HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Human Resources----------- --- - ----- - -- - ----- ------ - ------ - -------------- --------------------------------- - Grant County Human Resources MOR HUMAN RESOURCES Memorandum Too Board of County Commissioners From* Kirk R. Ellin r, Director - Human Resources to s HR Technology Expense Approval Date: 10/10/22 Encl. is cc$ 1111111 liiii'ligio 111001111m I , - - 111, � 1 1, 1111 - 11 -111, Iggi -- 11 Ig'.1, . Replaces approval signed by the Board 08/22/9.2. DATED 10/10/22 By: Kirk R. Edinger CindyCarter, Chair r on P By: anny/E. Stond',�A�-*-Chairperson By: Rohs--reee s/,C' o m m i s si on e r Grant County Human Resources — PO BOX 87 35 C Street NW w Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-20 If you would like to convert your quote into an order, click the button below. If you have any questions or would like assistance placing your order, please contact our Sales team at 1-855-253-6686 tori #2. Your requested quote, ITEM QTY TOTAL PRICE Think Stat ion P720 Workstafion 3 $9117.00 30BACT01 WWUS2 -*Processor XXeonSber 42 10 Processor (2.20 G, LIZ, UP to 3.20 GHz with Turbo Boost,, 10 Cores, 20 Threads, 13.75 MB Cache) e0perating Sysepi, Windows 10 Pro 64 for Workstation preinstalted through downgrade. rights in Windows 11 Pro 64 for Works-tation o0perating System Language Windowsz, 10 Pro 64 for Workstation preinstalled through dowr-'�Igrade rights in Windows I Pro'04 for Workstation E-rigUsh e -Microsoft Productivity Software � No Office Software Setected *M-t-Mory : 16 GB DDIDO 2933MH-C- ECC RDIMM P-Mennory 0 ��ty : 4 *First Video Adapter � NVIDIA-.�"T400 4GB GDDR6 -*First Graphic Card DP Dongte No crap hicsDonolte Setected 'Zy *First Graphic Card MiniDP Dongle , Nor aphics Dong Se Sel.,.ected eSecond Video Adapter : No Selcond, Graphic. Card eSecond GrZ,Iphic Card DP Doinal"le . No Graphic- ) Dongle Se'Lected Seco rd Graphic Card MiniDP Donz.-fle : No Graphics DongLe Selected fe-Third Vidleo Adapter -, 110 Third Graphic Card oThjr(J GraphIc Card DID Den - No Graphil-Ls Don Le Stnitecte-d *Third Graphic Card Min -OP on ,e : No Graphics Dongte Selected *Hard Drive ControlUer 4 Intel Inter ated Controller' *Blind Connect. Drives No OM. 2 SSD Raid Controlfter : None *HHHL PCIS Storage Boot Drive None *H[fl-IL PE Storage Raid Array None *HHHL PCIE Storage on eonboard M.2- SSD Raid Array None *First Onboard M.2 Sebection one *Second Onboard M.2 Selection - one e0nboard M.2 SSD Boot: DriNic-:1 : No *O,j-iad AIC M. SSD Adapter . None. e -a\ None Quad AIC M,22 SSID Raid Ari ) oQuad AIC N ..2 SSD E"'Yelection None oQuad AIC M. SSD QTY : 0 eQua d AIC M. SSD Boot Drive No *Single Add -in -card M.2 SSD : None aSIngle AIC M. SSD QTY 0 *Primary I-IBoot Drive Yes sPrimary Raid Array Configguration :ISI IST RAID Selected O'lirst Hard Drive Selection -. I TI3 7200 RPM HDD 3,5" alst HDD selection 0-ty 1- 1 eSecond Raid Array Configuration : No ND RAID Setekcted a Second Hard Drive Selectot : No 2nd HDD SeLE-,1,,--ted - o2nd HDD setecLion Qy ; 0 eThird RAID Array No 3RD RAID Selected 2 eThird HDD set.-C)Ctilor. No td HDD ScUeicted o,31 -d HDD seiection a -First-- Optical Device -1 '110 1,5t OpHicalk Drive Selected *Mern,ory Cal d Re-,tadKer , int-teorate-id 9 is 11 ;kAUJI-Imedia Cir d RFI-,ader net er th e Efthernet Adlaptet : 2.x port Int egfrate-d E I *Audio Card - frt.;li_j rated ALICH 10 *USB 3.1 Type C Rear Adapt-er , None. *First to Bay . on *Second 171,ex Bay , None -*Fir1,zt Ftlex Bay HDD Sel.-C,,Iction : Non --.i *-First Front. Acizess FIDD Selection : No Is Front HDD Selected eWiFi WireLess LAN Adaptar : No Wil'I Ae-Front 1/0 - P.SATA - No 6_-1S,A'TA �eThunderbolt 1 '0 No ThUnderbolt- Card 011`ront 1/0 - 1394, No 1394 *Serial Port : Serial L or Internal USB USD 3 L Interna -1 . -orf 0 P aDiagnost-ic LED Panet Kit, : one *USB 3.1 Type C firont cable :None o I 31 1. .,Keybo,ard : USB., Trad-1I ,t4onral, B'ack - EngUsh (U,) o,Pointin,g Devilr_e : USB Ca[tifope MOUSP., BLack Po, er 690V/ ,*Pow -.,_- r Suppty � Toe'r DO/ Lanauage PaCk. : Puwbtication-Enatish 'D -*Adobe Elkef-lients -, Nonle e -Adobe Acnobat- - N o me, r -war cadon Pr,---�doad No Norton Internet Securit-y L sAdditional Sri"' re Apptk, 44 ttt *M1-_Afi-_--,e No McAfee SliVAPP Seled[ed :*Lock Kti., No Key Kit -a( Labei. None 00O2 Neuti _SgWarrant.y 3 Yea,r Orr.si P Sub of :$ 18234.00 Quote sayied amount..- $ 9117.00 Tax: Shippin - FREE Total 'a not included): $ 9117.00 Still shopping? You Might be interested in, ----------------------------- IL Tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irl -P19- �� < a U ;1K 7_11 w Microsoft Office Accessories Our Latest Deals ---------- Shn how Shop ... Now Have questions? We're here to help: 3