AFFHOME Payables Management Vendor ID Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Document Total Vendor N/ame Terms Disc Avail HAGGO/ HOMR 1=.qqrnR?9 1111 Rl,)n,?,) n177K91 (tA t4 0 C C! -7 ff HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY Description July & August Correction Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages, Work Messages, General Ledger Distributions Account 'Account Description Account Type 130,172.00.0000.56540496.9 HOMELESS SERVICES GC HOL PURCH 692,001.00,0000,21. 1000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY %V I I %w %w %a. # %a %p 1"Uvoo to Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 11865.75/ O'Do 0,00 ----------------- 1 1865.75 1,865.75 fr M1..1-w.Irw..w.i.w_I+'------- 11865.75 Vendor IP .Docurrient,:N,urnberDocument.Date Voucher Number Purchases Document Total ,Vendor Nab)e. Terms .Dis c' Avail HAGCO 1022AFFORDABLE 11/2212022 0377545 $5,140.32 $5,14012 - HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY Description Payment Information Checkbo,ok/Card Payment Number Check Distribution Messages, Work Messages: Document General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account. Type 129,171.00,0000.551004969 PUBLIC HOUSING GC HOUSIN( PURCH 692.001.00.0000,211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount .5,140.32 0.00 0,00 ----------------- 51140,32 5,140.32 ------------- 51140.32. System- 11/22/2022 8:39:38 AM County of Grant Page: 3 User Date: 11/22/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: gkgrubb Batch ID 1022AFFHOME Payables Management Vendor 1D Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Document Total Vendor Name Terms Disc Avail H A G r, 0 v/ 1099HC)MR PRR 11/919/9n9l) n1779AA tl)') ()All '74 inn nOO -74 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY Description Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages: Work, Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 1 30. 1'72.00.0000.565404969 / HOMELESS SERVICES GC HOL PURCH 92,001, 0,0004> 1000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 223063.71 0.00 ----------------- 22,0631.71 I ; W.C-1r. I V %j %J I I I Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0.00 22306.3.71 ----------------- 22,063.71 ,—VendorlD Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Document Total Vendor Naple Terms Disc Avail LJ A nnt"1 4 f"% 11 #1 C% LJ M 4 A t'Nin 4 .4 10101 In ^ON el n 0% -7-7 1- A F1 I 11-1 %,..1 %a %.11? 1 V'r- d"- 4.j I I Lj I -t %JV 1 11x-14f4V44 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY Description Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account j Account Description Account Type .141,001.00.0000.551004969 SUPPORTIVE HSG, - GC HSG A PURCH 692.001.00.0000,21 1000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY zpoz � /- 0 -1 0 5 ZW,Zb1.b3 Date 0/0/0000 Debit Amount 32P 261.53 0,00 ----------------- 32,261-53 Amount $0.00 Credit Amount 0,00 32,261,53 ----------------- 321261.53 -------- 321,261.53 System: 11/22/2022 8:39,38 AM County of Grant User Date: 11/22/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Batch ID Payables Management Page- 4 User ID: gkgrubb Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total ---------------- ------ ----------- ------------------ $71,1330,99 $0.00 $71,330.99 State of Washington -County of Grant 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance: payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a just, due an.d unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Let& Jr4 Subscribed this day of L I L) PAAJAI 0%. (Signed) _UVVor Mud Department Approved and Authorized By Date Allowed Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR HOMELESS HOUSING (FUND 130) DISTRIBUTION OF RECORDING FEE SURCHARGE PER RCW 36.22.179 and 36.22.1791 2022 DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT - ALLOCATION OF FUNDS GRANT COUNTY CONTRACT #: K21-198 6% to Grant County for administrative costs (RCW 36.22,1791) ALLOCATION OF REMAINING FUNDS AFTER ADMINISTRATIVE. COSTS., 23% to New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services 54% to Housing Authority of Grant County 23% to the City of Moses Lake DISTRIBUTION MONTH July & August Correction TOTAL REVENUE $ 33455.10 DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY $ 794-67 New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services 23% (payment via interfund transfer) $ 1,1865.754using Authority of Grant County 54% 1139 Larson Blvd Moses Lake, WA 98837 (payment via warrant - vendor code: HAGCO) V-00".0 - $ 794-67 City of Moses Lake 23% PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 ayment via warrant - vendor code: CTMSL) $ 3,455.10 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION RECONCILIATION OF ALLOCATION $ 3,455.10 Total Revenue $ (3,455.10) Total Distribution $ 0.00 GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING (FUND 129) DISTRIBUTION OF RECORDING FEE SURCHARGE PER RCW 36.22.178 2022 DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT - ALLOCATION OF FUNDS GRANT COUNTY CONTRACT #-. 21-192 ALLOCATION OF REMAINING FUNDS AFTER ADMINISTRATIVE COSTIS. 30% to New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services 70% to Housing Authority of Grant County DISTRIBUTION MONTH October TOTAL REVENUE 79343.31 V/ DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY $ 2,202.99 New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services 30% (payment via interfund transfer) $ 5,140.32 ousing Authority of Grant County 70% 1139 Larson Blvd Moses Lake, WA 98837 (payment via warrant - vendor code., HA GCO) $ 7,343.31 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION RECONCILIATION OF ALLOCATION $ 7,343.31 Total Revenue (7,343.31) Total Distribution County of Grant 129-171 Affordable Housing For the Ten Months Ending Monday, October 31, 2022 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT TOTAL RECEIVED YEAR TO DATE UNCOLLECTED Previous Year Previous Year ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT NAME THIS PERIOD ,,DECEIVED BALANCE %RECD This Period To Date 341260000 AFFORD. HOUSING 14PPROPRIATIOI\ ($144,545.88) $7,343.31 $91,587.60 ($52,958.28) 63.36% $10,285.08 $117,685.62 TOTAL REVENUES (144,545.88) 7,343.31 91,587.60 (52,958.28) 63.36% 10,285.08 117,685.62 11/1512022 8.44 AM GCDEPTREV GRANT COUNTY AUDITOO, HOMELESS HOUSING (FUND 1301 DISTRIBUTION OF RECORDING FEE SURCHARGE PER RCW 36.22.179 and 36.22.1791 2022 DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT - ALLOCATION OF FUNDS GRANT COUNTY CONTRACT #: K21-198 6% to Grant County W administrative costs (RCW 36.22.1791) ALLOCATION OF REMAINING FUNDS AFTER ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. 23% to New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services 54% to Housing Authority of Grant County 23% to the City of Moses Lake DISTRIBUTION MONTH October TOTAL REVENUE $ 40,858,72:/ DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY $ 9,397.51 New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services 23% (pa ment via interfund transfer) 1/1 $ 4Housing ousing Authority of Grant County 54% 1139 Larson Blvd Moses Lake, WA 98837 (payment via warrant - -vendor code: HA GCO) $ 91397.51 k--,- 23% PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 (payment via warrant - vendor code: CTMSL) $ 40,858.72 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION, RECONCILIATION OF ALLOCATION $ 40,.858.,72 Total Revenue ,$ (40,858..72) Total Distribution $ (0.00) $1 0,452.58 Overpayment September Distribution $ 192.50 Remaining Balance 9,397.51 October Distribution ;R� ..'..P17 .P <At, b County of Grant 130-172 Homeless Housing For the Ten Months Ending Monday, October 31, 2022 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT TOTAL RECEIVED YEAR TO DATE UNCOLLECTED_ ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT NAME APPROPRIATIOIN THIS PERIOD RECEIVED BALANCE %RECD 341270000 HOMELESS HOUSING 341270007 LCL HMLSS 07 TOTAL REVENUES ($784,018.08) $33,693.52 $471,392.94 ($312,625.14) (140,449.44) 7,165.20 89,022.00 (51,427.44) (924,467.52) 40,858.72/ 560,414-94 (364,052.58) Previous Year Previous Year This Period To Date 60.13% $55,845.54 $638,165.52 63.38% 9,993.60 114,350.40 60.62% 65,839.14 752,515.92 11115/2022 8:44 AM GCDEPTREV GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR SHB 1406 (FUND 141) DISTRIBUTION OF SALES AND USE TAX PER RCW 82.02, RCW 82.12 & ORDINANCE 19 -088 -CC 2022 DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT - ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 100% to Housing Authority of Grant County DISTRIBUTION MONTH October TOTAL REVENUE $ 32$261.53 DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY $ 32,261.53 Housing Authority of Grant County 100% 1139 Larson Blvd Moses Lake, WA 98837 (payment via warrant - vendor code: HA GCO) $ 32,261.53 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION RECONCILIATION OF ALLOCATION $ 32,.261.53 Total Revenue $ (32,261.53) Total Distribution %,'..'..U-unty of Grant 141 -001 SHB1 406 Affordable and Supportive Housing For the Ten Months Ending Monday, October 31, 2022 MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT TOTAL RECEIVED YEAR TO DATE UNCOLLECTED ACCOUNT# ACCOUNT NAME APPROPRIATIOI\ THIS PERIOD RECEIVED BALANCE %RECD 313270000 SHB1406 AFFORD & SUP HOUSING ($285,000.00) $32,261-53 $212,005.35 ($72,994.65) TOTAL REVENUES (285,000.00) 32,261.53 212,005.35 (72,994-65) Previous Year Previous Year This Period To Data 74.39% $26,847.66 $216,931.11 74.39% 26,847.66 216,931.11 11/15/2022 8:44 AM GCDEPTREV System: 11/22/2022 11:29:17 AM County of Grant Page: 0.00 User Date: 11/22/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: nayanez Payables Management Batch ID: PAYROLLREISSUE Batch Comment: Batch Frequency; Single Use Trx Total Actual: I Trx Total Control: 0 Audit Trail. Code: Batch Total Actual: $150.00 Batch Total Control-, $150.00 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 11/22/2022 Document Total Vendor, ID Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchases Vendor Name Terms Disc Avail DETRM PAYROLLREISSUE 11/22/2022 0377594 $150.00 $150.00 DETROLIO MICHAEL Description Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 4 General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type 101.020.00,000.543301300 COUNTY ROADS GENERAL. 01 PURCH 692.001.00,0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Debit Amount Credit Amount 1501.00 0.00 0100 150.00 150.00 ---------------- :150-00 System: 11/22/2022 11:29:17 AM County of Grant User Date: 11/22/2022 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Batch ID Payables Management State of Washington -County of Grant Page: 2 User ID: nayanez Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total ---------------- ------------------ ---------------- $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnis- hedl the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is -a just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed this day of Date Allowed (Signed) For Department Approved and 'Ar A Authorized By Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner n 1j.BANKACH RETURN R -"%,TD N REPORTACCTw 153501-"71 '-'F- 3 w L 0 125000105 DATE: 11/21/,':"-,? PAGE: I * -� 4,- -4e 4,- +, GRT�NT COCNTY TRE A"S11URER 35 C STREET "I QUESTICNf:_)' MAY BE REFERRED lk EPHRATA Wl� 98823 TO *COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER IQ-tERVTCE* k- 'k 'k -* -,kl- 4,.- -k 4;- 1, �, 4, k 4e + * 4,1 A. NOTIFICATIONS OF CHANGE ( ISI OCIS) - THIS S-1ECTION LISTS THE NOTIFIC_P.TI0149 OF CHANGE RECEIVED FOR ACH ENTRIES -1 0RI,GIlNJP=D 014 YOUR BEHALF. THE ORIGI14AL ITEM INFORMATION IS FOLLOWED BY THE CORRECTED DD�TA, PTjE,.La,,,SE M/_�KE THESE CH2�NOR GES TO YOUR RECDS !�.111'/IEDIATELY. < NO NOTICE OF CHANGE ACTIVITY TODA-Y > > > 94 ITEM"TURNED - THIS SECTION LISTS THE PiCH RETLJRN ITEMS PROCESSED izID SETTLED 0\f ll/ -,1/220. E F F DATE COMPAlSJY ll�IA114E COMP -ANY ID ENTRY DESS C SEC -4. DISC , RETIONARY DATA 11/'1e,/ 2 G3,ANT COUNTY 2916001319 PAYROLL DD PPD T-NOIJNT I,HDIVIDUAL N,24E/ID TRRI",l TR A C C OU N T / TC E: / PAR 14 1 CH DET UL I (11H K - (.11 R F11- 1 11 2- 2 b2 U478 6 ri z_ 2 (Tl:;,AN=21) 042000010000031 22 2 3 2 5 0 0 5 4 6 9 7 0 3 $ 150 o 00 CREDIT FILE TOTALS RETURN CODE. -R03 - NO ACCT/ CANNOT LOCATE DOLLAR PI4OUNT XETUKIN16-: i ou. uu DEBIT RETURNS • 0 $..Qo C. SUMK7kRY L"'3ECTTON THIS SECTION SUIVIMARIZES THE NOTICE OF CHANGS AND R8TURN ACTIVITY FOR 11/21/22 FOR COLLQ CTION APPLICAT--ON POINT: GRAt,,fTCNT APPL:PAY'ROLL TYPE: REPORT TOTALS DOLLAR 7\140UNT Elu ,ml :�Elll RFILS: DEBIT R'_'jTURTJS.- 0 $.00 NOTICES OF CHANGE: 0 END OF REPORT FOR: AC -6820-001 o o 17- a � lv� I �. � �_o (t 1-M bus Z3 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: ACH FILE PROCESSING FAX NUMBER: 5097546071 PHONE NUMBER: FROM: USBANK - ACH PRODUCTION SUPPORT FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: DATE: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 TOTAL PAGES: 02 NOTES: Electronic Privacy Notice. This facsimile and any attachments, contain information that is, or may be, covered by electronic Communications privacy laws, and is also confidential and proprietary in nature. If You are not the 'intended recipient, please be advised that you are legally prohibited from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error, and then securely discard it. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Employee I D Check No. DD 0000000000001955538 Name DETROLIO, MICHAEL W. Check Date 11/18/2022 OK i Addifional Fle ToGLs Help Add Posting T YPP D6bitAmount Credit'Amount 1wr NGte Actions Addiflanal File Help G�d� - Employee I D Check No. DD 0000000000001955538 Name DETROLIO, MICHAEL W. Check Date 11/18/2022 Ga ross Amount $3,52a36 NetAmount $2,1 43_ 10 Account Posting T YPP D6bitAmount Credit'Amount Description Department PoSitio, n G�d� - 1. 590.1 01 'Oo.'10000.211000000 $2,143.10 690.001 .00 ,0000 21.3.200000 $0.00 $2,809.64 101 .000 .00 .0000. 31 0000 1,r29.36 $0.00 .020 .0 0 0.0 0 0 .5429211 Oro $128.07 101 .020..00 .0000 ,54`33011 00 $278.94 0.0 $0 101 .,00.00.0000. 43,301 00 $1116.37 $0.00, ..... .. .. ............... Totals $4,952.74]_ $4..952,.74