HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Sheriff & Jail2- � Ryan Rectenwald Undershedff Office, 509.7542011 ext. 2017 Call 509-750-7304 rrectenwald@ g.rantcountywa.g.ov Ken Jones Chl et Depu� Field Op-eraflores Orl ice 509-754-2011 ext 2018 Coll 509-750-7-30 3 kjorlesftrantrcountywa,gov T. Dfin Canfield Chief Deputy Invest'gaflons Me 500.1-764-2011 ext. -2021 Cell 509.237-8610 do�infi,eld@gr-�ntcouni'vy,wa,..g pv joe. Mete Chilet Deputry Corrections Office 509--7-54-2011 ext. 2026 Call. 509-:7-50-2710 jkr1ete@grantwuntywa,.go.v Dam* Gregg Chief Deputy Emergency OPeraflons Office 509-75-4-2011 ext 2001 Coll 509-237-3552 dgregg@grantcounty,wa.gov T vq' r D y' fiL-1rJV _4 AW In July 2, 2021 Cindy Carter., Chair Danny E. Stone, Vice -Chair Rob Jones., Member Board of County Commissioners Dated this of 20 Board of County Cornmisgioners, Grant County, Washington Approve isapprove Abstain Dist 41 Dist # I Dist # I Dist 42 Dist # 2 Dist # 2 Dist #3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 Temporary exemption to County Policy 702.2 — Exceptions to Overtime Eligibility and 702.2.1 Dear Commissioners, I am respectfully requesting a. temporary exemption to County Policy 7022 Exceptions to'Overtime.Eligiffi'llity and poly 2 y 702..1 — Elected officials are not 01 eligible for overtime compensation. We currently have, a contract with Live Nation for law. enforcement services for the Gorge Amphitheatre. Over the past 10 years,, have been constantly understaffed rid riot being able to fill shifts during festival weekends. This scheduling issue is more common than not. 'hid hfle I understand the reason for the current policy, I believe there is justification for a temporary u on, es i rt . ry em pecially during the concert season. There is a. p i reason to fill all the shifts at these festivals. The mai n reason is safety of the pubic and Deputies that work it. With shifts going unfilled, it increases the risk to both the public and staff alike. I am also a certified peace officer, even as an els . cted officiaL Tracy Williams I am aware that exempt employees cannot be paid overtime by general fund Aft'histrative Assistant monies. Live Nation is a third -party vendor that pays rates outside of the general Office 509-764-2011 fund. I have previous posed this question to MRSC and was advised that it was ext. 2014 Call 509-237-2278 legally permissible for elec- ted officials to work at an overme tirate if by a third- tmil'la.ms@grantoDuntyvia.gov party vendor. Live Nation has stated they were alright with the elected Sheriff working the venue at an overtime rate,., ----------- P.O. Box 37,0 Ephrata, 'INA 10988237 a wwwgranteountywa,gov/sheriff R E C E I V 509-754-2011 ext. 2001 0 509-754-2058 Ffle acsim* I earantCoSheriff A U 6 2 0 2 1 V 212021 Aft'Inistrative Offices In the Law & Justice Center, 35 C St NW, Ephrata, Wash. GRANT COUNTY C0E-v!M1SS1 am requesting the temporary exempt -Ion to the county policies take effect Priddy, August 13th through Sunday, September 5th. The dates proposed will get the SherifPs Office through the Gorge Concert season w*1th the last multl-day festival being Dave Matthews Band. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Respectfully, Tom Jones Sheriff %...Trant County Personnel Policy 7102 A-7 0,j�vrerlrnevvr- k d neo me at h e unlss- "s not g r Wed f r. o w 0 0 (a-) Speciffically requmd by ther,* f-Aupc-;wIv M a - n ag, e r du e. ttaibua:-s-' S Irle'sfner rl-Brufty- (b) Such vtoorkc 'k--- aar'i Fasss-ce-anflal part -of the joib, as ig, the casse cur - r H m i rtt, 0 -rgency per onnek r ? #�f SPeciffic outhorizatiort and exx-ce-ption to prju�- , - pade irt vWY is f ald'vanr 1flfz5--4-,, 0 p G-- tifield paniri dro,c-unnented, andt h ie d o acc, u m: e , nfai-t3foon ni-itist be al sched T'-(:-) the C-Mr-rtirne Reiquest arind eligi. W 2 -D S -J,en x-emp v! 702-2.2 S-4-eveer, -f '-'F F- af raw o f po t 1XI � -1 ar On% v J. -it f r-j'x e. ey-4 p 10 Mtp A -d e (1--0 T ht d I F L b rur F L 9 A t a b I iii hi e s. iqlar�a whirc- the C0 Unty MUS -1-1 f [low "n clet erm* n he F ts-i empt or non-eaxen-At frcam tr ovef4toime provis-it n. -s. The Hpumam Resource5i cdepartment IS sponslble- for deltenendning vvNether a promao--it' j 0 n I - Es, e YP.,-. M if ror rmm-exoeAmpt- baroe.,- upon (b) The HLIMan Resrj'wvccx-'. s d papart-j"nant should be c-onsulted if e Is -any doubt erce-cyncen'tink g-- -11"he ex mpt cor noinexer, N -Al npt st atnq Grant County Personnel Policy Page 2 Of 2