HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - BOCC (002)K21-084 COMPLETED By: v DAte" lea _0 AGREEMENT AMENDING WASHINGTON STATE COVID-19 OUTBREAK EMERGENCY HOUSING GRANT #316-46108-10 SUBRECPIENT AGREA EMENT BETWEEN GRANT COUNTY AND GRANT COUNTY HEALTHDISTRICT DATED THE 14TH DAY OF JULY, 2020 AND AMENDED OCTOBER 20, 2020 Section 1. Duration of Agreement is hereby amended as follows: Extend end date to June 30, 2021, per attached Amendment B to contract #316-46108-10, Section 5. Compensation is hereby amended as.follows,-, The maximum total amount payable by the County to the Sub Recipient under this agreement shall be decreased by $170,000.00 for a total not to exceed $22,617,00. 0 Scope of Work is hereby amended as'follows., Amend Scope of Work by adding language per Amendment C to contract #316-46108-10. All other provisions of the ofiginal agreement or any modifications to the original agreement remain in effect. Grant County Washington Board of Co ssioners Cindy Cart ek, Chair v Danny EA -tone, Viel,e-Chair Ro6lones, Member 231" D Grant County Health District 10 C� resa Adkinson, Administrator ........... Date P9AY 2 7 2021 I T 4 Washinoton,state P.QPorti 00Rt Of , COVID-19 E'tbergenty HouMri' Peigram�pjab ' , I 1 -.9 County, 1.4 Ore nt, I County A Date� 4/13/2020 4 The purpose ofthe graht.funding Is to address,the COVID-49 outbreak related public health needs of people ekpsfthcin. g"hom* el e',ss*n'6s o� otherwise Yjh ii'W of quarantine Or` of hooUsIng due to tM odbreak Grantees can complete this Plan template or transfer the information from the four sections Into a narTative docOmb'htl too 4, Is Brief de�,cripotlon of hdW the Gra nteet 19 consu Itl ng with a M coord Inciting the use of fu n ds-.'w1'h 6WA 4 9 f611. qntlVes., 1, 1• Y 1 r ' /4 ' Y ' Or • 1t 7.1 T. e,uftt, governrnqnt (!f I the raMpp ls,nol� 'the. county government) largest- city h the tbunty The Ciotyb*est f Nowt Lake Is th'e lar g' ' ' city Within Grant County Consolidated. Homeless Grant County I's -the Consolidateo Homeless Grant gran"'tWe Grant grantki health' GunW Hea r raht,co, Ith bist.4 Ict jurjidlct1o;j 2, Name and lcont4ct Information of localo ublic health officefo othk' reviewedihis Plan,, Theresa Adkinson GND Atr dmlnls % atoit Phbne, 509-7616�7960 ext. 24, 1 todkinson@granthealth.org and Dr. BrzeznY, Grant CO'U'not' HeAlth Officer I - Brief 'desodpotion 6f how the Grantee will use fUhds tb develop the followingif Create1solation ind We ot' r�a6 0 Y of our h'nW " s r 'si- " nots 11A 0 os e de ng In remote lo 1, cations ire quarantine and Isolation Grant C06�yp It habeen tecommended by the Dept. of Health beds: describe actions to (DOH) that Crani County begin 61in'nlng for an alternate care site at a larger locaflon that Is In close in roximity �o a large hOSD[tal 40 o 44 1 L 0 iw11K address quarantine and a1i„ (such as the local fairgrounds) This would allow for safer medical Isolation housing needs of care of people experiencing homelessness who are syniptomat1r. people living unsheltered with the goal of transporting the mildly sick to a lower level of care r In homeless housing r instead of the critically ill to a ho peer" The My of Moses Lake and who cannot Isolate ortheir sulw�co Atractor tp will partner with the Health i l ri(reate quarantine themselves In n alternate �re $Ite for Moses Lake's homeless population, . housing previously rant County will coordinate a robust plea to provide *3 meals per available to then. day, from local food Pstahllsh ent. Several Moses Lame Restaurants have agreed to develop a schedule for meals that enables shared responsihllity, and proft sharing., ddltlorraljy, healthcare personnel will he contracted with traveling nurses to he available 24/7 In order to increase healthcare capacity for testing and treatment for those In quarantine/Isolation who aro showing active symptoms, Increase sanitation and Great County Health District's Environmental Health staff will work hygienb In existifig with -motel abd alternative care facility staff to train ars CDC homeless housing d d cleanIng and hygiene pidelines. Motels will We the ahiilty to men encampsupplies. submit for reimbursement should they nppd,p buy special cleanin, g See Change #1 Below Y h Additional PPE supply chains are currentlybeing Wen ified and gill ,, e purchased/donated and placed In hygiene kits in all motel rooms (to Include anitiz' r ace m nd other cess. uY Iles)* Create additional shelter We are working with the City of Moses Lak to execute contracts i r 1 l i r to create tent alternate carhe{horrre site well as- a motel rooms V rr capacity lost when social for those requiring isolation due to l wig ymptorns,�t �# distancing was Increased. � , � � , -+tKtwes See Change #2 Below 4 Additionallbeds will -be located In,; Mattawa and quincy and the contract leads T6DO Other costs associated 1 7 J v x pllWttwp.eYM�h+ Grant County will need to hire and provide security staff and with addressing the public transportation ration to motel s1tes, Additional costs may he staff time for health needp l ov rsW motel security and operations a w ll.a .environment l experiencing healthAaffl for cleaning supplies, laundry rvlces, homelessness �t displaced� ! I�.t i'�w'n�wi supplies -that o beyond l�M+� scope '4u� 1 this 1n���l pian. from their .former housing due to the COVID-19 Personnel costs for an Increased cadre of nursing staff to he sited at the alternatq care f'acili'ty will likely he substantial and have yet to outbreak, . e estimated at this time, . 1 r While not p ld through this funding, we anticipate there will be unintended costs to our coordinated housing entry system, as more homeless are Identified for -case nana n nt services (e,g. permanent housing). We are currently working to engage housing agencls and sites to more quicklycoordinate services for those in qua rantinef i olation to ensure their safety continues followIng A h quarantine, 5. Completed estimate of the unmet need [count of needed beds] for quarantine and Isolataton housing for people living unsheltered or living In horneless housing or who cannot Isolate or quarantine themselves In housing previously available to them. Assumptions used In the Grant County is estimating our nightly need based on populatfon estimate, estimate can an be density, homeless camps, and COVIN9 clusters In communities with reproduced with provided high use of congregant filling. assumptions" 0 3 beds In Mattawa and possible Alternate Care Site 6 3 beds In Quincy e 6 beds in Moses Lal<e/Ephratajother Grant County communities., 30 tent Moses Lake Alternate Care Location TOTAL need for # of beds 42 beds available at any given time, Change #1 -Each individual bathroom at the enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake should be renovated to improve and maintain sanitary conditions. Change #2 - The enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, will keep one unit open and available for use by Grant County Health District, as determined necessary by the Health District, for quarantine and isolation needs for the duration of the COVID-1 9 emergency. kA- e_)� O K,—,) Ir 4. Process defined to deterrblne unmet, need for Isolation and Quarantine beds, Steps and timellne of the Grant County has Instituted a Unified Command (uC) structure, process the Grantee will which Includes the Grant County Health District Administrator, Implement to work with Grant County Sheriff, Health officer, and GCHD COVID-19 the local public health responders. jurisdiction and other relevant stakeholders to Community leaders are also working with us to meet the needs of estimate the net need our homeless and congregant populations and help us to understand where resources are low, All parties have been for quarantine and Isolated connected, either via UC or planning Meetings to discuss response housing'for people i1ving needs and gaps on a dally or weekly basis, depending on their roles. unsheltered or living In homeless housing or who cannot Isolate or quarantine themselves In housing previously avallable to them, 5. Completed estimate of the unmet need [count of needed beds] for quarantine and Isolataton housing for people living unsheltered or living In horneless housing or who cannot Isolate or quarantine themselves In housing previously available to them. Assumptions used In the Grant County is estimating our nightly need based on populatfon estimate, estimate can an be density, homeless camps, and COVIN9 clusters In communities with reproduced with provided high use of congregant filling. assumptions" 0 3 beds In Mattawa and possible Alternate Care Site 6 3 beds In Quincy e 6 beds in Moses Lal<e/Ephratajother Grant County communities., 30 tent Moses Lake Alternate Care Location TOTAL need for # of beds 42 beds available at any given time, Change #1 -Each individual bathroom at the enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake should be renovated to improve and maintain sanitary conditions. Change #2 - The enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, will keep one unit open and available for use by Grant County Health District, as determined necessary by the Health District, for quarantine and isolation needs for the duration of the COVID-1 9 emergency. kA- e_)� O K,—,)