HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCGRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners Janice Flynn, Administrative Service's Coordinator Datm May 18, 2021 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, Emergency Solutions Grant #20-46130-100, Reimbursement #5, City of Moses Lake, Request #4 The City of Moses Lake has requested reimbursement for the above-referencedgrant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $94,666.10. The invoice and supporting documentation is attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to City of Moses Lake in the amount of $94,666.10. Thank you. imp RNM""W"W" h Dated tis r of day Board of County Commissi ers or -ant COUnty. Washington Apprqvg Dist #I AVI Dist #) --parove Dist #I Aln� D i st #2 07 Dist #17 Dist #2 Dist #3 Dist #3 Dist #3 T4 MAY 18 2021 M City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, W 98837 TO Grant County Attn: Janice Flynn Via EMAIL DATE April 13, 2021 DEPT** ADMINISTRATION INVOICE #1 - 4-15-2021 FOR C-OVID - 19 EMERGENCY SOLUTION -S, GRANT DescrIption Amount Subcontract work, for Grant County Dept 04 Commerce Contract 20-4613C- 100 Hom 7 eless outreach and chronic homelessshelter program HopeSour1,_-".,e- Shelter Management $14,643.57 Pacific Security- Shelter Security $6491.30 City of Moses Lake- W/S/G .... .. $910 z.33 Lowes- Operational Suppli ies $16761 Renovations- Enhanced Emergency Shelter $68,500.00 City of Moss Lake- Admin Grant Co. PUD- Electrical $284 REFE'REACI-! AC C0TJNTNUM`BER: 4.087-6-0-0 ON,, FAYM'E'14T TO. ENSURE A P-RiOM. -PT VR.ESPiONSE Payment is du -e within 30 days of invoice date., Balance Due $94,666. 1 0 Make all ch�cks payable to CItY of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to Pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.76 4,3732 or - 3735. ;i", i"T a CRY of Moses Loke HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMOLIREMENT REQUEST CITY OF MOSESLAKE ....-C .. 05_NUNJ_ -__ TY DEVELOPM6 PIO YOX 1519 MOSES LAK8, WA 93837;,1.579 Ho p-e's6qriWC0VID-1 9 Emergency Housing Funds 700 E Mountain VleW Ave Suite $01 Ellensburg WA 98926* -ATTN "A H Son wfllfa Grant Bars Cod A cc-outit t- ,A nLe 17 'd t I INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR'CLAWAWt: SLjbf!i1(this farm to re yestp.ayme.a for sGrVicO or materials. Aftfadh adconipanyinc proof n' -f Pynenses Q I e; receiets velndoes ceetjrlc�ta, fhe Ind' ividual signing this Vouclier belowwarranis they have the aulharity to 4o so as authorized and 66 behalf of the entity Identified in ti -le \(end'orlClaimant'seallon, The individual �arliffes under penalty of pdrjury that file fj�rrks and katals li§ted herain are proper chair s r servicesttirritihedfor the a servic mished qndfor aY0 een prb-v' s0minatilon be a' e t -s rende.red h go ds f6 craed, Woe, na ilonal G -us .,Pf ad -t-, sex, marital status, race, 'ra 6r di: a r amp bled veterans status: Co'ntact Pe­rso,n, Usoft f YF S}' Phone: 5109`8991�0 .8'. 97 By: E m 0. A (SIGNATURE) Gtht P;,,6*f1 0 -711 0-101311 CFO �:.�. 4/ 14/2 021 REPORT* PERIOD/fItiontil &Year, 71 (DATE) HOM'e, less 8 t Relrhbur�ements epor - o it U ne Ite in, 77 0/31/20) T10- t Vyi :C VIID.-49, _eq;pht oun*6 G,f ahtfUh '0 4. 170: ;`.,0 W . 52 -563 04 114, 6 3 7 $102)793.39 F, 50 $ 0 00 --- :7 �t -0.0 $ $0. 00 e {,rid; S �000 4 )=43 102 $793.39 Ne'w Grant Balance for Cu" n rrent $102,793.39 Reimbursement Request this Fiscal Year I — Repo.rti,n` g Pe* rfo'd $14,643.57 FOR CITY USE ONLY: Voucher Approval Signature, • DATE:" Program Staffing changes: Please complete monthly to report new or departing PROGRAM staff Staff Zhanae Type No Ye If yes, enter employee name, job title, Et etail 0.70 4.82 Page:1 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL- Grant County CV-1 9 EHG - Unposted Transactions included in Report 609202407 - Grant County COVID-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 3/1/2021 Through 3131/202.1 GL Code GL Title Session 1D Transaction Description Divi... Code Division Title Debit 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1388 Allocated line forAdmin Allocation 100 100 Administration 0'00 7100 FICA & Medicare JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 1Ol} Administration 433.40 Expense Administration 39.96 7101 7105 Employee Tax JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration Heap Benefits JVA1388 Allocated line forAdmin Allocation '100 Adminfsstrdfiion 98.42 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 10p Administration 80.88 3.34 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration .7'108 .Other Benefits JVA1388 Allocated line far Admin Allocation 100 Administration 6.35 8010 Professional Fees JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 9,87 8904 Office Supplies JVA1388 Allocated line forAdmfn Allocation 900 Administration 109.87 81'10 Office Furniture JVA1388 Ailacat6d line-forAdmin Allocation i 00 Administration 18,94 8200 Communication Expense JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 9,42 9.35 8304 Postage & Shipping JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocatldn � : ' 100 Administration ration 8350 Dues & Subscriptions JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocailon`100 Adminisiration 0,62 4.52 8400 Rent - Space Lower. County JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 21.91 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - JVA1388 Allocated line forAdmi� Allocation 9 00 Administration 2.27 16.72 General 8450 insurance Expense JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 900 Administration 8500 Asset/Equipment Purchase JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 64.11 13,41 8501 Computer hardware and ' JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1,71 Software 8510 Program supplies and tools JVA1388 Allocated line ibr Admin Allocation 100 Administration 16,59 8650 Photocopy Expense JVA1388 Allocated One for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 8660 Printing & Publicatians JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Adrrnlnistraffon 0.89 a,g4 8700 Travel Expense JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1.51 8705 Conference Fees JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocatlon 100 Administration 55.66 8710 Meeting Exp JVA1388 Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration 1,60 Date: 41IZ21 03:29:03 PM 0.70 4.82 Page:1 GL Code GL 7itfe Session ID 8711 Training & JVA1388 CD8PR01131 Technical 7000 Salaries & Wages Assistance Payroll March 16-31, 2021 8800 Vehicle JVA1388 Accrued Vacation Mar 2021 Maintenance & FICA & Medicare CDSPR01131 related 8992 Bank Fee JVA1388 Hope Souroe Expanded General Ledger - BL Grant County CV -19 EHG--Unposted Transactions Included In Report 609202007 - Grant County COVIDr-19 Emergency Housing Grant From 3/112021 Through 3/31/2021 Divi... Transaction Description Code Division -FrHe Debit Allocated fine for Admin Allocation 1001 Administration Allocated line for Admin Allocation 100 Administration Allocated line for Admin Alfocation 1OO Administration 0,11 1,030.58 5.52 1,025.06 Credit 13.27 0.24 Transaction Total 7000 Salaries & Wages Opening Balance 7000 Salaries & Wages CD8PR01131 Payroll March 1-15, 2021 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01134 Payroll March 16-31, 2021 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPR01138 Accrued Vacation Mar 2021 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPR01131 Payroll March 1-15, 2021 Expense 7100 FICA & Medicare CDSPRO1134 Payroll March 16-51, 2021 Expense 7101 Employee Tax CDSPR01131 Payroll March 1-15, 2021 7101 Employee Tax CDSPR01134 Payroll March 16-31, 2021 7105 Health Benefits CDSPR01131 Payroll March 1-15, 2021 7105 Health Benefits CDSPR01134 Payroll March 16-31, 2021 7106 Unemployment C©SPR,01131 Payroll March 1-15, 2021 Insurance Exp 7106 Unemployment CDSPR01134 Payroll March iB-3l, 2021 Insurance Exp 7107 L & I flax expense CDSPR01131 Payroll March 1-15, 2021 7107 L & 1 tax expense CDSPRO1134 Payroll March 16-31, 2021 7108 Other Benefits CDSPR01131 Payroll March 1-15, 2021 7108 Other Benefits CDSPR01134 Payroll March 16-31, 2021 Transaction Total 8010 Professional Fees Opening Balance Date: 411212103:29-03 PM Bal... Administration 900 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 692... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel 612... Personnel Bal... Personnel 612... 613 Program Operations O.Op 5,028.42 564.48 5,436.58 683.48 89.72 394.70 424.67 564.48 683.48 178.03 235.66 67.23 64.02 91.15 91.01 0.05 1.22 13.350.44 1.247.96 12,102.45 0.00 Pages 2 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL. Grant County CV -19 EHG - Unposted Transacfions: Included In Report 6092.02007 - Grant County COVED -19 Emergency Housing Grant From 3/[/2021 Through 3/3112021 GL Code GL TitleSession ID Transaction Description Divi... Code Division Title Debit Credit 8010 Professional Fees AP1034046 VOIgistics Volunteer tracking database, subscription 613 Program operaton$ 3-17-2021 to 4-16-2021, EHG 10.00 8100 Office Supplies APIC33990 Amazon - File Folders ibr the Sleep Center 613 Program Operations 8100 Office Supplies APf033990 Amazon File Folders for Sleep Center- 613 Program Operations 51.52 8100 Office Supplies AP1033990 Big' Lot's - Supplies for Sleep Center 613 Program Operations 51.52 8100 Office Supplies 8660 AP1033990 Walmart - Supplies for Sleep Center 613 Program Operations 8.78 Printing & Publications API03398.9 Business Cards - Stacy - (Invoice #000568) - March 613 Program Operations 9.38 2021 37.90 8660 Printing & Publications AP1034181 Business Cards - Stacy reprint(Involce#000570) 613 Program Operations March 2021 37.89 8711 Training & Technical AP1034095 Heart Matters CPR/First Aid Certification for 6 Staff 613 Program Operations 390.00 Assistance 8711 Training & Technical AP1034213 GC EHG- Family Dev Specialist Cert Training- 613 Program Operations 730.44 Christina, Kathryn, LuDene, Sahlly- Jan -March 2-021 Assistance 8711 Training & Technical AP1034240 Grant crity EHG- Family Dev Specialist Cert 613 Program Operations 188.60 Training -Christina, Kathryn, LuDene, Sahlly- Jan - Assistance March Transaction Total 1,q1 6.0 3 0.00 Bal... Program Operations 1,516.03 613 Report Opening/Current 0.00 0.00 Balance Report Transaction Totals 15,897.05 1,253.48 Report Current Balances 16,897.05 1,253.48 Report Difference, 14,643.57 Date. 4112/21 03:29:03 PM Page: 3 PACIFfD SECURITY " a div of Parker Corporate Svcs ilk�1+� jr I 2009 Iran Street ` �„p Bellingham, WA 98225-4211 SECURI-ry, UNITED STATES (800),743-2737 S MOSESI-03 pity of Doses Lake L Allison Williams 401 S Balsam St PQ Box 1579 T Idoses Lake, WA. 98837 0 PAGE INVOICE DATE 313112021 INVOICE NO 35635 S Moses Lake Sleep Canter 1I 1045 E Broadway Ave P Moses Lake, WA 98837 T 0 Month of Service - W Larch We appreciate your business. 149000 1.0000 0.0000 0.00 Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISS TOTAL 0.00 61491.30 0.00 0.00 0,00 61491.30 TOTAL DUE 6,491.30 TOTAL DUE 6,491.30 ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO SLS1 SLS2 DUE DATE DfSC DUE [SATE 313V2021 313112021 455 31311202/ TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Due -On Recelpt 20.12 -ST 313112021 ITEM ID TX CL UNITS ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Guard Service (W) 0 278.0000 278.0000 23.300 .6,491.39 Month of Service - W Larch We appreciate your business. 149000 1.0000 0.0000 0.00 Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TAX MISS TOTAL 0.00 61491.30 0.00 0.00 0,00 61491.30 TOTAL DUE 6,491.30 0 ri a m C, ul 0 m a m 0 W.0 m 0 LA 0 Ln 0 v) O -Ln 0 LA C3 in 0 LA LA Ln 0 m a Ln 0 (n C> LA a tn 0 to C3 Ln 0 Ln 0 Ln C> H a T -i o rA 0 H:n H 0 H C> H 0 r -i 0 ri a r -I 0 r -I 0 17-1 o ri 0 t- C> ri 0 Cr� ri 0 r -I C> ri 0 ri 0 r -i 4=1 r -i 0 ri 0 ri C-,�, C), C; -C; C; C; -C; .0, o C; C; f I C; C; C; -� , k� 0, C� C; -� C; -� oc; C; C; C; C; C; C; 0- -C; C; C; C� rl t. 101 -V t*- qp r- 144 r- v cv> t- q cl- ICP r2l ri r, 141 r, ll;p tl� - V L- ri rl 1-4 r -I H V, ri ri r, Kv r Re r� Vi rl v rl H r -I r -I H 1-4 0 0 C3 0 0 C> 0 C> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C:) 0 0 0 0 C� 0 0 0 C� CD n cl c� ui in in u) in in Ln Lr) La Ln in Ln in in P) to in m u) to Ln En u) in in Lit in in irt in w w Ln Ln w w m m m M M M M M.M M M M m m m M M m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m M M M m m m m m m m r4 c4 r4 14 9 r4 in r4 rol' M' M' in' M' M* M' M' M' mlM (.1 m in m m cel m m fy) (n m m m m rn m m m Fn m en m m m m m m m M cl 03 Cq IN N (V C4 cq cl N cl N N C%l N cl C9 N Cq cl cq N N rl N N C%7 N N cq N C.4 cQ N [4 IN cq " N NCVNNtV 0 o 0 0 0 c? 0 0 0 0 0 0 taoQOCSOOOflOOQ0000 Oc>0 00 0 000000 a 0 0400 a Ooc� to 0000 a 0 U OQOOOC)OCIOO oc>aoc:CO tD (4 to C4 ko, orn, ko, M, to t4 %D r4 W (4 kla 9 LQ (,r,) %D r; W, C4 to M to tri f4 tD M tD (4 t0 (■t � r4 LD f4 tl; C4 tO 01) tj to; W in k4 �-j m 70, 714 i4 i4 ��� 4J V 4-J � V 43 [a 11 � E -P 0 4J v rA (a 0 rA Ca W Ul Ul W FA [a -Ca Ca W Ul En to tOTA o EQ M W V2 W W W M Ul W CO EO E40J fl to m m V) m m m4-) m M C�OOC>Oa.onooa , - 0 Q 0 0 a 0 0 C).C:) 0 0 0a 0 C> 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 a 0 C) 0 C3 C3 O 0 C> 0 0 OQOOC�000000 000 CD�000004!30000 OC)4C)CY OOQ as MOOOC),0050 44 0 0 0 0 C) a C> 0 C) C�. 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Lock 84366 Lopez, Valentin 03/26/202I Lack MI10 dQ:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 3.000 6.000 23.350------- 80366 Lopez, Valentin 03/26/2022 Lock 80360 Koblos, Michael M110 M110 21:00 00:00 00:00 06:00 0.000 3.000 Standar, 3.000 23.350 23.350 140.00 70.05 03/27/2021 Lack 80360 Kob-as, Michael, 03/27/2021 M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 0.000 6.000 Standard 3.000 standard 6.000 3.000 23.350 140.10 Lock 80366 Lopez, Valentin 03/28/2021 Lock 80266 Lopez, V'aleatiu Milo M110 00:00 21:00 06:00 00:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 23.350 70.05 140.10 03/2$/2021 Lock $0360 Kablos, Michael M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 0.000 3.000 Stannard 6.000 3.000 23.350 03/29/2021 Lack 80360 Roblos, Michael 03/29/2021 M110 21:00 0Q:00 0.000 Standard 3.000 standard 0.000 3.000 23.350 140.10 Lock 80360 Kabl.os, Michael 03/30/2021 Look 80360 Koblos, Michael M3.3 0 M110 00:00 21:00 06: Qp 00:00 0.OLFO 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 23.350 70.05 140.10 03/3012021 Lock 80360 Koblos, Michael MI10 00:00 06:00 0.000 0.000 3.000 Standard 6.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 70.105 03/31/2021 Lock 80360 Koblos, Michael 03/32/2021 Lock M110 21:00 00:00 4.000 3.000 Standard 6.000 3.000 23.350 0 140.05 80.366 Lopez, iralentin M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 23.350 70.05 M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 23.350 23.350 170.30 70.05 All Hours Amount 278.00o W 6,491.30 ------ ---------6,-------- Standard 278.000 6,491.30 ----------- OT 0.000 0.00 DOT 0.000 0.00 Stat 0.000 0.00 IInbill 0.000 0.00 Other 0.000 0.00 278.000 ---6,491.30 -__ -- ----------0. QO AI.1crv�an.ees Total, with AllowanCeS 6,491.30 ------ —,---PAST DUE,---- ................ f DUE DATE CITY OF MOSES LAKE ACCOUNT NO. 04/14/2021 27-0984.00 P.O. Box 1579 MosesLake, WA 98837-0244 # - �---._...,,,...»..,._......,..,��..._...._.._,...,,,.,,.-,._._...,..,,..,,....y.,._�.-.._.,,...M......._.,.,,,.� BILL DATE AMOUNTD' UE (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 03/30/2021 $2,757.99 UB@cityofmi.com a www.cityofml.com SERVICE LOCATION After-hours (509) 764-3951 1049 E BROADWAY AVE ..R EAD I N G DA71 ES BILLING' ER FliFwNois PREVIOUS POE,88N'Z T �AYS P R F. V I b, Atj7ST POESENT USAGE 02/18/26�1 03/117/2'021 27 289 483 1 194 NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ACQLOU.NT/ WATER -DISCONNECTION If you are having a difficult t -d -to COVID-1- ime paying your City utility bill y 9$ you may qualify for financial fielp through the CARES Act Qra'nt and/or a payment pIcrin. Plea­86- give us -a call or vi is -it www.cityofmI7.com for more inf r* o matiorl about the COVID-19 Utility'Relief Program, L! 1q A P50 E 200 rr 150 U 13100 cf '50 E 0 Water Consumption mar iApr iviay jun Jul Aug Sep Oaf Nov Doc Jan Feb Mar 2020 20-P 1 TOTAL DUE .QH.AR..GE PESCR.IPTION PreviOLIS Balance Water Charge Refuse Marge Storiiiv-late.r utility Utility Tax $2:1 757. 99 WE'RE HERE FOP, YOU: BILL -PAYING OPTIONS QU' I RING CQVID-19 MEASURES • Qnline at www.x ressbillpayzom­u�ing p - Visd@, Ma,.s*.te:,.tC;,!rc:10_,. DjscovetO� or a -check • Mail cDeck or money ardor to:- PQ Box 1579, Moses Lake., WAS 0883-/ Or6 Box located behind the City Building loc' ''d at 321 S. Bi Is ..p ...ate a Over the`phone Ylalling 50.9-7.64-3'715.pr*509-764-3719 At this time, WO are not acdoptiqg gash .. payments, .. Please do not.leave cash In the drop box. An acceptabl.' alternative money be a ohey order or pre -pp i . d creot.card which 'can be purchased n ma at local grocery stores. Customers ca 11 money 'orders br utilize the dri . ve.-thru drop box located b . bhind the City ity Anndx Building.. Pre -paid credit cards can be used over the phone or online at www,x0essbillpay.bom to Make. utility payments, City offcos . remain cloisbd to the public. C.ity staff is Will available to help via phone and email. `iil. To contact Utility Billing, pieasb email us at ub@c1tyofml.Cor(l LJI*N I tAID rl F rl [VI ir 7045 91 I Uf4W FLtA6L DETACH BOTTOM PORTION AND RETURN a M_m Rt 1 IF CITY OF MOSES LAKE M , N �TY. P., _7 . . . . . . P.O. Box 1579 ,J M Moses Lake, WA 98337-0244 0 S ItH. 5 L A V, (509)76-3719 or (509) 764-3,715 4 UB@cityofmi.com www-cityofml-corn - www,xpressbillpay.coni This stub ensures that your payment is processed accurately. T Please Make Check Payable To Name Below: CITY OF MOSES LAKE PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837-0244 0-3684 Seq CITY OF ML Still 46 of 67 �I�I���ih�i��ii��i�iii�����i����l�li���l��il�ili�ii,�ii�u�����i PO BOX 1579 67D 12-3515 MOSES LAKE WA 98837-0244 1100 -------------- senderls trust J I U MA 0 LW ,f%We'z0'5t'- Reoxceipt Thanks for shopping at Lowe's, Use this just like you would a paper receipt for proof of purchase, record keeping, returns and more. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 1400 E. Y * ONEZAWA-BLVD. MOSES LAKE , WA 98837 (509) 764--2.600 Transaction #: 88529966 Order Date: 03/23121 13:06:21 stern LIBMAN HIGH POWER BROOM MC/DUSTPAN $61.65 Item #-, 735755 12.98 Discount Ea -0.65 5 @ 12-33 30-0Z KABOOM MLD AND MLDW BLCH $11.34 Item #: 621548 3.98 Discount Ea -0.20 3 @ 3.718 13 -GAL 130 -CT KTCHN FLS. (-797376) 1 Item #: 1217623 13.98 Discount Ea -0.70 1 @ 13.28 8GAL 50CT KTCHN SCNT BG (-249432) 15 -CT 1/4 -IN GR 3 -GRIP ANC/SCR Item #, 261823 6.98 Discount Ea -0.35 1 @ 6.63 PUFFS PLUS 4X56 Item #: 876996 6.28 Discount Ea -0.26 I @ 5.02 8 -IN GREEN CABLE TIES 20 -PACK Item #: 737412 2.48 Discount Ea -0-13 2 @ 2.35 ALU 10-INX14-IN SECURTY CAMERA Item #: 784101 4.08 Discount Ea -0.20 2@3.88 2 $13.28 $12.48 $9.02 $6.63 $5.02 $4.70 $7.76 MO IE 6=8 ROLLS PAPER TOWELS $22-74 Item #: 1171790 7.98 Discount Ea -0.40 3 @ 7.58 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED $0,00 Item #,: 155670 1 @ 0.00, Invoice 1083 Subtotal $154-62 In-voic'e' 1.083 Subtotal $154-62 Subtotal. Total Tax $12.99 Total $167.-61 Total Discount,-, $8,15 T.otal # oultem-s .22 ExclUdes fbe's-, servic6s and special order items Payment: LAR ending in 8695 -7AUthT1 ime AufhC KEYED Authori --ed 8uyet Account Name ACCOUNT WILL BE BILLED UPON MERCHANDISE TRANSACTION DATE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE AND NO LAT -ER THAN 90 DAYS FROM TRANSACTION DATE FOR SOS OR DIRECT DELIVERY MERCHANDISE. Order Date Store # Terminal # Store Manager 3 03/23/21 1106:21 2956 1 JASON SCHEEL Tell us how we did! Enter for a chance to win! -4k SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK! ENT ' ER FOR A CHANCE TO BE ONE OF FIVE $500 WINNERS DRAWN MONTHLY! 1ENTRE EN EL SORTED MENSUAL PARA SER UNO DE LOS CIN CO' AIME D'E $5000 ENTER BY COMPLETING A SHORT S : URVEY WITHIN ONE WEE AT wI bm/survg ww, owesxo Y 0 U R I D #010830 295620 NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENT.',,, QRWI `WIN, N. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 1.8 OR OLI)ER TO ENTER, OFFICIAL RULES CS(WINNER8 AT,WON, I". , OW08. com/- L irVWi� s' i� Thank you for shopping �t Low6l's. To selei our return policy, visit Lowe ." s comireturns LOVE' S PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE FOR MORE DETAILS 1I1 IT L0WES--00M/PRI**MATC'H CE This email is sent f Ll ni ore ma I from an n0o it 'd ilbbx, 1-'.YOLj need to.speak to someone about your pr cha �et P, r -t th ...ee call'th.0 stoio using the numbe' a e top Of thi rocJeirpt.. 4 0 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 to 0 6 0 0 Page 16 of 30 I nt: CA 6203200000 0.3130/2021 0412.612021 1533 ZO U 0.4 0,0 0 .Jab 'Feb Mar 2021 Service Address: Neepel Landing Park Christmas Lihts., Moses Lake WA 08837-0000 - 9404IU4 Usage.History ('in KWH) Rate 1 - Domestic Service Billin2 Pefi.od- 02/121202 - 03111/2021 Prior Balance $42-40 Payi-hents Applied THANK YOU $77171.61 1 Balance Customer., City of Moses Lake (Continued) Basic Charge 28 Days @ $0.55 $15.40 ...... $4.60 CURRENT CHARGES $20.00 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE - $20.00 Service Address, 1045 Broadway Ave E Sleooing Center, Moses Lake WA 98837-00 -d) 00 (Continuo Billing Dernand: 26,540 Poliver Factor: 100,0000% Rate 2 - General Seoice Billing Periadt 2/11/2021 - 03/10/2021 L11 Usage History (in K F11 7666 Prior Balance $716.43 paym,8"n, t .s Applied THANK YOU -$716.43 6133 Balance Basic Charge 28 Days @ $0,70 $19.60 'Qo .600 - EnergUy 9.511 kVVh @ $0.04245 argeALE, $284.44 TOCh-622' , NERGr $264 44 3066 wi --- - --------- CURRENTCHARGES $284,04 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 1533 ZO U 0.4 0,0 0 .Jab 'Feb Mar 2021 Service Address: Neepel Landing Park Christmas Lihts., Moses Lake WA 08837-0000 - 9404IU4 Usage.History ('in KWH) Rate 1 - Domestic Service Billin2 Pefi.od- 02/121202 - 03111/2021 Prior Balance $42-40 Payi-hents Applied THANK YOU -$42.40 Balance Basic Charge 28 Days @ $0.55 $15.40 Minimum Charge Addition $4.60 CURRENT CHARGES $20.00 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE - $20.00 Mar Apr May Jun -Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2020 202-1 Service Address: 10000 Interstate 90 E Radio, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 nnnnnnni nnnnnnc) nniR-nn.*inTr-,r.,qTN4MTn.-iilgingrngt;()i i nr)nt)f)nr. Program Staffing Changes: Please complete monthly to report new or departins! PROGRAM staff IStaff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter I employee name, job title, F± email EIRancho Eurcnase 14,+ 0 StS 145,850.00 RencIi �epe$103�000.fi�D - City Fundl*ng CARES (General lru,nd.Spending)$ .98 -374.00 HB1406 (Cu-hr n �r�our�fi available 341 93.00 E.SG-CV19 (Renovations {� I Qt_Qo Expenses Grantee Subcontractor #1 Subcontractor #2 [Subcontractor #3 Subcontractor #4 iSubcontractor#51SLtbcontractor #6 Invoice Total: $94,666.10