HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - GRIS (002)ME INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT Between GRANT COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT And Grant Integrated Services July 1, 2021 — June 30, 2022 THIS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT is made and entered into pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, the |ntedoca| Cooperation Act by and between the Grant County Health District, hereinafter referred to as "GRANT" acting as the Regional Lead Organization (RLO) to coordinate the Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program and the Grant, Integrated Senjices hereinafter referred to as "PARTICIPANT", as funded bythe Washington State Department ofHealth. IT|STHE PURPOSE OFTHIS AGREEMENT toprovide amechanism for the collaborative work, completion of deliverables, and transfer of funds necessary to carry out the priority health improvement initiatives associated with the North Central Washington Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program. The PARTICIPANT will develop and implement aportion ofthe North Central Washington Youth Ma Marijuana Prevention and Education work plan that include community awareness, youth education, -oUcK environmental strategies, and systems change that reduce initiation and use of marijuana by youth(ages 12-20) and among populations most adversely affected by marijuana throughout the North Central Washington region. [T|S.,THEREFORE, MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: Statement of Work PARTICIPANT shall furnish the necessary personnel and services and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of the work set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. Unless otherwise specified., PARTICIPANT shall be responsible for performing all fiscal and program responsibilities as set forth in Exhibit "A." Terms and Conditions All rights and obligation of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the special terms and conditions contained in the text of this agreement. Period of Performance Subject to its other provisions, the period of performance of this agreement shall commence on July 1, 2021. and conclude on June 30 2022 unless continued by written agreement or terminated sooner as provided herein. In consideration whereof: Upon receipt of a properly executed A-19Invoice Voucher and complete billing documentation, GRANT shall pay toPARTICIPANT the reimbursed sum asagreed upon inExhibit "A" Parties may mutually agree toadditional sums and deliverables asadditional funding isavailable. Services and Reporting Requirements PARTICIPANT will report to GRANT on any services and/or reporting requirements that may be required under this agreement. PARTICIPANT must submit all Spanish translated documents to GRANT to be reviewed by a GRANT certified Spanish translator before purchasing and printing materials. Approved Expenses Allowable expenses are for reasonable program purposes, including personnel, travel, supplies and services such as contractual. The primary recipient must perform a substantial role in carrying out project objectives and not merely serve as a conduit for an award to another party or provider who may be ineligible. No expenses will be reimbursed for any lobbying efforts of any kind or for any clinical care. Any type of equipment purchase must be pre -approved by GRANT. Indirect Costs and Line Item Budget Requirements Indirect costs are limited to the PARTICIPANT's approved overhead rate. If PARTICIPANT wishes to bill indirect costs they must first send GRANT a copy of their indirect rate approved by their cognizant agency. Otherwise they are limited to 10 percent of direct costs for their allowable indirects. PARTICIPANT need not amend the budget if they anticipate going over in any line item by less than 10 percent of total direct charges. However, if they anticipate going over by more than 10 percent of total direct charges for any line item they will be required to amend their budget before being refunded for costs that exceed 10 percent in respective line items. Monitoring of fund allocation spending There will be two check-in points (1) mid -year and (2) two months before contract end date: (1) At mid -year, GRANT will evaluate how much of the PARTICIPANT funds have been spent. If less than 30% of the funds have been billed,. GRANT reserves the right to amend the contract and reduce the funding allocation. (2) Two months before the end of the contract, GRANT will evaluate how much PARTICIPANT funds have been spent. If less than 80% of the funds have been billed and if the PARTICIPANT doesn't have a reasonable explanation for how they will use the remainder of the funds, GRANT reserves the right to amend the contract and reduce the funding allocation. Non -Discrimination In the performance of this agreement, PARTICIPANT shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, age, creed, Vietnam era and disabled veterans status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap in; a. Any terms or conditions of employment to include taking affirmative action necessary to Interagency Agreement — Grant Integrated_ Services ,6%303/2021 Page 2 accomplish the objectives of this part; and b. Denying an individual the opportunity to participate in any program provided by this agreement through the provision of services, or otherwise afforded others. Records Maintenance PARTICIPANTand GRANTshall each maintain sufficient recordsto demonstrate thatfundsallocated under this contract have been expended in accordance with the terms and conditions of the State Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program (YMPEP) statement of work and any other state Background Checks: PARTICIPANT must provide documentation of background PARTIOPAN7s agency working directly with youth ages O-Dand those whom PARTICIPANT may subcontract with who work with youth ages 0-17. checks to GRANT for individuals in All duly authorized auditors or their representatives of the State of Washington and of the RLO,, GRANT, shall have full access and the rights to examine any materials during the grant period., subject to confidentiality laws and regulations. These records shall be retained for five (5) years. Restrictions on Funds (what funds can be used for which activities, not direct _paVments,, etc): a) Recipients may not use funds for research. b) Recipients may not use funds for clinical care. d Recipients may only expend funds for reasonable program purposes, including personnel, travel, supplies, and services, such as contractual. Recipients may not use funds to buy marijuana products or paraphernalia used in the consumption and/or use of marijuana products. d\ Recipients may not generally use funding for the purchase of furniture or equipment. However, if equipment purchase isintegral bzaselected strategy, itwill beconsidered. Any such proposed spending must be identified in the budget and approved by DOH Contract Manager. e) Recipients may not use funding for construction or other capital expenditures. f) Food and beverage purchases must be approved by DOH Contract Manager and should not exceed federal per them rates. g) Reimbursement of pre -award costs is not allowed. Agreement Alterations and Amendments GRANT and PARTICIPANT may mutually emend this agreement. Such amendments shall not by binding Interagency Agreement -Grant Integrated Services '�'/3'0/20*21 Indemnification Each party shall defend, protect and hold harmless the other party from and against all claims, suits and/or actions arising from any negligent or intentional act or omission of that party's employees, agency and/or authorized subcontractor (s) while performing this contract. Termination Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, either party may terminate this agreement upon 90 days Y written notification. If this agreement is so terminated, the termination party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of this agreement for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination. Adminic.trntnr Pursuant to RCW 39.34.030(4)(a), the administrator for this agreement shall be Theresa Adkinson of the Grant County Health District. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to establish a separate legal entity to conduct the cooperative undertaking described herein. Property Unless otherwise specifically agreed by the parties in writing, all property, personal and real, utilized by the parties hereto in the execution of this Agreement shall remain the property of that party initially owning it. Deharmpnt-- The participant, by signature to this award, certifies that they the participant are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded in any State or Federal agency from participating in transactions. The participant shall immediately notify the District if, during the term of this award, the participant becomes debarred. Notice All notices, reports, and correspondence to the respective parties of this Agreement shall be sent to the following: To GRANT: Grant County Health District 1038 W. Ivy St. Moses Lake, WA 98837 Primary Contact: Theresa Adkinson, Administrator To PARTICIPANT: Grant integrated Services 84.0 Ply. M Street Moses Lake, WA 98837 Interagency Agreement — Grant Integrated Services :6%30/2021 Page 4 Primary Contact: Dayana Ruiz, Manager Savings In the event that funding from state funds is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this contract and prior to normal completion, GRANT may terminate the contract under the "termination" clause, or reduce to the new funding limitations and conditions. Disputes In the event that a dispute arises under this agreement, it shall be determined in the following manner: GRANT shall appoint a member to the Dispute board. PARTICIPANT shall appoint a member to the Dispute board. GRANT and PARTICIPANT shall jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. All Writings contained herein This agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement. Grant Integrated Services �Y .may Signature Dell Anderson, Director (Print) Date Board of Grant County Commissioners Grant County, Washington R IIS' I'A Signature Cindy Carter, Chair Grant County Health District J Signature Theresa Adkinson, Administrator (Print) Date Interagency Agreement — Grant Integrated Services 0/30/2021 Page 5 (Print) Date L, Signature Danny E. Stone, Vice Chair (Print) Date Signer e Rob Jones, Member (Print) Date 8041 RIT «o„ Funding Information: Chart of Accounts Program BARS Name or Title Revenue Code SFY22 Marijuana 334.04.93 TOTALS Billing Information: Funding Period (LHJ Use Only) Start Date End Date 07/01/21 06/30/22 urrent Change onsideration Increase 10,000 10,000 Tota I Consideration 10,000 10,000 All A-19 Invoice billings with original signatures and detailed documentation attached are to be sent to Grant County Health District 1038 W Ivy Ave Suite 1, Moses Lake WA 98837 Email: accountant@granthealth.org. Please indicate the costs for each separate component on your A-19. Billings should be submitted monthly within 30 days after the close of a month. Exception: For the month after a funding source's expiration date please have the billing submitted within 25 days after the close of the month. Interagency Agreement - Grant Integrated. Services `6 ./30/2021 Page 6 Line Item Budget(s); Moses Lake C.dmfflunity Cowiffibn Budget July 1, 2021 — June 30, 2022 Description Budget DIRECT: Salaries $1,500.00 Benefits Travel Goods & Services $3.,500.00 Total Direct Costs: $5.,000.00 INDIRECT: Overhead Total Funding $5.0000.00 QuIncy Partnersh' fiDr Youth Budget W July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 Description Budget DIRECT: Salaries $1,500.00 Benefits Travel Goods & Services $3,500.00 Total Direct'Costs: $5,000.00 INDIRECT: Overhead Total Funding $5.0000.00 Statement of Work Information: Interagency Agreement - Grant Integrated Services ;6/30/2021 Page 7 Youth Support youth group led activities Monthly June 30, Reimbursement Empowerment and training in NCW through TA progress 2022 for actual and by sharing YMPEP resources report by loth expenditures, and facilitating collaboration ofthe not to exceed across the region. following total funding I month consideration. � 4�ti S t ems ts Decision- Partner with school systems to Monthly June 30, Reimbursement maker advocate for equity and best progress 2022 for actual engagement practices in discipline policy and report by loth expenditures, supportive interventions such as ofthe not to exceed trauma informed schools, SEL,, following total funding screen and refer, restorative month consideration. justice., PBIS with fidelity ect. or�' d t ,:ec �Governmen. An 70mmu ni Y.'., "NK"M-A �.'-dn 7'-,�A-' t I'd it -A hit I 'S Partner Participate in local community Monthly June 30,. Reimbursement engagement events to build program capacity progress 2022 for actual and awareness and engage report by I oth expenditures, partners and influential adults. ofthe not to exceed following total funding month consideration. Data gathering Review and analyze HYS, OSPI, Monthly June 30, Reimbursement & research and other relevant data to progress 2022 for actual support YMPEP PSE activities and report by 1 oth expenditures, priorities. ofthe not to exceed following total funding month consideration. Decision- Share and present NCW youth MJ Monthly June 301 Reimbursement maker data to partners and decision- progress 2022 for actual engagement makers to increase support for report by loth expenditures, YMPEP program objectives ofthe not to exceed following totalfunding month consideration. :'Set or e::-&. F "a m''if Y It W, Media Utilize YMPEP media campaigns Monthly June 30, Reimbursement and other approved progress 2022 for actual campaigns/materials to share report by I oth expenditures, youth marijuana prevention ofthe not to exceed messages following total funding month consideration. ector. A 'el 169� a is d rM Partner Engage with LCB around youth Monthly June 30, Reimbursement engagement marijuana prevention topics such progress 2022 for actual as packaging/labeling, report by loth expenditures, ofthe not to exceed Jill 111111.11 Nil 30/2021 Interagency Agreement - Grant Integrated Services ;,6/'' Page 8 enforcement, and point of following total fu-n—ding purchase campaigns. month consideration. S i *' ec or us iness..an r place t p -I; 1';i� : Y 7� :1 4:C': -f. N . . . . . . . ..... Partner Participate in statewide YMPEP Monthly June 30, Reimbursement engagement collaborative work groups progress 2022 for actual (retailer ed, youth empowerment, report by loth expenditures, Partner rural communities., advocacy ect.) ofthe June 30, not to exceed engagement to further statewide collaboration following 2022 total funding and represent NCW. month June 30, consideration. Reimbursement Training Attend at least 2 YMPEP Monthly sponsored trainings either in progress 2022 for actual person or online per quarter (as report by loth and represent NCW. expenditures, offered) ofthe Monthly June 30, not to exceed sponsored trainings either in progress 2022 following person or online per quarter (as total funding expenditures., offered) month not to exceed consideration. QU1'rWy Partnersh/1") for Youth PS E P I a n Deliverables/ Due Payment Outcomes Date/Time Information Frame and/or Amount ec o U n ss:..ar S Si i d: W..o:, -r,' k ia e Ot� - I :N, n J t i e"" s`-�, s. J n e ts Tactics Partner Participate in statewide YMPEP Monthly June 30, Reimbursement engagement collaborative work groups progress 2022 for actual (retailer ed, youth empowerment, report by loth expenditures, rural communities, advocacy ect.) of the not to exceed to further statewide collaboration following total funding and represent NCW. month consideration. Training Attend at least 2 YMPEP Monthly June 30, Reimbursement sponsored trainings either in progress 2022 for actual person or online per quarter (as report by 1 oth expenditures., offered) of the not to exceed following total funding month consideration. ��eq ort'��ftktafler-." S i, mri�, .......... le S, ;0 ;� Partner Engage wit Reimbu r Z s r� e m ent engagement marijuana prevention topics such progress 2022 for actual as packaging/labeling., report by loth expenditures, enforcement, and point of of the not to exceed purchase campaigns. following total funding month consideration. S. ector.,Hom'- 'an f 1: e: a d a m] ly. driti, 'M IS ... .. . . . WIN Interagency Agreement - Grant Integrated Services 6/30/2021 Page 9 Media Utilize YMPEP media campaigns Monthly June 30, Reimbursement and other approved progress 2022 for actual campaigns/materials to share report by 10th expenditures, youth marijuana prevention of the not to exceed messages following total funding month consideration. d.--,C- olle e•Sector.. Schools :an _ j'l 1i ..:. .:;... i,•'. i`i:. .:.. `: ... ..., a . a .. . t. i t. ,:q -> J P .:. trT,. r ?• . . , r. {+• \ r . , .C.--� •r Y: I ::. �. ,. ,.. .. �.. .. _ 1. 2. ,... ..,.� . •-,t.,.i.n •".w .�.. 2-.'_r4+..^r. _, r, .., >-.+. .,a...` �. ... .. ,.t. t r l ., .7fl �':+ .. -. �,. - :1 ,.1 .. `jl�t.s^ .� .. ?... .> t.'rf ..^:. :,.`r .>. -r .3:'-^ f. �.� t♦ t.V ., ■.. Y /� -.:,, t F ..x... -.t_> �>.. 4 _ t, .t.. 3. �:, _ ,.:, 6 t. . v,r c 33?:�t• rstr-, c s < , . ••"iE.'5.� i'•�w sss �. a. r. t 1,.<'4` t aj, k?'�' � j �.�t •t. 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Youth Innovative project: Provide Monthl Y June 30 ' Reimbursement Empowerment educational youth marijuana progress 2022 for actual prevention training to middle report by 10th expenditures, school athletes of the not to exceed following total funding month consideration. Presentations Present on program specifics to Monthly June 30, Reimbursement & engagement school board/coalition meeting to progress 2022 for actual gain support for system policy report by 10th expenditures, change within school athletes and of the not to exceed health following total funding month Monthly consideration. Youth Support youth group activities in June 30, Reimbursement Empowerment NCW through TA and by sharing progress 2022 for actual YMPEP resources and facilitating report by 10th expenditures, collaboration across the region. of the not to exceed following total funding month consideration. .a. .:r ,.. :...Y,. ......'.. � . �.•: f..Y =.. T,:.,• :+� ,. � .r. .. •,. ,.: Batt. �.,ytl. 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T:S7� <i j�i5 �- � �`.ti(}k � J fp.\ >° 7i Partner Participate in local community Monthly June 301 Reimbursement engagement events to build program capacity progress 2022 for actual and awareness and engage report by loth expenditures, partners and influential adults. of the not to exceed following total funding month consideration. Data gathering Review and analyze HYS, OSPI, Monthly June 301 Reimbursement & research and other relevant data to progress 2022 for actual support YMPEP PSE activities and report by 10th expenditures, priorities. of the not to exceed following total funding Interagency Agreement — Grant Integrated Services 6/30/2021 Page 10 Decision- Share and present NCW youth MJ maker data to partners and decision - engagement makers to increase support for YMPEP program objectives Form �r.STAii, Mate of Washington Al9-1A (Rev. 5/91) = ; r. <f INVOICE VOUCHER ` 1i9° "`' Grant County Health District 1038 W Ivy Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 Month: Salaries Benefits Goods & Services (Warrant is to be payable to) Amount month consideration. Monthly June 30, Reimbursement progress 2022 for actual report by 10th expenditures, of the not to exceed following total funding month consideration. Agency Use Only Agency Location Code No. P.R. or Auth. No. INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or services. Show complete detail for each item. Vendor's Certificate: I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, handicap, religion, or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. (Signature) By, (Title) Indirect Costs Total Interagency Agreement - Grant IntegrateServices '0'-":`!/30/2021 . 3 2021 (Date) Page 11 Prepared by Date Agency Approval ----TDate Interagency Agreement - Grant Integrated Services .6/30/2021 Page 12