HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - BOCCK21-083 By:--' Date: (a -dzj(—a( AGREEMENT AMENDING WASI-II NETON STATE COVID-19 OUTBREAK EMERGENCY HOUSING GRANT #316-46108-10 SUBRE PIENT' AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRANT COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MOSES LAKE DATED THE 14TH DAy OF JULY, 2020 AND ANIENDED OCTOBER 20, 2020 Section 1. Duration of Agreement is hereby amended as follows: Extend end date to June 30,12,021, per attached Amendment B to contrad #316-46108-10. Section 2. Services Provided by the Subrecipient is hereby amended as follows: Suhrec-ipient will provide fiandg for Change #I and Change #2 of the Amended COVID- 19 Ernergeney Housing Program Plan, attached as Exhibit A, up to an amount not to exceed the additional finds referenced in Section 5 below. 0 Section 5. Compensation is hereby amended as follows., 11 The maximum total amoiint payable by the County to the Sub' ient under this agreement IP shall be 'increased by $t70,000.00 for a total not to exceed $365,845,00. Scope of Work is hereby amended as follows: Amend Scope of Work by adding language per Amendment C to contract #316-46108-10, All other provisions of the original agreement or any modifications to the original agreement remain in effect. Grant County Washington of CO ssiol lers Cindy C­a� Cel, Chair- ki D arm y stone, Vi Chair Ro ror�Cs, Member zz e7 A? Dj �21Q City of Moses Lake Allison Williams, City Manager D'n *alm ate JUN iN 2021 I ("IRANT 1CM.WY CONAIMISSIONERS 2 Department of COVID-19 tthergenty HouMft' -Pla'n 9 Pfogram Co unty. : 0 re nt . County, Datel 4/13/2020 The purpose of 'the grant'fundingIs to address,the COVID-49outbreak related Public health needs of People e9psH'6hc1ng`hoMe16:S5'n'eAS 0� otherwise 1hii�e'd of quarantIne or-isbion MUM due to the outbreak Grantees can complete this Plan template or transfer the information from the four sections Into a narrative docOmdhti 1. Brief cflptlon of hdW the Granteetig consulting with mid coordInating the use of funds•' I' 11W w f0 en ties: governrnpi (if the . ra.n�qp Is not 1.0 ,. , _11 Ap.. county government) I OA La rgest, c1tV hi the to'Unty The Clty*of Mosel Lake Is th4e larg_'d city within Grant county Consolidated. Homeless Grant County Is the Consolidated Romoless Grant grantee Grant grantim 06;1.pUW.� h'*ealt'h' Graht .'Co' unW Health bistr'Cot jurilction5Y r 2. Name and -cont4ct Information of Iocaj� 'ublic health offlc& thtret viewed this Plan, Theresa Adkinsm- GND Admi'n* lstl'ratO Phone: 509-766�796'0 ext. 24, tadkinsonftranthealth,org and Dr. Brzezny, brant Co*u'nt• HeMth Officer I. Brief 'desetiption "of how the Grantee will use fUhds tb develop the following, WON— Create,Is olation ind We t' f our h ^ nW residents " 0 Many 0 0 es dents IlAng In remote locatio"" ns In quarantine and Isolation Groat Couhty, It hag been tecomirnended by the Dept, of Health beds: describe actions to (DOK) that Crani County begin 616n' yin for an alternate care s1te ata lar location that Is In close In _proximity to a large hoSD[tal 5, Completed estimate of the unmet need [count of needed beds] for quarantine and Isolataton housing for people living unsheltered or living In horneless housing or who cannot Isolate or quarantine themselves. In housing previously available to them. Assumptions used In the Grant County is estimaUng our nightly need based on population estimate, estimate C'an be &nsfty, homeless camps, and COVID-i'9 clusters In commifnittes w1th reproduced with provided h1gh use of congregant lIvIng, assumptionsv 3 beds In Mattawa and possible Alternate Care SIte 3 beds Incuincy 6 beds in Moses Lake/ Ephrataloth er Grant County communities,, 30 tent Moses Lake Alternate Care. Location TOTAL need for # of beds 42. beds available at any given time, �1�n.c�o. �,��G���i�7i`./ �III�Iz_I Change #1 -Each individual bathroom at the enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake should be renovated to improve and maintain sanitary conditions. Change #2 - The enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, will keep one unit open and available for use by Grant County Health District, as determined necessary by the Health District, for quarantine and isolation needs for the duration of the COVID-1 9 emergency. 4, Process defined to deter rbine un met, need for Isolation and Quarantine beds, Steps and timellne of the Grant County has Instituted a UnIfied Command (U structure, process the Grantee will whIch Includes the Grant County Health District Administrator, Implement to worl( with Grant County sherlff,'Health officer, and GCHD COVIN9 the local public health respond m, jurisdiction and other relevant stal<eholders to Community leaders are also worMng with us to meet the needs of estimate the unmet need our homeless and con gregant populations end help unto understand where resour'ces are low, All parties have been for quarantine and Isolated connected, elther via UC or planning meetIngs to discuss response housingfor people living needs and gaps on a daily or weekly basis, depending on their roles, Unsheltered or living In homeless housing or who cannot Isolate or quarantine themselves In housing previously available to them, 5, Completed estimate of the unmet need [count of needed beds] for quarantine and Isolataton housing for people living unsheltered or living In horneless housing or who cannot Isolate or quarantine themselves. In housing previously available to them. Assumptions used In the Grant County is estimaUng our nightly need based on population estimate, estimate C'an be &nsfty, homeless camps, and COVID-i'9 clusters In commifnittes w1th reproduced with provided h1gh use of congregant lIvIng, assumptionsv 3 beds In Mattawa and possible Alternate Care SIte 3 beds Incuincy 6 beds in Moses Lake/ Ephrataloth er Grant County communities,, 30 tent Moses Lake Alternate Care. Location TOTAL need for # of beds 42. beds available at any given time, �1�n.c�o. �,��G���i�7i`./ �III�Iz_I Change #1 -Each individual bathroom at the enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake should be renovated to improve and maintain sanitary conditions. Change #2 - The enhanced shelter located at 1214 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, will keep one unit open and available for use by Grant County Health District, as determined necessary by the Health District, for quarantine and isolation needs for the duration of the COVID-1 9 emergency.